Mission Reports

GMP stands for Global Military Police. They are cops and investigators. TASC is Tactical Armored Space Command. They operate the transformable space fighters and act as the first line of defense for the planet, operating the Logan and Ajax fighters. The ground forces ate led by the ATAC: Alpha Tactical Armored Corps. They have the heavyweight hover tanks at their disposal. Finally, infantry forces make up the Tactical Corps. These brave men and women go into battle with just the armor on their backs and rifles in their hands.
If I may---Sherwood can fill in or correct what I have messed up or forgotten over the years.

In 1999 an alien vessel of massive size crashes on Earth that vessel is powered by proto-culture. In Robotech(and this is a very simplified explanation), there is this stuff called proto-culture, it is a plant (kinda) that can be synthesized into a very powerful energy source that allows vehicles to transform into various configurations and have near limitless power (sort of like super fusion), various alien groups have come Earth seeking that power source. First the Zentradi, 50 foot tall humanoid warriors who were trained only for war and who did not mix the sexes (they are all grown in vats). Encountering humans who of course had male and female living together messed the Zentradi (or zeeks--a derogatory slang term)up in a huge way, allowing humanity to defeat their massive fleet. Primarily with Psy-ops via the singing of a pop princess named Lynn Minmay (a female singing about love was just too foreign to them and freaked the Zentradi out). After the war many Zentradi were placed into reserves around the world and some chose to be miniaturized to human size and have been somewhat assimilated into human culture--as can be expected some prejudice still exists however. The war, devastated much of the Earth.

The heroes of the First Robotech War left Earth at the head of a huge fleet (the Robotech Expeditionary Force--REF, formed out of the Robotech Defense Force--RDF, which fought the first Robotech War) trying to seek answers in space for the attack on Earth, and strike back a whomever sent the Zentradi. Our character's are members of the Army of the Southern Cross, left behind to defend Earth while the REF is gone. The Southern Cross take place about 20 years after the First Robotech War. In this, the Second Robotech War, the Robotech Masters (the ones who created the Zentradi) have shown up and attacked Earth, also looking for proto-culture--and we get to be in the middle of it all.

That is very basic but I'm sure you can gather the rest or pick it up, there are many Robotech wikis with more info.
Thanks, that's a great summary!

When should I start posting, and is there any alterations I need to make with my character sheet?
Give me a post or two to get the party out of the forest they are in, then you will be assigned to the squad as a new recruit.

Now that you have some info on the differences of the character classes and background, do you want to stick with that sheet, or change to a different one? There is nothing wrong with it; just making sure you know your options.
Sure, take your time, I'm still working on reading the latest thread to get the feel of the current mission anyway.

And no, I think I'm fine with the sheet, thank you. It fits quite nicely with my backstory.
Hey @Platipoo, which one of the two different mecha are you interested in piloting, the Logan or the Ajax? The descriptions of the two vehicles are in the equipment tab, with the exception of the new boom guns that they are now being equipped with.
As a member of the TASC, your skills lean towards the Ajax and Logan. Normally, the Logan is a little light in firepower compared to the heavier helicopter of the Ajax, but with the addition of the new Boom Gun replacing the E-20 pistol, it can now deal a tremendous amount of damage for its size. It just lacks the same missile payload and armor of the Ajax. You would be the second pilot taking a Logan if you go that route; Xylin's character uses the Flying Cat as her primary mecha.

Also, I'm updating the files on all the mecha to show the upgrade to the Boom Gun in your inventory.
Good deal. I'll have a IC post up in a little while; I just needed to know which mecha you were going with.
Now that the intros have been done, I'll be putting up a new thread later today.
Strange forests, missing scientists, a strange unknown enemy. Okay, gang, everyone into the Mystery Machine!


Captain Hesperus
Beowulf said:
I saw it.
Just making sure.

[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]Strange forests, missing scientists, a strange unknown enemy. Okay, gang, everyone into the Mystery Machine!

Captain Hesperus

Cap, you are quite the character.
[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]Strange forests, missing scientists, a strange unknown enemy. Okay, gang, everyone into the Mystery Machine!

Captain Hesperus

The missing supposed-to-be rescuers scored extra creepy points for me.
So, when you want to utilize a skill, do you roll a d20 or a d100? And how is the outcome of the skill determined?

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