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Fandom Multiverse (one on one) (closed)

Peter sighed. He wasn't tired. He walked around the castle looking around.
The guards stood at their usual posts but still kept an eye on Peter when he walked by. He noticed the man that brought them there was chatting with one of the guards.
The guards stood at their usual posts but still kept an eye on Peter when he walked by. He noticed the man that brought them there was chatting with one of the guards.
He nodded to the man. He looked around. "What are you expecting me to suddenly grow extra limbs?"
He nodded to the man. He looked around. "What are you expecting me to suddenly grow extra limbs?"
"Don't mind them, they are just doing their job. We don't get strangers often." The man said. " feeling better? You weren't looking that good when I first saw you."
"Don't mind them, they are just doing their job. We don't get strangers often." The man said. " feeling better? You weren't looking that good when I first saw you."
"Hm? Oh right the wrist and stuff. I have a knack quick healing." Peter said.
"Oh thanks." The knight said "I'll fix it"
"Here watch." Link stepped in for him and held his sword out. "Unless you are about to use your shield don't aver have your said anywhere but right in front of you. Leave youself open as little as possible."
"Here watch." Link stepped in for him and held his sword out. "Unless you are about to use your shield don't aver have your said anywhere but right in front of you. Leave youself open as little as possible."
The knight nods listening.

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