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Fantasy Miss Ravenwood's Gifted Acadmey


The mischevious of the mischevious ;)

Cadence Rivers is just an ordinary student,sociable and one of the smartest in her graduating class, that is, when she is wearing her flesh colored gloves at her old school. Now, she had gotten an invite to Ravenwood Gifted Academy. Preparing for the Academy that was claimed to be the most prestigious school in the nation, Cadence was astound. But when she arrived, she saw students throwing fire at each other, with no matches seen in their hands. Another girl floating around and going through walls, like a ghost! This was indeed a Gifted Academy. The bell chimed that started their classes and a swarm of teachers came down the stairs to greet the new students.


1. No sexuality

2. No gory violence, however, violence and bloody scenes are allowed. Not too much, please!

3. Follow class rules that would be posted in the RP.

4. Flirting and love is allowed. Touching (holding hands, jokes, etc) allowed and kissing.

5. Have fun, be random. Noone is judging! :)

Character forms will be posted in another thread as well. And rules on how to do it.

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IkutoForever said:
Then may i please join?
Anyone and everyone is allowed, go to the character sign up and make a character. Do whatever you want with your character, just no inapropriate pics please.
Miss Ravenwood

The headmistress looked at the new students and raised her hands in the air smiling. "Please to meet you, younger students. It is lovely to see your happy and somewhat nervous faces! I welcome you to the Gifted Academy. Your classes will start soon. I'd suggest you find your dorms and unpack and find your classes. Meet your fellow classmates! This is your first day," She grins and gestures around her. "Explore! However, do not... go in the restricted areas. That is off limits. That is under security." She looked around with a grin. "If you have any questions, please, come to me or the teachers. Off you go everyone. You are dismissed!" With that, the head mistress stood where she was on a set of stairs watching the students scatter around and go in the hallways. Some students hung around, confused what was happening.
*Noctis walked in late, people stared at him because he gave off this "don't talk to me" vibe. He didnt care what the head mistress had to say, he went to where he needed to go, finding his dorm*
Cadence P.O.V

Cadence grew very quiet while she was in the hallways. Getting stares from other students she bit her lip, determined not to run away. 17 years of bullying and discrimination, 8 years of hurting someone just by touching them..

Cadence closed her eyes and shook her head as she kept on walking, she messed with her flesh colored gloves that she always wore so nobody would notice about her ability. The teenager then realized that she took some turns that may have gotten her lost. "Damn... I'm.." She turns on her heel looking around her surroundings in an empty hallway with several doors. "Lost?"

Tia walks into classroom with a friend, laughing, even though she is late. She finds that she and her friend are not the only ones late. There is a guy much older than her standing by the door, wearing a lot of black armor and had black hair. He radiated a 'shut up and leave me alone' kind of power. Tia and her friend stopped laughing.
Head mistress P.O.V

The teacher notices the two girls who were laughing and smiled. "Nice of you to join the class. Please sit. I will take role in just a few seconds." She grinned.

Cadence P.O.V

Cadence soon hurries off, having the feeling that she is late and dashes off to another hallway, hearing quiet talking. She frowned, too bad she will have to find all her classes later and her dormitory. She quickens her pace as her boots did a clicking sound as she rushed to find her first hour class.

Head mistress P.O.V

The woman brushed a stand of blue hair and put on her reading glasses. "Alright, lets begin with roll call." She began calling the names of students before Tia, Prince, Vee and Cadence. "Alright now, Miss Tia? Is it? Is she here?" The head mistress peered around. "And what about you gentleman, what is your name?" She pointed to the gentleman in black. @WhoCaresAnyway62 @IkutoForever
*Noctis made a "tch" sound and walked in the classroom, sitting in the very back closest to the window*

Note: When he is mad or uses his power, his eyes are red. When he is normal, his eyes are blue )
As someone who didn't have a whole lot of it, Vincent knew how to use his time wisely. It had taken him only a few minutes to unpack (admittedly, he didn't have much - just some clothes, his laptop, a few books, and a photo of his parents), and he had spent a half hour wandering the halls of the academy, getting a feel for his peers and the steps of the corridors. After that was orientation, which was held with the headmistress with the oddly colored hair. What was her name again? Vee couldn't remember. Oh, well. He was sure that it would come up later.

The young man had half a mind to go check out what these "restricted" areas were, but he figured that there would be time for that later. Would hate to make a bad impression on the first day. So instead he placed his head on the desk and kept his eyes on the woman in front of him.
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So this is the Prince everyone is talking about. How.... strange. Tia thought. She was thinking something more... majestic.
Head Mistress P.O.V

"Splendid. Welcome, Miss Tia Bloodstone." The teacher smiled and then her gaze went to the man in the back of the room. " it is Sir Noctis, himself, hm?" She made a clicking noise with her tongue. "I believe you need to fix your attitude there, young sir." She continued to smile and beamed at the student whose head was on the desk. "And Vincent. It is a pleasure to have you here." Her eyes went back to the sheet of names she was reading off. "And Cadence? Anyone here named Cadence?"

Cadence P.O.V

"I made a bad impression already..." Cadence huffed as she opened the door to the classroom to see a room of students look at her. "Shit.." She whispered.

Head Mistress P.O.V

"Ah, no cussing during class, young lady. How kind of you to join us, Miss Cadence.. Xavier. Hm? Mind if you go find a seat? Just in time to demonstrate their abilites to the class. Would you like to go first or shall I call on a volunteer...?"

Cadence P.O.V

Cadence's cheeks flushed as went to the end of the classroom closest to a window and just stood there. "I'll um, just.. stand..." She glanced at Tia, Vincent and Noctis. "You can call on someone else please.."
*Noctis looked at Tia, as if reading her mind and gave a slight smirk. He then flashed his eyes laser red for a split second then looked at Cadence*
Head mistress smiles and waves Tia over to the class. "Go ahead young lady, demonstrate your powers for us." She smiles and walked away to give Tia some room in front of the class.
Cadence's eyes met with Noctis for a split second until her eyes widened in surprise by his red eyes and she peeled away, suddenly paying attention to the younger girl in the front of the class. The teenager leaned against the window sill and tuned in to the young girl.
Tia closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. When she opens them, they are no longer green, but electric purple. "Can I use an object, if so, any object?"
Cadence smiles, intrigued at the girl's eyes. Wondering what her powers did, possibly with the beautiful outcome with her eyes, a very impressive power would come.

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