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Fandom My Hero Academia: Whitewater Acadamy

Mei'a Tenebris
Location: Hallways -> Classroom 1-A
Interacting With: N/A
Open?: Yes
Mentioned: Basically everyone in the classroom at the moment. Not gonna massping.

This building was... tough to navigate, she'll say that much. But was it really that, or...? Well, at least she now knows roughly where everything is due to how she pretty much went everywhere except the classroom she was supposed to go to. So really, it might not actually be that bad at all. She didn't have a perfect mental map down, but she could at least call it decently finished for the moment. She has everything relevant for the moment plotted out on said mental map, so she'll work on adding the other rooms whenever she needs to.

Using one of her feet to slide the door open, she's met with a... pretty average class, by the looks of it. She can't tell what anyone else's quirk is, so she's probably an odd one out in that regard. One glance and everyone could probably tell what her quirk is. She simply nods at whoever looks over to her, as a simple form of greeting, before looking at the seats that are open at the moment. Hm... Farthest corner is taken, which is where she was in past schools...

...The seat in front of that farthest corner it is, then. She starts to navigate the people and desks somewhat carefully, eventually sitting herself down at a seat near the back and by the window. This isn't quite where she wished, but she'll manage.
Daisuke Oshiro

Inside Whitewater Academy.

After his dramatic entrance Daisuke decided to take his seat. Moving down the second line from his left, He came to the third seat down. Seated next to him was a pale skinned brown hair girl. Seemed that she was already in a conversation with three other kids. Well, if he's here, he's not gonna let himself be ignored. As he sat down he smiled toward the others from his seat.

“Hey! how’s it going?”
SomebodyElse SomebodyElse , The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit @NightMoves @_Line 213
The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit @NightMoves Truthblade Truthblade _Line 213 _Line 213

Said boy took his seat besides Tsurei, not caring that she and the others were already conversing. Well Tsurei was more watching at this point. The Manabu kid was ignoring her. He was probably one of the worse vipers she had ever seen, but not the worst.

He's not very good at concealing motives. Oh this new boy seems like one of those kids who is just eager to try things and gain attention They aren't usually the interrogative sort but I'll test him.

“Hey! how’s it going?”
Tsurei turned to him.
"Not much we were just talking about our quirks and how difficult the school will be. This is ...Emvi...,Stella..,Manabu and I'm Tsurei."
Pausing between names as if to try to remember them all correctly.
Oh Tsurei that was perfect. Not only did you make it completely sound like you were just filling him in on the conversation, you completely told the truth.
Pausing to remember names will definitely make it seem like you're less intelligent than you are. You told him the conversation in the perfect way that would make him pitch in his quirk and opinions. Giving you the information without a single drop of suspicion. Just one last thing to do. Tell us your quirks Stella and Manabu.

"I can create rocks and control them, Emvi can get stronger by taking damage. I don't believe Stella or Manabu told us theirs."
If it works both this new boy and Emvi might get interested in Stella and Manabu's quirk, making it weird if neither speaks up about theirs. Forced suspicion on others. I somehow doubt Manabu would speak up anyways but it will hopefully at least make things weird.

Tsurei pretended to pay attention to this new boy for abit as she talked to him. Didn't want to look like she was jabbing at Manabu or Stella.
But in actuality she was mentally calculating the classroom seats and memorizing each students locations.
I see. Very well we have a quite diverse class cut out for me. I'll have to deal with the ones I haven't talked to when it comes to it.
I give it seconds before Stella takes photos of the new boy. Sad for her because she got ignored just like me, it feels bad to put her on the spot like that.
Mathew Pilles, 5f2026ce677604dc99c9b8a4c6f25202.jpgIn Classroom 1-A
When Matt sat down and heard Toki asking Kimi her name, he was about to answer for her and try to talk to the girl who was previously alone. But right when he was about to say something, two people walked up and sat a seat diagonal away from Matt. So he decided to talk to them and let Kimi introduce herself. "Hi, my name is Mathew Pilles, but you can call me Matt." He looked between the two that had walked into the room, He stretched his arm out in the middle of the two so that either one could shake his hand.

"I hope that I can help you out over the time we'll be here, this is Kimi," He then moved his other hand and gestured at Kimi who he was just realizing that she might be more shy then he thought. "And this is Toki," He then looked at Toki with a smile making sure he was right "right?" He then looked back to the people hoping they didn't think he was weird.

"My quirk is magnet, and it's like it sounds, I'm just kind of a magnet." He smiled, but it wasn't as big as before. Matt always felt like his quirk wasn't strong enough to help. But he wasn't going to let that stop him. He was going to become a hero, so he wouldn't do nothing while someone was getting hurt again. But coming back to earth he realized he was zoning out, he did a slight head shake and just stood his ground trying to be friendly and make friends.

(Interacting) Hanarei Hanarei Xel Xel simj26 simj26 Elysium Elysium
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Emvi Square
Classroom 1-A
Interacting with: The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit , SomebodyElse SomebodyElse , NightMoves NightMoves Truthblade Truthblade

Seemingly, this calm little row of students was beginning to fill out rather nicely; Stella took a seat to the side, and in the midst of the ongoing conversation (forced at times though it may have been), another student managed to throw themselves into the fray, while seeming oddly happy about it. For better or for worse, Emvi did not have to make any sort of effort to introduce herself, with the formerly-shy Tsurei apparently more than happy to do such for her, Quirk and all. At the very least, she hadn't given anything away that might hint at her having the same surprise as the constantly-questioning boy, so perhaps she had nothing to worry about after all. Rocking the boat for no real reason would be quite a shame, after all.

Emvi paired Tsurei's calling of her name with a light wave, making the tie clear even if it didn't have to be. The utterly disastrous first day that she had expected while still outside seemed to be far away by that point; surprisingly, everyone, at least in this row, seemed to be a completely normal student (save for perhaps a bit of awkwardness on Manabu's part; it was still difficult to tell). "Hopefully we can all do well together, right?" Emvi said, presenting an offering of peace to the new arrival. He seemed warm and open to the prospect, after all. "Manabu says that the curriculum is pretty difficult, so I guess that means working together is a pretty big priority." Working together. That was a thing that heroes did, right? Emvi glanced around the room, flicking her eyes between the remaining students. A few had formed small talking groups, but just how excited each appeared to be within the context of their own conversations varied greatly. Was this the sort of place that was full of loners? Maybe it was part of the "pro hero" mentality; Emvi herself wouldn't know. She was barely a part of this world as things stood.

Well, Tsurei opened up after a bit of talking at least, so maybe there's hope. Yes, that was a good thought to have. Stay positive, Emvi.

Blinking, Emvi grinned, seemingly struck with an idea. "Hey, once classes are over for the day, why don't we walk around town or the campus for a bit, if everyone has the time? Has anyone actually been around the area yet?" From what little she had seen of the campus already, there were plenty of interesting things to be found, and maybe even interesting students to look at. As for the town itself, well, harder to say, but there was no way of knowing whether or not the place was worth looking at without giving the trip a try. Then, she blinked again, hit with a second realization. "...Uh, wait, do we know whether or not we're allowed to leave, actually? I've never been to a boarding school or anything before."
Manabu Moto

Manabu stared at Stella while she spoke. She seemed very nervous when she spoke. Was that a sign that she was lying? Perhaps, but maybe that's what she wanted him to think. Thinking as if everyone was some evil genius was quite hard, as he never knew if everyone was lying or pretending to be lying, but how else could he think? Maybe there was a different way to approach the whole situation.
"I...guess that makes sense." He said about Stella's words. Her quirk could easily use the facial features of others, but how he honestly had no clue. He was so confused on the matter that he honestly didn't even notice Stella move even though he had been staring at the space she was at.

The boy watched as Emvi's smile dropped. That was odd. Had his question made her uncomfortable? The removal of a smile from a seemingly happy person was a sign of being uncomfortable , right? Or perhaps that was sadness. Had he made her sad? Wasn't what he asked a question that she had considered before? Surely she had, it would have been odd not to. Manabu came here with a thought that everyone was here for some great purpose of becoming a hero. He had stereotyped every student in the room. Was that not the case? He would have to re-evaluate his thoughts.

"I see..." Manabu said as he looked at the ground for a moment in thought.

As he thought, another person approached. The uninteresting girl had introduced them to the rather noisy boy. He chose not to look to the boy at all. "I said it was nothing to worry about." Manabu said, actually acknowledging Tsurei's existence for once.

"Working together?" The boy said in a different tone than usual. He was genuinely surprised. That was something he had never considered before. Was his strategy for naught then? If they had to work together it would be highly beneficial to explain his quirk to them. This was a serious dilemma. Keeping quiet about his quirk could cause him danger, but it could also do the exact opposite. This was another thing he would have to reconsider.

"Good idea. Knowing the area would be quite beneficial. I'll come with." He said, not even considering that he was possibly not invited. All he had done was throw out uncomfortable questions and cause negative emotions, but that was another thing he had not considered. "I've also never been to a boarding school, but it's not a prison. I'm sure we're allowed to leave whenever."

The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit SomebodyElse SomebodyElse _Line 213 _Line 213 Truthblade Truthblade
Location: Classroom 1-A - At Desk
Kimi was taken a bit back as she heard a voice directed to her. She glanced up to see Tokihana. She blushed a bit more not at all expecting to have someone else's attention focused on her so quickly. She fidgeted a little with her own fingers as she bowed her head lightly in response. From what she could figure it seemed likely she had figured she had heard her giving her name. She nodded her head lightly as a form of thanks as she got comfortable in her seat. Rather then being left to her own devises, she heard Toki speak up more looking over realizing it was directed to her. Her cheeks reddened looking rather embarrassed seeing she seemed to be interested in speaking to her more.

"Nice to meet you Tokihana... I... I mean Toki.. s.... sorry." She spoke nervously, bowing her head feeling a bit improper in reciting her full name after she personally mentioned her nickname. It would be inconsiderate to call someone by another name they never told you to address them after all right? She still wasn't use to the social norms most people lived by when dealing with other people. No matter how much she tried to pick up by studying others while she was left isolated from the world, it could never match the experience of actually interacting with others.

"Oh.... K... Kimi Rivers. I.... I'm fine with Kimi.... though I don't mind if you want to give me a nickname or something." She fumbled out with a light smile trying her best to come off a bit less awkward and likely failing quite gloriously at that. Her blush lingered on her cheeks though having dimmed a bit in its shade. She wasn't really sure how casual conversation really worked between others her age, fumbling in her head to try and find something to say. It was one thing hiding away and just being shy, but actually having to come out of her shell a bit to speak was a much harder task for her to accomplish.

"S... so... you got into th.. the school... I... I mean of... of coarse you did!" She spoke fumbling a bit realizing what she said could sound as if she doubted Toki belonging in the school unintentionally. "I... I mean.... wh... what made you decide to become part of Whitewater?" She quickly added hoping the question didn't come off rude hoping to simply converse with the girl She seemed quite nice and she didn't want to come off the wrong way if all possible. If she could start a small conversation maybe she could get on more friendly terms with her? Perhaps the question she asked was a but more personal then she really should of started with, but hopefully she wouldn't be bothered by it. Kimi's focus towards Toki was suddenly cut short as she heard Mathew speak mentioning her name. She looked over, blushing a bit, quite obviously taken back by suddenly being introduced to someone else.

"H... hi.... y... yes m... my name is Kimi." She stumbled upon her words as she bowed her head. There were really so many people in the classroom to meet. As timid as she might come off to be she was quite excited to see what other kids her age might be like.

Foogels Foogels Xel Xel simj26 simj26
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Daisuke Oshiro
Inside Whitewater Academy.
The girl next to Daisuke introduced herself as Tsurei, and also gave him the names of the other three: Emvi, Stella, and Manabu, though she seemed to do so rather shyly.
“Nice to meet you,” Oshiro responded politely. “I’m Daisuke.”
Seems they were in the middle of conversation regarding quirks. Tsurei mentioned that she could control and create rocks, while Emvi can draw strength from damage.

“Those are pretty good quirks,” Daisuke responded. To avoid possible awkwardness, he decided to share his quirk. “If I hold my breath, I can punch to release a strong blast of air. It’s pretty strong so long as I don’t tire myself out.”
Interacting: SomebodyElse SomebodyElse

Mentioned: _Line 213 _Line 213 The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit NightMoves NightMoves
Rebecca Black
Feeling: Super excited
Whitewater: Class 1-A
Interaction: One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost Platypus Platypus
Still a little caught off guard by the presence of the bird in the class room she kinda stared at it. The she smiled again when it began to stretch its wings and show off. "Well I guess I have to bring some snacks for the little guy tomorrow" She said with a little chuckle. Rebecca wasn't really all that good at flirting, she was pretty obvious when she tried actually, but she did have a bit of interest in this guy, seeing as he was the so called vampire, though she wasn't really sure what his powers actually were. He also seemed like the type who got nervous when a girl tried to flirt with him, maybe he wasn't, maybe Rebecca had just caught him off guard. She squeezed her chest together a bit to show off her girls, "So Dante is it? I'm Rebecca, but people that I like just call me Becca. So are you just going to sit there or are you going to give me a little sneak peak of your quirk" She said.

Then another woman seemed to have butted into their little conversation, going off about how Archimedes could be full of germs and parasites. she didn't know Dante very well but she felt like picking a fight with this girl just because she didn't like her very much. I mean at least you could be friendly and talk to the guy instead of just walking up and insulting his pet. "I think if he was crawling with parasites or germs Dante would do something about it" Rebecca said in a very annoyed tone, which made it pretty clear what she wanted to say. "Plus Archimedes seems to take care of himself well enough, his feathers look silky smooth" She said.


Gravity won.

When she squeezed her chest together, there was no way to keep his eyes from succumbing to gravity. Hell, she obviously did that on purpose!

"I'm Rebecca, but people that I like just call me Becca. So are you just going to sit there or are you going to give me a little sneak peak of your quirk?"

It took immense willpower, but he managed to pry his eyes away from the clutches of gravity to meet her gaze once again. Normally, he'd shy away from showing off its quirk, given it tended to get some bad reactions, but Becca seemed to actually be interested in his quirk precisely because of what it was. In this case, maybe it'd be okay to show some of what his quirk could actually do...

"I'm sorry, but do you really think bringing that here was such a smart idea? I mean, it's probably crawling with germs and parasites."

Archimedes fluffed himself up, crowing angrily at this newcomer who dared to suggest he was so dirty. Oh yes, Archimedes seemed fully intend to peck the eyes out of this insulting woman before Dante rested a hand on the bird's head. It had an effect similar to hitting a snooze button, the bird suddenly calming down as Dante's hand covered its eyes. Such a prideful raven...

"I think if he was crawling with parasites or germs Dante would do something about it. Plus Archimedes seems to take care of himself well enough, his feathers look silky smooth"

Dante nodded, Archimedes' feathers fluffing up again with a bit of pride as Dante uncovered his eyes. The raven stuck close to Becca, clearly already very much warmed up to the girl after her glowing compliments. "Becca's right. Archimedes gets regular vet visits and regular baths. Just had a bath this morning, actually. So you don't need to worry about anything like that." Dante explained. Though, Dante didn't much want to explain why he brought Archimedes to school. Next to him was a girl that was openly flirting with him, so the last thing he wanted to come out and say was that he needed Archimedes to find his way to school, but ever since that Incident his spatial memory with directions has been fantastically poor...

Instead, he chose to redirect the conversation back to his quirk. Turning his gaze towards Becca. "As for my Quirk.. Well it sounds like you already know a bit about it." He smiled a little as he held one hand palm up. "My Quirk is called Vampire...." He flexed his thumb, the ring on it suddenly producing a small, razor-sharp blade. He slid the blade over his palm, making a small cut before the blade retracted. From that cut, his blood started to move and dance in his palm, moving much like water as it swirled into a shape before their very eyes. Within moments, he was holding between his fingers a beautiful blood-rose. "It's probably obvious now, but I can manipulate blood" He concluded, holding the rose out to Becca if she wanted to examine it closer. It would, of course, remain solid even if she took it from him.

Even as he held the rose out to Becca, he wasn't sure how she'd react. On one hand, this could come off as him flirting back, but at the same time, that rose was blood. Some people didn't exactly appreciate blood-related gestures, after all..

Class 1-A homeroom
Foogels Foogels Matthew Pilles
Mentioned simj26 simj26 , Hanarei Hanarei and Xel Xel

Fischer was waiting in Claudia's response to his stupid-ass introduction to his first name when a blonde male popped up and stuck his hand at them.

Fischer took the hand and gave the boy, Matthew, a firm handshake. After taking a split second to scope him out, Fischer let go.

Matthew went on to introduce some ladies, one he had greeted a few minutes before, one brand new, and Fischer just put on a smile he was hoping wasn't too awkward. Why more women?

Despite that brief thought, Fischer stuck his hand out for Kimi and then Toki. "Fischer. Pleasure to meet you."

Meanwhile, Matthew spoke about his quirk. Fischer listened closely and filed that information away, just in case he ever had to scrap with Matt.

"Magnetism. Useful. Especially if you build up to throwing cars at villains. I got nothing but second chances for a quirk. Other than that, I've have just my own brains and brawn."

With that, Fischer pushed some of his shoulder length hair out of his face before sticking his glasses on. Where was the teacher? He/she/it was going to be late.
Claudia DiamanteName’s Claudia. It’s a pleasure.” She nodded to the boy who had introduced himself as Matthew, then to the two girls he had introduced as Kimi and Toki. At least, that was what she supposed was the spelling of their names. She never knew with these Orientals. While Matthew seemed to be doing the heavylifting in terms of social activity, it was clear to Claudia that the brunette seemed like a nervous wreck, almost if anyone threw her a gaze, she would melt away. People like these were difficult. She never knew what lay under that facade. She had more than once seen a lion underneath timidity, but she also knew those who were just timid throughout. Maybe when the push came to shove, this Kimi would bare her fangs. She subconsciously stroked her chin as she observed the brunette before realising just what she was doing, and settled her hand back on the back of her chair. The Matthew boy was not as grounded as Fischer, and she caught what seemed to be a gleam of…something…in his eye as his vision glazed over, before refocusing on them in the midst of his speech.

There were many people in this classroom, and she had just seen three of them (raven boy did not count). Each of them had their own dreams, their own wishes in attending this school. So did she. She wondered, to herself, just how far their convictions would take them, and would she able to test her own against theirs? She turned slightly on her seat to look at the violet-haired bespectacled girl, Toki, as if urging her to say something, before speaking herself.

I can just do this.” She held up a hand, and snapped her fingers. From the tip of her fingers, her hand turned pitch-black, all the way to her wrist. Just as quickly as it had happened, the hand returned to normal. She shrugged dismissively. “It’s nothing much.

She returned her attention to Shane. “Now, where were we?” She gave a wry smile. “Now, mystery, that you are, but sexy? You could have fooled me.” She gave a light-hearted laugh, showing that she was just going with his jape.
Stella Cain
Outside Whitegate
_Line 213 _Line 213 SomebodyElse SomebodyElse NightMoves NightMoves @
Another person elbowed their way into Stella's budding social circle. He, at least, seemed a might bit more pleasant than the brood twins, but for the time being she wasn't interested in involving herself with anyone else. She really, really needed this settle this 'senior' situation with Emvi first.

Maybe she could tell her she was just trying to impress her? No. He had at least enough common sense to know solving a lie with a lie was a bad idea.


If she just never mentioned it again, maybe she'd forget about it. Right! That could work. Maybe. If she was the airheaded type, she had hope. So, she just had to act natural. Blend into the crowd. As much as it pained her, she pocketed her phone for the time being. Pictures were forever, so they could wait a day or two. Now her hands were free! Good start. She couldn't be questioned about the photos if she wasn't taking them, right? Right. Right!

"Ahhh, sure! Sounds, uh, like a good idea." That there was an answer with pep. She hoped. Getting a lay of the land would certainly be helpful, even if she was only really tagging along for the sake of improving the public image.

The girl was the epitome of nerves. It seemed like there wasn't even one word that wasn't stuttered. Those types got old real quick, but maybe she'll calm down once she gets use to people. At the apology Toki simply gave a dismissive wave. "Don't worry about." She just told people to call her Toki because it was generally easier. If someone wanted to use her full name she wasn't exactly going to be upset over it. It was her name after all. "Kimi, huh? With a cute name like that I don't see a reason to use a nickname." She offered the nervous wreck a smile, hoping it'd ease her nerves. That, and what she said was true. Kimi was a cute, short name, wasn't exactly the kind of name you change into a nickname. Sure it was possible to shorten it in her native language, but in English? Best she could do is Kim, and that's not anywhere near as cute.

But, just as she always feared, the conversation turned towards the school. "Ah, uh, yeah... I did." She brought a hand up to rub the back of her head, her tone noticeably different from the more cheerful one she had just moments ago. She looked off to the side, trying to think of how best to deflect the questions. She couldn't really think of anything so she just decided to keep it short. "My parents wanted me to." Thankfully Kimi wasn't given the chance to take the topic any further as Matt's voice stole both of the girls' focus. At Matt's question she offered him a quick nod. "Yep, Toki it is." The way Matt just blurted out his quirk caused her eyebrow to arc ever-so-slightly. Guess it made sense since it's what allowed him to get into the school and aim to be a hero. But still. The overly stiff boy that had followed the blonde introduced himself as Fischer. When his hand was offered she reached up and gently grasped it, giving it a light shake before freeing him.

Matt's enthusiasm for quirks seemed to be shared by the two in front of her as they both talked about their quirks along with their introductions. She didn't really understand what Fischer said. Second chances? But Claudia's seemed straight forward enough, some kind of hardening quirk or something. She was content to sit that part of the conversation out, at least until she saw the look the blonde girl gave her. She offered the girl a pleasant smile in return, but it was obvious a smile wasn't what she wanted. "Ah, my quirk's pretty simple. I just summon a pair of shields. I'd demonstrate but it's not exactly something I can just do, unless you want to make your classmate strip naked in class on her first day. Pretty sure that'd count as bullying." She gave a shrug at her explanation, the little laugh that accompanied it making it clear she wasn't actually seriously considering that possibility.

"Oh, I'm sorry then." Sun mumbled before hastily making her way back towards her desk. She still wasn't too pleased with the presence of the bird, but judging by how she seemed to have pick a bad moment to interrupt the two students. She did make a mental note to complain about the bird to either their homeroom teacher or the principal. After all, students bringing their pets to class was certainly not something that should be allowed at any school with any shred of professionality. As soon as she got back to her desk, she started drumming her fingers against the desk once again. Though this time, it was less in order to forget the bird and more to fight against her increasing boredom. "Where on earth is the teacher?" She muttered as she looked around the classroom a bit.

I really need a cigarette...Shire thought to herself. She had just been told by the principle that would have to take over for class 1-A today, the teacher hadn't showed up yet...which was fine she didn't mind. Shira wasn't much of a teacher-teacher she was more of a combat teacher. She sighed and snuck out the back of the school to sneak a quick cigarette. Even though she was nervous about being the boss of a class of teenagers, considering she wasn't very old herself..she was very curious about their quirks...maybe it would giver her ideas for her tattoos and abilities for herself. She exhaled a large cloud of smoke.

Her black combat boots made soft thuds with every step, she could see the classroom but it seemed like with every step she took the hallway got longer. She knew it was past time for class to start but she didn't really care about that too much. She didn't really look like a teacher either, she wore a short black skirt, red crop top and a leather jacket. She had black lipstick and heavy black eyeliner. She she didn't care about that either because when it comes time to the combat training she would just wear her costume anyway.

Shira looked at the door for a moment before grabbing the handle and walking in, the students were all talking amongst themselves rather loudly. She simply walked in front of the desk and looked at all of them. She jumped up and sat on the desk and crossed her legs. "Okay everyone, quiet please." she said over the chatter. "Hello, my name is Ms. Shira and I will be your homeroom teacher for today. I am also the combat training instructor. Some of you may know me as Ink, so you can call me Ms. Shira or Ink. It's nice to meet you all."

W/ Everyone in classroom 1A
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Emvi Square
Classroom 1-A
Interacting with: The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit , SomebodyElse SomebodyElse , NightMoves NightMoves , Truthblade Truthblade , AshleyTheNarwhal AshleyTheNarwhal

"That sounds great then! Let's do that," Emvi replied with a smile, even if she felt a little silly questioning whether or not they were allowed to leave the school grounds. Of course they were; there had to be some sort of law about that or something, right? Though, at the same time, maybe there was a curfew or something all the same. That definitely sounded like a boarding school thing. The girl looked up at the clock after a few moments, curiosity surfacing as to just how long the group had been sitting there. Before she could get a proper read of the time, however, the classroom door opened, and a figure far too mature to be a student walked into the classroom. Even so, she seemed far less...formal, let's say, than what one might expect of a high-class hero school.

Maybe that's just her costume? Perhaps it would be rude to question that sort of thing. Wait, do teachers even come to school wearing their costumes here? Would that be weird?

"Okay everyone, quiet please. Hello, my name is Ms. Shira and I will be your homeroom teacher for today. I am also the combat training instructor. Some of you may know me as Ink, so you can call me Ms. Shira or Ink. It's nice to meet you all." She certainly looked the part of someone named Ink, seeing as she was covered from head to toe in drawings and patterns of all sorts. Emvi stared, at one point leaning to the side in an attempt to get a better look at all the tattoos that the teacher had placed on herself, the maze of lines and colors becoming oddly dizzying after prolonged viewing; where one ended, another started, the boundaries of each mixing together into one big canvas.

Emvi glanced up to the teacher's face, and went a bit wide-eyed. Was this really their teacher? She seemed a bit mean, though maybe that was by design. As Manabu had said, after all, this was a tough school; it made sense that it was going to be filled with a bunch of tough teachers. And she was the combat instructor? It made sense, but at the same time there was something pretty scary about that. She definitely didn't look like the type to take any prisoners, which perhaps spoke to the possibility that the hero-world wasn't full of nothing but nice people and careful rescues. As she asked for the students to settle down, Emvi willingly did so--not that she was all that unsettled already. She glanced down at her desk, checking over the placement of everything she had gathered a few minutes before, then quickly rearranged several of them into a layout that she found looked a bit more professional. Then, she paused, still looking down at her things.

...Am I trying a bit too hard?

No, not the time for that, not right now. Emvi snapped back upward, blinking lightly as she attempted to give the teacher her full attention. Even so, she squirmed with a bit of anxiousness, resisting her desire to ask just what they were going to be doing that day. Surely there was a procedure in place for day one.

Hibiki Kato
Outside Whitewater Academy
Interacting w/ N/A


"Okay everyone, quiet please. Hello, my name is Ms. Shira and I will be your homeroom teacher for today. I am also the combat training instructor. Some of you may know me as Ink, so you can call me Ms. Shira or Ink. It's nice to meet you all."

Oh thank god! Somebody talked! And it'd look to be the teacher... but wasn't their teacher a guy? That's what the entry letter said. How strange.
Hibiki awkwardly sat aside being ignored as he wondered how long he can handle these classmates of his. Hibiki while in mid-thought was interrupted by the introduction of Ms. Shira, or the Pro-hero: Ink. It took all of Hibiki's willpower not to geek out at actually meeting a pro-hero outside of his parents, since his parent's liked to keep their professional and personal lives separate. Ink was quite a famous hero for her quirk, which is to create anything she has inked onto her body, a useful and variable quirk with the proper preparation and foresight. Hibiki's own fighting style was partly inspired by her's. After watching a few of her video's online and copying her while adding his own flair to it. To say he was a fan would be an understatement.

Hibiki watched and listened to Ink intently, a part of him melted at hearing and processing the last part of her small talk. Hibiki went quiet as he thought what to say or do next, his mind was racing a million thoughts per second. It made his mind all mushy and useless besides the ifs and buts of everything. Hibiki gave Ms Shira his full attention. Ready to pounce on any questions that come up. He was ready to prove himself in this school and everybody in it! And be the best hero he could be!
Mathew Pilles,e10fa37412039ef057c05cffe9713d8a.jpgInside Class 1-A
Matt was happy with encounters, except the Fischer guy didn't seem super friendly. And the girl seemed to be nicer but she also was looking at Kimi in a weird way. But then again Matt was just staring into nothing so maybe that's what she was doing. He then heard Toki share her quirk and blushed slightly, quickly going back to normal thinking maybe they could work well together. He just sat back in his seat and looked at Toki.

What a cool quirk. He then looked back at Kimi to make sure that she was okay. "Hey Kim. Are you okay? You don't have to sit with me if you don't want. I talk a lot and you don't seem to talk a lot. I just don't want to make you uncomfortable." He kept his gaze on Kimi. He started realizing things he didn't realize before. Like how she was almost always red in the face. He then looked away at the sound of a woman coming from the front of the classroom.

So this was the teacher, a woman with a whole bunch of tattoos? That didn't seem very teacher like. Her hero name is Ink, are the tattoos her quirk? Matt wouldn't find out until later. He just knew that she was the teacher and he had to listen, and listen he will. Though he was a little nervous, but who isn't at least a little nervous on the first day. At least he was able to talk to a lot of people and make some friends, at least he hoped they were going to be friends.

Eventually he was going to need to talk to everyone in the class, and hopefully he could convince them to trust him so that he could be reliable for everyone. To help whenever needed. That's why he wanted to be a hero anyway.

(interacting) Hanarei Hanarei Xel Xel simj26 simj26 Elysium Elysium
Jason Holler

Jason has waited for too long enough that he had fallen asleep. That is when the teacher comes in, waking Jason up with a fall on the hard floor. "Ow..." He muttered before getting up, dust off his clothes, and sit back on his desk. "What time is it?" He would ask anyone around, not knowing how long he had slept.​
Rebecca Black
Feeling: Super excited
Whitewater: Class 1-A
Interation: One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost
Rebecca giggled at Archimedes when he began to fluff up in pride. She smiled as she seen Sun walk away with not much more than a peep, "bye bye hun" She said as she stuck out her tongue to her her when she turned away. She had also picked up on how Dante had used her nick name when he mentioned her. "Ah good job, you caught on to when I said people that I like call me Becca" She smiled and licked her lips a little. As he began to show off his quirk Becca smiled in awe as he cut himself to make a rose blood. "Ah a tough guy and a gentleman" she said taking the rose from Dante and holding onto it for a second then giving it back to Dante, "While it is sweet I'm sure you need your blood a lot more than I need it" she said with a little smile.

Then out of the corner of her eye she saw an older woman walk in, probably the teacher, so Rebecca sat up straight. "Hey talk to you after" She said to Dante, "oh and by the way stare all you want" She said squeezing her chest together a little and giving Dante a Mischievous smile to say that she noticed. She listened to the teacher speak and give her introduction as she stayed seated and began to wonder what her first day would be like. She had heard that the teacher was suppose to be someone totally different, not this Ink person. "Excuse me Miss, I heard our home room teacher was suppose to be someone else, but going by what you said about being our homeroom teacher for the day I guess that means your filling in for them, which begs the question where our usual homeroom teacher?" Rebecca asked.
Location: Classroom 1-A - At Desk
Kimi looked to Fischer a bit taken back as he offered his hand so suddenly to her. She blushed red, lightly nodding her head a little before she gently shook his hand. It wasn't hard to see she was a bit by suddenly being offered a hand for a handshake. It wasn't something she was use to at all, not to mention it involved close contact which made the shy Kimi that much more meek. Still she managed to at least give a light squeeze and shake before retracting her hand and retreating a bit into her desk to fidget with her fingers again. It was quite a lot for someone with her nature to deal witgh being bombarded from all sides. Once all the commotion settled down hopefully she would find a more comfortable groove to handle interacting with others. Her eyes briefly glanced at Claudia before shifting back toward her desk still listening in as they talked about their quirks electing to keep quiet.

Her eyes darted over to Toki, staring quietly at the girl for a moment. Her remark about her parents having wanted her to attend was left strewing in her mind. Perhaps it was a spark of curiosity in her own part playing about. It seemed strange anyone would be pressured to attend the school. Being a hero wasn't something that everyone naturally sought to do for a job, something the school was specifically tailored to. She assumed most would of joined the school intentionally, with a few more nefarious types perhaps having their own reasons. She heard Matthew's voice looking at him blushing a bit more again. She nodded lightly to show she was alright just as the teacher was in, remaining seated comfortably in her desk.

She looked ahead to see the teacher looking quietly recognizing her quickly as Ink. As Rebecca spoke up she couldn't help but glance over to hear her words. it seemed she had the same idea in mind. It was a bit strange to not have the typical home room teacher for the first day.... or at least she suspected it was strange. As far as her studies on schools went the first day was meant primarily for the act of establishing a connection with the students and with their teacher while handling some administrative duties and having a basic orientation. She kept quiet in her desk, looking forward being an attentive student as she eased up a little bit from before.

Foogels Foogels Xel Xel simj26 simj26 Elysium Elysium


"Ah good job, you caught on to when I said people that I like call me Becca"

Dante was internally relieved. He had assumed it was a hint, but at the same time it was nice knowing he was right in assuming she liked him. As he demonstrated his quirk, he couldn't help but notice she was actually smiling. There wasn't disgust or anything like that in her gaze. No, she was actually interested in his quirk in a positive way!

"Ah a tough guy and a gentleman. While it is sweet I'm sure you need your blood a lot more than I need it"

Dante couldn't recall the last time he'd been this relaxed around someone. She seemed to genuinely appreciate his quirk, and even showing that he had to cut himself to use it didn't put her off. It was nice knowing that for once he didn't have to try and hide his quirk or what it did from someone, either because they'd want to challenge him or because they'd want to avoid him.

He took back the rose, the flower slowly losing shape as the blood was absorbed back into the cut. As the last drops of blood re-entered the wound, it closed on its own as if it were never there. A pleasant effect of his quirk, as it prevented him from having cut marks all over himself for using his quirk.

"Hey talk to you after"

Dante nodded, a smile gracing his features at what she said. The smile seemed to soften his gaunt features, giving him a much more approachable air than his resting expression usually allowed. It was evident he was certainly looking forward to talking more with her.

"oh and by the way stare all you want"

Now a faint blush caught his cheeks as he realized his wandering gaze had been caught. Instead of being angry, or annoyed though, she was actually encouraging him to look?! His gaze met hers when she called him out, and he realized she was actually being playful with him. Despite how rough the day had started, he suddenly found himself excited at the prospect of this school year.

As Becca questioned the teacher, he found his gaze wandering up to the tattoo'd educator in the front of the classroom. Certainly her presence, and their assigned teacher's absence, left a lot of questions unanswered. He gave a nod to Archimedes, the bird hopping over to the window sill so he'd be safely out of the way of instruction. With that, he took out his notebook and a pencil. As much as he wanted to be a good student and take notes like he was supposed to, he still found his eyes occasionally wander over to Becca. He had so many questions.. What was her quirk? Why was she so interested in his own?

For now, though, he needed to try and focus on the lecture. After all, it probably wouldn't help him any if he looked like a slacker on the first day...

Arya Yasuhiro
Location: Whitewater Academy, Teacher's Lounge | Interacting With: N/A
Watching the students stroll into the building had taken up most of her morning prep, but Arya figured she wouldn't need that much time anyway. Her earlier encounter with Daario was a brief one that left her on her own. The younger teacher suddenly needed to leave early---an emergency, it seemed---and would have to miss homeroom. A new teacher was assigned to fill in for the time being, one whom Arya had never met before. The hero Ink, if I recall? The name sounded familiar to her. Perhaps she heard it from a news story, or saw it on the hero registry during one of her searches. Either way, she would have to remember to introduce herself later.

Arya took a bite of her breakfast wrap as she eyed the clock. There was still a lot of time until she had to get to her next class, and she was bored. She'd usually have one or two other teachers in the lounge to chat with but all of them seemed to be either busy, or MIA. Sighing, the ebony-haired woman fell back onto the couch with a flop. She considered just taking a nap, but there was no way she'd be able to wake up again in time for her class. Maybe I'll walk around the school for a while---it would help me relax a bit before it's time. The idea was quite appealing to her. Arya kicked her legs up and let the momentum of their fall pull her back onto her feet. Once standing, she hooked her bag over her shoulder and finished the rest of her wrap on her way to the door.

Location: Whitewater Academy, Ground Floor Hallway | Interacting With: N/A
Arya walked around the first floor rather aimlessly, only stopping ever so often to look out the window. The rain from yesterday had brought about puddles on the grass and sidewalk, reflecting the small bits of sunlight peeking out from behind grey giants. She was concerned if the water would be a problem during her training exercise out on the field, but she was someone who could turn circumstances into opportunities. And anyway, she had wanted to challenge her students on their first day. Nothing like an old-fashioned initiation exercise.

Arya wondered what they'll be like.
Interacting: simj26 simj26
Mentions: Foogels Foogels Hanarei Hanarei Xel Xel AshleyTheNarwhal AshleyTheNarwhal

Fischer returned his hand to its precise position on the desk after the round of handshakes was completed. Matthew kept talking, which seemed to be another superpower of his. Toki hadn't said much, and her soft handshake lead him to believe she was a bit on the shy side.

And then there was Kimi. Fischer didn't believe that shade of red existed up until this point. She was extremely shy, but Fischer didn't get the vibe that her personality was going to stop her.

That train of though was derailed when Claudia (jokingly) doubted that he could be sexy.

"Oh Yeah? Tell you what. I'll put on my camo after school. Once you find me, you'll be all over me."

He winked at her as the teacher walked in, and he snapped to attention. He stood up and gave the teacher a sharp salute.

After a few moments, his eyes darted around while the rest of him stayed in rigid stance. Then his hand slowly dropped, shortly followed by the rest of his body.

"Force of habit. She's higher rank than I am. Military discipline and all that."

He muttered that to no one in particular, slightly embarrassed but unapologetic. He gave Claudia a glance and a shrug, and turned his attention back to the teacher.

So this was the pro-hero Ink. He had seen her on television on occasion, when he had been allowed to watch it. She looked younger without the costume. Or maybe the camera added a few years, because he had recognized the tattoos before he recognized the face.

Fischer grabbed a fresh notebook and pen from his bag, in case she said something that wasn't just an introduction.

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