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Fandom My Hero Academia: Whitewater Acadamy

Stella Cain
Training Grounds, Badass Maze
simj26 simj26 Elysium Elysium NightMoves NightMoves
This was bad. First, a flash that put her camera to shame, and then the sight of the walls themselves leading an assault against Claudia's limbs. Stella almost; No, she actually felt bad. She knew curiosity killed cats, but she never expected the cat would be somebody other than herself.

"S-sorry!" She rushed from behind Claudia and down the hallway, only stopping once she'd reached the safety beyond it. Shit, this wasn't heroic at all. Was there really no way she could help? She'd not anything on hand that could bar the way open, nor any idea of a Quirk that could do the same. Though, now that she was thinking about it...

"Hey, you!" She scrambled back down the hall as an idea dawned on her and Fischer dashed into view. "Remember that boulder trap? Maybe we can jam this thing with the rocks from that!" She hadn't a clue how tough the rocks were nor how much pressure these walls were putting out, but at the very least, there was a chance that this would work. And if it didn't, at least she could say that she had given it her all. Or something like that.

Without another word, Stella ducked past Claudia and back into the hall from whence they'd come, hauled the largest stone she could carry up in her arms, and made her way back as quickly as possible. Just enough to sidle through, that was all she needed. This thing surely couldn't be strong enough to kill somebody, right? There was no way this school would still be open if it had a contraption that was killing students every other week. Right. There was hope, then.

Even if it was just a sliver, a sliver was all she needed.
Mathew Pilles,e10fa37412039ef057c05cffe9713d8a.jpgObstacle Maze
Mathew walked up on Stella Manabu and Claudia right as Claudia stepped down on the trip wire. There was a huge flash and Matt tried his best to not move so he just bent over a little bit shaking his head and blinking incredibly fast. When his vision finally started coming back he saw the walls coming in on the girl. Her arms were completely black and she was holding the walls yelling out to everyone to pass by. Matt wanted to help, he could push the walls and relieve the pressure on Claudia. But Matt felt the weight of the girl on his back through his slight adrenaline.

Mathew thought that he could probably still help with Emvi on his back, she would just have to hold on tighter. Matt turned his head to the side as far as he could to see Emvi. "Hey, when we get to Claudia hold on tight, I'm going to have to use my hands to help her." He then jogged into the pathway with Emvi until he came up on Claudia. He nodded up to Emvi and then let go of Emvi's legs and put his arms out to the walls. He thought about the metal walls and pushed out with his quirk. The walls were pushing hard but Matt wasn't giving up. He didn't want to push them all the way back because he would be incredibly tired. But he knew he could make it easier for Claudia. "Stop being hero's huh? You're a little bit of a hypocrite." His smile then quickly diminished and he started pushing the walls back.

"How much longer can you stay here? If we both stay here for everyone to go through then we can make it through to." He looked back to Emvi and smiled. "You can stay here but if you can make it through then I will get you when everyone is through." Matt didn't mean to sound cool but he thought he sounded kind of cool. Matt was happy he was helping. And he wasn't going to stop until everyone was through. He saw Stella leave a minute ago. She came back with a heft looking rock. And she set it down. Matt was confused at first but then thought. You are smarter then you let on.

(interacting: _Line 213 _Line 213 The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit NightMoves NightMoves simj26 simj26 )
Emvi Square
Crazy Maze (Training Grounds)
Interacting with: Foogels Foogels simj26 simj26

Everyone is doing something. Why can't I do anything?

Emvi held onto Matt as hard as she could, eyes clenched tightly as she tried to ignore the impending pressure that was going to be visited upon all of them. If Claudia was straining against the weight of the walls, then there was no way that a rock was going to stop them either. How deadly was this place, really? Would the walls stop once they had sufficiently trapped them?

Did it matter, really?

The student finally forced her eyes open, glancing upward at the timer above the maze. So much time had gone by already, and yet it felt as if the group had barely made their first steps. This place really was gigantic, wasn't it. Emvi turned her eyes back towards the girl, straining with everything she had against the walls, despite her calls for everyone to move on. And all this, directly after she had yelled at them for their foolishness.

Emvi grit her teeth. She had advocated for teamwork this entire time, and had yet to put in her own fare share. What was she afraid of? Losing favor in the eyes of her classmates? Slowly, she shifted her legs. One was fine. The other, well, it would work for now. "...Matt, I'm letting go. I have another stupid plan," she said, slipping off of the boy's back and hitting the floor. She pushed herself up, her injured leg momentarily buckling from the renewed pain, before forcing itself to straighten. "At...At this rate, we're not gonna make it to the end of the maze, not with the time we're working with, but it's...It's better to time out than it is to go down to something like this, right?" she asked, finally returning to a standing position as she took in a deep breath.

She clenched and unclenched her right hand; that tingling sensation had never left. How heavy is she? How much is it going to take to push her? If we want to get through, she'll have to return to normal...But then, how am I going to slow them down without hurting them both? A flash of realization flickered through her eyes, attention darting to the powers of the two.

"I know how we can get out of this, but we're going to have to trust each other. Alright?" She looped her arms around Matt, and nodded. "Walk towards her so that I can pull her as well," she said, looking to Claudia as she continued to speak, an odd, uncharacteristic moment of determination present on her face "On the count of three, you have to return to normal. Matt, when she does, the walls will come closing in, and I'm going to launch us with everything I have. It'll be on you to keep the walls open a second or two longer on your own with your fields, alright? You're frictionless, so you're the only one that can." She then looked back to Claudia, and took a deep breath. "...Once we're out in the hallway, I'm going to let go. Matt can't take the impact, so...You'll have to save him somehow, since I'll be too light to stop us in time. Hold onto him and dig into the ground or the walls, can you do that?" She narrowed her eyes at the girl. "Look, I don't know your name, but...I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier. You've helped everyone else through. Even if we don't make it to the end, let's...Let's at least make it through this!"
"Anyone could see it as long as you're paying attention. It glints in the su-" Manabu began to explain that seeing the tripwire was not a causation of his quirk, but was quickly interrupted as Stella triggered the tripwire. Completely dumbfounded, the young man had no time to react as a blinding light came from the walls. He grunted as the light caused his eyes discomfort. How stupid could that girl be? He had pointed out the tripwire, they could have easily just stepped over it. She was more concerned about getting a picture of the traps than she was for their lives. Of course, he knew that this trap probably wouldn't cost them their lives, but it would certainly earn them a lower score on the maze. There was no way this school could keep itself up and running if they created things that could kill their students.

As the flashed disappeared, Manabu blinked a few times. Yellow splotches covered his vision, but he heard the walls straining as they attempted to close in on him. He wiped his eyes in attempt to regain sight, but it was to no avail. Ironically, his eyes had always been extremely sensitive to light.

Manabu heard everyone talking around him. His classmates were in danger, but he could do nothing as the blinding light left him stunned. Using his quirk blindly could lead to injury and possibly even death for some, so that wasn't an option. An empty, yet heavy feeling surfaced in Manabu's stomach as questions ran through his head. What was happening? Was everyone okay? Why did he care? Was he going to die here?

No, there was no way. He had to remind himself that there was no way the school could kill of their students. They were going to be fine, probably...

Manabu took some time to breath. He felt that unknown feeling start to dissipate. He opened his eyes, noticing that the yellow spots were still there, but more transparent now, so he could finally see the group struggling to hold open the walls. Guess now was a good a time to use his quirk as any.

He began to walk through the closing hallway, putting hand-sized 2-inch thick barriers against the walls. The barriers were more like squashed bubbles since he needed to make sure the explosive side wasn't exposed so there was no risk of someone touching them. Usually his barriers would be able to withstand such a force, but it seemed that the walls were pushing harder and harder the longer they waited. At this rate, his barriers would shatter, but hopefully it would alleviate a bit of the weight that the other two were holding.

"Execute your plan quick. The walls are pushing harder." Manabu said to Emvi as he slipped past the small group that was trapped between the walls. With the other two and his barriers holding the walls open, he made it safely to the other side.

He looked down the hallway. There were about 5 barriers on each wall, attempting to hold the walls open. He could already see them cracking under the weight. Hopefully Emvi would be able to get the others through quickly. It was sad that this was all he could do. If he was stronger, his barriers would have no trouble holding the weight.
Daisuke slowly gets back up on his feet, somewhat embarrassed about falling straight in front of someone. How the heck did he mess that up? Then, that was kind of a risky move now that he thought about it. There was probably now an alternate reality where he got cooked like a chicken. Well he made it at least so no point in dwelling too much on that.

“Well, I made it,” Daisuke said to Tsurei. “Might as well keep going.” Daisuke started heading further down the maze. On the way he also passed by the guy that ran straight through the flames. He motioned for him to follow.

After a couple of turns, he came to a room that was filled with red lasers. Yikes? Were those sensory lasers, or…well…death lasers? He was not sure.

“Anyone got any ideas?” He said outloud.
SomebodyElse SomebodyElse Katakon Katakon
Location: Obstacle Maze

Kimi kept her eyes adverted away from the two as she heard Toki's explanation of her 'using her quirk'. She wasn't all that sure but she decided to simply nod her head. It wasn't her place to really pry on what it was and if she said it was that she would take her word for it. She hesitantly turned her head to look down at them just as another body fell in place. She looked over seeing Dante staring a bit questioningly at him. She hadn't seen him before the fall, meaning he had likely come from the other side of the wall, the pit connecting the two segments. She carefully moved forward attempt to not fall down herself nor set off some other trap. She was more then certain how obvious the pit was where she stood there was some other trap there to take advantage of a student with a lulled sense of security to catch them on guard to knock them right inside.

"W.... well... um... d... do you th... three have a way up? I.. I don't have anything on me.. .b... but maybe I can find a way to help you up." She asked, slowly lowering down to her knees to peek over the edge more careful to not venture too close to fall in. She looked quite nervous and overwhelmed. The fact she hadn't got taken out by a trap yet was likely surprising to anyone seeing how timid she was acting. Her quirk wasn't the best for really helping against most traps outside of being able to potentially set them off safely without having to activate them herself. As soon as she set off a trap there was little hope her quirk could do much to save her from it.

One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost Blackvelvet Blackvelvet Xel Xel
Daisuke got up after falling
"Well, I made it." "Might as well keep going."
They made it to a room with lazers.
Well he did fall.. Atleast he didnt dwell on it. I'll give props for making it past in one go.
Tsurei threw a rock into one of the lazers to test them. It went through one and two boulders came out from the wall.
The boulders fell towards them but Tsurei summoned a giant tree-like structure that caught both of them midair
The tree-like structure extended above the walls and branched out somewhat.
There is a likely chance that others can see it from other paths in the maze. This is probably terrifying. Daisuke is probably speechless. I should lessen the situation.

Tsurei sat on her knees and caught her breath.
"I'm fine. Looks like we need to avoid the lazers or disarm them."
"We cant take a chance to activate them. My mistake."

I needed to know what the lazers were though, but that was a hefty pride to pay.
Tsurei looked around the room for anything. There were symbols on the walls.
And a dial on the floor. Could matching them disable the lazers?
"Maybe we can match the dial with the symbols on the wall."
"C'mon help me out."


"How did they know we were here."
"Someone told them I guess." Fang said.
"We need to move now." Lucian said.
They ran into another part of the enemy's base.
"And just where are you going"
It was their leader, Executioner, she held up Yuki with a knife to her neck.
"Well it looks like the info your friend gave us was correct.
She pointed to Ridley
"You WHAT?!" Lucian yelled.
Ridey sneered. "I'm tired of you all not letting me do anything. These guys are the league of villains. I'm going to join them and kill all of you.
Executioner slit Yuki and she fell to the floor.
"You really thought you could take us? Did you think we were just another gang?
"I'll give you all credit for having guts."
Tsurei summoned pillars of rocks and coasleced a meteor size mass above them.
"W-what are you doing.... NO STOP!!!!

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