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Mystery of Mythwater (OOC)

Speaking of buffs, would Balm of the Summer Court (a healing ability from the Druid subclass) be affected by the Couatl armor?
Yes it'll apply there. I see why you asked since the description says spell.
I guess I've seen that but it never came across to me like saying combat is "frowned upon" in text form.
Perhaps I spoke too generally based on my experiences.
Nice crit DragonSlayer. Double the amount of dice you would roll for your attack damage and add any damage modifier.

I use a house rule for crits but I don't think I'll use it in this game.
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Well then, since no one took advantage of their advantage on attacks, I'm just going to start dropping heals 😅
I didn’t think that the advantage would apply to attack rolls. I must have misunderstood what that spell would do. I’ll try to remember for next round.
I didn’t think that the advantage would apply to attack rolls. I must have misunderstood what that spell would do. I’ll try to remember for next round.
Yah, seeing Athaclenna uses a finesse weapon, I imagined she would be using her dexterity for attack rolls, and since every rolls using dexterity is made at an advantage with this buff, she would be allowed to use her sneak attack on the attack. Honestly I think it's quite a powerful buff for a Rogue, given that you no longer need situational advantages for landing a sneaky sneak.

Fortunately, I have just realized I haven't made Sylvestra take an action or cast a spell that would interrupt her concentration, so the buff is still on for when you will take your turn (if hopefully this attack she just landed won't attract the ire of the other monsters).
Since your rolled a crit, you roll two of your weapon's damage dice and add your modifier.

According to your sheet, it's a flat 2.
I usually do unarmed strikes as a d4+str mod so give them a little more pep
So you should roll 2d4+1 (for your item) + your strength mod.
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