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Fandom Multiverse (one on one) (closed)

He spit it out, letting the acid drip on the ground, eating away at it.
"Alright. Lets kick it up." He said allowing himself to access more of his power. (Can't go super saiyan though cuz these transformations are all going to be variants on Vanilla Super Saiyan. So to access them he has to already be super saiyan)
"Alright. Lets kick it up." He said allowing himself to access more of his power. (Can't go super saiyan though cuz these transformations are all going to be variants on Vanilla Super Saiyan. So to access them he has to already be super saiyan)
Froggy nods looking ready. Bailey smiled. "Go froggy." Her hands glowed a bit as a tiny symbol appeared on Froggy. He croaks loudly sending a shockwave toward Pinto.
Froggy nods looking ready. Bailey smiled. "Go froggy." Her hands glowed a bit as a tiny symbol appeared on Froggy. He croaks loudly sending a shockwave toward Pinto.
He jumped over the shockwave and flew into Froggy both arms extended barelling inti Froggy at a high speed
Froggy fell to the ground. "Off that tot to hurt" macy said. Bailey ran over to the demon frog. She hugged him. "Good job."
"Not bad. You're demons are powerful." He said powering down. He stood for a second before throwing his fists into the air. "YEEEEEES!" He yelled.
"Not bad. You're demons are powerful." He said powering down. He stood for a second before throwing his fists into the air. "YEEEEEES!" He yelled.
"They are!" Bailey smiled. "You did good too Pinto. " She gave Froggy another hug. "I'll summon you again later when I find a rabbit." She made the demon vanish.
"They are!" Bailey smiled. "You did good too Pinto. " She gave Froggy another hug. "I'll summon you again later when I find a rabbit." She made the demon vanish.
"Do you know what this means!?" Pinto asked. "I was so sure I was reaching my peak! But apparently I have all of this untapped potential! I have so much more to learn so much more power to unlock!"

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