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(Oh of course, I would not think so...it would hit hard for anyone...aww and poor man I feel horrable for him...)
Aqua gently smiled watching the bubbles float by. A figure reflected on one of the bubbles making Aqua turned to see a man creeping on to Callum with a gun. She hoped up moving to the man her tentacles reaching out and pulling the gun out of his hand. While other tentacles wraped around his arms and pulled them behind his back. "What the crud do you think your doing?!" She said

"So no matter how much you attacked they kept getting up...that very unusual....they weren't undead?...or puppets?...or were the footsolders just getting back up without a scratch?.."Erza asked very intrigued to what he was saying.

"I don't think I would call it wonderful....unique yes....but not convinced it's wonderful.." Gwen replied
He struggled against her tentacles. "He killee my wife!" He yelled. "It's his fault!" Callum didn't open his eyes. "Let him go Aqua." He said calmly.

"No just monsters. Not ines with particulary great healing either."

"Alright outside that door it's 1620 in london."
He struggled against her tentacles. "He killee my wife!" He yelled. "It's his fault!" Callum didn't open his eyes. "Let him go Aqua." He said calmly.

"No just monsters. Not ines with particulary great healing either."

"Alright outside that door it's 1620 in london."
Aqua held on tighter as he struggled against her hold. "But!...fine..." she said softly taking a step back letting the man go. However she kept the gun.

"That is quite strange and it's going to make battling and defetesting them much harder.....there has to be something bosting up their health or reviving them, if they are not the kind to have quick healing" Erza said thinking it over.

"1690 London?..." Gwen said believing him but at the same time questioning it. She walked to the door and opened it. "Wow...its like stepping into a history book" she gasped
Aqua held on tighter as he struggled against her hold. "But!...fine..." she said softly taking a step back letting the man go. However she kept the gun.

"That is quite strange and it's going to make battling and defetesting them much harder.....there has to be something bosting up their health or reviving them, if they are not the kind to have quick healing" Erza said thinking it over.

"1690 London?..." Gwen said believing him but at the same time questioning it. She walked to the door and opened it. "Wow...its like stepping into a history book" she gasped
Callum gestured to the man. "Sit with me." He said. "Why the hell would I sit with you!?" He yelled tearfull. "Sit and Meditate. Let your emotions run their course. Let yourself grief it will do you good."

Devon nodded. "It almost seemed like Emerald magic."

The Doctor sweetness began walking around. Ut was snowing outside
Callum gestured to the man. "Sit with me." He said. "Why the hell would I sit with you!?" He yelled tearfull. "Sit and Meditate. Let your emotions run their course. Let yourself grief it will do you good."
Aqua watched as Callum calmly spoke to the heart broken man. The pain the man was showing hurt Aqua deeply, there was so much sadness and pain in this lightly lit hall. Everyone had known the dangers and had come out on there own, but the losses were still a huge impact to a good number of the group.

"That is magic from your world isn't?.." Erza commented remembering he called the magic he used a stone as well.

Gwen looked around noticing the way everyone was dressed "Doctor...won't we stand out? Draw to much attention?...we arnt dressed to the times.." Gwen asked.
Aqua watched as Callum calmly spoke to the heart broken man. The pain the man was showing hurt Aqua deeply, there was so much sadness and pain in this lightly lit hall. Everyone had known the dangers and had come out on there own, but the losses were still a huge impact to a good number of the group.

"That is magic from your world isn't?.." Erza commented remembering he called the magic he used a stone as well.

Gwen looked around noticing the way everyone was dressed "Doctor...won't we stand out? Draw to much attention?...we arnt dressed to the times.." Gwen asked.
The man sat next to him reluctanctly. "You killed jer." He said. "I cannot say that no blame falls upon me." Callum said. "Your anger will not bring her back. Grief and now and let her memory live on rather than comit an atrocity in her name."

"Yeah. Its the healing magic." He said. "I know a bit myself but I was mever as good as Emma."

"Just walk around like you're supposed to be that's what I do." He said.
The man sat next to him reluctanctly. "You killed jer." He said. "I cannot say that no blame falls upon me." Callum said. "Your anger will not bring her back. Grief and now and let her memory live on rather than comit an atrocity in her name."

"Yeah. Its the healing magic." He said. "I know a bit myself but I was mever as good as Emma."

"Just walk around like you're supposed to be that's what I do." He said.
Aqua went over to medic and handed him the gun she had taken from the man.

"Healing magic?...there could be someone with that magic that might be working for Ganondorf....or they could be there against their will.." she commented

"....sure.." she said looking around once more "fine...still think we stick out.." she said under her breath. As she walked confidently.
Aqua went over to medic and handed him the gun she had taken from the man.

"Healing magic?...there could be someone with that magic that might be working for Ganondorf....or they could be there against their will.." she commented

"....sure.." she said looking around once more "fine...still think we stick out.." she said under her breath. As she walked confidently.
He gave it to engineer.

"Yeah imagine if emma was there." He joked.

No one seemer to mind.
He gave it to engineer.

"Yeah imagine if emma was there." He joked.

No one seemer to mind.
Aqua found a spot and sat back down. She softly sighed closing her eyes

"then that would be a good thing?" Erza said confused not understanding

Gwen soon ignored her worries about the clothing and walked around taking in the surroundings.
Aqua found a spot and sat back down. She softly sighed closing her eyes

"then that would be a good thing?" Erza said confused not understanding

Gwen soon ignored her worries about the clothing and walked around taking in the surroundings.
It was rough sleep for everyone.

"Well I'd get to see her again at least." He said.

The Doctor had taken a news paper. "I landed a bit off. It's not 1860 it's 1869 in cardif." (Theis in the 1800 not 16 my bad)
It was rough sleep for everyone.

"Well I'd get to see her again at least." He said.

The Doctor had taken a news paper. "I landed a bit off. It's not 1860 it's 1869 in cardif." (Theis in the 1800 not 16 my bad)
Aqua really did not get much sleep and really she felt more tired then if she hadn't slept. She stood up and stretched, hopefully the ship woukd be here for them soon.

(Oh okaies then 1800s it is X3)
"Okay?...why dose it matter if you landed nine years in the future that you had pland too...its still the past...no need to worry" Gwen shrugged.

"Well yes you would....unless it's an evil crazy emerald working for Ganondorf..." Erza commented. Though she was not sure what she would prefer. If it was an bad emerald magic user the fight will be a difficult one...but then having Devon's friend be behind it would also be difficult being that the girl would being held against her will.
Aqua really did not get much sleep and really she felt more tired then if she hadn't slept. She stood up and stretched, hopefully the ship woukd be here for them soon.

(Oh okaies then 1800s it is X3)
"Okay?...why dose it matter if you landed nine years in the future that you had pland too...its still the past...no need to worry" Gwen shrugged.

"Well yes you would....unless it's an evil crazy emerald working for Ganondorf..." Erza commented. Though she was not sure what she would prefer. If it was an bad emerald magic user the fight will be a difficult one...but then having Devon's friend be behind it would also be difficult being that the girl would being held against her will.
"He's here." Callum said. A battle droid like from the peequel films and clone wars for some appeared. But with an upgraded body painted black with red accents. "I've arrived Master Callum. And if I may say you look DEAD tired." He said. Callum arched an eyebrow. "Really. A dead joke?" "I read in the databases that humor that correlates with a situationally relevent event/person/place/thing/time can help to alleviate levels of stress in intelligent organic life." He said robotically before noticing the stern looks from many of the survivors. "I see, I believe such humor was in poor taste, I believe I would have to done well to, what do organics call it? Read the room." (I'm already in love with this robot I made)

He shrugged. "Not much I suppose. Just mever quite lands where I want her too." Suddenly a scream!

He nodded. "I don't think... I don't think want to see a version of Emma who's evil." He said the thought suddenly making him glum.
"He's here." Callum said. A battle droid like from the peequel films and clone wars for some appeared. But with an upgraded body painted black with red accents. "I've arrived Master Callum. And if I may say you look DEAD tired." He said. Callum arched an eyebrow. "Really. A dead joke?" "I read in the databases that humor that correlates with a situationally relevent event/person/place/thing/time can help to alleviate levels of stress in intelligent organic life." He said robotically before noticing the stern looks from many of the survivors. "I see, I believe such humor was in poor taste, I believe I would have to done well to, what do organics call it? Read the room." (I'm already in love with this robot I made)

He shrugged. "Not much I suppose. Just mever quite lands where I want her too." Suddenly a scream!

He nodded. "I don't think... I don't think want to see a version of Emma who's evil." He said the thought suddenly making him glum.
(Oh I love him! 😆💙 your robots personality is great, made me giggle)
Aqua looked up at the droid as he walked over to them. She stared at it, he looked like the droids from the world Ben had taken them but a bit different, she figured some kind of newer or older models then she had seen. This one was also trying and joke, but no one laugh being the joke was to sad for what had happened a day ago.

"I see...well you will get it right some day.." Gwen said. She turn to the direction of the sudden scream. "Someone is in trouble!" Gwen said as she started to run towards the sound of the scream.

Erza noticed the glum look on Devon's face when the idea of an evil Emma was said. "And you wont...let us hope such a thing won't be true." She said feeling bad she brought up such an idea after seeing the look on his face. Then again it was possible and maybe she was evil but Erza just decided not to say another word in fear of making things worse.
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(Oh I love him! 😆💙 your robots personality is great, made me giggle)
Aqua looked up at the droid as he walked over to them. She stared at it, he looked like the droids from the world Ben had taken them but a bit different, she figured some kind of newer or older models then she had seen. This one was also trying and joke, but no one laugh being the joke was to sad for what had happened a day ago.

"I see...well you will get it right some day.." Gwen said. She turn to the direction of the sudden scream. "Someone is in trouble!" Gwen said as she started to run towards the sound of the scream.

Erza noticed the glum look on Devon's face when the idea of an evil Emma was said. "And you wont...let us hope such a thing won't be true." She said feeling bad she brought up such an idea after seeing the look on his face. Then again it was possible and maybe she was evil but Erza just decided not to say another word in fear of making things worse.
"Greetings organics. I am B1-T82 I am reprogrammed seperatist battle droid. Now I serve Master Callum and carry out his orders to the greatest extend that my hardware is capable of "

The Doctor ran with her a bunch of people were running out of a theatre.

He nodded. "Its alwaus possible. Also thwre was some kind of pokemon trainer named Ryan who covered my escape. Said he's been keeping ganondorf from invading beyond magnolia. Have you ever heard of him?"
"Greetings organics. I am B1-T82 I am reprogrammed seperatist battle droid. Now I serve Master Callum and carry out his orders to the greatest extend that my hardware is capable of "

The Doctor ran with her a bunch of people were running out of a theatre.

He nodded. "Its alwaus possible. Also thwre was some kind of pokemon trainer named Ryan who covered my escape. Said he's been keeping ganondorf from invading beyond magnolia. Have you ever heard of him?"
"Hello B1-T82....thank you so much for coming for us" Aqua thanked him even if she didn't need too.

Gwen looked at the people running out stoping one of them "what's going on?..." she asked wondering why everyone was running out.

"Oh yes....atually we do...our friends ran into him while helping me...well saving me from old friends and a weapon that would destroy most of this world...." Erza replied "I'm glad to know he managed to get out safely...."
"Hello B1-T82....thank you so much for coming for us" Aqua thanked him even if she didn't need too.

Gwen looked at the people running out stoping one of them "what's going on?..." she asked wondering why everyone was running out.

"Oh yes....atually we do...our friends ran into him while helping me...well saving me from old friends and a weapon that would destroy most of this world...." Erza replied "I'm glad to know he managed to get out safely...."
He looked at her. "Thanks are unnecessary. I am simply following my programming." He said.


"Get out? He hasn't left once. He's the reason people are able to still come and go. He can't beat Ganondorf. But Ganondorf can't stop him from keeping him there either." Devon said.
He looked at her. "Thanks are unnecessary. I am simply following my programming." He said.


"Get out? He hasn't left once. He's the reason people are able to still come and go. He can't beat Ganondorf. But Ganondorf can't stop him from keeping him there either." Devon said.
"It dosnt matter if you were...you still managed to bring the ship here to help us get out and thus Thanks are to be given..." she said.

"Ghost?..." Gwen said lifting an eyebrow as she watched the person she stoped run off. "Do you really think there is a ghost?...its a theater...maybe some tick that was to good that scared these people?.." she said looking back at the Doctor.

"Wait?...has Ryan just been in Magnolia for a while?...I see...so he has been helping out those here with out having too....how noble" Erza said.
"It dosnt matter if you were...you still managed to bring the ship here to help us get out and thus Thanks are to be given..." she said.

"Ghost?..." Gwen said lifting an eyebrow as she watched the person she stoped run off. "Do you really think there is a ghost?...its a theater...maybe some tick that was to good that scared these people?.." she said looking back at the Doctor.

"Wait?...has Ryan just been in Magnolia for a while?...I see...so he has been helping out those here with out having too....how noble" Erza said.
B1 just stared at you blankly. "Say your welcome B1." Callum said. "You're Welcome B1." B1 said. "No that's not what I hey-... Hey you got that one." "A humorous misinterpretation of your orders yes?" B1 faced her again. "You are welcome Organic."

"Or... You know... An alien." The Doctor said running in.

"Is it?" Ryan asked suddenly appearing.
B1 just stared at you blankly. "Say your welcome B1." Callum said. "You're Welcome B1." B1 said. "No that's not what I hey-... Hey you got that one." "A humorous misinterpretation of your orders yes?" B1 faced her again. "You are welcome Organic."

"Or... You know... An alien." The Doctor said running in.

"Is it?" Ryan asked suddenly appearing.
"...oh he doesn't have to.." Aqua said as Callum told B1 to say welcome. She let out a muffled giggle to his response, as she covered her mouth. 'Hehe...okay B1.." she chuckled "Aqua...not Organic...well yes organic ..but call me Aqua.." Aqua

"That too..."Gwen smiled as she took off running behind the Doctor into the theater.

"I would say....but quite rude eavesdropping on our conversation.." Erza said.
"...oh he doesn't have to.." Aqua said as Callum told B1 to say welcome. She let out a muffled giggle to his response, as she covered her mouth. 'Hehe...okay B1.." she chuckled "Aqua...not Organic...well yes organic ..but call me Aqua.." Aqua

"That too..."Gwen smiled as she took off running behind the Doctor into the theater.

"I would say....but quite rude eavesdropping on our conversation.." Erza said.
"Aqua." He tilted his head. "Is that a term relating to your physiological characteristics or a shortening for the mineral name?" "Do you actually care?" Callum asked. B1 looked at him. "You said I should be more approachable master. I habe concluded that an emulation of curiosity about a subject can be a good conversation starter."

There was something that was in the theatee for sure. A blue wispy something. The Doctor stared. "Amazing..." He said.

"Sorry." He sakd. "Wanted to see for myself if you guys Link back up to shape. Also my pokemon need a break. The ones you know and the new ones. Which technically aren't pokemon but nevermind that."
"Aqua." He tilted his head. "Is that a term relating to your physiological characteristics or a shortening for the mineral name?" "Do you actually care?" Callum asked. B1 looked at him. "You said I should be more approachable master. I habe concluded that an emulation of curiosity about a subject can be a good conversation starter."
Aqua also tilted her head to the side lifting and eyebrow. "Um...well Aqua is my name....well yes a shorten version...Aquamari is my full name but most call me Aqua...and a few Mari....though I think my mother chose my name not fully because of my physical appearance...but because he love of the sea and she thought it was a pretty name...from what I was told..." she softly answered looking from B1 then over to Callum. "It's fine Callum...he is right it is a good conversation starter I suppose.." she replied.

Gwen watched the blue whisp fly around above the theater. "Doctor have you seen something like that before?!" She asked.

"It's alright...its good to know you made it out of the tower.." Erza said "yes...we were able to get Link help thanks to Devon here.." she added motioning to Devon. "What do you mean not Pokémon?...you been catching random creature not from your world now?..." she asked.
Aqua also tilted her head to the side lifting and eyebrow. "Um...well Aqua is my name....well yes a shorten version...Aquamari is my full name but most call me Aqua...and a few Mari....though I think my mother chose my name not fully because of my physical appearance...but because he love of the sea and she thought it was a pretty name...from what I was told..." she softly answered looking from B1 then over to Callum. "It's fine Callum...he is right it is a good conversation starter I suppose.." she replied.

Gwen watched the blue whisp fly around above the theater. "Doctor have you seen something like that before?!" She asked.

"It's alright...its good to know you made it out of the tower.." Erza said "yes...we were able to get Link help thanks to Devon here.." she added motioning to Devon. "What do you mean not Pokémon?...you been catching random creature not from your world now?..." she asked.
"I have noted your full name as Aquamarie. I am sorry for the loss of any loved during this stressful time." He said.

"Never." The Doctor said. The woman who the whisp seemed to be emenating from was grabbed and dragged out. The Doctor was too busy being rold off by the man in the fancy show clothes to notice.

"Well yes and no." He said. "Some the creatures are pretty much the same as pokemin. They can be trained and befriended and taken care of. Some... Well. A celestial wizard came by a while ago and I picked up some tips." He pulled out a ball that had the sign of Aqurius on it. "I made contracts to create Celestial balls." He said. "Though I'm only allowed to call the this ine every once in a while. She's nice so long as I act all flirty and nice. Its kinda weird."
"I have noted your full name as Aquamarie. I am sorry for the loss of any loved during this stressful time." He said.

"Never." The Doctor said. The woman who the whisp seemed to be emenating from was grabbed and dragged out. The Doctor was too busy being rold off by the man in the fancy show clothes to notice.

"Well yes and no." He said. "Some the creatures are pretty much the same as pokemin. They can be trained and befriended and taken care of. Some... Well. A celestial wizard came by a while ago and I picked up some tips." He pulled out a ball that had the sign of Aqurius on it. "I made contracts to create Celestial balls." He said. "Though I'm only allowed to call the this ine every once in a while. She's nice so long as I act all flirty and nice. Its kinda weird."
"Thank you for the condolences B1, there was sadly a lot of losses and heartaches from the group to reach here...but hopefully it is all over now." Aqua replied.

Gwen ran off behind the women and the people that took her away. They had to have something behind all of this.

"I see...interesting I guess.....wait...you have celestial balls?!.." Erza said in shock. And an Aqurius one?....I see...oh..that is a bit disturbing...but she is one celestial not to mess with Lucy has so much trouble with her..." she added.
"Thank you for the condolences B1, there was sadly a lot of losses and heartaches from the group to reach here...but hopefully it is all over now." Aqua replied.

Gwen ran off behind the women and the people that took her away. They had to have something behind all of this.

"I see...interesting I guess.....wait...you have celestial balls?!.." Erza said in shock. And an Aqurius one?....I see...oh..that is a bit disturbing...but she is one celestial not to mess with Lucy has so much trouble with her..." she added.
B1 nodded. "The Jedi have sent shuttles they should arrive in twenty minutes." He said. "Alright then. Go and patrol make sure no uninvited guests get in." Callum said. B1 nodded.Took his E-5 started patrolling.

Tey were stuffing the old lady into a carriage.

He nodded. "It's basically the same as contracts." He said.
B1 nodded. "The Jedi have sent shuttles they should arrive in twenty minutes." He said. "Alright then. Go and patrol make sure no uninvited guests get in." Callum said. B1 nodded.Took his E-5 started patrolling.

Tey were stuffing the old lady into a carriage.

He nodded. "It's basically the same as contracts." He said.
Aqua nodded their chance to escape this horide place was coming to an end.

"Hey! Stop!" Gwen yelled catching up to the carriage

"So you become in a way a celestial wizard in some way.." Erza commented
Aqua nodded their chance to escape this horide place was coming to an end.

"Hey! Stop!" Gwen yelled catching up to the carriage

"So you become in a way a celestial wizard in some way.." Erza commented
Soon ships arrived.

"Oh begging your pardon miss." The girl said trying to close the door.

"In a way I suppose."

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