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Fandom Multiverse (one on one) (closed)

"alright." He pulled marshmellows. "One roasted mallow than then bed."

He didn't respond.
"Yay!" Bailey smiled. Macy just smiled, thinking how sweet it was. Her copy still walking around.

"We'll figure a way to save Hyrule" she said.

Dabria had finished getting things ready for her date with Vita. She called Vita to let him know where to meet her.
"Yay!" Bailey smiled. Macy just smiled, thinking how sweet it was. Her copy still walking around.

"We'll figure a way to save Hyrule" she said.

Dabria had finished getting things ready for her date with Vita. She called Vita to let him know where to meet her.
He to got her a stick to roast it with.

Link just passed out in reaponse needing to rest.

He went to meet her.
He to got her a stick to roast it with.

Link just passed out in reaponse needing to rest.

He went to meet her.
"Thank you." She happily takes the stick and roasts the marshmallow. Macy glanced over to see what Booker was doing.

Lucy sighed. "Lets come up with some plan while he rests."

They were going met in New York. Dabria had on a black dress with a gold belt, wearing matching boots. She stood outside a theater. She was allowing herself to be seen, a few guys flirted with her but she paid them no mind.
"Thank you." She happily takes the stick and roasts the marshmallow. Macy glanced over to see what Booker was doing.

Lucy sighed. "Lets come up with some plan while he rests."

They were going met in New York. Dabria had on a black dress with a gold belt, wearing matching boots. She stood outside a theater. She was allowing herself to be seen, a few guys flirted with her but she paid them no mind.
Booker was cleaning his guns again.

"I have a plan!" Natsu said punching his own palm with a flaming fist.

Vita showed up wearing a grey unbuttones suit with a blue shirt and black tie.
Booker was cleaning his guns again.

"I have a plan!" Natsu said punching his own palm with a flaming fist.

Vita showed up wearing a grey unbuttones suit with a blue shirt and black tie.
Macy looks around seeing her copy walk back. She merged back with it. "Area is clear."

"And what is your plan?" She asked

"Hey vita" Dabria smiled. The guys looked at Vita before just walking off.
Macy looks around seeing her copy walk back. She merged back with it. "Area is clear."

"And what is your plan?" She asked

"Hey vita" Dabria smiled. The guys looked at Vita before just walking off.
Sans nodded to her.

"Beat Vader to a pulp!" He said.

He waved to her with a smile.
Macy took off her jacket and rolled it into a pillow. "Wake me when it's my turn for watch."

"We need more of a plan than that" she said.

Dabria walked over to him. "You look good"
Sans nodded. "will do." He said.

"Your an idiot Natsu." He said.

"You too."
Sans nodded. "will do." He said.

"Your an idiot Natsu." He said.

"You too."
Macy soon fell asleep. Bailey had finished her marshmallow and was trying to sneak another one.

"We cant just barge in. We already tried that. We need a better plan. First thing first is helping Link. Maybe we can find a blacksmith or someone to get him a arm" Lucy said

"Thought we could watch a play then dinner." She said
Macy soon fell asleep. Bailey had finished her marshmallow and was trying to sneak another one.

"We cant just barge in. We already tried that. We need a better plan. First thing first is helping Link. Maybe we can find a blacksmith or someone to get him a arm" Lucy said

"Thought we could watch a play then dinner." She said
"i see you." Sans said glancing at her.

"Yeah sure because everyone knows where to get an artifical arm." Grey said. "I do." A voice said nearby.

"Sounds good to me." He said.
"i see you." Sans said glancing at her.

"Yeah sure because everyone knows where to get an artifical arm." Grey said. "I do." A voice said nearby.

"Sounds good to me." He said.
"Aww one more please.." she asked giving him puppy dog eyes.

Lucy turned to see who spoke.

"Figured we could just be human for a change. " Dabria handed him his ticket. The play was the lion king.
"Aww one more please.." she asked giving him puppy dog eyes.

Lucy turned to see who spoke.

"Figured we could just be human for a change. " Dabria handed him his ticket. The play was the lion king.
He sighed. "fine."

There was a young man there. Blonde with a blue sleevless hoodie. "Sup. Jason's the name. I'm a god of mischief." He said. "And a god of promises."

"It's a nice change of pace." He said taking the ticket.
He sighed. "fine."

There was a young man there. Blonde with a blue sleevless hoodie. "Sup. Jason's the name. I'm a god of mischief." He said. "And a god of promises."

"It's a nice change of pace." He said taking the ticket.
Bailey happily ate the marshmallow she grabbed. "Yum"

"Why are you here?" Lucy asked

"Yep. Got us front row seats." She said.
Bailey happily ate the marshmallow she grabbed. "Yum"

"Why are you here?" Lucy asked

"Yep. Got us front row seats." She said.
He took the bag and rolled it up.

"To give you a chance." He said creating a mirror and messing with his hair.

"Alright lets go see a play." He said.
He took the bag and rolled it up.

"To give you a chance." He said creating a mirror and messing with his hair.

"Alright lets go see a play." He said.
Bailey just smiled.

"I see..you're here to help us?" She asked.

Dabria took his hand and walked in. "So when was the last time you did something like this?"
Bailey just smiled.

"I see..you're here to help us?" She asked.

Dabria took his hand and walked in. "So when was the last time you did something like this?"
"alright bed time." He took out a disposable tooth brush and handed it to her.

"Sure am." He said. "Made a promise to Zelda to help any Link that shows up... As a god of promises... Word is bond."

"Oh man. Maybe just after the American Civil War." He said.
"alright bed time." He took out a disposable tooth brush and handed it to her.

"Sure am." He said. "Made a promise to Zelda to help any Link that shows up... As a god of promises... Word is bond."

"Oh man. Maybe just after the American Civil War." He said.
"Okay" she grabbed the toothbrush and went to brush her teeth.

Lucy nods. "Alright. "

"Long time ago" she nods.
Sans leaned back against the log he rested against.

"Follow me." He waved his hand and a portal opened.

"Yeah." He said
After a few minutes Bailey finished brushing her teeth.

Lucy nods and looks at Gray. "You got Link?"

"Hopefully back then you had a good time " Dabria nods and headed inside
After a few minutes Bailey finished brushing her teeth.

Lucy nods and looks at Gray. "You got Link?"

"Hopefully back then you had a good time " Dabria nods and headed inside
He set out a sleeping bag for her.

He nodded. "Lets go already." He said.

"Sometimes too good of a time." He said. "Mentor took the whole god of life thing extremely literally."
He set out a sleeping bag for her.

He nodded. "Lets go already." He said.

"Sometimes too good of a time." He said. "Mentor took the whole god of life thing extremely literally."
She got in the sleeping bag. "I wanna story please"

Lucy nods and goes through the portal.

"I bet you have some stories. "Dabria laughed trying to imagine it.
She got in the sleeping bag. "I wanna story please"

Lucy nods and goes through the portal.

"I bet you have some stories. "Dabria laughed trying to imagine it.
He sat next to her. "a story huh? not sure if i have any good ones." He said. "but i remember one i would read to papyrus at bedtime. its about a littlw kid who wanted to drive race cars."

They found themaelves on an island floating high above the sky.

He rolled his eyes with a smile
He sat next to her. "a story huh? not sure if i have any good ones." He said. "but i remember one i would read to papyrus at bedtime. its about a littlw kid who wanted to drive race cars."

They found themaelves on an island floating high above the sky.

He rolled his eyes with a smile
"Ooo tell that one." She smiled

"Where are we?" She asked

"What I bet it was some funny times" she said

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