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Fantasy Mutagen


Ashley, however she calls herself Sliq(pronounced "Slick")


Female...well used to be. Unidentifiable but takes female pronouns.



Image of character:


Sexuality: (more for benefit of other RPers you don't have to add it though if you don't want)

She likes guys more, but then again- No privates.

Powers*: (up to 3 powers, don't god mod or be stupid with them please...)

Shapeshifting: Her body is made out of slime from the mutation, making her able to change forms.

Slime body: The substance she's made out of now is sticky like glue without her control. It goes on anything she touches, making her unable to wear clothes or they would be ruined or dissolved. She likes to pull pranks with her slime as well. If you want to taste it, it's usually watery with a hint of bitterness. This substance drips out of her when she tries to maintain a normal human form like sweat, oozing out constantly. She's trying to have control over this but to no avail.

Durability: Her body also allows immunity to physical attacks. Burning and chemicals and anything considered "magic" or superpowers can hurt her. Also when a blunt object hits her she absorbs the impact but it isn't comfy.


She's usually chill, but easily angered. Adventurous and a little of a prankster, she's that cool girl at your school who likes to play video games and maybe hang out with other guys because she's so cool, y'know...ok I'll shut up.

Background: (not required but it is preferred)

5/5 2006, her birth year-Her parents aren't that mutated but have the genes required. She was born a normal, pretty, cute baby girl. She was born in the USA, New New York.

9/4 2016-Life has been pretty normal and her genes activate when she turns 10. No changes other than her bed being wet every morning with what was thought water.

4/9 2019-She awoke from a nightmare and sweating profusely with a blue, sticky substance all around her. She was fine and they went to a hospital to check it out. Her symptoms were obvious and after 5 days, they figured out the cause. During that 5 day period, her internal organs felt mushy and felt like water. Soon after she woke up feeling different. Then she got up and checked her hands, which were a different color and melting. Doctors immediately had no idea what was going on and tried sending her to Mutagen. One year later she arrives, a bunch of mishaps of her being in public delayed stuff for a year. She found out how to control a little of herself, and she thinks her parents are safe at home.

5/5 2020-Jack and Martha Ven are executed for harboring a mutant in their household.

Extras: (anything you feel is important enough to add)

Diet: Water and other fluids are her only diet, however food can be dissolved in her and she gets nutrients.

Weakness: Too much water can make her dilated too much, effectively killing her.
TheOnlyCatbug said:


Ashley, however she calls herself Sliq(pronounced "Slick")


Female...well used to be. Unidentifiable but takes female pronouns.



Image of character:


Sexuality: (more for benefit of other RPers you don't have to add it though if you don't want)

She likes guys more, but then again- No privates.

Powers*: (up to 3 powers, don't god mod or be stupid with them please...)

Shapeshifting: Her body is made out of slime from the mutation, making her able to change forms.

Slime body: The substance she's made out of now is sticky like glue without her control. It goes on anything she touches, making her unable to wear clothes or they would be ruined or dissolved. She likes to pull pranks with her slime as well. If you want to taste it, it's usually watery with a hint of bitterness. This substance drips out of her when she tries to maintain a normal human form like sweat, oozing out constantly. She's trying to have control over this but to no avail.

Durability: Her body also allows immunity to physical attacks. Burning and chemicals and anything considered "magic" or superpowers can hurt her. Also when a blunt object hits her she absorbs the impact but it isn't comfy.


She's usually chill, but easily angered. Adventurous and a little of a prankster, she's that cool girl at your school who likes to play video games and maybe hang out with other guys because she's so cool, y'know...ok I'll shut up.

Background: (not required but it is preferred)

5/5 2006, her birth year-Her parents aren't that mutated but have the genes required. She was born a normal, pretty, cute baby girl. She was born in the USA, New New York.

9/4 2016-Life has been pretty normal and her genes activate when she turns 10. No changes other than her bed being wet every morning with what was thought water.

4/9 2019-She awoke from a nightmare and sweating profusely with a blue, sticky substance all around her. She was fine and they went to a hospital to check it out. Her symptoms were obvious and after 5 days, they figured out the cause. During that 5 day period, her internal organs felt mushy and felt like water. Soon after she woke up feeling different. Then she got up and checked her hands, which were a different color and melting. Doctors immediately had no idea what was going on and tried sending her to Mutagen. One year later she arrives, a bunch of mishaps of her being in public delayed stuff for a year. She found out how to control a little of herself, and she thinks her parents are safe at home.

5/5 2020-Jack and Martha Ven are executed for harboring a mutant in their household.

Extras: (anything you feel is important enough to add)

Diet: Water and other fluids are her only diet, however food can be dissolved in her and she gets nutrients.

Weakness: Too much water can make her dilated too much, effectively killing her.
As long as she isnt unkillable all is good, yoi're in
[QUOTE="Katie Jensen]As long as she isnt unkillable all is good, yoi're in

Nah she isn't it's just hard with say, someone with mutated fists that punch her.

Like she can be burned, frozen, chemically killed, dilated, etc. Physical things can't harm her like if you cut her in half, nope.
[QUOTE="Das Eisenbrecher]Name*: Otto von Eisenbrecher but most people just call him old man


Image of character:

Sexuality: Bisexual but he really isnt looking for companionship anymore

Powers*: He can premonition just for a few seconds ahead of time, If he concentrates he can see trough solid materials but solid ones

Personality*:Hes just a kind old man but does get serious about people which he has near his heart, hes also very knowledgeable about things in life

Background: Otto von Eisenbrecher was and still a medically trained doctor, when the first bombs falled he was just a graduate of 20 years old at the German Institution of Medical science in Berlin, after he heard of the people in pain all around the world he decided to go around the world saving what people he can, he traveled from Siberia to the now ruined Chicago helping mutants and humans alike, now you may be wondering when did he receive his powers? He got in his fatherland Germany where he was there to restock before going to help other people at the time he was 30 years old, to his misfortune the place he lived was also one of the targets for anti-mutants terrorist groups and he was in the middle of it, the reason they targeted Berlin because it was one of the few City's that still had a nuclear power plant that wasn't broken or destroyed and they thought that if they blew it up they will erase all the mutants alive in the city well guess what? It did, everyone and everything got completely obliterated except Otto,or so he thought, after he finally got out of the rubble he seen a little kid with wings sitting next to what it seemed it dead mother next to a pond of radioactive liquid.As he seen this he went to help the little kid but he just bit him and said "Sie sind nicht von uns" which means you are not one of us and then to show how much he cared Otto went to the pool of radioactive liquid and washed his face with it, which resulted with his eyes showing a weird glow(which still happens to this very day) and he said to the kid "Ich bin jetzt" which means I am now, and as he said that to him and then extend his hand to help the kid.

Extras: Hes currently traveling to help people around the world but he's expected to come soon

All is good, please just don't speak tons of German xD
NickTonCutter said:
Judy Steins
I had enjoy my life before this mess up happens...
Judy Steins

View attachment 314896

Gender :

Male (Androgyn i guess)

Age :


Powers :

-Summons a Beast that can protect Judy.The beast is about three human tall and can fly,breathing fire but is defense is really weak.The beast NEVER engaged first but when Judy is attack. (If it seems too op i can try to find other weakness)

-Enhanced vision.

-Can ice weapons if she get attack,but it's only work if the opponents weapons is rather weak.

Personality :

Logical,doesn't want to fight unless it's necessary.Judy accept friendship with honor,and doesn't like to see people kill.She certainly run away if one of his friends die horribly.


Will be reveal in the Rp,i will uptade this here.
The beast (I assume it's a very small Rayquaza? xD ) is only three humans tall and is pretty weak so I'll accept it :) Just don't make it OP and all is good
Zedisback said:
Name:Richard Woods


Image of character:


Powers:Intangibility:Rich can turn intangible, this means when he is using his power, his body can pass through physical matter, this being said, when using his powers he can't be touched by tangible beings, only really having to worry about other people who are or can turn intangible, leaving most attacks being unable to harm him when using his power but this is a two way street, when he is Intangible, if he was to try to touch someone his hand would just go through them. He can't turn others intangible, the downside to this power is...as said before he can't really interact with physical matter, he can still speak and be heard, and even be seen, just not touched, by physical matter when his power is in use. His powers may serve as a good defense, but trying an offense move can leave him open, if he isn't faking out to try and trick others. For whatever reason his clothes and whatever is on his person at the time seems to take this effect too.

Personality:Rich is the type of person who walks around intangible most of the time, but somehow if people play their cards right can lure him to be tangible again even if it is only for a little bit, most of the time not even taking a lot of things seriously, it is rare to see him taking anything seriously really, not even trying when people try to pick fights with him, just standing as they try to attack, him, when he is intangible, even so he can be a good friend, willing to help out if he thinks of the person who asked as a friend, but other than that he is looking for what he could gain by helping, he also tends to be the type of person who sleeps in as late as he can, even forcing himself to go back to bed sometimes most of the time keeping a portable game system in one of his coat pockets, to play when he wants something to do and he is bored.

Background:Rich was never really a normal kid he was born into life with two mutant parents, he didn't know of his powers or the ones his mother or father had when he was born, in his mind he his mother and father, didn't have them, they seemed to be just Human....nothing much really. His father would always get mad at him when he wouldn't take anything seriously he as always like that, he seemed to be a bit lazy from time to time too. Never really doing much work for the first five years of his life, but when he hit the age of six something happened, his powers woke up inside of him like a raging fire.

At first he had no idea what it was he couldn't touch anything! What was this? He started to cry, it was about time to eat for the night so his mother and father heard him crying, when they went to touch him, both of their hands would just pass through him they couldn't touch him. Until his father said "Son your powers woke up as his father talked to him he learned about his fathers and mothers powers, his father could expend his body, making his size and strength grow.

As for his mother, she could control sound waves, after this talk he seemed to be touchable yet again, he had no control over his powers right now, his mother and father started to train him. Years passed he was now at the age of seventeen he now had full control over his powers, but he didn't know what he had been trained for.

Until this day, both of his mom and dad came into his room, telling him he had to help them rob a bank, at first he asked things like why would we want to do something like this until his dad said "Money is hard to come by son, how do you think we had the money for you every time you needed something, his mother and father said "Whatever you do don't side with Mutagen his father glared at him as a way to tell him not to ask why.

Three years pass he had done lots of wrong things until the day his mother and father had asked him to kill someone, this was too far, he said "I'm done, you two." As he walked away as he did his father turned giant punching down at him, but it didn't work thanks to his power he said "I may not be able to beat you both at once, but I'll just walk away."

After that day, he seemed to be wanting to make up for all the wrong he did he would remember what his father said all those years ago, as he went to side with Mutagen, not wanting to see his mother or father again hoping it would be a safe place where he could relax again.

Accepted :) just don't be too OP with the intangible power and all will be fine :)
[QUOTE="Katie Jensen]Accepted :) just don't be too OP with the intangible power and all will be fine :)

Alright thanks for getting back to me.
[QUOTE="Katie Jensen]Accepted :) just don't be too OP with the intangible power and all will be fine :)

By the way any specific way you want me to make my entrance to the rp?
[QUOTE="Katie Jensen]You'll be arriving at the large metal gates as a new arrival :)

Alright that sounds good

Edit: Fixed sound.
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Iris Eerie





Image of character:​






Can manipulate fire

Poisonous saliva


Iris is a arrogant, self-assured girl who claims to be one of the toughest people in the world. She ignores any type of criticism but will entertain the person who criticized her. She doesn't like to be bored and will sometimes start talking to others randomly. She can be described as obnoxious and blunt but when she starts to actually care about someone and it's not just flirting or teasing she becomes more protective and will attack anyone who insults them. She isn't the best at making friends but she doesn't really try to. She is sort of lazy and says it's too much work to try. If something or someone does catch her eye she can be kind of clingy.




She's attracted to shiny stuff

She goes by the name Elusive.

@Katie Jensen (Want me to change anything or add something?)

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TaraSobiki said:


Iris Eerie





Image of character:​






Can manipulate fire

Poisonous saliva


Iris is a arrogant, self-assured girl who claims to be one of the toughest people in the world. She ignores any type of criticism but will entertain the person who criticized her. She doesn't like to be bored and will sometimes start talking to others randomly. She can be described as obnoxious and blunt but when she starts to actually care about someone and it's not just flirting or teasing she becomes more protective and will attack anyone who insults them. She isn't the best at making friends but she doesn't really try to. She is sort of lazy and says it's too much work to try. If something or someone does catch her eye she can be kind of clingy.




She's attracted to shiny stuff

She goes by the name Elusive.

@Katie Jensen (Want me to change anything or add something?)

Looks good to me :) welcome to the RP, arrive at the gate as a new arrival
[QUOTE="Katie Jensen]Looks good to me :) welcome to the RP, arrive at the gate as a new arrival

Alrighty! Thank you!

Samuel McKnight





Image of character:





Teleportation- Samuel can teleport to any location that he can see, he can only do this for five times before he starts to feel the drain. Doing this too many times will put a strain on Samuel's eyes and brain causing nosebleeds and in rare cases blood tears.

Enhanced Durability- Samuel can survive long falls without damage, however if he falls from to high it will kill him.

Super Intelligent- Samuel is more intelligent than most people and is even considered smart among the geniuses, he remembered everything he sees and hears like a computer.


Samuel is outgoing and intelligent but not trusting of new people he meets, Samuel is a prefered loner but will not deny friends.


Samuel lost his parents at a young age and fearing what people would do when they found his abilities he ran away from home living on the streets mostly. Samuel made a life as a pickpocket in his youth and eventually grew out of it in his age moving on to bigger targets. Most of Samuels belongings are stolen and don't belong to him eventually he caught word of a safe place for people like him and saved his stolen money to get a plane out that way.

Extras: Samuel is really convincing which is how he has evaded the police and detectives.
CainMcknight said:
Samuel McKnight





Image of character:





Teleportation- Samuel can teleport to any location that he can see, he can only do this for five times before he starts to feel the drain. Doing this too many times will put a strain on Samuel's eyes and brain causing nosebleeds and in rare cases blood tears.

Enhanced Durability- Samuel can survive long falls without damage, however if he falls from to high it will kill him.

Super Intelligent- Samuel is more intelligent than most people and is even considered smart among the geniuses, he remembered everything he sees and hears like a computer.


Samuel is outgoing and intelligent but not trusting of new people he meets, Samuel is a prefered loner but will not deny friends.


Samuel lost his parents at a young age and fearing what people would do when they found his abilities he ran away from home living on the streets mostly. Samuel made a life as a pickpocket in his youth and eventually grew out of it in his age moving on to bigger targets. Most of Samuels belongings are stolen and don't belong to him eventually he caught word of a safe place for people like him and saved his stolen money to get a plane out that way.

Extras: Samuel is really convincing which is how he has evaded the police and detectives.
All looks good :) welcome aboard

Name: Mike Demital


Age: 24

Image of character: Avatar

Sexuality: asexual

Powers*: Lightning and summoning

Personality:Likes to fight but is laid back

Background: Demon hunter avenging his family.

Extras: Carries a sword that when destroyed comes back stronger.​
[QUOTE="Lightning King]

Name: Mike Demital


Age: 24

Image of character: Avatar

Sexuality: asexual

Powers*: Lightning and summoning

Personality:Likes to fight but is laid back

Background: Demon hunter avenging his family.

Extras: Carries a sword that when destroyed comes back stronger.​

Wow you kept it brief xD just to say if you have summoning it has to be a specific thing and it has to be relatively small. Also there are no demons in this RP and the sword can't be op so stick a limit on its strength
(Pressed the wrong button up there, sorry...)

Name*:Soldier 177, he goes by Ghost



Image of character:


Sexuality: Heterosexual


Super strength


Can jump high

Personality*:Quiet, cheerful when you get to know him, paranoid(Will be explained in the background)

Background:Soldier 177 "Ghost", was genetically altered into a super soldier to win a war, but after all that has happened, they were gonna make him part of a kill squad that is to kill anything that wasn't in safe areas from the blasts, and fallout. He escaped and has been wondering ever since, looking of his shoulder, waiting to be retaken by the new world military.

Extras: A fitting song for him :D


CERBERUS177 said:
(Pressed the wrong button up there, sorry...)
Name*:Soldier 177, he goes by Ghost



Image of character:


Sexuality: Heterosexual


Super strength


Can jump high

Personality*:Quiet, cheerful when you get to know him, paranoid(Will be explained in the background)

Background:Soldier 177 "Ghost", was genetically altered into a super soldier to win a war, but after all that has happened, they were gonna make him part of a kill squad that is to kill anything that wasn't in safe areas from the blasts, and fallout. He escaped and has been wondering ever since, looking of his shoulder, waiting to be retaken by the new world military.

Extras: A fitting song for him :D


welcome aboard :) turn up to the front gates as a new arrival...I'll reply soon just going out to get something
[QUOTE="Katie Jensen]welcome aboard :) turn up to the front gates as a new arrival...I'll reply soon just going out to get something

I was hoping to have him be seen by someone wondering in the forest...Unless that's not possible, in which case, I'll have to make it interesting on how he's there, he won't be walking up to the gate, since, paranoia and all, I might sneak him in if that's fine...if nobody takes up on finding him..? I just thought of a half plot for him with that sorry ;-;.

Isaac Aminta





Image of character:





The Angrier Isaac gets the stronger he gets.

After a certain point in Isaacs anger, his fist will cover in fire doing fire damage.

When Isaac is at his angriest point fire will cover his back forming wings and his head forming a cracked halo letting him fly.


Isaac is strong willed and strong headed, once he puts his mind to something it is very unlikely he will change his mind. Isaac is seen by others as a hothead but viewed by his friends and family as caring and loving.


When Isaac was seven years old him and his older brother got into a fight and Isaac killed his older brother on accident, When Isaac's father saw this he called the police. Isaac was taken by the United States army and tested on, he was tortured for years for the purpose of the United States making a super soldier after years of this when Isaac was 18 he broke out of the facility killing everyone there. Isaac ran to his home killing his father for the betrayal and stole some of his dad’s clothes and his dog tags after Isaac changed he ran to the airport and got out of the country. After Isaac landed he heard rumors of a safe haven for mutants that was in some place that used to be called the united kingdom, Isaac turned nineteen while heading out to the safe haven.
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