• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern Murder, they Roleplayed- Closed

WHEN DID THIS START?!?!?! Gahh I'll get to it right away, I really need to fix my notifications from this thread. I'm sorry >.<
Finally able to get my post in! Once again I apologize for the delay, I've been having notification problems. But I can promise everyone I will be much better ^^
>_> Since some of the folks haven't even posted yet so far, I think we might just have to dock the boat and have them post their intro posts later.
I have a place to post but prefer to wait for spiderlegs's reply. We don't need to dock; we're at each others' throats already!
[QUOTE="Vengeance Spirit]I didn't expect to be so tossed in rl. I can't promise anything for my schedule so I think it best if I back off, tbh. Sorry ;-;

I can kill you before getting off the ferry if you wish for.

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