Music Personified

Dan finally arrived at the auditorium and took his seat. Someone was singing, but Daniel didn't recognize the song. He waited for his name to be called, hoping it would be soon.

As the singer finished, the loudspeaker chimed to life.

"And next up is.... Daniel Edelstein... with a song called Piano Dreams!" the announcer said. Daniel smiled and walked up onto the stage. He sat down at the piano and began to play.


He walked to the auditorium, seeing people were already starting to fill in. Inky smiled. He took a seat near the middle-edge, sitting comfortably until his name was called.
[Hello, I'm jumping in!]

Aiko bounced on her soft plush seat, hugging Momo the stuffed bunny close to her chest as she peered over the head of a red-haired boy in front of her. She craned her neck forward as much as she could, but he was still blocking her view completely.

I wish I was taller, thought Aiko as she swung her legs which didn't quite touch the ground. And why doesn't he slouch down a little? The tiny girl stuck out her bottom lip at the back of the boy's head. It didn't occur to her that a normal person would just tap his shoulder and ask him to move. Instead, Aiko kicked the back of Inky's chair, just once, and pretended to be looking away, wondering if he could get the point.
Ray went to the auditorium, they had already started there was a boy playing the piano but Ray couldn't hear it that much she still had her black ear buds in she then quietly walked towards the back and sat down with on knee on the chair she then took her ear buds out so she could hear the piano music better, Ray wasn't exactly the classical type but the music wasn't that bad it was nice and elegant
Inky snorted as he felt a thump on the back of his chair. He huffed as he turned around, to see a short little girl. "Excuse me... Can I help you?" He spoke to Aiko. He held back an angry scowl, but he was good with his temper. Ink shuffled his scarf, holding onto his stitched bear.
Hazama listened to Dan's beautiful piano piece. "Beautiful..." he whispered to himself, "...such happiness in a song of keys and strings."
((Nevermind.. I read it Imma jump in))

Ler-Ann held Guitar in her hand cuddling with her as she walked around. She hummed her favorite country song to herself but was still lost. She didn't know where she was. She was worried and looked around. She walked in a building and saw a auditorium. She smiled and her eyes sparkle.
"Hmm?" Aiko blinked her wide eyes innocently as Inky turned around. Ahh, you were supposed to duck! She was getting agitated, especially since the boy on the stage was playing such a pretty song, but didn't know how to approach it directly. And now that she had his attention, Aiko wasn't sure what to do with it.

"Ah... s-sorry," she finally said, cheeks pink. She reached into the pocket of her dress and pulled out a strawberry lollipop, which she offered to Inky. "Do you want a candy?"
Daniel's hands began to slow down as he came to a finish. He stood up, and his eyes scanned the auditorium. The entire group of 200 people erupted into an applause, loud enough to mimic sixteen express trains. This was what you got for being a master at an instrument. Daniel had skipped a lot of school to become a piano master, and the same with violin. The news said he was definitely up there with Beethoven.

The loudspeaker spoke up again."Thank you for that wonderful performance Master Daniel. Since you have nothing left to learn on the piano, I suggest touring the world. But you can do what you want! Anyway, next up, Inksplotch. An odd name, but hopefully his performance will pay it off!"

Daniel grinned once more and walked off the stage. He stood in the back of the auditorium and wondered what Inky's show would be like.
Drake had decided to skip class earlier that day, but now he realized that he had nothing better to do. Seeing a ton of people go to the auditorium, he got a little curious. He went inside and took a seat by the door. One of his classmates was playing the piano on stage. Surprisingly, the music sounded good, but it wasn't like the music he made.

Drake had meant to enter the talent show, but the rules stated that the contestants had to be attending the school, and his band mates weren't.

At the end of Daniel's performance, Drake clapped along with everyone else. When they announced Inky's name, his eyebrows shot up. Based on what Drake knew, Inky was a dude.
When the boy was done his performance Ray put her ear buds back on and took out her phone she hid it on her lap and secretly started to play subway surfers while listening to her dubstep she pulled her white hair away from her blue eyes and behind her ear so she could see the screen better and she waited for the next person to play
"Ahh, thank you," he said awkwardly, taking it and crunching it instantly. He took his guitar, which he had been logging around all day. Inky walked up on stage, tuning his guitar quickly before starting. Inky knew what he was going to do. He told himself earlier. Post-hardcore rock. He inhaled. He knew he sounded a bit feminine, but that was okay. "Okay..." He started:


Aiko breathed out a sigh of relief as the boy left for the stage. That was easier than she had expected. Perhaps she should move now, before he got back? Tugging one of her braids absently, she looked around for an empty seat, but found none. After much thought, the girl extracted herself from the aisle altogether and padded softly to the back of the auditorium, where a small group was standing. The music covered her steps, which she was grateful for. Aiko avoided the others' eyes as she took her own spot against the wall, toying with one of Momo's long floppy ears.
Daniel was sort of enjoying the song, as it wasn't like metal. It had a good listening consistency, so it wouldn't kill you, at least the music wouldn't it. So far, everyone here was brilliant within music. The pianist/violinist was stepping his foot to the rhythm. Then all of a sudden, there was a bright flash of yellow and blue light. It went straight to Daniel's sensitive retinas, so he puked and collapsed.

"F*** you epilepsy!" Daniel groaned quietly.
Ray listened as the boy named Inky played his guitar and sanged, she liked it, she has always been a fan of rock and metal but loved dubstep and techno the most Ray then got her phone and started to record his voice singing so she could listen to it whenever she was bored or just wanted to listen to music she was planning to do that with all the people who had entered to show off the music talent
Out of the corner of her eye, Aiko saw the pianist fall and turned instinctively.

"Are you o--" she began, but it only took her a second to realize that something was terribly wrong. The boy was trembling on the ground, vomit on his lips and his eyes rolling back into his head.

The small girl took a step back and began to scream.
Drake thought that Inky was doing a pretty good job with his performance. Honestly, he thought that the song wasn't heavy enough, but it was still pretty good.

He saw a girl with braids head over to where they were. He didn't exactly know who she was, so he decided to introduce himself. "Hey there. I'm Drake."

Without warning, he saw Daniel fall to the ground. "Holy sh*t!" He knelt on the ground next to him and moved him to his side. "Guys, give him room! Someone call 911."
Inksplotch finished and walked off, almost hyperventilating from all the people in the audience. Pressure always made him nervous, and this time was no different. He walked back to his seat. Where was that little girl? He looked back to see her scream, and he ran over. The was someone was having a seizure on the ground. He froze. He didn't know what to do. He couldn't call the teachers. That would slow down the show. He knew he had to do sonething, but what?
Ray heard a scream from behind her "What is wrong wit-" when Ray was turned around she saw the guy who was on the stage playing the piano throwing up "Woah!~" she says as she starts to move the chair as far away as possible then she stood up and raised her hand pointing her index finger towards the sky "Assistance" she said signalling for a teacher to come even though she knew that the teachers here are absolutely useless
Hazama ran towards Dan knelt down to him. "Daniel! You okay, bro?" Hazama lifted Daniel and walked him outside to the restrooms On his way out he saw a girl [Aiko] and told her, "The man at the left end of the stage is in charge of announcements. I'm up next. Tell him I'll be late about minute because I'm taking care of another contestant. My name is Hazama Otnyz."
Daniel couldn't see anything but blurs. Just... voices... noises. Lights. People. Gasping. Nervousness. The pianist/violinist sat up and puked a little more, then fell down on his back again. His lungs screamed for air. They were getting it, but not enough. His brain and eyes were being starved of oxygen, though it wouldn't effect how is brain worked. Soon enough, Daniel passed out.
Aiko watched the flurry of activity around her, wide-eyed. It was a moment before she realized that she was the one screaming. She nodded mutely when the boy carrying Daniel spoke to her, but stood rooted to the group for several more seconds before actually processing what he'd said.

"O-okay," she whispered, voice a hoarse whisper, even though Hazama was already long gone. Then she swallowed, and ran to the stage to do as he'd instructed, tripping over her own feet as she went.
((btw you guys can control the teachers if you want))

Drake moved away as another guy (Hazama) walked Daniel to the restrooms. "What the hell just happened?!" Did the backstage crew use strobe lights or something? Idiots, he thought. Everyone knew that some of the kids who went to GSM had a history of seizures.

He wondered why everyone was so concerned about slowing down the show. A guy was having god damn seizure, for f*ck's sake! He saw Aiko head to the stage and hoped that the announcers wouldn't move on with the show.
Hazama carried Daniel out side and laid him on a couch. He gave Daniel CPR hoping he would wake. "C'mon wake up!" Hazama tries again"

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