Music Personified

Daniel got up out of the hospital bed and walked next to Hazama to the car. It was a nice vehicle, very clean as a matter of fact. He hoped that the students would be calmed down now.
((... Oy... Not invisible am I?))

Hilla had exited without an answer, since they had left before she could get one. Unlike almost everyone else she didn't use cars. She walked. Not much of an issue since she was patient enough and particularly able to walk to her destination without casualties; the grand cathedral by the side of the road near the forest. The children she was talking about were there and happily waiting for her. They cheered when she came.

"Hello everyone. I am here, but not for long."
((lol I'm gonna jump back in now))

Drake would have beat Daniel up for shoving him if it weren't for the given situation at hand.

"That seems pretty awesome. Do you like it here so far? It's not usually this dramatic." he said to Aiko. "I do vocals for a metal band."

All of a sudden, Drake saw Daniel slamming the FX guy into the console. He smirked, knowing that the guy was an a**hole and couldn't give two sh*ts about anyone else. Drake was about to leave when another guy came and beat up Daniel.

"What the hell?" he shouted. Before the guy could do anything, Drake had already punched him in the face. When he fell, Drake kicked him in the ribs. He left before anyone could say anything to him and went to his dorm room. There, he could probably listen to some music and forget this whole drama. One of the faculty members tried to stop him, but he ignored them.

*the next day*

Drake was back in the Atrium, singing along to a song under his breath. During the guitar riffs, he would play his "air guitar". Yet again, people were looking at him strangely, but he couldn't give a damn. Class was going to start in a few minutes, so his backpack was next to him, containing his laptop and textbooks.
Hazama had to take care of Dan. Not really though, he was just really worried. "Are you sure you don't need me to go with you?"
Ink laid, against a wall. He was asleep, and half-dazed. People who walked by glanced at him strangely, but that didn't faze him. "Mmmh..." Inksplotch mumbled, his bear, which was named Stabby, sat ontop of his head. It was like a guard, giving a stare at anyone that crossed its way.
"I'll be okay. Don't you worry." Daniel smiled at Hazama. He could drive now, so he didn't need Hazama. Yesterday was quite a show. Maybe today would be better. He hit the gas and drove back to music school
((Since this is a college RP, I figured that the kids should be going to classes and such. By the way, should I do recaps at the beginning of every new day, so that people can jump back in when needed?))

I won't let you be the death of me, no I won't let you bring me down (Bring me down). I won't let you make me out to be, the one who's in the wrong...

Drake was in the middle of singing along to the chorus of his favorite song, when kids started to file out of the Atrium. "Damn, class must be starting soon." Unfortunately, it was Music Theory, a class that he found to be extremely boring. Song Writing was a much better course in his opinion. Picking up his things, Drake headed over to the classroom. He kept his headphones in, not caring about what anyone else thought.

Once Drake got there, he put his things down by a desk in the back.

((This is what the classrooms look like))

When Daniel arrived, he immediately took off towards the Music Theory class and sat down. Drake was alreayd there. Waiting for the teacher, the pianist/violinist began to play his violin. It was a sharp sound. However the song called for that, so it worked.

((That looks good.))
Hazama sat down at his science class and listened to the lecture on astrophysics. He really liked the stuff. Hazama hoped to use his knowledge for world domination.
Drake raised his eyebrows when he heard Daniel playing his violin. "Dude, where'd you get the violin?" he asked. Sometimes, he just didn't get how people could listen to classical music for so long. It wasn't bad, but Drake thought it was a liytle boring. He wondered how their concerts went. Metal cocerts were freaking awesome, being able to get in the mosh pits and practically beat the crap out of each other. He and his band mates would have to go to a concert over the weekend...
((For some reason I wasn't getting alerts for this but I now fixed the problem xD ))

Ray woke up still tired she then looked at her alarm clock and saw that she was suppose to have waken up twenty minutes ago she then groaned "Crap." she got up and threw on a plain black shirt and some regular jeans she then grabbed her deadmau5 backpack and started to walk to class with her headphones in listening to "First of the year" by skrillex she then looked at her class schedule apparently she had music theory now which she thought was a pretty useless class when she walked in the door she sees a random guy playing the violin "Ok then." she guessed that class hasn't started yet so she was safe she then sat down in a seat that was closes to the door so when class was over she could easily run out without getting into the stampede of people, Ray layed her head down on the desk and you could still hear the music blasting from her black ear buds.
((If you guys want the recaps, then I'll do it tomorrow [i'm on my phone right now and typing is annoying] ))

Drake wished that he could be doing the death metal vocals of the song currently playing, but he knew that he couldn't. He settled with simply tapping his desk with pencils that he was using as "drumsticks". He almost stood up when the door opened, but realized that it was Ray, not the professor. Drake sat back down, hoping that no one else had noticed.

Looking at the clock, he saw that there was about five more minutes till class started.

Drake took out his laptop and decided to play on facebook, with his notes tab open in the background.
Dan was annoyed with Drake's rudeness. Of course, he was always like that.

"I always have one in backpack, safely packed in bubble rap." Daniel said.

His sounds that were exploding from the violin quickly morphed into a song.


Amelia entered the class room and closed the door softly behind her. Fortunately, class was yet to start, she had gotten lost and didn't particularly want to arrive late. She spotted an empty chair and sat down, placing her violin case beside her carefully. She laid her elbow on top of the chair and then laid her chin on the palm of her hand, her wavy brown hair fell on the desk as she closed her eyes, actually enjoying the violin's melody that was resonating all over the room. It made her want to play her own violin, but she suppressed that sudden impulse, she could just do it later.
"Okay then," Drake said. Looks like everyone takes really good care of their instruments around here. When Unholy Remains (Drake's band) would perform, a guitar would end up being smashed at some point, just for the hell of it.

He saw Amelia come in, who also had a violin case with her. 'Am I the only one here without a freaking violin?' He thoght to himself. Since no one was in the back with him, Drake put his feet up on the chair in front of him. He didn't really care ehat anyone said about it, not even if the professor chewed him out for it. Often time, Drake would end up getting kicked out of class for one reason or another.

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