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Realistic or Modern Misfits and Prodigies

Soo... Can I reserve that romantic interest...? :x *is plotting an intellectual but klutzy character who's actually a tad bit psycho inside just a normal girl*
Alright. It might take me a bit to get done though, given I tend to change a lot as I make characters. Just let me know if you'd like it by a specific time or day or whatever by the way, and I'll get it done :x
Had to leave the site for a while because of personal reasons and was just getting back into the swing of things. Saw you post and was really hoping I could be a part, I was thinking of making a new entrant for the school, is that okay?
You're good Kal, as everything seems in order.

Actually Kiyoko, I was already counting you, don't worry. If I wasn't counting you, there'd be two newcomer slots left. So, I got you covered, don't worry. :)
Almost done... Shouldn't be too much longer, this afternoon (two/three hours from now) at the latest I'd say.

Also, @The Black Reaper I'd suggest editing the switching between their houses part, as Kyoko wouldn't allow him know even slightly that she was from some sort of mafia, let alone to her house :x

Also, you should so add in that Kyoko completely refused Kenneth's every word by kicking him in the balls just before Akira got his hands on the guy xD (though I'll be adding that to mine anyway :x )

Aand... I'm posting over here in the OOC a lot... Oh well, pretty much complete! :P
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Aand... I'm posting over here in the OOC a lot...

Teeheehee :3c

It's cool, you're keepin' it lively up in here!
Alright, I've edited my post in the In-Character section, so that it's now the first post of the RP. We can now, officially, start. Oh and Ktulu, feel free to jump in whenever.

As for me, I've had a long day, so I'm going to bed. I'll be back on tomorrow.

Your post is just fine Paralyzed. There's just one thing, I showed the academy so the people who aren't new to the academy could post, the train station is for those who are new to the academy to do their first posts. That's why I edited your post to excluded the academy part, because none of the new students have arrived there yet. I hope you don't mind.
Dude. I love the two of yours' opening post 0w0! (Is it post, or posts? Gdi English and its funny plurals)

I'm inspired owo)~ I still can't post till late, but I wanted to say you guys opened it great!
I suppose we can make room for one more spot, if no one has any objections that is.

It should be fine. Just go ahead and post your character sheet, and I'll look it over when I get time.

As for reserving, there aren't anymore characters to reserve. There were only two, the childhood crush, and the best friend, which both have been claimed. You shouldn't worry about that anyway, just make your character.

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