Music Personified

Even though the seizing boy had already been carried out, it was a few more minutes before Aiko managed to calm down. She retreated to the back of of the auditorium, carefully avoiding the puddle of vomit, and spotted the boy who said said hello to her earlier. She had missed it among on the commotion, but now Aiko sized up Drake more carefully. He was a little intimidating, but still, he had said hello, right?

"H-hi?" she looked at the boy a little uncertainly. "Sorry, I completely missed what you said... That was... wow."

[EDIT: Sorry MusicQueen2016! I always seem to be a step behind you, please feel free to fill in gaps as you see fit!]
Daniel awoke with a jolt and coughed up some blood. However it was only for a little, and he passed out again. This time he wasn't dying, he just needed sleep.
"I really hope they don't mind me being late... I only had to pay my respects..." Hilla walked down the halls slowly but surely, taking graceful steps that accented her nice and appealing aura. She had known that her next class would have taken place in the auditorium, with a talent show. She had planned to do her own solo opera as she enjoys doing whenever she has spare time. But for now, she had to attend her class.

She heard a bit of music escaping the door, but she wasn't sure where it came from. She drew her hand to open the door but another came rushing out of the door before she could open it. "I wonder what's going on..."

Hilla entered the auditorium. She could see a circle of people located around on one part of the auditorium. Hilla proceeded, taking note of where that crowd was. Soon she arrived and saw the kid being aided by others. He previously collapsed on the floor with vomit where he once lay.

"Oh my... May his body stay strong through what troubles him now..." Hilla mumbled softly. She held her hands together and closed her eyes as she prayed.
Ray looked around she saw a person (Aiko) walk up on to the stage about to say something Ray was hoping that this meant the show was over because the whole back area started to smell like throw up she then put her phone away hoping it wasn't her phone or something which it probably wasn't, just then the custodian walked in to clean up the mess Ray backed up so she wouldn't get in the way she then started to slowly walk towards the door, she wanted to get out of this hot crowded auditorium that was filled with chaos
Amelia had been near the scene when the boy had collapsed to the floor, however, she hadn't really gotten any closer than she already was to see what had really happened. Instead, she just decided to get away from the group of people that had quite quickly been formed around the pianist guy, she wasn't really that curious and besides the crowd of people and the smell didn't help her curiosity either.

(I guess I'll just jump in =) )
((lol no need to apologize, Sorairo =) I'm a little behind too.))

"Haha, it's fine. The whole thing was pretty intense," Drake said to Aiko. He knew that everything would be OK soon. He took a glance at everyone around him, and saw a girl (Hilla) holding her hands together. Drake raised an eyebrow, realizing that she was praying. He wasn't really religious himself and wondered how some people could be so devoted.

Drake moved aside to let Ray and Amelia through. He was glad that his next class wasn't going to start until a while later, knowing that he wouldn't be able to concentrate on any of the lectures. Drake decided to hang around in case anyone needed anything.
Hazama stroked Daniel's face and whispered, "Sleep well, my classy kabuchi." With a deep breath, Hazama walked in the auditorium and shouted, "EVERYONE SETTLE DOWN!! IT'S OKAY!!" His voice was loud enough to be heard throughout the entire auditorium. The crowd eventually settled down. "It was just a spaz attack. Our pianist is now just taking a snooze outside." Hazama looked at the announcement man and nodded. He introduced Hazama like he did every other contestant.


Daniel jolted awake, and he felt weird. So many people were over him. He wanted this to stop.

"Get away from me! Leave!" he cried. Nothing like this had happened before. At least not while he was here. Daniel ran up to the stage and shoved Drake aside. The pianist/violinist had nothing against the metal-lover, but Daniel had a task to do. He walked up to where the FX creator was and slammed his face into the console. It short-circuited the lights, and everyone turned towards him. After the FX man was dazed, Daniel kept punching him over and over again, until blood spurted out of his face, and Daniel's knuckles were torn.

"Never use strobe lights AGAIN! EVER!" Daniel yelled. He then rushed off the stage and out of the auditorium, hoping to get away from these people. He sat at the piano in the Atrium, with his hands on his face.
Well, what now? Aiko watched the stream of people shuffling past, occasionally glancing back to the puddle of vomit and wrinkling her nose with distaste until the janitor arrived at last and began to clean up.

"Ah, my name is Aiko, by the way!" she said to Drake suddenly, realizing she hadn't even introduced herself. "I'm an international student here to learn more about western music! What kind of music do you do?" Her voice trailed off a little at the end, and her gaze shifted back down to the toy bunny in her arms.
Hazama stopped singing and looked around. He saw Daniel walking crying at the piano all bloody and stuff. Hazama walked up to him and put his hands on his shoulders.
Inky yawned. Everything was all calm now. The man who had a seizure was alright now... kind of. He saw him run up and destroy the strobe lights, which looked like it gurt, but was more of anger in his eyes. He sat in his seat again, smiling at the fact all the calamity had calmed down.
Hilla opened her eyes with the same smiling face, but she found that the lights had suddenly shut off. She looked up suddenly to the boy who had suffered through his epilepsy, and who was slamming another man into the special effects console. He was starting to bleed. "Oh, oh my! Stop it..." Hilla ran up to his aid, but the boy had already left. "I'm so sorry... I plead your forgiveness for the boy..." She said to the guy. Then, she ran off to go find the other one.

She followed him into the atrium. She couldn't run that well since her nun's outfit was limiting her movement. Soon, she went up to the boy's side.

"Are you alright? You caused quite a mess back there..." She said to him. [Daniel]
"Oh, my" Amelia said as she looked at Daniel leaving the auditorium with the bloddy thing and all. Who would have thought that a guy that is able to reproduce such a beautiful melody with his hands would also be able to beat to a pulp a that poor FX man for that mistake. Were western people always like that? She wondered to herself as she crossed her arms.
((Daniel is Austrian xD ))

Daniel sat at the piano, thinking of what he had done. It was... strange. Never in his life had he reacted that way. What could have caused it? Then he noticed his two friends, Hazama and Hilla the Nun, standing next to him. He was about to say something, but then there was a gruff voice. Daniel looked over and saw a buff teenager.

"Yo Daniel! That FX guy was our friend! He didn't deserve that!" the teenager said as he came up and shoved Hazama and Hilla aside. Then before Daniel could do anything, he felt a hand on his neck and his face was slammed into the piano keyboard. This kept happening for a while and then he felt his arm snap. The teenager walked off. Daniel had a broken arm, two black eyes, a bleeding forehead, a broken nose, and a concussion.

"I guess.. I deserved... that." the pianist/violinist muttered before he fell.
Ray let out a laugh she tried to hold in she then leaned against the door way holding her stomach "Never expected a guy that played such elegant music make FX guy go bloody" she said trying to breathe but failed she was laughing to hard she then started to calm down then a teacher had went up to her "Young lady this is not a funny matter" Ray then looked at the lady while she wiped a tear off "Oh im sorry but last time I checked I did not care" she said sticking out her tongue at the teacher she then turned around and ran out of the auditorium making the chain on her red pants rattle and shake and her ear budds un plug from her phone making loud dubstep sound through out the empty hallway
Amelia decided to walk out from the auditorium to get away from all the confusion. She guessed she could her some more music later if not she could play it to herself. She thought that as she tightened the grip on her violin case which she held against her back. For now.. For now she could just go around and see more about her new school.

(Lol, let's just say she thinks everyone is western for now x3)
Ler-Ann walked in hearing people panicking. She was so lost. She just walked up to the crowed all calm with her kitty cat and guitar. Since seh was short she tried to jump to see what was happening. "Wh-Wh-What's going on?" Ler-Ann spoke quietly.
Hilla was about to talk to Daniel, but she was then shoved aside by one of the friends of the special effects guy. She fell to the ground painfully, but not as painfully as Daniel did when the friend assaulted him.

"Yo Daniel! That FX guy was our friend! He didn't deserve that!" He said.

Hilla tried to get up but, again, she was limited. She stood up, saw what happened to Daniel, and quickly went to his aid. She was nearly speechless. How they have strayed from the path!
Hazama called 911 and waited for them. When they arrived, he begged them to let Hazama come with them. The ambulance agreed and once they got to the hospital, Hazama waited outside the half room.
(I think we should all do a 'next day'))

Daniel awoke the next morning in the hospital. It was quiet, and he could see his vital signs. They were okay, and Daniel looked over. It was about nine in the morning, and he felt fried.

"Hello? Anyone?" Daniel asked.
She was chanting in an unknown language, probably one ancient or extinct. She was sitting on a small chair next to the hospital bed Daniel was sitting in. When she heard him speak, Hilla held his arm. "Thank goodness! You must be alright. How do you feel?"

((My bad.))
Hazama looked up and saw Daniel awake. He teared up as he ran up to him and held his hand. "You idiot! Don't scare me like that!" Hazama started balling. He had no intention of stopping either.
Daniel saw his friend start sobbing. It was not his fault. It was Daniel's fault. He had gotten into a fight with someone and payed the price.

"Hazama, the doctor cleared me to go. Will you drive me back?" Daniel asked.
Hilla let go of Daniel's hand when she saw Hazama crying. She stood up from the chair. "I have to go cater to the needy. If you are okay for now, Daniel... I will see you soon..." Hilla waited for an answer before she left.

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