Mission Reports

We aren't in combat, currently. Kurugi et al are with the leech while Cat is trying to catch up with a distraught Mayhew.

Captain Hesperus
Was giving you time to make any posts you wanted. I'll bump things forward shortly.
Well, until Cat catches up and speaks to him Alex is just going to be trying to find somewhere quiet to be away from all the mad craziness.

Captain Hesperus
There hasn't been any activity here for a while. Anyone have a post to make before I move on with the story?
I'll bump the story forward shortly.

On a different note, I just want to give everyone a quick heads-up that next Thursday through Monday I'll be out of town and away from internet access. Heading up into the Utah mountains with my family to see my wife's aunt. For a lifelong desert rat, the snow will be a fun experience.
With the holiday, I'm sure that everyone is busy with family. I'll post IC and move the story forward this weekend once everyone has had a chance to unwind a bit from Christmas.
Hello, I'm interested in joining but I've never participated in a dice rp. I'll put up my character if that's okay.
Well hello there. Are you familiar with the system? Do you have the 2e books?
Not a problem. Give me a few, and I'll send you some details.
I've tried to read how battle works and I think I have a rough idea of it from reading an older thread. I have no idea what the Iq/Me/Ma stats refer to and how the skills work into the game, though. What do you suggest I read for that?

On a side note, I've put up my character sheet, does she start at level 1 for now?
Stats work as follows:

Iq: intelligence quotient. A high iq gives a one time bonus to any skill you have

Me: mental endurance. Gives a bonus to save vs insanity and mental attacks

Ma: mental affinity. How trustworthy or intimidating you are

Ps: physical strength. How strong you are, and gives a bonus to hand to hand damage

Pp: physical prowess. Dexterity. Gives bonuses to strike, parry and dodge

Pe: physical endurance. your stamina.

Pb: physical beauty. Sheer good looks

Spd: speed. Raw running velocity

Skills work on a percentile basis. You need to roll under your target number to succeed. Each level you go up, the skill increased by the second number listed with each skill to a maximum of 98%. Also, hit points go up by a d6 each level you go up, and your combat bonuses go up, too.

Have you seen any of the Robotech series? I want to know how much backstory I need to give you.
I haven't seen it, I could watch a couple episodes and check out the wikia later though. I've read the background on the first page of this OOC thread. I think I need some kind of explanation about the differences between groups like GMP or TASC the most, like how that would affect their roles in a fight.

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