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Fandom Multiverse (one on one) (closed)

"But did you summon them the first time?" Peter asked.
"By accident, any other time I tried a spell it didnt work. I tried to summon a bunny but I said something wrong. A demon appeared and asked me if I wanted to play..." Tears filled her eyes.
"By accident, any other time I tried a spell it didnt work. I tried to summon a bunny but I said something wrong. A demon appeared and asked me if I wanted to play..." Tears filled her eyes.
He limped over to her and sat next to her. "We all make mistakes." He said. "Come here." He hugged her firmly and comfortingly. "Don't worry about me I'm fine... Well I will be. And like you said. It was an accident."
He limped over to her and sat next to her. "We all make mistakes." He said. "Come here." He hugged her firmly and comfortingly. "Don't worry about me I'm fine... Well I will be. And like you said. It was an accident."
"I wanted the demon to attack the king not you.." She said.
she took his wrist in her hands. "I can try..I rarely use magic without my staff but I been doing it a bit today." She mumbles a spell. His wrist heals slightly.
"Thanks. My healing factor should take care of the rest." He said. He put a hand on her shoulder. "You weren't the cause of this. Everyone has a breaking point."
"Thanks" Sage smiled.
A few hours later they were cleaned and provided better clothing. Peter came across Sage on their way to visit the queen for dinner. Once again. He hugged her. This time tightly. "Your okay. Your okay." He said again and again. More to himself than her, relief evident in his voice. His worry for her had far out weight his worry for himself.
A few hours later they were cleaned and provided better clothing. Peter came across Sage on their way to visit the queen for dinner. Once again. He hugged her. This time tightly. "Your okay. Your okay." He said again and again. More to himself than her, relief evident in his voice. His worry for her had far out weight his worry for himself.
"I'll be okay" she said as he hugged her. Guards have been escorting the group since they got here.
"I'll be okay" she said as he hugged her. Guards have been escorting the group since they got here.
They were let in. Others were already there. The most noticable was Natu whom was with Lucy at their own table. Natsu was certainly keeps ng the cooks busy
"Better than the other royalty I've met." Peter said
"The east king has been going on a downward spiral for years." The queen said as more food was being brought out. "I suppose proper introductions are in order. I'm queen Willa of Westway." Lucy smiled. "Lucy heartfilia"
"The east king has been going on a downward spiral for years." The queen said as more food was being brought out. "I suppose proper introductions are in order. I'm queen Willa of Westway." Lucy smiled. "Lucy heartfilia"
Natsu Dragneel." Natsu said. "Tony Stark." "I'm Link." The Two Link's said. "Let's just leave it at Spider-Man for now please."

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