Mission Reports

Most of the skills are percentage-based, so you roll a 100 sided die and aim to score under the score listed on your character sheet.

Captain Hesperus
Perception rolls are a d20, but to m mange a skill check it is the d100. You need to roll under your skill percentage in order to succeed.
I have always used a 'lower is better' system from my days gaming using the Hero System. You will need to roll less than or equal to the target number that I assign, and any bonuses you get for Perception will adjust your roll by lowering the number you just rolled. Kinda ass-backwards, but there is no real rules that I know of for rolls like this in the Palladium system, so I use what I know.
.. Shit. Sorry about that- uh... I may actually want to drop out of this one. My apologies- I just.. have a lot of things to focus on right now.
That's understandable. We will always have a spot open for you if things change and you decide to come back.
Here is a bit of surprising info. After doing some more reading of the main rule book, I have found that Armor Piercing missiles do triple damage on a critical strike, not double like a regular crit. I'll update the missile chart with this.
Oh, Theo does not like where this is going.

As a player however, I am loving it.

Sorry I winked out for a bit I have been binge watching past episodes of Critical Role which I only just discovered--it is amazing!!!
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Hey @Xylin, don't procrastinate posting! Innocent lives are counting on you!
No worries. You do have a couple of bugs firing their weapons at you, so you'll need to make a dodge roll.
All of a sudden I am reminded of a certain other REF mission to an alternate Mars that was bug-infested....

Captain Hesperus
Its been a little bit since we've had any activity. I'll put up a new thread, probably in the next day.
I am pondering a time jump coming up to get this game set in the midst of the Invid occupation of the planet. Any complaints or concerns about that?

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