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Fantasy Monster Love OOC

She said are you going to disgrace me XD The only waman he better even consider throwing on the bed BETTER BE CORA. That's about to be Nova any time anyone so much as breathes near her ears or tail. She's gonna be uuuuuuber sensitive to touch.
Woz and Hazel

Woz: So I made a prototype for you
Hazel: What is it?
Woz: A Woz Knuckle
Hazel: Not quite what I had in mind...
Woz: *Picks it up, activates it and obliterates a slab of concrete with it...reducing it to dust*
Hazel: We'll take twenty
Ok, well I was thinking of a female monster, but I suppose it'll depend on who owns the other two as to what I'll make
Appearance: black hair white skin brow eyes, about 5,4 has a slim build

Name: Evan (evangelos) Mistos

Species: human

Age: 22

Gender: male

Sexually: hetrosexual

Occupation: apprentice engineer/ cryptozoologist

Personality: Evan could easily be considered far to in your face, tending to disregarded personal space....and always say excatly what he is thinking outloud...so all in all annoying to be around,

Background: coming from a Greek family, Evan had always been facinated by stories of monsters and beast, such terrifying creatures must have more to them....rights? He now finally got his chance to see them up close....now time to see if what he expected is different to reality
This is their profile
Ok, well I was thinking of a female monster, but I suppose it'll depend on who owns the other two as to what I'll make

  • NPC

    Marshall Icarys
    [pronounced Mar-shall E-car-reez]
    Ice Dragon his dragon form

    Looks about 23 but is about 1000 years old


    Primal Ice Manipulation

    :While in Dragon form:
    Weather Manipulation: He can make it anywhere from just a chilly day, to freezing cold, to a full-on blizzard from breathing enough snow into the sky.
    Life Ice Manipulation: He gains more energy in colder climates as well as the ability to rejuvenate himself in the cold/ice.
    Ultimate Freeze: He has the ability to freeze anything/anyone, encasing them in a thick layer of ice with an icy blast. The only thing that could melt it would be heat, a lot of physical force, or himself.
    Temperature Immunity: His fur keeps him warm so he doesn't feel the cold from himself or the natural elements.
    Glaciokinesis: He can only breathe ice in his dragon form.
    :While in Human form:
    Life Ice Manipulation: He can heal himself with cold conditions/ice. (just put him in the freezer for a bit and he'll be fine)
    Weather Manipulation: He gives off a cold aura, naturally making areas around him much colder than it originally was. Most of the time it's without him realizing it because he can barely control it.
    Temperature Immunity: He doesn't get cold. Ever. The boy could walk outside in a freezing cold snowstorm in gym shorts and slides and he'd be fine.
    Glaciokinesis: He can construct objects, breathe ice, and generate ice.

    Just like his powers, Marshall can come off as quite cold. He's very reserved and prefers to be left unbothered more often than not. Because of his calm nature, he is a rather calculating and collected, not easily excitable by most and not acting without thought. With his past encounters with humans and monsters alike as shaky as it is the poor boy is extremely untrusting and unwilling to get attached to almost anything. If someone manages to break past the stoic persona, Marshall is a sweet cherub who loves to educate himself and others, care for those who need him, and loyal to a fault.

    Being an all-powerful mythical being revered in legend as a godly creature to many cultures was not the life Marshall sought out, but the life he was given. For some time he lived in a deep mountain protected by the winter elements above a small village. The locals paid tribute to him, making a shrine and even leaving offerings for him, praying for the protection of their village and good winters. He never asked for such things yet the people did so anyway without ever having seen him. Only one villager, a young man, had ever seen him and he started this tradition of praising their 'savior' before he died in his old age.

    With this role being cast upon him Marshall played his part as the 'merciful god' protecting the village from attackers, manipulating the cold weather so they wouldn't have harsh winters, and being the legend they wanted him to be. He was fine living this life. The villagers never bothered him, he was free to do as he pleased, and he had all kinds of human trinkets and treats to amuse himself within his cave. It continued on for years, generation after generation, but with each new generation came a new advancement. The village grew larger and larger until it was a thriving city, and they forgot all about their mountain god. Marshall became nothing more than an urban legend, an old folktale adults told their children to get them to behave. He hadn't realized how important the affections of humans were to him until they were gone with the wind.

    He didn't want to be alone anymore, he didn't want to be forgotten like this. Marshall took to his human form, wings, horns, and scales running down his back, and headed into the village hoping they would accept him. Sadly, they were more horrified than acceptant so he was chased out back into the mountains away from the citizens. How could this have happened? Why was he, the person who cared for them all these years, treated like a monster? The anger and sorrow of betrayal from the people he cared about most seethed into him for what felt like a thousand years. With the adrenaline of untapped emotions flowing out of him Marshall resolved to destroy the village with an avalanche but before he could make an attempt a small woman found him, a witch who introduced herself as Hazel, and invited him to her manor in the woods. Something about her kind nature, her willingness to accept him without fear, made him follow her back to this manor in the woods. He spent a lot of time there with her little family until this school was created.

    Fire/Heat: All his abilities are susceptible to the element including his physical form. He is considerably weaker in hot weather or any form of heat. Being surrounded by flames in his dragon form would overheat him and cause him to transform. Getting too hot or overheated in general will cause him to get very ill as he needs colder temperatures to survive. Those overly hot days with heat waves when it's about 106 degrees out and everyone wants to go to the beach would probably kill him.
    Power Differences: While in human form he's much weaker than in his dragon form but he is capable of doing different things with ice since he has hands. Since his dragon form is considerably stronger Marshall tends to lose control if he expends too much energy, feels too strongly of one emotion like rage or sorrow, or tries to do something outside of his general abilities. He goes into a more 'feral' mode where he blacks out and blindly attacks whatever is nearby.
    His scales: While in human form Marshall has scales running down the backside of his body that are very sensitive contrary to how they seem. They are extremely sturdy and can definitely take a blow but it'll hurt like hell, like a crippling pain really. Even gently touching it sends tingles through his body, sometimes it's soothing and sometimes it's painful. The same goes for his wings.
    Confined spaces: Since his dragon form is the size of a two-story family home it's not exactly indoor friendly. Marshall hates tight spaces, even developing claustrophobia because of it, and will try everything in his power to avoid it.

    Enhanced Senses & Condition (Smell, Sight, Strength, Hearing, Speed, Durability, Intelligence)
    Omnilingualism (He can learn to speak with anyone through physical contact like kisses)
    Enhanced Roar (His roar while in dragon form can frighten animals and those with weak wills. Can also blow away objects of varying weights and sizes or damage hearing if too loud)
    Cold Empowerment (Being in cold climates only makes him stronger)

    Bisexual because he wants to explore all the world has to offer. He finds an attraction in anything that is kind to him or provides attention.
    He likes to be pet, oddly enough, playing with his hair or rubbing his scalp is extremely soothing to the point of him falling asleep.
    He's taken a strong interest in cooking so he's always trying to make something he's seen or read about.

The other available is a monster/dragon named Marshall

I just remembered there is a female zombie if you wish to make a male or partner but the rules are:

If you are making a female monster your partner must be human it cannot be a monster x monster and you're just in time for the time skip I'm about to post

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