Mind Games


It had been a good party. Jonah hadn't wanted to leave his room, but Ria, ever the social butterfly, talked him into it. Privately, he was glad she did, which she knew of course. The fireworks had been wonderful, perfectly synchronized against the starry sky. The Keyes property was rather large, and could easily hold the family reunion happening in the front lawn while accommodating the berth that lit fireworks demanded.

And of course it wasn't just family. The twins had been given the opportunity to invite friends, which Ria had taken to mean, "Have the whole school over!" Debedo High wouldn't turn down the chance to see the Keyes property, no matter how annoying and antisocial Ria and Jonah came off as, respectively. This was because the "property" was, in fact, more like a villa, or more accurately a manor. The winding driveway alone was a mile or so long.

This large area was filled with people, and Ria wound her way through the crowd, talking to anyone who'd listen while dragging Jonah by the hand. She would bring up the most meaningless topics. Like the weather. "Isn't this the perfect day for fireworks, I mean it's so clear, not a cloud in the sky, and the stars almost look like fireworks themselves, right Jonah, and then for July the temperature's really nice, I don't think I'm sweating at all, how about you, oh I know, right?" And on and on the girl would go, until her victim managed to wriggle its way out of her claws.

Jonah, however, preferred this to the alternative. If all of Debedo High was here, than so was Svetta, the student from a Ukrainian family, who was always throwing herself at him.

As if fate had a sense of humor, as it probably does, Svetta appeared to them after the fireworks show, making her way through the crowd to get at Jonah.

"Jooooneeessyyyyyy!" she squealed, making Ria shudder. Jonah looked decidedly uncomfortable as Svetta latched onto his arm. It was sickening, really, to watch her so blatantly lay herself on him, squeezing his arm between her breast and bending her knee between his legs ever so slightly. Svetta was not an unattractive girl by any means; she had long legs and was working the miniskirt she wore now. Jonah, however, had little patience for other human beings, and even less respect for Svetta. Of course, he was too quiet to say so.

"Hey," Svetta giggled, "I was thinking, there's sure a lot of room on this property to be alo-"

Ria came to the rescue, grabbing Jonah's other arm and saying, "Welp, wesurearetiredNIGHT!" She took off, successfully wrenching Jonah from the evil's grip. In response to the string of profanity directed at her, she just flashed a peace sign over her shoulder, which only added fuel to the fire.

Ria energetically bounded up the stairs, taking them two at a time until Jonah begged her to slow down. He couldn't keep up with her liveliness, it was like Grandpa trying to chase a 3-year-old. Jonah sighed in relief when she complied. "Thanks for saving me," he told her, some of the first words he'd said all evening.

She let go of his hand and swung open the door to their room, smiling back at him. "Hey, any time, bro."

Jonah fell into bed, exhausted by the escape. He dimly was aware of Ria yawning and saying, "All of a sudden I'm pretty tired after all..." The last bit was lost to him, as he was already asleep. Ria followed soon after.

Ria came floating back into consciousness and was dimly aware of how hard her bed had become. Not yet wanting to wake up, she tried to snuggle deeper into her pillow and pull the covers tighter around her. However, she smelled only dirt and dust rather than the lingering scent of her shampoo on her pillow, and the weight of her blanket over her shoulders was missing. That was when the hook set; her mind came reeling back from the depths of her murky sleep and snapped into the comparatively cold, crisp air. She sat up abruptly, making skidding noises on what she now identified as not a mattress but rather a wooden floor. It was pitch black, but she felt well-rested despite her late retirement the night before. What time could it possibly be?

She wondered if she was dreaming, than winced. She always woke up as soon as she realized she was dreaming, and it appeared that nothing would change her surroundings despite the question echoing in her head. No, this certainly wasn't a dream. She started to grow worried and reached over the space between her bed and her twin's, trying to take his hand, til she realized once again that they weren't in their beds. In fact, she couldn't see him anywhere.

"Jonah!" she shouted, scrambling to her feet as anxiety truly set in. She looked around her; as the eyes adjusted to the darkness she could see at least a dozen other sleeping forms. One of them had to be Jonah, there was no way she could be in such a strange place without him...

"Jonah!" she called again, and saw one of the sleeping forms move to get up.

"Jonah?!" She felt like a parrot, not able to say anything but his name. She ran towards him, accidentally kicking several people in the process, but their complaints were lost to her. She barreled into the risen figure, knocking him down again; it was indeed Jonah.

"Ssshhh, ssshhh, I'm here," he said, holding her close and rubbing her back lightly. "It's me, it's Jonah, there's no need to make a big fuss - are you crying?"

"Noooooo," Ria lied, sniffling.

Around them, the other people had started to move; as they began realizing where they were, or rather where they weren't, some exclamations of shock went up in the cold air. The building had a high domed roof, and at one end, an enormous set of heavy-looking double-doors. On the other end there was a platform. A stage. What show was about to take place?
Joseph was kneeling down next to his little brother smiling as the family fireworks show started out the lookout of the hill. This is what happened every time 4th of July and personally Mark couldn't stand being here in the dead of night just for fireworks but Joseph's own happiness about the subject dragged him outside every year.

"Why didn't you go with the adults to light the fireworks" Joseph asked curious adjusting the goggles on his eyes so he could see the Blazing lights better.

"Like i was going to leave you for the snakes" he asked suddenly wrapping his arms around his brother. Joseph of course didn't fall for it but smiled satisfied feeling a shudder go down his back.

Mark fell back and knew his brother would struggle away from him but two things stopped him. One was that he was cold anyway and two the firework show picked up into a bigger arrangement of colors and patterns. He hated to admit it but he was temporarily amazed by the fireworks too.

This continued for another 15 minutes as Joseph got comfortable. When it was finally done Mark looked down to see him almost asleep and yawning. He sighed picking him up as his parents came over where he eventually handed him over to his dad.

As everything was being cleaned up they all piled back into the van for the ride home where Mark began his yawning fit along with the rest of the people not driving.

He was shaken slightly as they reached there house. He gave one more sigh as he picked up the limp body of his little brother as he went to his room. He neatly tucked Joseph in before just deciding to lye down before changing and in those next few minutes he was fast asleep.

Mark moaned feeling himself being shaken harshly and heard his name but tried to fight it wanting to go back to sleep. He immediately woke up though feeling a kick to the head. "Ow ow ow" he repeated sitting up to notice he wasn't in his bed anymore.

"Mark" he heard his name being said again joyfully as a smaller figure quickly attached himself to him. He quickly noticed him as Joseph "Its okay" he repeated getting him to calm down slowly as he looked around this new area. There were bodies shifting and waking up all over the place and he noticed a group of two people that looked like that might be twins finding each other. "Its okay" he said one more time before groaning as he stood up standing in front of Joseph pointing him away from where he saw other people.
She looked lovely. As always. Heather had just gotten done with her makeup and she put on leather jeans and a frilled, peach colored top. She was going to a party like most of the school. She didn't really no Ria or Jonah but she heard they were nice and it would be a fun party. She was going with a couple of her friends, Jenny and Alex. She curled her long black hair and brushed it up and over her head to the left side. She let Alex get into the drivers seat while she climbed into the passenger seat.

She was nervous because she was going to a very good party and she hadn't really gone to any type of party. Of course except family get together's. The three stopped at a Star Bucks and got iced coffee's before they were on the road again.

"Have either of you ever met these people?" Heather asked with a bit of worry.

"No" Alex said simply. "But they've got a big house and a big party, so were going."

They road in silence. They finally turned on the twins road. Heather was fascinated by the nice houses she saw. The drive way was crazy. A mile long! Alex pulled off and parked the car. Heather stepped out of the car as graceful as she could and looked into the rear view mirror.

"Got to look my best." She said, checking her hair.

Her mouth dropped when she saw the house. There parents were obviously racking it in. As Heather walked up, she noticed tons of the people at school and others that must of been family. She squeeled in excitement and walked with a swing in her step. She talked and walked and danced and had a plain old good time. She sat off to the side and nonchalantly sipped her coffee hoping to catch the attention of the boys. A couple of nods and waves but that was it.

She and her friends watched the fireworks in awe and gossiped while doing so. Once the night died down the three decided to leave and they were going to stay at Jennifer's house. They started the long ride home, laughing and talking. Jennifer's house was small and comfortable and Heather fell asleep, snug and happily on the couch. She felt so safe.

But she wasn't. She awoke abruptly to a cold floor. At first she thought that her friends had dragged her onto the floor. She giggled and sat up. Her mouth dropped a mile and her heart stopped. It was so dark. It was like a horror movie. The floor, the darkness, and the worst part of it was that there were others. She sat up onto her knees and held her head.
((kikinavi, you actually reminded me of something super-important I forgot to tell everyone. Umm... Oops? Lol. You've all been abducted from the same general vicinity. You shouldn't have any close ties with anyone who isn't family, but it wouldn't be too much to say your character had heard the name before or saw them at school. Thanks! Dead Eye won't be posting til later tonight, or maybe tomorrow, so I'm going to keep things going pretty slowly for now.))

Ria wiped her eyes and tried to calm down, but as Jonah began to stand back up, she snatched his sleeves and pulled. He bent over and grabbed her forearms, just past the elbow, and helped her get up with him. She clutched his hand tightly and put herself to surveying the room with him. So far, only a girl and a boy about their age were up, and another younger boy besides that with the older one. The younger boy wore goggles that had a bit of a retro look to them.

"Hey, Ria," Jonah said, pointing at them. "Don't those goggles that kid has remind you of-"

"Uncle Xavier's!" Ria, just as Jonah had expected, calmed down a little bit at the piece of familiarity. But she didn't let it distract her from the situation at hand.

"Where do you suppose we are?" she asked.

Jonah gestured at the girl who was sitting with her head in her hands. "Try asking her if she knows what's going on. I think I saw her at the party."

Ria nodded. "I hope this isn't Dad's idea of a practical joke..."

They approached the girl, who was a considerable distance away, closer to where Ria had awoken. On their way they stopped to talk to the two boys, figuring it couldn't hurt.

The older of the two made a striking impression, looking rather commanding with his dark hair and popped collar. He was comforting the younger boy. Perhaps they knew each other? The kid was much more delicate. Although both had just woken up, they were wearing normal clothing. But then, so where Ria and Jonah themselves. They'd been too exhausted to change clothes.

The twins came to a stop by the boys. For once in her life Ria was unsure of what to say, but she ventured forth cautiously.

"So... Do you know what's going on?"
((Oh no, I don't think my posts will be as long as yours but I'll try and see what I can do))

As fireworks filled the night sky, Ethan and his parents were standing outside of their small home watching all the pretty colors.

They spent every 4th of July the same way, they were a small family but there was a lot of trust between them.

When the show had finished, the family went back inside while commenting how beautiful it had been, Ethan kissed his parents good night, went to his room and headed straight into bed.

A voice shouting loud along with others mumbling got him awake fast, scared, he quickly opened his eyes and lifted his head hitting the wall he was sitting against, even though it was dark he could notice this was not his house, he was sitting in a corner and if it had been one of the four in his room there would be a piece of furniture within arms reach, instead he could only feel the two walls.

"Where am I? How did I get here?" Ethan said, there were others in the room, some already seemed completely awake, he felt scared, he couldn't help but ask in a loud voice "What is going on?"
Mark moved Joseph behind him more as he saw the other two approaching. "I really cant trust these two no matter how friendly they look" he thought to himself looking back down at Joseph "We don't know any more than you two do" he said simply looking at them. "So they really are twins" he thought again glancing to the side to notice another boy waking up. "Can I ask who you two are" he asked steadily trying to read both of them for any signs of trouble.
Ria smiled a little thinly. Jonah, as ever, stayed silent.

"I'm Ria, and this is Jonah. We're just trying to figure out what's going on. The girl over there-" Ria tilted her head in the girl's direction "-was at our 4th of July party. We're hoping she'll know something, but we figured it was a good idea to ask you two as well... Since you're up and all that."

Jonah, meanwhile, was surveying the room again. He noticed another boy awakening, unfortunately hitting his head on the wall. Judging by the reactions of everyone waking up, nobody had expected to be here. He didn't think anyone so far was "in on it."

((Don't worry Dead Eye, I went a little overboard. What you did is fine, it could have been way worse.))
Mark scanned both of them one more more time but really couldn't find anything wrong with them. Mark sighed "I'm Mark and this is my little brother Joseph" he said nodding at him so he would feel a little more comfortable around at least around these two. "Hi" Joseph pipped up quickly going back behind Mark as soon as he came out.

"Trust me the last thing wither of us did was Go to bed and if anybody here knows anything else then that would really be great" he said to the girl since the boy semes busy with his own thing.
Ria and Jonah noted his scrutiny, Jonah moreso. Jonah was almost amused at Mark's hesitance towards them, given Ria's earlier breakdown. That amusement was quickly replaced with a solemnity as he heard Mark's story, so similar to his own. He would have remarked, but he knew Ria would do the talking for him.

Having the same line of thought, Ria exclaimed, "No way! That sounds an awful lot like our story! I wonder how we could have been moved without our knowing... And I had a late night, but I feel well-rested. It has to at least be late morning, but there's no light! What's up with that?!"

Jonah interrupted Ria, who was progressively picking up speed as she spoke. "No windows," he said simply and absent-mindedly.

"Oh..." Now that Ria looked around she could see it was so. "Well..." she began. "In any case, would you like to accompany us to hear the girl's answer?"

After a moment Jonah said, "No, let's ask him first," nodding towards the boy who had just woken up. He had a feeling that the very unstable-seeming girl wouldn't have a level answer at the moment.
Mark sighed" If anything this girl was easy to trust my only concerns is her brother". He felt Joseph still trying to get a better look so he moved him to the " front and knelt down next to him. "Do you think we should go with them" he whispered to his brother watching as he actually took the time to think about it as he nodded . "Alright sure we'll accompany you" Mark said deciding to lighten up on those two but his eyes still darting at everyone else.
Heather stood up slowly. She put a hand to her forehead. He looked at the others and forced a smile. "This is tripy." She walked over to the group that had congregated. "Is it just me or did someone spike my coffee? This isn't real is it?" She then realized the people were people from the party. Her eyes filled with tears. "I don't know what's going on....but make it stop! Right now!" Her voice was rising and she was starting to freak out. She eyed everyone like they were insane. She backed up slowly and nearly tripped over someone on the ground, still asleep. She didn't know what to do if there ever was something to do.
Ethan slowly got up while rubbing the back of his head while trying to remember what happened last night, "I don't remember waking up again after the firework show" he thought.

He noticed some people were already starting to interact with each other while some still laid unconscious, still afraid of who they could be, he decided he'd stay leaning against the wall.

"Have I been abducted? That can't be, I would remember something, right? Only in movies I've seen stuff like these!" he thought while looking around trying to recognize someone, but no luck.
(Oh geez, don't I feel behind? >__<)

Fireworks lit up the dark skies, glistening brightly above everyone's head. Wyatt had stood amongst the crowd for god knows how long the show went on, losing track of his sister along the way. When it all ended, his eyes scanned the crowd around him for the familiar redhead with a scowl.

When Lilianna appeared at his side Wyatt almost jumped. "Where were you?" The brunette asked with an eyebrow raised. A smirk spread across his lips as Lilianna's eyes moved down to her shoes.

"Well, I saw a friend over there and said-"

"Oh, a friend? That's what you call it now, huh." Unable to hide the smile on his face when his younger sister turned red, Wyatt received a punch to the arm by Lilianna.

"So we ready to go?" She sighed, pushing a piece of her hair away from her face.

"Sure, if you're ready." Another punch to the arm was received as the two trumped off back to their house, which wasn't too far away from the party itself.

Later on, Wyatt caught Lilianna and the two exchanged goodnights after many snorts ensued when he saw how short the shorts were that Lilianna wore. They were siblings even if they weren't biological, and would always tease each other on various things. Clothes, what they liked, whatever.

Despite what Wyatt always spat out, Lilianna always knew her older brother wanted her around. It was a relieving feeling, knowing that she was wanted in his family since she was adopted. And being adopted was the best thing that ever happened to her.

Finally, the two laid down to sleep. Slumber came easier since the two were up early together anyway, and hitting the sheets was something they both longed for after being at the party for a while. It was much like any other not, nothing unusual or strange except for the memories of the party threatening to fill their heads, but sleep overcame their minds.

The slumber was dreamless and dark. It was only when Wyatt opened his eyes, felt the hard floor beneath him and heard people shouting that he realized he was fully awake. Sitting upright quickly, his first thought was how he got on the floor. What floor was he lying on? Hell, he threw all those questions out the window. Where the hell was he? Because his floor was not hardwood and by how he was feeling rest-wise, it should've been morning and the birds outside chirping!

His heart beat quickening as his vision didn't adjust to the dark, he heard a voice nearby and recognized it as Lilianna's amidst all the others yelling. He pretty much knew that he wasn't in his room anymore and was somewhere completely different. But where and why?


She wasn't too far away, and there was panic in her voice. Feeling around for another sign of life, Lilianna grabbed onto his arm first and clung on.

"It's me!" Feeling her fingers only tighten around his arm, Lilianna moved in closer. Wyatt didn't mind this, simply because his fear of the dark was beginning to get to him. Having a family member close to him was a big relief, even though he didn't want to admit he was afraid.

"Wyatt...where are we?" Lilianna let that question hang in the air as she waited for her big brother to award the answer. He always had the answer.

But this time was different. What was going on here was not only completely random and terrifying, but Wyatt couldn't understand. Where were they and why were they taken from their homes? How were they taken from their homes? From the talk around them, the Hemmington's definitely were not the only ones asking that question.
Ria was a little surprised at Jonah's suggestion, not having even noticed the other boy, but after thinking about it she understood. No communication necessary. The twins didn't miss the quiet exchange between their new acquaintances, but how could they hold it against the two boys? After all, they'd been the first ones up, and coincidentally, a girl who had been to their party was here with them. Jonah took it with a grain of salt, but Ria visibly wilted. Chatterbox though she was, people generally liked her, and she wasn't the sort of person who enjoyed making others uneasy. It was strange, really, to be on the receiving end of suspicion. A first for her. She perked up a little when they agreed to go along.

As a group they approached the other male, who was talking aloud to what seemed to be himself. I hope he isn't a wacko, Ria thought. Jonah chuckled inwardly as he guessed at his sister's train of thought.

The girl from their party, however, stopped them. She was screaming, telling them to make it stop. Ria had no idea what to do, except say, "Calm down, calm down!" over and over, and Jonah was no help either, remaining silent. The girl continued to cry and shout and wound up falling over another sleeping body. Ria was at a loss, having never dealt with hysterics.

((Don't worry about it wichita, it's still just getting started))
Fourth of July was a day just like any other to Jason. He had worked that morning at the local gas station because money never took a break and that he had been one of the few who had not bothered to book the 4th off. He was supposed to be patriotic, but the joy of the holiday had been leeched out of him.

There was no longer the anticipated trips to the cottage for holidays and even his house and parents had turned cold so there was no point in pretending that this day was any different. It didn't matter, he was used to it. Jason had humoured his customers and had supplied the fireworks that would fuel a good night, but at the end of his shift he simply locked up the gas station and moved into his beaten dodge truck and drove home. Without a word to anyone in the house or along the way he showered quickly and slipped into bed. Another day had passed and tomorrow would bring the exact same thing except that people would be less obnoxious and patriotic.

Jason didn't notice that at some point that he was no longer in his room until he woke up groggily. He stretched gingerly noticing that he felt stiff and he opened his eyes and blinked once before realizing that something was wrong. First of all, he wasn't in his bed and secondly there were a number of strangers with him. Jason sat up and blinked a few times trying to sort through his confusion. He never usually noticed the craziness of dreams so the fact that he was considering this as a dream raised an alarm in his head. Jason pinched himself feeling surreal and when he was aware of the pain was when he let panic flood his limbs as he stood up and asked hesitantly, "What is this?"


Ava's head throbbed painfully as she jerked away with a start. She shielded her eyes groaning groggily as she pulled herself from the floor. She had had a good 4th of July and she was certainly feeling it now, but she had attended the Keyes bash so she did not regret the fun that she had had last night.

She glanced about squinting through narrowed eyes and she felt a slight edge of panic briefly paralyze her. There was something wrong. She staggered to her feet trying to absorb as much as she could and as her eyes flitted over the foreign scene she was surprised to note that some of the faces were familiar.

"I'm Ava." she announced immediately rushing up to a group of people forming. While she recognized some of their faces she was unable to think of names so she supplied hers with the assumption that if they recognized her face then they likely wouldn't remember her name.
Heather walked around quickly to find her friends but she couldn't find them. Her state only grew worse. "Where are they?" She said to her self over and over. She bite her lip and looked at the group. Her eyes filled with nothing less than daggers. "Where am I!" She said between big angry breaths. She threw off her heels and sat down with her head between her knees. She felt like a little girl again. She thought back to when she was litlle and how the kids made fun of her appearance. She skilled a little though because she was like the ugly duckling. She had blossomed into a beautiful young girl. Then reality hit her again. She sobbed and and the tears ran out.

She stood and wiped her tears she gripped her forearm and looked around nonchalantly. She was embarrassed at her outburst. "I'm Heather." She said in a plain voice.
Ria started to feel that things had calmed down a little and said, "Heather, Ava, I'm Ria and that's my brother Jonah." She wasn't sure if the others would like their names given out so she refrained. "None of us are really sure how we got here; the last thing any of us remembers is falling asleep, and definitely not falling asleep here. What about you two?"

As Ria was talking Jonah noticed another male stirring. It seemed they were racking up quite a to-do list, with all these questions and so many people to put them to. He wondered how many of them would actually have answers. It seemed unlikely. Whoever had brought them there would likely not have stuck around for his victims' angry reactions.

Victims. Now there was a scary word. He wouldn't think it any more, they weren't victims. They didn't even know what was happening.

Just like Heather, he recognized Ava from the party. He had only seen the girls in passing, but his memory was excellent and the event of the party still fresh in his mind. He wondered if Ria had noticed the same thing, and if it held any meaning. The answer to both was probably not.

(EDIT: That was a sexist moment on my part, though I'll conveniently put the blame on Jonah here. Don't read more into that than there is lol, I really just put "his victims'" without thinking about it.))
Lilianna, hearing voices nearby, looked over at Wyatt with softer eyes. She could tell by the way her brother's arm was tensed up that he wasn't comfortable with his surroundings and that was to be completely expected. But she couldn't help but feel a tinge of guilt about the reason why he was tense, even though the situation they were in was something terrifying regardless.

Taking notice of the people nearby, she met with her older brother's gaze. "Wyatt, people are gathering over there. Should we..."

Glancing over his shoulder at the silhouette of the group itself, Wyatt turned back over and got to his feet quicker than Lilianna anticipated. "Let's go."

Biting her lower lip, the young redhead allowed herself to be pulled to her feet by her older brother. The grip Wyatt had on his sister was like iron and Lilianna knew he wasn't planning on letting go of her until they found out just what the hell was going on.

Seeing a girl nearby recovering from an outburst, Lilianna was tempted to ask her if she was okay but quickly realized how stupid a question that was. It's obvious that none of them were okay. Right now she didn't feel any tears or the reason to cry, but she certainly felt disorientated by their surroundings. How could this have happened?

Upon joining the group, Lilianna recognized a few faces from the party and couldn't help but let out a gasp. Wyatt noticed this too, but he made sure his voice came out as calm as one could manage in a situation like this. "Okay, do any of you know what's going on?" Trying to shrug away the overwhelming tension that rang true through his whole body became useless at this point as he saw the sad and confused faces that were struck with bewilderment. He knew before anyone answered that none of these people knew how they ended up there, or there wouldn't have been such a ruckus in the first place.
Jase a young man would be on the balcony of his parents house watching the Fourth of July celebrations his yellow eyes looking up at the firing works he had on a black T-shirt and black cargo Jeans with his black leather steel toe boots. Jase started to sigh calmly not one to celebrate the fourth of July but seemed to always enjoy the fireworks that were displaying over head. He slowly turned back heading back inside to his house and with his right hand slide the sliding glass door to the left and entered the house that was lit up with a night of celebration with family.. He wasn't really close to his family but liked them to be around.. has the night was coming to an end for him he would calmly hug his parents goodnight and headed straight to his bedroom

Jase didnt realize what was going to conspire that night he just jumped onto his bed passing out.. the sound of fireworks still going off outside could be heard in the distant..after that the suddenly stop his mind thinking that the night was completely done with the celebration he stayed asleep then.. he would then open his eyes noticing he was laying down on the floor and looked up his yellow eyes studying the ceiling above him dazed and confused wondering how he ended up off his bed.. but then noticed he wasn't in his bedroom he sat up slowly like rising from the grave.. and would look around his eyes gone wide.. but heard a few sounds of movement near him and he would then slowly stand up but would take a deep breathe to stay calm.. " Hello.. Can anyone hear me? " he said in a calm voice but his nerves in his body was making him shake thinking this was all just a nightmare but came to realize that it wasn't he never had a dream this real before.
Ria was getting a little tired of repeating herself, but she bore on good-naturedly. She vaguely recognized these two; hadn't she seen the girl at the party? "None of us are really sure... I was just asking these two girls if they knew anything." She then frowned a little, sensing something different, and caught sight of Jonah leaving her side to approach one of the figures that had clearly woken up. He had blonde hair and looked to be a little older than herself. Jonah, on his way, counted those still sleeping. For in total, and eleven awake. So there were fifteen of them.

Jonah came to a stop in front of the older boy and for a moment didn't say anything. Then he nodded his head toward the group and said, "Go talk. It's easier that way."
Jase would look seeing him and would nod and started to slowly walk towards the group of people his eyes still scanning the surrounding area trying to stay calm and not to loose his cool he came up to the group of people he never met before and would then look at them and said in a calm voice " My name is Jason.. but my friends call me Jase.. what is happening here " he said his eyes shifting to one person to the other his hands still slightly shaking but would make it into a fist trying to calm himself down even more.
Heather put a finger to her chin and thought. She couldn't think with all of this. She sat down in lotus position and began meditating. She didn't mind stares. After a minute she stood up and looked at everyone with a worried face. "Ya... I got nothin." She looked at everyone. "I think we should wake everyone up, yes?" She couldn't help thinking of how everyone there was from the party. She began crying a bit again. "What is wrong with me!? Ive never been good with sadness and crying." She really wanted a hug. Those made her feel good.

(Um, I got a small question. What does it look like where were at? Is it just a big dark room? No door? I don't mean to bother.)

She walked around again to look for her friends but she couldn't find them. She didn't remember them falling asleep and they probably didn't. How unfair. She falls asleep and wakes up in one of the worst situations ever and yet her friends stay up all night and are probably having a pillow fight. She put her hands to her hips and sighed.
((Jonah gives a rough description of the room earlier. Big, dome ceiling, stage at one end and huge heavy-looking set of double doors at the other. Pretty much everything's wood.))

Ria explained, "None of us are really sure what happened... It seems we all fell asleep where we wanted to, but woke up here." She was a little unsettled by his yellow eyes and the shaking fist did not escape her notice though it was less alarming. The poor guy was just scared and didn't want to show it, she was sure. She tried to soothe him with small talk. "How old are you, Jase?" She hoped it didn't come off as condescending; she only wanted to be friendly. In any case, the yellow eyes could be anything. Colored contacts. Eye drops. Mutated DNA.

OK, that last one was a little morbid. She definitely wasn't herself today.

She was a little bit worried about Heather's well-being and would make sure to talk to her when she got the chance, just to make sure she was ok and understood the situation.
Jase would then look at the girl talking and noticed she knew he was scared but also was trying to calm down a bit learning what his sensei taught him in class to always stay calm even in a horrible situation.. " im 18.. years old.. " he sighed calmly and would look around the room and would then look back at them " its ok.. i can see your all as confused as me right now.. but " takes a huge sigh relief " you all are not here to harm me in any way.. so that makes me feel better " he would then release his fist his hand still shaking but not as much

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