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Mystery of Mythwater (OOC)

I'll go into the fight and see how well I hold out. If I start to get too badly hurt, I'll go invisible and pull out.
If you are casting a spell and need a to hit for that, it will be your spellcasting modifier instead, based off of either your Int or Wis.
Sherwood Sherwood sounds good. I am going to go ahead with the monsters and let you react.

DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Go ahead and describe what your character does and we can translate from there. If you need a hand, send me a message and we will figure it out
DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 So that looks like an attempt to grapple with the throat grab and an attack with the knee.
Could you give me a strength check for the grapple?
You need to roll higher than a 12
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Thanks. It is a defensive reaction, so I should still get my attack action. I’ll post that now.
Ok. That says its for a hit but that's ok.
With the creature grappled, your next attack is at advantage. Go ahead a roll your 2 d20 to hit
The rest of you can go ahead and take your next turn.

I also wanted to check in with you all. I know combat is kinda frowned upon in text rp so I wanted to make sure I'm not losing anyone's interest.
I can't say I ever heard of such a thing.
I've never seen it said but the games I've joined usually have disclaimers that the DM would be running minimal combat during the game. I also think the DND combat feels a little clunky in text form.
Well then, since no one took advantage of their advantage on attacks, I'm just going to start dropping heals 😅
Yeah...I won't remind people about buffs from players. I have enough to keep track of so I usually forget.
Yeah...I won't remind people about buffs from players. I have enough to keep track of so I usually forget.
likewise, I'm not going to nitpick about rules, mechanics and whatnot, I'm busy enough with work as it is 🙃

Speaking of buffs, would Balm of the Summer Court (a healing ability from the Druid subclass) be affected by the Couatl armor?

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