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Fandom My Little Pony RP!

Cherry Tea was in her room above the tea shop. She had a book levitating by her magic and a tea kettle on the stove. She was nearly ready for the opening of her shop. On the counter, she had a paper and a pencil. Using her magic, she was writing down the needed to make all the tea. She had her mane in a bun which showed her concentration. She put the book down and the pale yellow aura disappeared from around the book, paper, and pencil. She grabbed her saddle bags and made her way into the shop. She looked around and sighed. "This place will need to be cleaned before I open it," She said letting her hair down. She exited the shop and locked the door. With this, Cherry Tea started her walk to the market.
NekoNekoNyan said:
Cherry Tea was in her room above the tea shop. She had a book levitating by her magic and a tea kettle on the stove. She was nearly ready for the opening of her shop. On the counter, she had a paper and a pencil. Using her magic, she was writing down the needed to make all the tea. She had her mane in a bun which showed her concentration. She put the book down and the pale yellow aura disappeared from around the book, paper, and pencil. She grabbed her saddle bags and made her way into the shop. She looked around and sighed. "This place will need to be cleaned before I open it," She said letting her hair down. She exited the shop and locked the door. With this, Cherry Tea started her walk to the market.
As Moon (See the character sign up for Info on her) flew into Ponyville, she landed near the market place. Walking along, she mumbled to herself on what she needed to get, her moon shaped necklace dangling with every step she made. Stopping in at every store, only getting what she needed and putting it in her satchel. About to leave, she reached into her satchel, still walking, she bumped into an unknown mare. Looking at who she bumped into she turned around, "I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" Moon asked, ruffling her wings.
Cherry hummed quietly to herself until she was bumped into. "It's alright. I'm okay," Cherry said as she gave the mare a smile. "My name's Cherry Tea. What's yours?" She asked in her usual quiet voice.
NekoNekoNyan said:
Cherry hummed quietly to herself until she was bumped into. "It's alright. I'm okay," Cherry said as she gave the mare a smile. "My name's Cherry Tea. What's yours?" She asked in her usual quiet voice.
"The names Moon Shadow, but you can just call me Moon." She said, giving a smile back. Looking down, she didn't know what to say.
"That's a nice name," Cherry said. "You can call me Cherry if you like," She said. She could feel the air change. "It was nice meeting you. I have to go and get supplies for my tea shop," Cherry said looking to one of the shops.
NekoNekoNyan said:
"That's a nice name," Cherry said. "You can call me Cherry if you like," She said. She could feel the air change. "It was nice meeting you. I have to go and get supplies for my tea shop," Cherry said looking to one of the shops.
Moons face lit up at the compliment, smiling wider. Hearing that the mare had a tea shop, she couldn't help but ask, "You have a tea shop? I wouldn't mind going to it! If it is open that is.."
"It will be as soon as I get some tea and get it boiling. I would love it if you came!" Cherry Tea said. "If you can wait, I'll show you wear it is. You'll be the first to see it!"
NekoNekoNyan said:
"It will be as soon as I get some tea and get it boiling. I would love it if you came!" Cherry Tea said. "If you can wait, I'll show you wear it is. You'll be the first to see it!"
"Of course! I would love to be the first to see it!" She said, still smiling, ruffling her wings once more.
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Cherry quickly ran to one of the stores and came out just as quickly. Her saddle bags were full of various teas. She walked up to Moon Shadow. "Alright. If you'll kindly follow me," She said as she began walking.
NekoNekoNyan said:
Cherry quickly ran to one of the stores and came out just as quickly. Her saddle bags were full of various teas. She walked up to Moon Shadow. "Alright. If you'll kindly follow me," She said as she began walking.
Moon nodded and started to follow, her saddle bags making small clanking sounds as she stepped. Softy humming, she looked at Cherry, "How long have you wanted to own a tea shop?"
"Since I was a filly. I learned from my parents and soon discovered tea making was my specialty," Cherry said with a soft smile. "Watching my parents work was wonderful as well. Them working together side by side. Always on the same page," She said. "Is that what's its like to be in love?" She asked no in particular.

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NekoNekoNyan said:
"Since I was a filly. I learned from my parents and soon discovered tea making was my specialty," Cherry said with a soft smile. "Watching my parents work was wonderful as well. Them working together side by side. Always on the same page," She said. "Is that what's its like to be in love?" She asked no in particular.
As she walked along, Moon listened to Cherry talk. When Cherry asked a question, she wondered if it was for her to answer. Opening her mouth to say something, she decided not to answer, because she didn't know herself. "That sounds nice! I bet you got to taste a lot of the tea they made! Must've been fun..." Moon started to trail off after the sentence.
NekoNekoNyan said:
"You bet. But, more importantly, what about you?" Cherry asked Moon.
"Hmm? Oh, right, well you see, my parents weren't around a lot. My father was part of the Royal Guard so he was always in Canterlot while me and my mom stayed home. My mother was usually at work so I didn't see her a lot either, so I kinda grew up learning things on my own. I was good and bad to be honest." Moon said, doing the pony equivalent of shrugging. ((So sorry! schools been murder on my soul *^*))
flash tech arrived in ponyville in a long limo horse drawn carriage she walked out once her driver opened the door. " thank you sir manster."she walks out wearing black shades and a white designer trench coat her wings were fluttering out of her trent coat wear holes were cut out. it was a special coat perfectly designed for her. her company was a tech company called flash tech industries with all the latest tech. in with the new and out with the old. she was here to meet her sister rainbow dash. they were twins though she was the nerdy twin but she did enjoy a little races once in a while. she was also here to celebrate celestia day in ponyville the princess was actually coming here. celestia was so powerful in flashes mind no money could buy any magic she has. she went to the square seeing ponies of colors run up to her for autographs. flash sighs and signs some autographs but was interrupted by a familar voice. "ok thats enough autographs!" says rainbow dash. "rain boots!!!" she flies up and hugs rainbow dash. rainbow dash sighs sarcastic like " its rainbow dash."
Marix wandered the town quietly his signature vault tech looking outfit fitting him rather nice and snuggly for the little changeling's body especially since his changeling legs were mostly swiss like with holes he smiled as he looked for someplace to go to chill out at it was his first time back in town and it was his one time that he could get to speak to new ponies around the town "Its so beautiful outside and so pretty so many ponies must be happy here in this town!"
Marix said:
Marix wandered the town quietly his signature vault tech looking outfit fitting him rather nice and snuggly for the little changeling's body especially since his changeling legs were mostly swiss like with holes he smiled as he looked for someplace to go to chill out at it was his first time back in town and it was his one time that he could get to speak to new ponies around the town "Its so beautiful outside and so pretty so many ponies must be happy here in this town!"
After flash was greeted by everyone she walked off by herself to look around she noticed marix. What an interesting pony she thought. She walked up to him slowly. "Hi are you from ponyville?" He rainbow hair glistened over her white coat and hair she smiles as she held up her hoof for him to shake. "Im flash im new to these parts of equestria. She pulled out a cookie from her bakery that she visited regularly in manehattan and offered him the other. She seemed fooled by the disguise to an extent as she didnt care.
Tmntgal2015 said:
After flash was greeted by everyone she walked off by herself to look around she noticed marix. What an interesting pony she thought. She walked up to him slowly. "Hi are you from ponyville?" He rainbow hair glistened over her white coat and hair she smiles as she held up her hoof for him to shake. "Im flash im new to these parts of equestria. She pulled out a cookie from her bakery that she visited regularly in manehattan and offered him the other. She seemed fooled by the disguise to an extent as she didnt care.
"I'm not actually I may seem that way but i'm not I .. erm come from the everfree forrest it used to be my home but now i plan on moving here someday in the future but i'm not quite sure about it"
Marix said:
"I'm not actually I may seem that way but i'm not I .. erm come from the everfree forrest it used to be my home but now i plan on moving here someday in the future but i'm not quite sure about it"
Flash tilts her head "everfree forest? Why there?" She looks at martix confused but then smiles. "Well i think you will like it here. Whats your name??" She looked at him with her light blue eyes. "Im from manehattan." Im pretty will known...."
Tmntgal2015 said:
Flash tilts her head "everfree forest? Why there?" She looks at martix confused but then smiles. "Well i think you will like it here. Whats your name??" She looked at him with her light blue eyes. "Im from manehattan." Im pretty will known...."
"i'm marix and the reason im from the everfree forrest is cause i'm a cha- *goes silent for a second before think* its cause erm.. i used to have family out there heheh yea
Marix said:
"i'm marix and the reason im from the everfree forrest is cause i'm a cha- *goes silent for a second before think* its cause erm.. i used to have family out there heheh yea
Flash looks at him suspiciously "mmhm....?"!
"yea thats all i'm just comming to go see family" he smiles shyly at his own thought

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