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"You will not hurt him!" She shouted pointing her staff at the demon, her hand shaking slightly. She may still be afraid but she won't have him harm peter.
It growled and got on all four Charing at her. Before it reached her it was met with a kick from Peter. It was pushed off course but grabbed him by the leg and began to slam him on the ground. "Begin mortal." "Oh Mortal that's nice... Just like. Those fancy wings." Peter said mirroring her vision. It threw him into a building before turning to her.
It growled and got on all four Charing at her. Before it reached her it was met with a kick from Peter. It was pushed off course but grabbed him by the leg and began to slam him on the ground. "Begin mortal." "Oh Mortal that's nice... Just like. Those fancy wings." Peter said mirroring her vision. It threw him into a building before turning to her.
"No.." She said under her breathe. Sage looked at the demon. "Leave him alone."
"No.." She said under her breathe. Sage looked at the demon. "Leave him alone."
It began to walk toward her. A global of web hit it's face. "I wouldn't do that if I were you..." Peter said. "You're gonna be... *Cough* in real trouble if I get my second wind..." He coughed profusely. "That can't be a good sign." He said. Both lenses were cracked. It walked towards him. "There is fear.in your eyes. Do you fear me?"
It began to walk toward her. A global of web hit it's face. "I wouldn't do that if I were you..." Peter said. "You're gonna be... *Cough* in real trouble if I get my second wind..." He coughed profusely. "That can't be a good sign." He said. Both lenses were cracked. It walked towards him. "There is fear.in your eyes. Do you fear me?"
a fire ball hit the demon as it walked to peter. "Leave him alone." She said, she was channeling her magic into her staff.
a fire ball hit the demon as it walked to peter. "Leave him alone." She said, she was channeling her magic into her staff.
"Sage... Stop... Run." Peter said. He held up his arm and shot a glob of web at the demon again. Except he didn't. His web shooters we're empty.
"No." Sage said softly, glaring at the demon.
Peter slowly got out of the rubble. "Come on Spider-Man. You got this. You got this you got this!" Peter ran and jumped. "RAAAA DON'T GOT THIS!" He.ounched the Demon in the back of the head sending to the ground knocking it out. "Oh I think my wristnis broken."
Peter slowly got out of the rubble. "Come on Spider-Man. You got this. You got this you got this!" Peter ran and jumped. "RAAAA DON'T GOT THIS!" He.ounched the Demon in the back of the head sending to the ground knocking it out. "Oh I think my wristnis broken."
"we'll fix them later..." Sage said, her staff still glowing. She prepared for other demons to attack.
"we'll fix them later..." Sage said, her staff still glowing. She prepared for other demons to attack.
The portal closed. The demons were stopped. Peter looked over. "I hope you saw that your majesty. The 'Demon Summoner just saved your kingdom." He said. The portal had drawn the king's attention
The portal closed. The demons were stopped. Peter looked over. "I hope you saw that your majesty. The 'Demon Summoner just saved your kingdom." He said. The portal had drawn the king's attention
"Hmm I can believe you planned this. To make me stop hunting you " the king said he had arrived at the portal with his guards. Hearing that just made Sage snap. "Plan this? Never! I would never have my friends get hurt to fake something! You horrible king!" Her staff still charged it sent a magic blast right at the king, knocking him hard into the trees. Her staff then crumbled to pieces. One of the guards grabbed her. "You attacked his highness, you are just as dangerous as the king said." Sage's face was full of anger as she tried to wiggle out of the guard's grasp. "You want dangerous! You want a demon summoner! I'll show you one!" For the first time a glow appeared around her hands.
"Hmm I can believe you planned this. To make me stop hunting you " the king said he had arrived at the portal with his guards. Hearing that just made Sage snap. "Plan this? Never! I would never have my friends get hurt to fake something! You horrible king!" Her staff still charged it sent a magic blast right at the king, knocking him hard into the trees. Her staff then crumbled to pieces. One of the guards grabbed her. "You attacked his highness, you are just as dangerous as the king said." Sage's face was full of anger as she tried to wiggle out of the guard's grasp. "You want dangerous! You want a demon summoner! I'll show you one!" For the first time a glow appeared around her hands.
"Enough!" Peter said. He stood up and limped to the king. He grabbed his mask and pulled off revealing his face. "Just... As human... As you."
"Enough!" Peter said. He stood up and limped to the king. He grabbed his mask and pulled off revealing his face. "Just... As human... As you."
"okay kid" the king said as he got up. "Still don't trust whatever you are and you're with her..looks like she is showing her true colors." Sage was chanting words under her breath, still furious. In a flash of flames a humanoid finger that was blue and red that at first resembled spiderman suit until the wings and claws came into view.
"okay kid" the king said as he got up. "Still don't trust whatever you are and you're with her..looks like she is showing her true colors." Sage was chanting words under her breath, still furious. In a flash of flames a humanoid finger that was blue and red that at first resembled spiderman suit until the wings and claws came into view.
Peter limped over to her. "Sage ... enough." He said. "Your majesty. Let's compromise let us go and we'll live in exile."
Peter limped over to her. "Sage ... enough." He said. "Your majesty. Let's compromise let us go and we'll live in exile."
"he's never going to agree to that" Sage said, most of the color drained from her face, summoning the demon took a lot of magic. The demon went to her and clawed the guard to let her go. It looked at her. "Masssster...can I pllayy?" The king looked at his guards. "Stop her before she destroys another kingdom."
"he's never going to agree to that" Sage said, most of the color drained from her face, summoning the demon took a lot of magic. The demon went to her and clawed the guard to let her go. It looked at her. "Masssster...can I pllayy?" The king looked at his guards. "Stop her before she destroys another kingdom."
Peter sighed. He put on his mask and tackled the demon. "Sage... Stop."
Peter sighed. He put on his mask and tackled the demon. "Sage... Stop."
Sage spoke. "Go play..attack the enemy.." the demon growled before trying to claw at Peter. She didnt mean Peter but the demon didnt know that. The kings guard went at Sage, one punching her in the stomach.
Sage spoke. "Go play..attack the enemy.." the demon growled before trying to claw at Peter. She didnt mean Peter but the demon didnt know that. The kings guard went at Sage, one punching her in the stomach.
"SAGE!" Midna yelled. "Look at the demon. t this rate you aren't going to save him you'll he the cause of his death." Peter kept tryin'ng to fight the demon despite his aching body. Despite his broken bones. Despite his fear. The imp looked at the king. "Look around. Really genuinely look. Look at how he tries to save you. Look at how she only did this when you blamed her for hurting him. Really look at what is happening. Let go of your fear for five minutes and look."
"SAGE!" Midna yelled. "Look at the demon. t this rate you aren't going to save him you'll he the cause of his death." Peter kept tryin'ng to fight the demon despite his aching body. Despite his broken bones. Despite his fear. The imp looked at the king. "Look around. Really genuinely look. Look at how he tries to save you. Look at how she only did this when you blamed her for hurting him. Really look at what is happening. Let go of your fear for five minutes and look."
Sage released a magic blast to get the guards off her. Her expression turned to one of a frightened child. "I...don't know how.." The king looked at Midna. "What I see is a clear danger to the kingdoms." At that moment a dart hit Sage's neck, she wobbled a bit before falling to the ground. The demon vanished. The king looked around. "Guards grab her " the sound of footsteps was heard as a man in armor different from the guards and a blow dart tube. "You are beyond your territory Eastward king. ". The king glared at the new arrival. "No this is my territory." The man shook his head. "No your territory ended about a yard to left. Now leave before I tell my majesty that you are taking her guests."
Sage released a magic blast to get the guards off her. Her expression turned to one of a frightened child. "I...don't know how.." The king looked at Midna. "What I see is a clear danger to the kingdoms." At that moment a dart hit Sage's neck, she wobbled a bit before falling to the ground. The demon vanished. The king looked around. "Guards grab her " the sound of footsteps was heard as a man in armor different from the guards and a blow dart tube. "You are beyond your territory Eastward king. ". The king glared at the new arrival. "No this is my territory." The man shook his head. "No your territory ended about a yard to left. Now leave before I tell my majesty that you are taking her guests."
Peter kept the Demon pinned. "You majesty... Just let our friends go. Banish them. Just have mercey... Have..." Peter succumbed to his wounds and fell to the ground.
Peter kept the Demon pinned. "You majesty... Just let our friends go. Banish them. Just have mercey... Have..." Peter succumbed to his wounds and fell to the ground.
"the girl attacked me!" The king said. The man frowned. "You started it from what I saw. Now if you have their friends, I would advise you to have them sent here or your deals with my queen may be in jeopardy." The man was a foot taller than the king and very intimidating. The king nods "I'll send them by sundown. Guards let's go." The king and his guards head back to the castle, in a carriage that was near by. The man went over to Peter, seeing if he was still alive.
"the girl attacked me!" The king said. The man frowned. "You started it from what I saw. Now if you have their friends, I would advise you to have them sent here or your deals with my queen may be in jeopardy." The man was a foot taller than the king and very intimidating. The king nods "I'll send them by sundown. Guards let's go." The king and his guards head back to the castle, in a carriage that was near by. The man went over to Peter, seeing if he was still alive.
Peter was alive... Barely.
The man picked up peter before going to Sage and removing the dart. He grabbed her by her hood, dragging her as he walked away.
Twiligjt looked up as his clothed and weapons we're returned. He put them on. As he did he looked ay the guard. "No ill will. You had a job to do."

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