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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

Mashiro Shiina

Secretive personalities~
Moonlight Academy. The newly founded school for those shoved and pushed away by those of unknown understanding. Ones who've been trashed by ignorant humans. Thrown away by unsuspecting parents. This is your place to be free. Come together as one under the enlarged roofings of this academy.



All creatures welcome.
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Kayla yawned, awakening from her longly extended slu!Ber, one of which she surprisingly enjoyed. Even so, she had to get herself out of bed before she turned up late for class on her very first day. Obviously, she would be in dire trouble if her father was to find out. She knew he would punish her and never allow it to remain in the past.

Anyway, Kayla hopped out of bed, sliding her tiny feet into her bunnies slippers, something she find more so comfortable than of what people called childish. Regardless, it was about what she thought, not them. Right? Well besides her father of cousprse. His opinion mattered. Oh. And he brother.

Kayla strolled to her bathroom, freshening herself up just as the clock struck 8:00am.

(Start from where ever you want. Your house, dorm, or be an early bird already at school. Good luck and don't forget to interact when possible )
"Sun...Uhh...," he thinks to himself, as the sunlight gently maneuvers around the window shades in the dorm room, resting on Drake's lightly shut eyelids. Starting his morning wake up routine, Drake stretches his back, arms, legs, and abs, ready for the day to come. He goes and brushes his teeth, relieves himself, and showers. Coming out though, he is hit with a sudden yearning to do nothing. He thinks to himself, "Hmmm...First day, no need to show up. They'll think nothing of it. Hopefully." From there, he gets dressed and decides to go walk the school grounds, learning to find his way around for when he eventually has to show up at class.
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Aella sits outside on a bench as she reads a book in the shade. She yawns a bit, having not really slept last night. She had stayed up sketching the moon. She flips the pages of her book. Her black hair was pulled up into a messy bun and her deep blue eyes moved along the lines of sentences. She then catches herself not really reading. She mentally groans as she back tracks. As she reads, her eyes become heavy and she soon falls asleep, her head resting on the back of the bench. Her crescent moon necklace sparkled in a little patch of sunlight as she took her little nap. Her bun loosened as she relaxed in her sleep enjoying the cool air of the morning.
Walking down what he thought was a path about to lead to his dorm room, Drake turned the corner to see a whole other expanse he hasn't seen yet. "Hehe, wow. This place is impressive," he whispers to himself, as he lightly shakes his head looking at the ground. As any person might expect, the middle of the day involves less people than usual, on the grounds of a school that is. Because of this, the lack of hustle and bustle of ordinary mid day human traffic, he noticed what appeared to be a student, resting in the open. "Well, at least I'm not the only first day slacker," he thinks to himself. Unconsciously walking faster, more or less due to the unconscious anxiety of meeting his first person here, he approached. Gently, rubbing her shoulder, he asked, "Are you awake?" And, a little shocked at noticing the time himself, he added, "It's past 2:00 already."
Aella hears someone and opens one eye to see someone above here. She jumps up and smacks her forehead against his. She pulls away holding her forehead, "Awhhh oooowww....." she groans. ".... sorry about that...." she says before turning towards the male. "Are you okay?" she asks. She looks at him fully this time and breathes in deeply before tilting her head to the side a bit. "Do I know you? You smell.... familiar..... Uh... I mean! Um.... you...." she couldn't think of an excuse or way to correct what she had said.
He turns his head to the right a little, while rubbing his forehead he glances at her with the corner of his left eye. He can't help but allow a small chuckle at the strangeness of the past thirty seconds. "I'm fine, no worries." Noticeably ignoring the awkward statement, and even giving her a strange look for a moment, he says, "Umm, no. You don't know me. I was just curious to see someone just laying on a bench in the middle of the day." Groaning a little, again, just at the strangeness of this encounter, "Uhh, yeah. So, what were you doing anyway? Just dozed off?" The sun was now shining in his eyes, he squinted a little as he asked.
She fiddles with her moon necklace and picks up her book that fell to the ground when she sat up. "I was reading and I fell asleep." She watches him carefully. 'I wonder if he can't scent others yet, or he's just ignoring the fact that we are alike....' Aella thought to herself. She holds the book in her left hand as she continues to mess with her necklace nervously. She could only wonder what happened to him. Her life was filled with expectation. She looked deep into his eyes as if looking for the clues as to why he didn't know what she was. She began thinking the worst possibilities such as; he was a rogue.
A couple seconds pass by, he breaks the little silence, "Yes well, I hope you enjoy the book. Regrettably, I do need to get back to my dorm. Hopefully we can continue this later. Um, before I leave, my name's Drake. What's your name?" Half listening for her answer, and half lost in thought, he thinks, "It's strange, how she just stares into my eyes. I wonder what she sees?" He offers his outstretched hand to shake before leaving.
"Aella Night," she says as she shakes his hand. She pushes a lock of raven black hair back and behind her ear. She looks down at her necklace as she waits for him to leave.
Kayla stumbled while running amuck. She missed her first day! Gosh, this wasn't usually her style, but more so of her brothers. Speaking of...where was he? She shrugged off the matter, returning to her room to pout about her absence.

Christopher on the other hand could care less. Even though he missed his first day, he still roamed and began to stroll around the premises around the campus. He simply wanted a source of food, since he wasn't allowed to feed around his sister. Being considered as a bad influence on her by their father.
Giving her a final glance and nod of the head, Drake walks down the path he began on, only going back the way he came. As he walked, he welcomed the breeze caressing his hair and putting a little sway in his jacket. His welcomed feelings were short lived, as he remembered how long he was out an about going away from his dorm. He wasn't about to take another 4 hour walk back, so he started a brisk run back to the dorm. "There's no way I'll make it before the next class is over. Guess I'll have to deal with onlookers leaving their classes," he realizes.
Aella bite her tongue a bit. She then got up and quickly ran after Drake, which was pretty simple for her. Once he was in her line of sight, Aella looked at her book and then precisely threw it in the direction of Drake's head. She wanted to know if he could use his senses properly or if his reflexes were fast, and if he couldn't he'd be waking up with a headache for a while. Her blue eyes watched curiously and watched as the book flew closer to the back of his head.
He thinks to himself, "Alright, got my pace. Now ju--What the hell?!" He felt an object coming at him; his head most likely. Fractions of a second before it hit him, not that he noticed it any earlier, he ducked and watched as a book, resembling a pair of wings as it opened up mid flight, fall to the ground in front of him. He slowed down and picked up the book. He began wondering who threw this before he read the cover. Recognizing the resemblance from not 5 minutes ago, he thinks to himself, "So that's who through it." Holding the book in his right hand, he turns around and is not surprised to see he's right. "If you needed my attention, calling my name would've worked fine. Why'd you try and hit me?" A final thought passed through his mind on how she caught up to him in the first place, but he dismissed it.
Aella ran up to him, not a bit out of breath. "I wasn't trying to hit you. I was testing your reflexes. I'm quite surprised, actually." She shrugged her shoulders as she looked down at her book in his hands. "I wouldn't have thrown it if I didn't think you could've caught or dodge it. Sorry I threw it." She silently debated whether or not she should bring up the thing that made them the same. She tilted her head and bite her lip.
Drake takes a small, but purposefully noticeable breath, as he glances to the left, then back at her. After a brief sigh, he asks calmly, "It didn't hit me, so I suppose I forgive you. However, why did you feel the need to test my reflexes in the first place?" He holds the book out for her to take. He begins to hear what might be students bustling in the school, probably coming out soon.
She was quiet for a moment as she watched his face carefully. She then calmly spoke, "You're different... aren't you?" Her deep and vibrant blue eyes met his. She watched his reaction. She had never met someone like her outside of the pack. Lone wolves or even other packs didn't tend to fight over territory, so it was rare to see them, so rare she had never seen one.
He matches her gaze. "Aren't we all? That's the point of the school," he says blankly. The thought of why he's here though, what his parents tried to do to him, made him unknowingly tighten his jaw line and clench his fists. As he does so, he slowly looks down to her chin, with blank red eyes, but only for a moment. He lightly shakes his head and looks back at her captivating eyes.
Aella shakes her hair a bit before she looks down to Drake's hand where her book was. She reached forward to grab her book, and ended up bumping his hand. Her vision turned into something else. She saw a wolf running around in a house. She quickly pulled away. Her past sight didn't usually happen when she touched another person. Usually only an object or place was when she could see the past.
He notices that she took the book back surprisingly quick, startling him. He glances back up at her and asks with a questionable tone, "Are you okay? You seem...Flustered." He offers a light smile, but it's more for calming himself down than anything else. "This girl, Aella, she's strange," he wonders, then remembering his incident with his parents again, his thought continues, "But aren't we all?"
"You... confuse me. Do you seriously not know... what... I am...?" She says slowly and carefully. She didn't know how to handle this 'properly.' So she decided to take it slow and see if he could figure it out first. Maybe it would be less of a shock. She didn't know why she was being so open. She was usually quiet and didn't talk to most people. She wondered if it was because he was like her that she was being so open.
He believes she is genuine. Not knowing why he doesn't know, or curious if he does. He looks to the ground on his left side, blinking a few times, darting about the field of vision offered in his view. Still looking to the general spot on the ground he raises his head and halfway up he glances back at her eyes. He briefly wonders if this has something to do with his reason for attending the school, him being a werewolf, but he dismisses the thought as it sounds stupid in his head. Genuinely confused, he stumbles his first couple words, "I-- I'm sorry, but I just don't know what you're getting at. Why are you asking me?"
"I'm sorry, I was just curious. I'll leave you alone," she says. She starts to turn away from him, but there was a glimpse of her eyes turning yellow before flashing back to their normal blue. She walks back towards the bench she was at.

(brb I'm going to the store, should be back in 15)
He caught a moment where he thought her eyes were...Changing. "It's probably nothing. Just your mind playing tricks." But, even as he told himself that, he couldn't help but doubt it was true. He hears students coming out of the building, and glancing to his right, he sees them leaving.

Flustered by Aella's peculiar behavior, and undoubtedly his own, he begins to confusedly walk away slowly.

However, a few minutes into his walk, his curiosity is intrigued...That, and he still can't remember how to get back to his dorm. So he turns back and, with a little more of a pace, heads in the direction Aella went.

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