Music Personified

"Oh, cool. Well, I'm off. I have got the grumbles." She placed a hand on her stomach lightly and furrowed her eyebrows for the slightest moment, before pulling off the wall and heading towards a different room. "I'll be back. Just going to fetch somethin' to grub on." Just as Delilah turned, her heavy eyelids raised the slightest to catch sight of Friday, who blurted out a phrase and shortly after apologizing. As calm and collective Delilah was, she did not become startled, and instead chuckled quitely and continued to stare at the boy.. Who was unusually quiet up until now. Delilah, with one palm still resting in her pocket, slid the bag off her arm and felt her stomach growl again, though ignored to respond to her needs of making a new friend. "Hello there. What're you up to...?"
Friday looked at her. He shook head. "Not much..." He muttered softly. "You must be Delilah... Nice to meet you." He said, trying to be cheerful, but his tone came out flat and awkward. This must be the beginning of my death. He said to himself as he forced out a shaky smile.

"You should really eat," He said to her, avoiding her eyes. "Your stomach is... growling." He managed to croak out. This wasn't like him at all, being blunt, that is. First at Silessa, now at Delilah. It felt a little strange, it's as if his tongue was trying to adapt to the words he had spoken. This wasn't good.
Silessa nodded to Daniel. "Yeah, I haven't heard muc classical music but when I do hear it, it always seems to have so much depth. It's great that you can enjoy it and even recreate it since you play two instruments that have background with classical music." Silessa glanced back at Friday. Was he really okay? Hmm... She didn't know him very well, but she expected there was something up. He obviously had very low self-esteem... And possibly a secret. He did seem fidgety. Maybe he'd feel better if she gave him a hug? No... Somehow she figured that would make him even more uneasy. "I really like your beanie, Friday." Silessa said. "Where'd you get it?" His beanie was actually pretty unique, she was curious.
Friday looked up at Silessa and smiled, a natural one. He had always a thing for beanies, he's got a lot of them at home. "Thanks." He replied, feeling an invisible weight lift of off him. "I got it from a store called Artwork. they sell these cool shirts and play awesome indie music. And then they also have these cool vintage stuff and--" He stopped, realizing how much he has said. It was new, that he was sure, and different. Like a door inside him opened and things he liked; things he loved burst through in the form of words. "It's a really cool store, you should visit it sometime." He finished and smiled.
[QUOTE="Happy Crane13]Friday looked at her. He shook head. "Not much..." He muttered softly. "You must be Delilah... Nice to meet you." He said, trying to be cheerful, but his tone came out flat and awkward. This must be the beginning of my death. He said to himself as he forced out a shaky smile.
"You should really eat," He said to her, avoiding her eyes. "Your stomach is... growling." He managed to croak out. This wasn't like him at all, being blunt, that is. First at Silessa, now at Delilah. It felt a little strange, it's as if his tongue was trying to adapt to the words he had spoken. This wasn't good.

"That's m-name." She chuckled once more. It left her lips in that soft, feminine tone of hers but sounded more of a stoner-type laugh. She reached to shake his hand and flashed him her famous casual smile. "Dude..." She'd begin her joke, brown eyes falling to slowly examine the unsteady and uncomfortable on his face. "You need to chill. This is only music school, man.. Not a job interview. We don't bite. And nah, I'm fine. I have a bag of pepperoni in my bag anyways. My stomach is just being that way because." She stretched her body, then extended her arm to itch slender digits into her hair and give a soft and slight scratch. "What do you go by, bro?"
Daniel reached into his backpack and pulled out his violin. The wooden frame was as beautiful as ever, with four strings crossing over the face of the instrument. He produced the violin bow, the stick used to play the string family instrument. Daniel put the violin in the correct position under his cheek and began to play a beautiful song called 'Sad Romance'. As Daniel played, his forearm moved up and down and left to right performing the tasks a violin requires.

(9If you want to hear the song check this video out [media]

Silessa smiled to herself. She had gotten Friday to sort of open up! Apparently beanies were the way to his heart, then. Well, everyone had their things. "Really? That sounds cool! I was planning on going shopping this week anyways, I'll have to hit it up then. Where's it at?" She asked. Perhaps they had some of the newest trends, or even undiscovered ones, but Silessa always enjoyed being a trend setter, and since Friday's beanie was cool and he got it there they must have some more stylish goods.
(See you later!)

"Woah..." Silessa gasped quietly, watching Daniel's beautiful performance. When he said that he was also a master of the violin, he wasn't lying! Although the song was slow, it was beautiful... And sad. Silessa was shocked to find her eyes watery as she listened to the sad melody Daniel brought to life with his violin. She was almost envious, he was so good at that... Although she preferred pop music, his music was definitely special in a while different way.
[i'm back!]

Friday didn't get the chance to tell Silessa the adress; Daniel started playing his violin. A soft melody radiated from him and the instrument, like a ethereal light expressed through sound. It seemed to drown out the crowd's noise and transported the group into a separate dimension where nothing can be heard, but the melody. It was hypnotizing, making Friday dazed. He could feel the sadness in every note, every emotion expressed through every bar. His heart felt heavy, like piece of damp cloth, and yet at the same time empty. Friday clenched his jaw to stop himself from tearing up.

When Daniel finished, it was such a bittersweet moment. He found himself wanting more, wanting it to never end, yet, at the same time, he felt relieved from the sadness of it. He felt like he rose up from the surface of the water after a long time. He felt new. "That was amazing." He muttered shyly.
Ray layed down on a bench that was near a big window, sunlight poured through the window slightly irritating her she covered her face with her hand trying to block off the sun it was distracting her, Ray was playing angry birds out of boredom, her screeching dubstep still playing in her ears, each bass drop filled her with happiness, most people would say dubstep was horrible but Ray thought it was the most amazing thing ever, it was filled with many beautiful sounds all mixed into one harmony just thinking about it made a smile on her face
Inky saw some people talking. They seemed nice enough, so he observed from the side. There were so many interesting people here. Maybe they would like to be his friend?

He walked up, smiling," Ah... I liked your violin performance," he said.
Daniel lifted the bow of the strings when he was finished and smiled. It was these moments he cherished the most, as people liked them. He put the violin and the bow back into his backpack. Glancing at his watch, he gasped. 12:00 p.m.! They were supposed to be at class 40 minutes ago.

"Thank you, everyone. Um, I think were supposed to be at class 40 minutes ago. And I just remembered, today was special talent day! People showed off their talents in whatever music they are skilled in. I need to get there. Follow me, it is in the Auditorium!" Daniel said worriedly. Then he took off
"Oh fudgeballs," He said as he stood up and took his backpack. He followed Daniel, along with the others, in silence. For some reason, he enjoyed being in trouble. There was something exciting about it, and he couldn't keep the grin off his face. "Maybe we should just skip this class and attend the next one." He suggested as the briskly walked in the empty hallways.
Hazama walked around with his earbuds in he saw a group and walked passed it. Unaware that people might hear, he started singing the lyrics to one of his songs. "What is this? I'll kill you all just for fun and games and in the most cruel way! To sacrifice you. What a shame. No escape! Even if you cry out there's no one. Nothing but violence can save the world that's wailing out a cry...of pain, or rage, or sorrow. With a wonderful singing voice I'll cry it out. Wailing wailing out a cry...of pain, or rage, or sorrow. With a wonderful singing voice, I was beside myself, myself."

[media][/media] ((Here was the song I was singing))
Daniel was walking towards the auditorium when he heard some singing. Judging by the way it was sung, the music put to the lyrics was no doubt rock. Then he realized the student who was singing was no doubt Hazama Otnyz, the rock lover. At least it wasn't metal, and was easier to listen to. Even so, Daniel thought was impure, a creature from the depths of hell, as it was much different from the music Daniel enjoyed and played: Classical. Of course Hazama was his friend, so Daniel would never say this to him.

"Hey Hazama! You ready for the big talent show off in the auditorium?" Daniel asked.
Friday got caught up in running, caught up in the feeling of adrenaline rush, that when Daniel stopped he almost bumped into him. ""Why did you--" He stopped as he followed his gaze.

"Hey Hazama! You ready for the big talent show off in the auditorium?"

Friday leaned on his knees, panting. It was Hazama, the one who likes rock. If Hazama wasn't so intimidating, Friday thought they could've been good friends. He straightened himself and looked at Daniel, then to Hazama and back to Daniel.
Coko hears a familiar voice. It was Daniel, the classy music guy. "Yeah, but I'm not singing this song, for it will scare the audience." Hazama smiled with his fedora covering his eyes like always. "Are you, my dear kabuchi?" (Kabuchi means dear friend or sweetheart in Italian.)
Dan looked at Hazama. The fedora covered his eyes.

"Well, I'm going to be playing a very difficult song on piano. I'm a master at piano and violin, so it will be easy for me. What song are you going to play?" Daniel asked.
Hazama smiles and chuckles. "Probably...The Kill [bury me] by 30 seconds to Mars. On a related note of piano I'm learning how to play. I've learned two songs."
"That's good. I assume you want to be a concert pianist? They get money." Daniel said as he walked along side Hazama.

"As you get better, it will get harder. Trust me, it took forever to get where I am now, on piano and violin. Patience is key."
(sorry I haven't been replying my wi fi has been acting up but I fixed it so what did I miss so far)
Coko chuckled as he turned to Dan. "It's only for a part time thing. Plus, I'm shooting towards the singing buisness." Coko thought for a moment and then asked, "Hey! Why don't you pe the classic musician in a band I plan to start?"
Inky strolled along the hallway, not concerned by the fact the talent show was almost here. He hummed along the chords. Ink was going to do vocal and main guitar for this one. "Hmm~ Hmm~" he mumbled along. The red haired boy planned to do a type of experimental rock. Post-hardcore, really. It was a type of rock, so he felt like he could do it. "I wonder what order everyone's gonna be in..." He thought out loud to himself.

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