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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

yea I don't plan to seeing as it would be quite out of his character in the first place he dose not like having anything compromising his ability to think as being able to think has saved him before. Though he dose not mind having a bit of alcohol and usually is able to stop before he gets even buzzed though thanks to his odd heritage he has a high tolerance. (Somewhat made on the spot lol but still true none the less.)
it works. I can't say why Sky Chaser's tolerance is so high, otherwise spoilers >< I'd rather reveal that as we go. ^^
Hahaha your last one. I think there are a few more autocorrect oddities in there too
Sky Chaser is having fun with Dragon's Bane >3 IF only the rest of you ponies could handle it... too bad a shot would knock most of them flat on their flanks xD
Fang and Indicus could prob handle a shot. Steelheart... Prob couldn't handle the lightest mixed drink they have xD
ehhhhh.... Maybe.... they'll be stumbling a little after a shot unless their tolerance is REALLY high. Indicus maybe could handle it, Fang may be a bit "happy" though xD
yeaaahhh... a shot of wine cooler would put poor Steelheart out to pasture.

but I digress; once I take a nice bath, I'm aiming to post another long one.
two part apology time.

ok so 1- sorry for the super long posts ive been doing. (I get on a rant some times.)

and 2- sorry for Rosie's songs almost back to back.

I based her roughly on myself, and music is my life blood. (':3)
Don't apologize! Long posts are amazing!!!!! I would write more, but I already had this reaction kinda set in stone if the two sisters ever came up xD
yeah.. It fit the plot of them needed to apologize for Equinox, AND I thought it may stir the pot a bit with him lol
there is always a good old loop holes lol.

I may use Syble to do some dirty work.

Good old background ponies for the win
always! lol

I feel so bad for him leaving Steelheart there, but he really can't let the two sisters find him. It would be all kinds of bad...
This will be good... >3

Though, Guilt tripping Sky Chaser may not work too well. Let's just say everything he just did was the result of ANOTHER guilt trip he was already on xD

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