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Fandom Multiverse (one on one) (closed)

"I guess I should thank you. You saved out lives." Peter said.
"I wanted to see the people who brought down a dragon. But I see you guys have done more since then. Go ahead and eat, you all must be hungry. I know at least one of you are" she smiled
"I wanted to see the people who brought down a dragon. But I see you guys have done more since then. Go ahead and eat, you all must be hungry. I know at least one of you are" she smiled
Natsu was tearing into his food. The two Link's also began to stuff food in their mouths albeit at a much slower pace. "Is that all you wanted to meet us for? Surely you'd have more reason to go out of your way to save is than 'Just wanted to meet them.'." Peter said.
Natsu was tearing into his food. The two Link's also began to stuff food in their mouths albeit at a much slower pace. "Is that all you wanted to meet us for? Surely you'd have more reason to go out of your way to save is than 'Just wanted to meet them.'." Peter said.
Lucy ate some of her food and Sage didn't touch any thing. The queen took another sip of her tea. "Well I know your not from here. I heard rumors of a horseless carriage and I've had people entering my land claiming to be from cities I never heard from. There are also reports of new cities with things no one has seen before. I guess you can say I want to make truces and avoid as much fighting and misunderstanding as possible."
Lucy ate some of her food and Sage didn't touch any thing. The queen took another sip of her tea. "Well I know your not from here. I heard rumors of a horseless carriage and I've had people entering my land claiming to be from cities I never heard from. There are also reports of new cities with things no one has seen before. I guess you can say I want to make truces and avoid as much fighting and misunderstanding as possible."
"That.... Is the best idea I've heard since getting here." Peter said. "I'm From New York."
"I'm glad you think so. I've heard about this new York. I think a few arrivals are from there" she said nodding.
Peter nodded. "So the king of the Eastland. Why is he so afraid? I know lost his family but he's... Less of a king and more of a dictator at this point."
Peter nodded. "So the king of the Eastland. Why is he so afraid? I know lost his family but he's... Less of a king and more of a dictator at this point."
"After the demon attack I heard his people started to doubt him. I like to think he's been losing his mind. I've try to get his nephew to step up but he kept saying he wasn't ready. I believe the king is doing what he only thinks what's best. " she said.
"After the demon attack I heard his people started to doubt him. I like to think he's been losing his mind. I've try to get his nephew to step up but he kept saying he wasn't ready. I believe the king is doing what he only thinks what's best. " she said.
Peter nodded. Natsu laid back. "Oh I'm stuffed"
Midna sighed. "You better be in a better mood tomorrow." She flew out the window. She saw Peter outside sticking need to the window but said nothing. Peter was unsure of what to do or say to cheer her up.
She didnt notice peter. She laid down on the bed. "I'm done with magic..."
"I'm dangerous.. You saw me..." She said
"Dangerous? Everyone is dangerous." Peter said. "I hang out with people who could kill me five times over." He got off the window and took off his mask. He walked over to her. "You may have dangerous abilities but you can focus on what's good. You're awesome at Magic with or without the demon summoning."
"Dangerous? Everyone is dangerous." Peter said. "I hang out with people who could kill me five times over." He got off the window and took off his mask. He walked over to her. "You may have dangerous abilities but you can focus on what's good. You're awesome at Magic with or without the demon summoning."
"Yeah.." She said

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