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Fantasy Monster Love OOC

Sweet, so I guess I'll throw her in now! But real quick where is this located? I just need a general climate feel lol
This is located in college modern day setting so the cabins are in the woods here is everything you need to know:

Hazel Chiodos
(Location: Theater>Woods>Cabin Dorms)
Hazel observed each and everyone seeing the fear struck on their faces. Humans and monsters felt the same at the moment. She feared the worst that the humans would freak out, running for their lives. Everything she worked hard to get is going to crash on it's first day. "It was worth a shot." She sighed to herself. She then notices the humans easing themselves starting to converse with the monsters without hesitation. The monsters themselves even enjoyed the human's approach as every insecurity vanishes in the blink of an eye. The witch is relieved smiling bright of things going according to plan. "Yes!" She whisper shouts then clears her throat fixing her composure. She leans into the mic to proceed with her speech, "I'm relieved that all of you are okay with what you see having the time to even talk to one another. We're all the same inside. We all have insecurities, we all love, and exist just as you humans. The books you read, the ideas inserted in art media is false. We are anything but villains. Now that this out of the way, I'm sure you're all tired from your travels and wish to get to your dorms. I will lead you to your cabins where you will take residence from here on out or at least until tomorrow. That will be explained when we arrive. Let's get a move on shall we?" Hazel chirped descending off the stage herding the group to the left exit leading straight into the forest. There rests a pathway deep into the woods.
The pathway held a fork road. One leading towards the city. From afar one can see the city lights, but most importantly the starry sky, clean air with owls hooting in the night. To those foreign to nature are wowed by the beauty. The stillness of everything almost making it seem ominous but is assured to be anything but.

The group of students arrive at their connected cabin dorms. The view of the lake with mountains gave the area mysterious vibe with the moon high reflecting it's light into the water, glistening as the wave animated the effects more. The backyard held a garden for one to soil on fresh cut grass. The dorms from behind even carried connected boardwalks to wander about at night. Ponds here and there. Everything seemed more like a retirement home, paradise or even summer camp rather than school, but that is exactly how Hazel wants it to be. A place for one to be relaxed from being so far out. The interior of the lounge, mess hall, and dorm roomsare something the students have yet to see for themselves. Hazel stops in the center of the backyard of the cabins. She smirked seeing everyone's amazed faces. "Beautiful isn't it? Far away from the capital. A place for all to study in peace. It's perfect." She chimed. "There are various reasons for building dorms out here. Free for beasts to roam freely, and take form without disruption or alarming anyone. In time you'll probably all see their forms if you gain each other's trust. Before I pair you up and send you to your dorms I need to inform you the purpose of this school. Not only did I choose you to attend and major in whatever career you wish, but to understand and learn to co-exist with us supernatural beings. In order to do so, the easiest way is to build a contract with your monster partner. The contract will depend on your partner. We agreed if that contract is broken, you'll forget all about this school and ever meeting us so that you may live your lives without worry. I'll have all of you think about this deal and wait for an answer by tomorrow. If you choose to leave the next day, just know once you're off our radius/ campus you'll forget about the school either way unless the contract is made. Not to worry, if you do leave you will be easily transferred to another college as promised by your counselors and guardians. Monsters, if you choose to leave, you may do so whenever you please, but I want you all to think long and hard about this proposition. My job is to keep my people from being exposed and keeping everyone safe. There are extremists willing to bring down this project, but the rest of the information will be said tomorrow afternoon when I get an answer." Her serious expression softens to a peppy one. "Enough said. Let's get you to your rooms. Right side are the boys, left are girls. Monsters and humans will pair so please behave." The witch points to the first cabin on the right for the males going all the way naming the pairs.

Dorms 1:
  1. Marshall Icarys & Evangelos Mistos
  2. Nathan Chiodos & Hoshi Ai
  3. Johannes VonStrangle & Kendall Woz
  4. Seven Batteux & Ivan
  5. Howard Gutenberg & Etienne Advantage
  6. Telith & Ruben Ruiz
"These are the pairings for the male dorm. As for the women, yours are..." She points to the left starting with the first again.

Dorms 2:
  1. Faith Vallidoid & Honeyrose
  2. Pandora Snow & Ciana
  3. Ava Maria & Coraline Florence
  4. Duri & Arashi Collins
  5. Marceline Aquafoot & Novalie Polaris
  6. Kai Hali & Kalama Aries
"I hope everyone can settle in. Feel free to wander about the campus and explore. I know it's difficult but, classes will be nocturnal so I suggest you all get used to the night or rest. Whatever you please. There is plenty of time. Another thing!" Hazel pulls Marshall to her side and pets the tall dragon. "My son here, Marshall, is the dorm father meaning he will provide you with anything you need. He is in charge of keeping you around the dorms, feeding you as well. The rest of the staff will be near by in our own cabin if needed. We'll keep you safe and be vigilant. Enjoy your evening." She bows. "If you have any questions feel free to ask me now."

Lol Telith noo Faith will be both tired and rejuvinated the worsr feeling xD

I'm excited to show up in her new outfit
Dont worry telith all charged up on solar so he’s not tired but he is a little grumpy,new outfit yay

Also Telith is officially the oldest student now, since it seems the owner of Kalama left
Pumpkid Pumpkid so I see you tried to auction off my son XD Like he didn't enjoy being den father. Also just to be sure for my next post all their abilities are active now. So baby doggos are a go?
Lmao I'm sorry I didn't know whom was available and yes I'm posting right for Nathan he's going to be talking to Marshall

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