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Fandom My Hero Academia: Whitewater Acadamy

Manabu Moto

Outside Whitewater Academy

Manabu felt a slight amount of energy rush through the skin on his elbows every time someone lightly swiped against them. The campus was rather crowded, so this was to be expected, but that didn’t prevent the boy from being slightly annoyed. He hadn’t grasped full control of his power yet and was forced to absorb any impact from any substance or individual that came at him. That included the slight brushing that his elbow had just experienced moments ago. Perhaps he should have worn a jacket.

A vibration drew a hand to his pocket. It was a text from his mother asking if he was lost. He looked around himself in response, attempting to find where he was supposed to be. This was to no avail. Despite this, Manabu sent back a simple no. If he had said anything else, he knew 100 percent that she would come right over to the school to personally direct him, and he honestly didn’t want that.

Manabu let out a deep sigh as he continued onwards throughout the crowd, pushing whomever got in his way. It wasn’t the nicest method, but certainly the most efficient.

Before attracting too much attention with his rude antics, he heard someone call out exactly what he was looking for. It was interesting how a bird was better at directions than he was, but he supposed it could be part of someone’s quirk. He had certainly heard of weirder quirks than using some bird as a navigation system, if that was what it even was.

Manabu followed the crowd that the bird led. Everyone seemed so happy to be where they were. He supposed most people were here to do their best, to be the best hero they could and to save lives. But Mana…wasn’t here for any of that. He was just, here.

Before long, the bird had led them to the classroom. Mana let everyone else pile in first before heading in. He didn’t want to risk any accidental brushes. It wasn’t that he didn’t like his quirk, but it did remind him of the pain and suffering it put him through.

Inside Classroom 1-A

Once entering the classroom, Manabu heard quite the interesting conversation. “Rocks, huh?” He asked in a rather unimpressed tone as leaned against the top of a desk next to the three girls who were talking about quirks, completely butting into their conversation without being asked. He looked to one of the other girls. From what it sounded like her quirk was kind of like his. “So, you use your quirk even though it causes you pain? Do only physical attacks give you strength?”

While it was quite weird to just randomly walk up to a bunch of girls and ask them questions, Manabu didn’t really know this. He didn’t know how this school worked. For all he knew they could end up fighting each other at some point and knowing the inner workings of everyone’s quirks could be quite beneficial.

He looked over to the other girl that was with the girls, a blonde. You, what do you do?”

The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit SomebodyElse SomebodyElse _Line 213 _Line 213
Jason Holler

Bored...might as well kill myself then. Anyways, Jason heard that he will be in Class 1-A. Wonder what kind of students he will meet, as well as the staff? Who knows? He followed the bird and eventually arrived at the classroom. He goes in and, well, it looks decent like any other school. "Huh, kinda reminds me of my middle school." Jason thought as he finds himself a seat. He looks at the students around him and he seems to find interest in all of them. He cannot wait to talk to one of them, lest they talk to him first.​
Stella Cain
Outside Whitegate
_Line 213 _Line 213 SomebodyElse SomebodyElse NightMoves NightMoves
This was honestly making her feel a little guilty. Emvi's pure, doubtless belief in her words. She wasn't even hesitating for a second, like, this was the level of trust that'd have her worrying if the girl would be okay when left alone. Really. Even she, the fabricator, would call the journalist story stupid, but this girl eating it up like it was a chocolate cake.

If she were the romantic type, it might have even been cute.

Hell, she was even inviting her to sit with her. How nice could you get? She almost had to wonder if it'd be bad of her to accept, after this halfway advantage-taking she'd engaged herself in. Almost. The thought had definitely started to form, but the moment she heard the mentioning of Quirks it was quickly and cleanly buried under reminders of more important things. Her phone shortly found itself converted into a camera, and her legs slowly found themselves walking towards the girls. Very deliberately so, of course, disturbing the interviewees was a critical level of bad form.

The moment the other girls finished their auto-exposés, a camera flash filled the room. Naturally, Stella didn't bother to ask.

Tsurei. Rock Thrower?

Emvi. Redirector?

Neither of those ideas sounded particularly useful to her, but she'd keep them cataloged for the time being.

Her eyes soon flicked to meet Tsurei's. She couldn't exactly call them inviting. Definitely matched the pseudo-Ice-Queen persona she was feeling. Did she dislike that sort of person? No. There weren't many types of person she hated, though. They all have their strengths. But unfortunately for the other girl, "not disliking" and "liking" were not the same thing. However, she had gotten both Emvi's Quirk out of her and put her own out in the open, and she was grateful for that.

So, lucky her, Tsurei probably broke positive on the first impression-o-meter. Not as positive as Emvi, though.


Actually, come to think of it, Stella herself was just standing and staring at the girl without having said hello yet. Aha. Awkward, probably. Okay. Cut that out. Open up your lips, keep up the ruse, and make a good enough first impression for her to not get upset at you for lying to her.

Mouth open. Vocal chords primed. Tounge moving. Why was she hearing someone else's voice?

Because someone else was talking, naturally. The blonde-haired girl wasn't quite sure- Actually, no, she was sure how she felt about the interuption. Stranger! Thank you for the save! She shouted. Mentally. It was the first day and she was already being saved by mysterious boys, was thing some sort of tween movie?

A camera flash, again, filled the room. So the answer was no. The tween movie protagonist would've been appreciative enough to not have done that.

"I take photos. Stella." But killing two birds with one stone was too good a deal to not take. "Can I get your name? Quirk would be nice too."
Emvi Square
Classroom 1-A
Interacting with: The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit , SomebodyElse SomebodyElse , NightMoves NightMoves

A brief wave of confusion passed over Emvi's face as she heard the sound of another voice, turning to look at the new arrival as he appeared. She frowned a little, though (at least she hoped) not in a mean or unwelcoming way; she simply had not expected their little conversation to gather yet another person towards it. Judging by the black-haired boy's flat tone of voice, he wasn't too far off from Tsurei in terms of personality. Not even in terms of appearance, oddly enough. Were it not for the fact that the two did not seem to know each other in any way, shape, or form, Emvi might even have asked whether or not the two were related.

Even so, the fresh conversationalist appeared more interested in what Emvi had to offer as opposed to the mountain-mover, causing the girl to shift to an expression of surprise instead. "O-Oh, me?" she said, taking a moment to form a response as she pointed to herself. "Well, I mean, it's reactive, so it just--" she waved her hand vaguely. "--It just happens, you know? It's the only way to use it, I guess." Her lips pursed, as if she still wasn't all that happy with the fact; seemingly no one recognized her from the entrance exams, so perhaps no one had actually seen her pass out at the end of it. "I've never really used it or anything until coming here, so I don't know what works and what doesn't and...Yeah."

And then, the boy immediately moved on to ask the same question of Stella. Emvi immediately pursed her lips a little (again), now seeming more concerned than anything. Was this other person merely here to ask questions? It seemed more like an interview or an interrogation as opposed to a conversation, especially with that dull expression on his face. Stella seemed to dodge his questioning like a pro all the same, and though Emvi wasn't sure whether or not that was really a nice thing to do, the sheer slickness and immediacy of the response was nonetheless impressive. Maybe that's just the sort of thing to be expected of an upperclassman.
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Daisuke Oshiro

Inside Whitewater Academy.

It took a bit to do so, but Daisuke had found the classroom. There were already more than a few other classmates who found their way here. Seems that he was one of the last ones here. Well, he is not really the kind of person to let himself go unnoticed, so he may as well let everyone know he was here.

With a grin on his face, Oshiro sends the door flying open to draw attention from the entire present class in a rather dramatic fashion.

“First day of class everyone!” he bellowed excitedly as he grinned. “So ready for this!”

Mention: Everyone in the room
Tsurei Fukayashi
Classroom 1-A
The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit , _Line 213 _Line 213 , NightMoves NightMoves
Closed Till Progression

To Tsurei, Emvi seemed quite nervous. Perhaps it was due to the school, perhaps it was Tsurei. Tsurei didn't know.

"...Ah, well, it's an okay quirk I guess. I've, um...Never really used it all that much until the entry exam, so I don't know how good it is really"
"I, um..."
"Basically, when I get hit with stuff, I get stronger and faster each time. Basically."
"It hurts, though, which is why I don't know whether it's really going to help me out in the long run or not." ".But we're both in Class 1-A! So that speaks for...something after all, right?"

"Yes...Of course."
So she doesn't think her quirk is useful or she is downplaying it. Being hurt by it is a weakness but just how much stronger and faster can she get?
A hard limit placed by having to take damage, I suppose. But it doesn't sound quite as bad as she is making it out to be.

"I--Sure we...We can!" "nothing says that we can't, after all, right?"

"... right."
How wrong you are. If you knew what I was you wouldn't want to be my friend at all. Villains and Heroes are supposed to hate each other.
How would you react once you found out, if you ever find. out that is?

So...What do you make your rocks out of?" "Is it like sand and dust and stuff, or does it come from your body or something?"
"I don't know"
I do know though. They just appear. But this is more than I intent to talk about. People figuring out my entire quirk on the first day isn't my plan nor a good idea, now isn't it? I'm sure just announcing you have a quirk that destroys entire battlefields is automatically gonna put attention to you.

Just as suddenly another student entered the classroom and joined himself into the conversation. This wasn't planned at all.
This rang a red alarm to Tsurei. She had no plans to interact with so many people and he only seemed interested in her quirk. Well Tsurei was going to be vague as possible.

The blonde was also staring.

“Rocks, huh?” "Yes. It's pretty weak and boring,:
He said unimpressed. He then turned his attention to Emvi.

“So, you use your quirk even though it causes you pain? Do only physical attacks give you strength?”

He's sizing us up. He has no interest in us, only our quirks. Given I was also interested in Emvi's quirk but at least I tried to be friendly. But that's his mistake. I now am keeping my eye on him. You were too quick to draw your attention away from me. I won't ask his quirk yet because I can't alert anyone assuming they aren't alerted yet.

“You, what do you do?” He pointed to the blonde girl.
Foolish. You aren't even trying to cover up. You will only bring every half focused person's attention to you. You don't even try to excuse your weirdness or hide your analysis. You have already dug your hole for yourself for anyone else in this class with any level of deduction.

Can I get your name? Quirk would be nice too."
She finally talks another one simply interested in sizing up people's quirks. I'll figure your quirk out myself.
This class is full of vipers and it's not good. I have to constantly be on guard. It's a shame because they don't try to cover up their interrogation. That doesn't work in the villain world. You can't be that direct or everyone picks up on it.

Yet another boy appears as he swings the doors open and yells.

“First day of class everyone!” “So ready for this!”
This class....will be the end of me. A trouble maker, two vipers, a nervous wreck. And this new boy who seems too excited.
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Alexandra Michelakis
Feeling: Overwhelmed
Whitewater: Outside
Interation: Hanarei Hanarei Foogels Foogels
Alex got up from the ground, with a bit of help from Mathew, and steadied her breathing. Suddenly the flames on her back died down and soon the disappeared into nothing. She brushed herself off quickly, but kept her eyes down towards the ground. "Hi... I'm Alex" she said in a soft voice that was almost a whisper. She looked up at the guy she had bumped into. He was trying to be nice to her it seemed so she gave him the best smile she could pull off. She looked over to the girl he gestured to and smiled as well.

Alex could feel her heart jumping out of her chest, meeting new people wasn't her favorite thing in the world, she preferred to keep to her self. But these people didn't seem as bad as the people back home at least. They were nice and they didn't seem to mind how weird her quirk was, flames that came out of her back and changed color based on her emotions, it wasn't exactly normal for a quirk. When Matthew had asked if she wanted to find the class room with them she had almost missed it, as she had been deep in thought. "Um... sure" she said shyly.

Alex had been in the academy before the entrance exams and had gotten a quick tour. She had to fill out her transfer papers as she was coming from a different country. Because of this she lead the three of them to the classroom, having a general idea on where it was located. When they arrived she could hear a few people talking inside. She opened the door and say a few people inside. Being shy she took a step back and almost crashed into Mathew again, but she swallowed her fears and walked in and took a seat.
Manabu Moto

The boy looked over to the blonde. "Photos?" Manabu couldn't quite tell whether this was a dodge to his question or the truth. He had heard of stranger quirks before. "Does having the flash on help your quirk or do your just want people to know that you're taking pictures of them?" It was odd to have the flash on in broad daylight, especially if taking photos was part of her quirk. She could easily take photos of the people around her in secret and have quite the advantage. Perhaps she wanted people to know she had an advantage over them. This was quite the tactic...

Manabu put a hand to his chin in thought. It was clear that the girl didn't want to share the extent of her powers. Could she know everything about the person she took a photo of? Could she bring objects in her photos to life? Could she maybe create illusions of those she took pictures of? There were too many quirks to think of. In this day and age, her quirk could be anything. She was definitely one he would have to keep an eye on.

"Manabu." He gave his name but ignored the question about his quirk. Revealing his advantage would hinder him if they were to fight each other at any point in time.

"You haven't done any training with it?" He asked the other girl, completely ignoring the presence of rock girl. "And you still managed to pass the entrance exam?"

Not knowing the limits and extent of your power while still being able to pass that entrance exam was quite impressive. Manabu passed with flying colors only because he knew what he was capable of, but a newbie just going in and using her powers without a care in the world...he thought those would have been weened out by now. "Impressive." He said out loud as he continued staring. "What is your name?"

The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit SomebodyElse SomebodyElse _Line 213 _Line 213
Emvi Square
Classroom 1-A
Interacting with: The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit , SomebodyElse SomebodyElse , NightMoves NightMoves


Emvi flushed slightly at the unexpected compliment. Was it really that impressive? At least from where she was standing over the course of the whole ordeal, she had done quite poorly. That said, she wasn't exactly looking around constantly to see how well everyone else was doing on top of that. The test as a whole just...felt bad, though seemingly that was an arguable statement.

Unless, of course, she had somehow gotten lucky. There was that terrifying thought again.

"It's...not really that big of a deal, I'm sure there are people that have done that sort of thing before, um, right?" she insisted, putting on something of a worried smile. There was something rather intimidating about the boy's coldness, especially with the air of an interview still present, "I just did whatever I could and, um..." She stopped just short of mentioning how her exam ended. No need in going that far, surely. Emvi wasn't the sort of person that appreciated questioning motivations, so perhaps the idle conversation--however cold--was simply the other student's way of making friends. There was no point in putting him out of the running just yet, especially since Tsurei seemed the same way, at least to an extent. "Doing your best is just what heroes do, I--think. Right?" Even if it wasn't actually her intention, something about such a corny line made Emvi feel as if she were merely pretending to be a proper and upstanding part of the student body. As if seeking some amount of support, she looked to Tsurei, her worried smile flickering into a slightly larger form for a brief moment. She searched for signs of worry in the darker student's eyes; after all, she couldn't be the only one feeling a bit uncomfortable about the whole situation, right?

Then, the boy called for names, and Emvi pulled herself together again. "...Ah, anyway, I'm Emvi," she said, easing out of her worried smile for a moment into a more genuine one as she attempted to bury her anxieties (and her momentary feeling of guilt stemming from the cheesiness of that last statement) and remain positive. "--Oh, what's your quirk?" she added in the midst of a spur of thought, pushing forward a hand for the boy to shake in the process.
Mathew Pilles, e10fa37412039ef057c05cffe9713d8a.jpgOutside Whitewater Academy/Inside Classroom 1-A
"Nice to meet you Alex!" Matt was happy she wasn't upset with him, though she seemed kind of quiet. But she also seemed to know where she was going, finding the right classroom with almost not problems. While he followed her through the hallways he periodically checked behind him to make sure he didn't lose Kimi.

While walking towards what must have been the classroom Matt thought maybe Alex had been here before. Though there was no real evidence for that. When hey turned into the room there were already people in the classroom. But of course there are people in there, why wouldn't there be. He was at school after all. He looked and turned to Kimi to both make sure she was still there and to ask her something.

"I know I knocked you over but please don't be scared to sit next to me." He smiled and made his way into the classroom, after completely entering he noticed there was a small group of people near the center, though that would be fun, he also noticed two people near the back. One being the weird guy who got in a fight, and a girl he hadn't seen before. Matt noticed they were both by themselves, and he thought he should talk to one of them. And after thinking about who, he came to the conclusion that he'd rather talk to a girl then someone who was fighting on the first day of school.

So after concluding who to talk to, he made his way to the desk in the back next to the girl, but before he sat down he thought he would make sure it was okay with her. "Hi! My name is Mathew Pilles, but you can call me Matt." He put his hand out for a handshake hoping she wouldn't think he's weird. "I was wondering if this seat was open, and if you would be okay with me sitting in it." He continued to smiling hoping for a good answer.

(Interacting) Hanarei Hanarei Blackvelvet Blackvelvet Xel Xel
Manabu Moto

"Probably not." Manabu said simply as he looked to the girl. The test to get into the school certainly wasn't easy. He, himself, had been fighting for points the whole time and he trained had been training his quirk daily for as long as he could remember. Managing to get into the school without even really using your quirk before was definitely an accomplishment. He had no idea why she was being so modest. Perhaps it was to attempt to hide the pure strength of her quirk, but did she really seem like that kind of person? He looked the girl up and down, not taking into consideration that this action might be considered creepy. People were mysterious. Sometimes it was impossible to tell if they were being their true self or if they were just lying. For all he knew the girl in front of him could be a villain.

He thought about the whole hero thing. Honestly, he didn't really follow that many heroes. Did they try their best? He knew society thought they did, but life always had darker undertones. He gave a simple shrug to the idea, not quite sure how to respond.

Emvi. Manabu would have to remember that. He looked down at the hand that was offered to him. Oh right, manners. Sometimes he completely forgot those things existed. He uncrossed his arms and lightly took hold of the hand, shaking it for a small amount of time before crossing his arms yet again. It seemed that these people were very interested in his quirk. He thought that ignoring the first ask about his quirk would give them a hint, but they were being quite persistent. "Don't worry about it." Manabu said, refusing to give up his advantage just yet.

The boy scanned the room, looking for more potential threats. There was a guy with a Raven, some other guy with horns. So far no one really seemed threatening, but he supposed they did make it through the entrance exam. Some quirks were quite strong but hidden, he needed to remember that. He took out his phone and made a note about Emvi and her quirk. Hopefully he would be able to gain the name and quirk of every person in the room. "I heard this school is quite tough about who graduates. You think you can make it? You'll probably have to use your quirk a lot" He asked as he continued to rudely type on his phone.

_Line 213 _Line 213
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Emvi Square
Classroom 1-A
Interacting with: The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit , SomebodyElse SomebodyElse , NightMoves NightMoves

"...Oh, well alright," she replied, frowning lightly as the boy refused to say. Perhaps he was embarrassed about it? Should she comment? No, that would be awkward and make things worse. If he's embarrassed about it, it would be best to just leave him to his own thoughts on the matter. Emvi forced a smile all the same.

The idea of her passing through in such a manner was going to be a nagging thought at the back of her head; she could already feel the boy's surprise worming its way into her bones. Definitely the sort of thing that she wouldn't want to mention to anyone else, though at this point she was starting to hope that no one else even asked. Hopefully the others around her wouldn't make a big deal out of it. She looked up at them briefly, hoping to gauge their reactions to ensure that they didn't seem surprised themselves. Regardless of what she saw, however, she was eventually forced to look back to Manabu, doing her best to maintain her slight smile despite the continued questions.

"I heard this school is quite tough about who graduates. You think you can make it? You'll probably have to use your quirk a lot."

"Yeah, that's...true," Emvi said, rubbing at the back of her head as she thought. It definitely wasn't going to be a very fun time; the very thought of doing all this for the chance at getting into a good college and getting a good job was starting to weigh heavily on her mind. Would going to Whitewater even mean that she'd be accepted somewhere nice? Even if she was locked into a life of hero-work for good pay, would she be able to handle getting hurt every day? Her smile began to fade as she delved further and further into that mental quagmire, mood and confidence visibly fading as she dipped deeper and deeper into her own thoughts. It took a while for her to pull herself out of her spiral, her eyes snapping back to the mystery boy following a series of blinks. "...Well, I suppose we'll see," she replied, managing an unsteady, uncertain smile. "I'm not going to say that coming here was my first choice or anything, but..." Did she apply here on a whim or something?
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Location: Classroom 1-A
Kimi smiled lightly at the new girl, looking at her seeming to recognize the odd look she gave to Mathew. She looked at her with a light smile keeping the rosy tint of her cheeks. It seemed she had a bit of shyness behind her as well. It was unintentional but it let her get a little bit of an idea of her quirk as well. When she offered to lead them to the class it was a bit surprising for her though it was something she was fine with. It was best she learned where her class was before anything else after all.

Kimi followed behind Mathew. She started to lag behind, glancing down the hallways seeming to take mental note of the entire school. She saw Mathew look back, seeming to panic a bit as she shuffled forward to catch back up. Each time she slowly lost ground as she got a good look at the school she would be calling home. It was best to familiarize yourself with your surroundings after all. She realized Mathew and Alex had slipped into a classroom, running ahead to catch up getting through the door with a slight delay. She turned her head up to look at Mathew as she couldn't help but blush as he mentioned sitting next to him.

"Ah... I... I mean I... I don't mind It... its fine I... I don't have a grudge or anything... and... and it was my fault." She fumbled a little bit uncertain if she was going to sit next to him. She fumbled a bit getting a look around at the other students not quite sure what to make of them. It wouldn't be very easy to really get to know what they were like until she interacted with them or they did classroom activities to get a better idea of what they were capable of. She looked over seeing as Mathew had found himself towards the back next to Toki. Being near the back she felt more then comfortable with it as a place to go as she shuffled over taking a seat next to where Mathew was standing asking to sit next to Toki. She fumbled with her fingers a bit, looking about at the students and what be here classroom for some time now. This was the start of a new phase for her.

Blackvelvet Blackvelvet Foogels Foogels (Nearby/accompanying Mathew) Xel Xel
Laine Kovach

Outside of Whitewater Academy
"Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen," he whispered to himself. Using his right hand, the alien-looking farm boy made a cross by touching his forehead, then chest, then left shoulder, and finally right shoulder. Laine opened his eyes and raised his head up high. Today was the day. He was so exuberant, just about nothing could wipe off that goofy, ear-wide smile from his face. To him, the sky was a little bit bluer, and the sun shined a little brighter. His eyes scanned the crowd of students in front of him. The sheer thought of learning alongside peers with such unique quirks elevated his mood even higher. Laine was on such a life high, he didn't even notice the murmurs around him about a fight, or the eyes checking out his own appearance. He kept on following the flow of students, glancing around to see upperclassman helping his fellow first year students. A few seemed to be handing out water. The blockhead didn't even notice the heat! Farm work sure had its advantages.

By the time he reached the entrance, a realization came over Laine. His eyes widened in surprise of his revelation. "I don't know where my class is!" he thought. "Sugar Honey Ice Tea!" He knew class 1-A was his destination, which seemed simple enough, but the size of the school made finding the class an intimidating task. His eyes darted around the crowd, looking for assistance. "Lord help me." Thankfully, his prayers were answered. He found an upperclassman, holding what appeared to be a map of the school, directing another student. Relief washed over him as he nigh pushed his way through the crowd with his southern self, thinking "Thank you, almighty!" Directly after the upperclassman was done directing another student, Laine approached them. That same old smile from before popped right back on his face as he talked to the upperclassman with his charming country voice. "G'morning! I'm Laine, nice t'meetcha. I'm a bit lost. Could ya perhaps direct me to class 1-A? I'd greatly appreciate it." The fellow student he asked to help was blonde-haired girl, considerably shorter than himself. She happily obliged, showing him the map as she told him how to get to class 1-A. He listened intently, making sure to remember the directions given to him. At the end of her fairly short instructions, Laine nodded is head. "Understood. Thank you SO very much!"

"No problem Laine. Happy to help a fellow student," she said smiling back. "Now hurry to class. Best of luck!"

"Yes ma'am! You have a good day now." Laine waved goodbye as he followed the upperclassman's directions to his classroom.

Class 1-A
As he approached the classroom door, his smile came back. He successfully found the class! With that stress out of the way, his mood from before returned. The possibilities were endless now. Life would forever be different. New friends, new teachers, new material. It all excited Laine, even though he knew not everything would be easy. Now at the door, he took a deep breath, and finally entered the room.

A few students were already seated, fairly spread throughout the classroom. He waved hello to anyone that noticed him enter, and gazed around for a potential seat. The front row was promising. The seats allowed for what Laine called "MAXIMUM EDUCATION". He couldn't think of any cons to such a seat, so he went and sat down nonchalantly between Hibiki and Shane. As he sat down, he nodded his head to both of his fellow students. "Howdy!"

Katakon Katakon @whoever owns Shane
Rebecca Black
Feeling: Super excited
Whitewater: Class 1-A
Interation: One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost
Rebecca had been in class pretty early. She actually didn't know why she came so early, she wasn't exactly the student who had to be early every day. Actually she was usually the one who would show up late. She yawned in the very back of classroom 1-A, she sat with her legs kicked up. She was at least here an hour early. Soon she her eyes grew heavy and she fell back asleep in the back of the class room.

A while later the noise level in the class room and Rebecca yawned as her eyes blinked awake. It seemed that no one had actually noticed her asleep in the back of the class room. She had heard some rumors about her new classmates. Some of them seemed like the dangerous type, there was a girl who had a pretty cool eye quirk apparently, then there was the guy with the organic creation quirk, and of course the Vampire... They all were all characters of interest in Rebecca's eyes. As she yawned again she began to look around, it seemed the guy who had the organic creation was sitting up front, so he was obviously a bore. She had heard that one of her class mates had a cool quirk where she could control her pupils, she seemed to be the one who was taking pictures of everyone. Rebecca wondered if she had gotten a picture of Rebecca sleeping, hmm that would have sucked.

Finally she looked to her left. There he was, The vampire. He looked as awesome as she imagined, She scooted over to him. "So your the vampire I've heard so much about" She said with a sly smile. "I've watched a lot of vampire movies, so tell me is the real deal similar to the ones in film?" She said brushing back her hair to show her neck. "You can snack on me any time" She said licking her lips, leaning over a bit, obviously messing with Dante a bit. Then she noticed the raven on his shoulder. "A raven?" she said blinking a couple times, kind of zoning out for a second. "Is that yours?" She asked pointing to the raven.
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Claudia Diamante I had…” she paused, and scratched the back of her ear, her eyes cast to one side, then resumed, “I had a comfortable childhood. My dad’s some sort of tycoon, and my mom’s dad is some head of…an organisation.” Technically, she was right. It was an organisation, and he was the head of it. Her mother had very calmly told her to not reveal the nature of her family’s business once, and she was determined to follow those said words. She gave a weak smile. “I’m just some rich girl. You know, boring old Claudia.

She cast one glance across the classroom, and gave a tired sigh. She knew better than to think that she misheard him. The raven boy was perched right at the back of the class in the corner seat. People who choose that seat were often big troublemakers, or were just terrible at making friends. Neither of those options spoke very kindly of the young man. She elected to ignore his existence. Every second looking at him was another second wasted. Instead, she led Fischer down the firstmost row, the furthest away from the one she was determined to keep out of her hair, placing herself in the seat right in front of the girl with the violet hair ( Xel Xel ). She gave a wry smile and rested her chin on her steepled hands, leaning forwards.

Well, soldier, I don’t know how it’s done in the army, but you can’t just lead a girl on like that, teasing about your first name and not giving it!

Elysium Elysium


Dante watched as various people entered the class. He knew several of them glanced his way. He knew most had a very negative opinion of him. Hell, he could practically feel the scorn coming from one blonde as she moved towards the front of the class, likely to get as far away from him as possible.

"So your the vampire I've heard so much about"

Dante was snapped out of his thoughts as his silver gaze turned towards the seat next to him. He had almost forgotten that there was someone next to him. Even Archimedes fluffed up a little as the voice spoke up so close to them. Of course, she had to have heard the rumors about him... That probably meant she wasn't too keen on hi-

"I've watched a lot of vampire movies, so tell me is the real deal similar to the ones in film? You can snack on me any time"

Dante felt his cheeks start to burn. So much for his previous thoughts, even Dante could identify flirting when it was THIS obvious. He stared at her for several moments, his brain completely shutting down as he tried to come up with a way to respond that was at least semi coherent. So he focused on the first statement, trying not to let his gaze wander down to her now-exposed neck.

"Well... given I don't sparkle and I didn't turn to ash on the way here.... I'd say that I'm not too similar..." He began, trying to keep his gaze on her eyes instead of letting his eyes wander. He didn't get to elaborate much further before her attention shifted to Archimedes. It was a welcome reprieve, since he could switch the focus of the conversation off of himself.

"Him? I suppose you could say he's mine." He held out a hand towards her, Archimedes walking down his arm to get closer to her. "This is Archimedes." Dante said with a bit of a smile as the raven puffed himself up rather proudly. "I think he already likes you just for knowing he's not a crow." Dante chuckled as he watched the Raven stretch his wings, clearly showing off. Archimedes was far too often mistaken for a crow, which often got the offending party pecked at.

With a hop, Archimedes landed himself on the edge of Rebecca's desk. Turning towards Dante, it let out a quiet caw, looking from Dante to Rebecca. It was then that Dante realized he had introduced Archimedes before he even introduced himself.

"Oh.. My name is Dante, by the way... Dante de la Cruz.." He added. Sure, it was an ironic name for a vampire. Common lore said vampires were afraid of crosses, but his name literally meant 'of the cross'...


Saito Osaka ||Tags;

was he scared? Horrified that was attending such a popular school with very high standards? Absolutely not, Saito was far from it. In fact, the crazy boy was excited to finally attend the school..maybe a little bit to excited. He waited for this day since his parents told him about. Saito long awaited to begin his journey to become a top hero like his folks and restore his family 's name. It was going to be a tough one, but saito was prepared to task at hands, grab it by the horns and shake them..if that made any sense at all. Anyway, he was ready and nothing was going to stop this boy. Not even the prickest of pricks! The hardest of villians. His mind and soul was ready! Well..his soul was but his mind? One would wonder.

so, what was saito doing now? Still asleep in his bed, late like most students of course . Sike! Saito was lounging about in a shady tree on school campus, you know, those trees that be on the sides of the pathway to the of the entrance of school. Anyway, he watched as the students pass by. Some of them where grouped up, getting to know each other..the usual. He heard some interesting conversations and was more even hyped now..even if he wasn't In them, oh well. At least was he was mentioned. " Have you seen that odd boy in tree. " yay! He was noticed! And he was about to make his presence known even more

jumping along the paved pathway was his favorite treat, a large , plumpy brown cricket. By god..he couldn't resist the urge to snatch that piece of heaven in his mouth. Next thing you know, his long tounge lashed at the unfortunate creature and savored his treat. There was a girl who was infornt of his target and screamed abit. " Eeek! Disgusting. "

after gulping down the bug, a large creepy grin came across his face." Don't knock it till ya try it ~ " Satio leaped down from the tree and started to make his way into class 1A. Ah, he saw some of the kids before here, nice. The boy looked around the room before picking a seat in the back. This was where all bugs where located..hopefully.

(didn't know what to post, just added on to this one umu)​

Hibiki Kato
Outside Whitewater Academy
Interacting w/ Darth Tangent Darth Tangent
Do do dododo...


Talala... oh wait somebody greeted you you dumb ass!
Hibiki was in his own mind humming along to a song playing over and over in his mind, a jaunty tune it was. But now isn't time Jaunt but for action. Hibiki turned to the owner of the greeting voice, it was unusal to see somebody like the owner of the voice with his sickly white skin and milk white eyes. Also he had no ears. But Hibiki didn't mind, Instead Hibiki placed his right thumb on the bridge of his nose with the rest of his fingers spread out and did a small pose with his other arm under his right arm, Hibiki breath in softly before clenching both of his fist and placing them on either sides of his chest which caused bones to form and stick out all over his arms in a strange manner, Hibiki finally spoke.

"Greetings, Follow Hero to be!" Hibiki greeted maybe a little too loudly. "I am Hibiki, the Monster of 1-A, or will soon be better known as the Organic weapon hero: Grim! Pray tell may I know your name my soon to be ally against crime and the true evils of this world?" Hibiki said dramatically as the bones started to recede back into Hibiki's arm with a weird crunching noise. Shit, was he doing this whole social interaction thing right? God, he hope so. "Let's all do our best, Verily!" Oh, god you can even keep your tone the same! You idiot!
Stella Cain
Outside Whitegate
_Line 213 _Line 213 SomebodyElse SomebodyElse NightMoves NightMoves
Wow. Rude. Tall Dark and Brooding had just ignored half of what she'd said. That definitely docked him a few points.

"The flash?" That... She'd never really thought about. There had to be a reason though, right? "It's really quite important, understand. It's, uh, something along the lines of lighting up the shadows on the face." That made sense. Probably. Hopefully. "It's for when... Ah... You want to get a good view of all the features of the face. Yeah! Like in mugshots! The sun can't get everything, you know?" Heh. Hah! That was a lie she was actually kind of proud of. She'd always wondered what the camera flash was actually for herself, so this was quite the enlightening experience for her.

Wait a minute.

Heh heh. She smirked a little, both internally and externally at that. Enlightening. God, she loved the thought process. But self-amused snickerings were definitely not conducive to the journalistic process, or the first impression, so Stella was quick to push that thought aside for the time being. Maybe she'd use it in a blog post at some point.

Uh. Okay, where was she?

She'd been talking about the importance of camera flashes, but the conversation had clearly moved on since then. Ergh. Manabu had brushed off Emvi's bid for information just as deftly as he had hers, so at least she wasn't the only one getting the cold shoulder. Mmm. This was fine, though. Being left in the conversational dust was just the excuse she needed to retreat, and hopefully lead these decidedly dangerous questions about photography to their end. Despite how masterfully she'd managed to handle thing so far, it was definitely just a matter of time until she messed up somewhere.

Or was it?

Yes. Shut up, ego. It definitely was.

Taking care to not draw any more attention to herself, Stella slipped into the seat to Emvi's left. Increasing her distance from the one person asking the hard-to-answer questions, she figured, would be a good idea. To reduce attention. And so he wouldn't see her trying to figure out how to disable the flash on her phone. Ah, but before that, she quickly captioned yet another image.

Manabu. Dangerous?

More and more students slowly trickled into the classroom. All of them finding some random seat to call home. It seemed like most of them were gathering around the center. In hind sight sitting in the back corner like this really did make her seem like some kind of loner. Especially with the goth kid occupying the other back corner. Ah well, it wasn't that big of a deal. Class hadn't even started yet, there was still more than enough time to show her classmates she wasn't some weird anti-social loner. Of course, the longer she kept up her gloomy pity party the harder that'd be. And she knew that, she really did.

She allowed her gaze to wander over her classmates. There were numerous conversations taking place as everyone got to know one another. There was a tightness in her chest as she watched everyone engaged in conversation. Even the goth managed to strike up a conversation with some black-haired girl. Yet there she sat, alone and silent. Her fist clenched around her tie as she thought back to her first day in middle school. It was basically much the same situation she was in now. If it hadn't been for those two saving her she may very well have spent the entirety of middle school alone. But they weren't here to save her this time. These thoughts pushed her towards the edge of actually going and introducing herself to one of the groups.

But before she could fully cast away her melancholic aura, before she could muster up the will to actually go and do something, someone approached her desk. Some cute blonde boy with two equally cute girls in tow. Was he the resident popular guy? Maybe. Either way she stared up at him as he reached her desk and introduced himself. She extended her hand, taking the boy's in a light grip to return the handshake. "Tokihana." She said with a smile, forcing away the gloominess from earlier thanks to the distraction the interaction provided. "But you can call me Toki." She released the boy's hand and gestured to the seat next to her. "And go ahead, it's empty as far as I know."

She shifted her focus from the boy to the girl accompanying him. She could tell at a glance that the girl was the shy or nervous type. She didn't bother to introduce herself or otherwise follow Matt's lead. Instead she just stood there, fidgeting with her fingers and looking around. "You're welcome to sit in my little corner too. I don't bite." She offered the brunette a smile before her attention was stolen by another arrival. This time a pretty blonde girl with some overly stiff boy in tow. Her corner had gone from empty to full in record time, but then that shoul be expected as the students flooded in. Since those two were already talking she instead opted to focus on the nervous girl. "So, what's your name? I'm Toki... like I just said...." She gave the girl an awkward grin. It was always difficult having to introduce yourself multiple times knowing full well the other party should have already heard you. But hey, what can ya do?

Classroom 1-A

Aditya Levin
Human Spectre; Writing
Classroom 1-A - Table in front of the teacher
Mention: One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost

Surprisingly, the raven did head to the classroom. Was it trained to do so by a teacher? It didn't seem to be owned by one, though. Peeking inside the classroom from the door, the raven was perching itself on a girl, right in front of the long haired, pale guy. That was the one who owned the raven, if he wasn't mistaken. He had occupied a seat on the far back, the furthest one from the board. He couldn't understand why some people prefer to sit at the back; Secluded as it was, Teachers would often pinpoint the students at the back and keep an eye on them. Not a really good spot if you plan to hide from attention, which was what he thought the students sitting at the back wanted to do by sitting at the back.

Just like the school ground, the classroom was filled with new students, striking out conversations with their new classmates, or just looking for a seat. Though the activities inside was less chaotic due to the size of the room and number of people inside, it still gave an atmosphere of a first day of school. If the school ground gave an air of chaos, the classroom would give air to ...awkwardness.

The front row was filled. Aditya took the empty seat to the far right of the second row, close to the door, right behind a girl. He would prefer being at the front, but it couldn't be help as he came in late.
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Claudia Diamante I had…” she paused, and scratched the back of her ear, her eyes cast to one side, then resumed, “I had a comfortable childhood. My dad’s some sort of tycoon, and my mom’s dad is some head of…an organisation.” Technically, she was right. It was an organisation, and he was the head of it. Her mother had very calmly told her to not reveal the nature of her family’s business once, and she was determined to follow those said words. She gave a weak smile. “I’m just some rich girl. You know, boring old Claudia.

She cast one glance across the classroom, and gave a tired sigh. She knew better than to think that she misheard him. The raven boy was perched right at the back of the class in the corner seat. People who choose that seat were often big troublemakers, or were just terrible at making friends. Neither of those options spoke very kindly of the young man. She elected to ignore his existence. Every second looking at him was another second wasted. Instead, she led Fischer down the firstmost row, the furthest away from the one she was determined to keep out of her hair, placing herself in the seat right in front of the girl with the violet hair ( Xel Xel ). She gave a wry smile and rested her chin on her steepled hands, leaning forwards.

Well, soldier, I don’t know how it’s done in the army, but you can’t just lead a girl on like that, teasing about your first name and not giving it!

Elysium Elysium

Class 1-A homeroom
simj26 simj26 Claudia Diamante

There was a lot more to it then that. Claudia's body language was wrong for someone who was "comfortable". But it really wasn't his business so Fischer just responded with "I see", and let Claudia lead them into the classroom and find their seats. He parked in the seat next to hers, after taking a moment to nod at the violet haired girl Claudia had just greeted.

This seat was heaven. Fischer had been on his feet all day, for the past several days. Maybe he'd make today his cheat day. Not bother with gym or diet today. Maybe Claudia knew where a burger joint was. Been a few weeks since he had red meat.

Speaking of the devil, she spoke again, causing Fischer to snap to seated attention, a reflex conditioned from fifteen years of boot camp.

His posture relaxed after a few moments, and he took a moment to respond. "Well, you'll have to train me to respond to it, but my name is Shane."

Shane leaned back in his seat. "And with that, there goes my air of sexy mystery. Now I only have my uniform to go on."
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The faint sound of buzzing echoed throughout the empty room that Shire sat in. She was finishing up reapplying the tattoos that had faded after her last battle. She was still a little beat up and slow. She inhaled from her cigarette with the hand that wasn't tattooing and exhaled a large cloud of smoke. She was in an empty classroom in the school. She would've done this at home but because of her physical state she had slept in accidentally. Once she was completely done she took her machine apart and put it gingerly in its case. She took a paper towel with soap on it and wiped her fresh tattoos. She knew unlike regular tattoos these would heal within the day but she always liked to keep them clean. When she wasn't being a hero or teaching she was a tattoo artist in the city. She was very well known. She was always in the habit of keeping her ink clean.

This was her first year teaching here but she very excited to help future generations of heroes refine their quirks. She liked being around kids...unless they were her creepy fan boys that photoshopped her head on the pictures of naked women on blog sites...but anyhow..for the most part she loved kids. She wasn't very old herself...she was one of the youngest "R rated" villians in the area. Shira sat there for a minute looking at her new tattoos.

She figured a lot of the students would be arriving soon, she wondered where Daario would be. She wandered the somewhat empty halls and made her way towards the front of the school so she could get a good view of the students coming into the gates. They all looked very promising.

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More students had entered the classroom now, but Sun had hardly noticed them. She was too busy focusing on that damn bird in the back of the classroom. "What kind of person thinks it's a good idea to bring pets to school? I mean, I could maybe have understood it if it had been something cute, like a cat or a dog, but why a bird" She quietly muttered as she quickly threw yet another glance at the bird to make sure that it was still there, which it was. She drummed her fingers against her desk a bit to try and distract herself, but she quickly discovered that it wasn't working. Sun let out a deep sigh before getting up started walking towards the birds owner. Once she reached her destination, she knocked on the boys desk to grab his attention as he appeared to be in the middle of another conversation. "I'm sorry, but do you really think bringing that here was such a smart idea?" Shes asked, in the least annoyed tone she could muster. "I mean, it's probably crawling with germs and parasites."

Interacting with: One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost ,

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