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Realistic or Modern Milk and Honey (OOC)

Just imagining Leo saying:
I am autism.
I’m visible in your children, but if I can help it, I am invisible to you until it’s too late.
I know where you live.
And guess what? I live there too.
I hover around all of you.
I know no color barrier, no religion, no morality, no currency.
I speak your language fluently.
And with every voice I take away, I acquire yet another language.
I work very quickly.
I work faster than pediatric aids, cancer, and diabetes combined
And if you’re happily married, I will make sure that your marriage fails.
Your money will fall into my hands, and I will bankrupt you for my own self-gain.
I don’t sleep, so I make sure you don’t either.
I will make it virtually impossible for your family to easily attend a temple, birthday party, or public park without a struggle, without embarrassment, without pain.
You have no cure for me.
Your scientists don’t have the resources, and I relish their desperation. Your neighbors are happier to pretend that I don’t exist—of course, until it’s their child.
I am autism. I have no interest in right or wrong. I derive great pleasure out of your loneliness.
I will fight to take away your hope. I will plot to rob you of your children and your dreams. I will make sure that every day you wake up you will cry, wondering who will take care of my child after I die?
And the truth is, I am still winning, and you are scared. And you should be.
I am autism. You ignored me. That was a mistake.
He just stood there, his anticipation growing as he waited for a response. His foot tapped on the ground, the sound reverberating in the room. It was a peculiar mixture of impatience and kindness that seemed to emanate from him. The power he possessed was undeniable, but it was starting to have an effect on him, as if it were slowly consuming him.

As his foot continued to tap, creating an echoing rhythm, he spoke, his voice filled with a subtle irony. "Also," he said, his words carrying weight, "keep an eye on any new members..." The irony stemmed from the fact that he was blind, relying solely on others to keep him informed. Despite their blindness, the cult had managed to evade any run-ins with the law for two years, which was seen as a positive outcome.

However, the truth was far from what he wanted others to believe. Just yesterday, a call to 911 had been made when a member of the cult had suffered a broken leg. It was a secret that needed to be kept hidden, even from Greg, the most valuable resource amongst them all. The fear of exposing their vulnerabilities and the potential consequences that may arise plagued his thoughts, it was a weight he carried silently.

In this complex web of secrecy and power, the man's lingering presence seemed to hold a heavy burden. His anticipation, impatience, and the facade he maintained all hinted at the intricate dynamics within the cult. The story behind his actions and the hidden truths they carried would continue to unfold as time went on.
She, being the youngest one in the cult at just 7 years old, exhibited an innocence that made her susceptible to the manipulative tactics of the cult leaders. Despite her tender age, she found solace and security in holding onto the hand of Minerva, the woman who stood just ahead of her in the line. The dim, faint light that emitted from their surroundings revealed only glimpses of warmth and familiarity, yet it was enough for her to sense the motherly figure that Minerva embodied. Her small hand, delicately gripping Minerva's, sought not just physical guidance, but also a semblance of protection and love. In the midst of the cult's dark and sinister practices, this innocent connection with Minerva offered a glimmer of hope, as if a flickering candle in the night, pushing away the oppressive shadows that threatened to engulf her young soul.

To other members of the cult, the young girl's presence served as a chilling reminder of their own moral disillusionment. They recognized this child's naivety, fueling their twisted desires to exploit her innocence and mold her impressionable mind to fit their depraved ideology. However, beneath the facade of obliviousness, the girl possessed an innate resilience that defied her tender years. Though she could only discern fragments of affection and kindness within the faint illumination surrounding them, she clung steadfastly to Minerva, aware of the comfort and reassurance that her touch provided.

As she stood there, enveloped in the suffocating darkness of the cult's oppressive rituals, the young girl's limited perspective limited her comprehension of the sinister depths to which these practices sank. Yet, in her heart, she yearned for a brighter, more compassionate world beyond the confines of the isolated compound. Through her innocent gaze, she glimpsed fleeting moments of tenderness in the gestures and expressions of her companions, desperately holding onto the belief that there was more to life than the desolate existence that the cult enforced.

In this haze of confusion and manipulation, the girl's connection with Minerva became a lifeline, anchoring her to a sense of stability and humanity. The warmth transmitted through their linked hands seeped into her being, offering solace and a glimmer of hope. She treasured this connection, cherishing the fleeting moments of motherly love that she experienced through Minerva's touch. It was this fragile bond that allowed her to maintain her innocence amidst the darkness.

As the cult's indoctrination tightened its grip on the young girl's impressionable mind, she responded with a resolute determination to protect the purity of her soul. It was as if she instinctively knew that by preserving her innocence, she was safeguarding the essence of her humanity. Thus, while she may have appeared naive and vulnerable to those who observed her, she possessed a strength and wisdom that transcended her years.
They sat on the sofa, a plush piece of furniture that engulfed them in comfort. Taking sips every now and again from the icy-cold, refreshing water, they found solace in its crispness against their parched throats. Despite the serenity of the moment, an unsettling feeling crept over them as they noticed a stranger sitting directly across. Their presence stirred a flicker of curiosity, yet their unfamiliarity cast a shadow of unease.

Unable to tear their eyes away, they gazed blankly at the stranger, their once-bright eyes now clouded with the weight of haunting memories. Chaos and violence played out like a broken film reel, the images of bloodied scenes and drug-laden tables flashing before their inner vision. The sound of punches landing and screams reverberated in their mind, creating a dizzying cacophony that refused to fade.

With a deliberate effort, they shook off the memories, taking another sip from the cup in their hand. The tremors in their hands betrayed the lingering effects of the turmoil they had endured. As they looked up, a mix of anxiety and curiosity danced in their gaze, prompting them to engage in conversation, however guarded it may be. Words escaped their lips, tentative at first, but gradually gaining momentum as they ventured further into the realm of connection.
Leo just sat there, his mind consumed by a powerful determination that burned within him. In exactly one week's time, he knew he would pass the rigorous test that would grant him entry into the coveted red rank, the perfect position from which he could expose the sinister cult for what it truly was - a devious organization responsible for robbing him of his beloved Olivia's life. The depths of evil that dwelled within these people were unimaginable, and Leo was determined to bring them down, piece by bloody piece.

Olivia's tragic demise at the hands of the cult left a deep void within Leo's heart. Who would have thought that he, a once docile and unassuming individual, would eventually shatter under the weight of his grief and transform into a relentless force of vengeance? With meticulous planning, he plotted his infiltration of the cult, masquerading as a new member in order to scrutinize their every move and gather the necessary evidence to expose them. But before he could even contemplate such a high-stakes strategy, he knew that his first priority was to stay alive - a feat more challenging than one might assume.

Within the dark, sinister confines of the cult's headquarters, most of its members walked blindly, either with their eyes intentionally shut or completely covered by thick blindfolds. This offered Leo a slight advantage, as he maneuvered cautiously, remaining acutely aware of the danger lurking around every corner. However, amidst the crowd, there was one individual who commanded his unwavering attention - Gregarious Mononovitch. It was this vile man who had ruthlessly ripped Olivia from Leo's life, and Leo had sworn to exact his own brand of justice upon him.

In Leo's mind, Olivia's voice echoed, a warm and cherished reminder of what had been lost, fueling his unwavering determination. But even as he momentarily retreated into that familiar memory, he snapped back to reality, recognizing the urgency of the situation at hand. With a resolute step, he made his way back to his cramped room, determined to strategize and plot his next move with unfaltering focus. The time had come for Leo to embark on his perilous journey, armed only with his grief and the inextinguishable fire of vengeance in his heart.
Athena was still in the workout/meeting room, a spacious area with bright lights that emphasized the sweat on people's brows and the determination in their eyes. They had just finished a rigorous workout or an intense meeting, and as everyone filed out of the room, Athena chose to linger for a moment longer. She found solace in a corner, hidden away from the commotion, her keen eyes observing those around her.

Her ears perked up as Gregarious Mononovitch's distinct voice resonated through the room, engaging in a conversation with her grand-dad. The soft smile on her face hinted at the delight she found in eavesdropping on their conversation. There was an element of secrecy and intrigue that captivated her attention. However, eventually, even the most interesting conversations came to an end.

Feeling a growing sense of boredom, Athena reluctantly left her corner and began her slow walk towards her room. As she entered the familiar space, her eyes swept across the clutter that seemed to have taken over every available surface. Clothes were strewn everywhere, not only in the closet but also on chairs and the floor. She sighed, wondering why she had allowed her room to reach such a state of disarray. What was the point of keeping everything so chaotic? It was as if the world around her was blind to the need for order and organization.

Trying to shake off her frustration, Athena reached for her hoodie hanging on the back of her chair. As she put it on, she felt a sense of comfort and security wrap around her like a protective shield. She couldn't help but smile, briefly forgetting her annoyance with the messy room. Just as she was about to leave, she heard footsteps approaching outside her door. Without even looking, she knew it was Leo, her arch-nemesis.

"Go to the underworld!" Athena shouted, her voice filled with bitter contempt.

"Ladies first," Leo retorted, his tone filled with a mischievous edge.

The intensity of Athena's anger towards Leo often puzzled her. She couldn't pinpoint a specific reason behind her strong dislike for him, but it was undeniable. Perhaps it was the way he carried himself or the sound of his breathing that grated on her nerves. Whatever the case, being in his presence made her want to rebel against the world, to commit a crime just to express her frustration.

As Athena contemplated her enmity towards Leo, she couldn't help but wonder if there was a deeper reason behind her feelings. Was it simply a clash of personalities, or was there something more profound at play? Despite not knowing the exact cause, Athena acknowledged the presence of an undeniable tension between them, one that constantly threatened to erupt into a heated confrontation.
Can Athena see? Is she not wearing a blindfold or something?

Also, I like how May sees Minerva in a motherly light, as that's exactly how Minerva would act!
Coca-Cola Coca-Cola What's the play with May & Minerva? Are they going to leave together and do stuff? Or are they going their separate ways?
Oh, heya, Leo! Fancy bumping into you!" Minerva giggled at her little quip, "Oh, yeah, I just remembered, Grand-dad wanted us to put up some decorations for an upcoming event. Do you want to get together later and discuss it?"
What event? (we can discuss it ocf)
What event? (we can discuss it ocf)
No idea. Just figured it was a reason to interact. :P I suppose it could be a birthday? Or maybe some holiday celebration? Or perhaps a celebration of someone making a higher rank?
No idea. Just figured it was a reason to interact. :P I suppose it could be a birthday? Or maybe some holiday celebration? Or perhaps a celebration of someone making a higher rank?
What event? (we can discuss it ocf)
Ooo, Ooo, can it be for the Quarterly Assessments(something I was working on refining on a docs, and haven't asked properly about yet, but I'm asking now I guess XD)?

If it's okay, I was thinking the Quarterly Assessments is an event the cult would do 4 times a year at the end of each season and announce the test results for the last quarter. Decide if anyone would go up in ranks, and if so, present them with their new title on stage. Even if no one from our list of characters have moved up just yet, it'd give a period of 3 months for them to continue to work on the tests and give the characters context to go back into the mental state of needing to improve. Plus, I was thinking it'd be a day where all the blindfolded characters, one by one, are brought into a dark closed off room and are allowed to switch their blindfolds. Since it'd be kinda gross and a health risk to never change your blindfold.

Just my thoughts, lemme know if it sound okay!
Ooo, Ooo, can it be for the Quarterly Assessments(something I was working on refining on a docs, and haven't asked properly about yet, but I'm asking now I guess XD)?

If it's okay, I was thinking the Quarterly Assessments is an event the cult would do 4 times a year at the end of each season and announce the test results for the last quarter. Decide if anyone would go up in ranks, and if so, present them with their new title on stage. Even if no one from our list of characters have moved up just yet, it'd give a period of 3 months for them to continue to work on the tests and give the characters context to go back into the mental state of needing to improve. Plus, I was thinking it'd be a day where all the blindfolded characters, one by one, are brought into a dark closed off room and are allowed to switch their blindfolds. Since it'd be kinda gross and a health risk to never change your blindfold.

Just my thoughts, lemme know if it sound okay!
I like this idea! I also think we should discuss what some of these tests are. I don't know if Coca-Cola Coca-Cola had anything specific in mind beyond them being tests about things like morals and such.
I like this idea! I also think we should discuss what some of these tests are. I don't know if Coca-Cola Coca-Cola had anything specific in mind beyond them being tests about things like morals and such.
Yee, that's actually something I was just working on! I was thinking that tests to get to Red rank would be more-so tests of knowledge, faith, morals, sense of will, and such. While test's to become Purple add in physical's, fighting technique, identification training(can you tell where you are, who you're with, and where you're going in an efficient manner without being directly told), stealth training, and priority assessments n' stuff!

I was in the beginning stages of making a list and planned on setting up some stuff for what the tests would be(haven't gotten that far tho), I asked ahead of time if this was okay btw

Did you have any preferences/ideas you wanted to implement?
Yee, that's actually something I was just working on! I was thinking that tests to get to Red rank would be more-so tests of knowledge, faith, morals, sense of will, and such. While test's to become Purple add in physical's, fighting technique, identification training(can you tell where you are, who you're with, and where you're going in an efficient manner without being directly told), stealth training, and priority assessments n' stuff!

I was in the beginning stages of making a list and planned on setting up some stuff for what the tests would be(haven't gotten that far tho), I asked ahead of time if this was okay btw

Did you have any preferences/ideas you wanted to implement?
I had never even thought to factor in physical prowess in ranking up to anything, including Purple. I always figured those who were thought to be capable would have been chosen for those roles, possibly among the Red & Purple ranks. Hmm... If that were the case, then that would mean I should give a slight evaluation to Minerva. She would actually have a decent amount of these physical capabilities, as she's been working towards Purple.

I also like the idea of tests that test how compassionate and empathetic people are. Their ability to understand others. Personally, I like those simply because it would confuse others as to how Greg could have possibly passed them. XD Perhaps when a character takes a particularly difficult test dealing with psychology and empathizing with others, whether they pass or fail, they then understand that it means that Greg must actually have a good understanding and ability to relate to others. It can give a little light to those characters into Greg.

No only that, but Greg passed everything his first time trying. It means he didn't need extensive training to distinguish difficult moral dilemmas, or understand the complex emotions people feel in various situations. It also emphasizes the fact that he's actively choosing to be a douche! XD

It's also kinda funny to think of Minerva as this sweet, innocent girl that actually knows martial arts! Like, how May sees her as this motherly figure, this beacon of light and hope, and then she's also capable of laying out a mugger! XD That honestly cracks me up.

So, perhaps some of the tests deal with psychology in various situations. Moral philosophy, etc. Perhaps some deep personality quiz type stuff to determine compatibility with the darker sides of the cult, such as blindings?

Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, ranking up doesn't require passing all tests, so there's no need to be good at everything. Of course, Greg passed all the tests every time. Which would have likely have been noted during these quarterly events. But it also means Minerva doesn't have to have actual fighting ability. Either way, the tests, especially for Purple, would still be difficult, as even without passing the fighting, Minerva's still been struggling to pass enough.

OR! MAYBE! There's, like, just enough physical tests that you would need to be able to pass a couple. That way Minerva still has to be expected to be able to do something.
I had never even thought to factor in physical prowess in ranking up to anything, including Purple. I always figured those who were thought to be capable would have been chosen for those roles, possibly among the Red & Purple ranks. Hmm... If that were the case, then that would mean I should give a slight evaluation to Minerva. She would actually have a decent amount of these physical capabilities, as she's been working towards Purple.

I also like the idea of tests that test how compassionate and empathetic people are. Their ability to understand others. Personally, I like those simply because it would confuse others as to how Greg could have possibly passed them. XD Perhaps when a character takes a particularly difficult test dealing with psychology and empathizing with others, whether they pass or fail, they then understand that it means that Greg must actually have a good understanding and ability to relate to others. It can give a little light to those characters into Greg.

No only that, but Greg passed everything his first time trying. It means he didn't need extensive training to distinguish difficult moral dilemmas, or understand the complex emotions people feel in various situations. It also emphasizes the fact that he's actively choosing to be a douche! XD

It's also kinda funny to think of Minerva as this sweet, innocent girl that actually knows martial arts! Like, how May sees her as this motherly figure, this beacon of light and hope, and then she's also capable of laying out a mugger! XD That honestly cracks me up.

So, perhaps some of the tests deal with psychology in various situations. Moral philosophy, etc. Perhaps some deep personality quiz type stuff to determine compatibility with the darker sides of the cult, such as blindings?

Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, ranking up doesn't require passing all tests, so there's no need to be good at everything. Of course, Greg passed all the tests every time. Which would have likely have been noted during these quarterly events. But it also means Minerva doesn't have to have actual fighting ability. Either way, the tests, especially for Purple, would still be difficult, as even without passing the fighting, Minerva's still been struggling to pass enough.

OR! MAYBE! There's, like, just enough physical tests that you would need to be able to pass a couple. That way Minerva still has to be expected to be able to do something.
Yes! Okay, so what I was thinking was that there'd be several different Catagories, and each Catagory would have 3-5 tests. Depending on the Catagory you'd only need to pass 1 or 2 of the tests to be considered done in that category. And once you've passed all the categories, you'd have a short interview with Granddad where he'll ask some questions.

My thoughts on Purple ranks were that all of them were assigned on missions, it's just that the missions varied a bit more than just dealing out punishments(I haven't asked about this yet, so it's just me thinking out loud). All missions would take place outside the facility, but they'd range from intelligence gathering, scouting potential recruits, charity work(that could potentially bring you outside the country), to even a bit of vigilantism in taking down negative influences around the state/country. So even though Greg's type of missions aren't privy only to Greg, the missions he's assigned are done so with him in mind.

So my idea was that the final test to get into Purple would be to get assigned a mission accompanied by two Purple rank, and once completed, it'll be assessed by Granddad whether or not it was done in such a way to permit a rise in rank
Yes! Okay, so what I was thinking was that there'd be several different Catagories, and each Catagory would have 3-5 tests. Depending on the Catagory you'd only need to pass 1 or 2 of the tests to be considered done in that category. And once you've passed all the categories, you'd have a short interview with Granddad where he'll ask some questions.

My thoughts on Purple ranks were that all of them were assigned on missions, it's just that the missions varied a bit more than just dealing out punishments(I haven't asked about this yet, so it's just me thinking out loud). All missions would take place outside the facility, but they'd range from intelligence gathering, scouting potential recruits, charity work(that could potentially bring you outside the country), to even a bit of vigilantism in taking down negative influences around the state/country. So even though Greg's type of missions aren't privy only to Greg, the missions he's assigned are done so with him in mind.

So my idea was that the final test to get into Purple would be to get assigned a mission accompanied by two Purple rank, and once completed, it'll be assessed by Granddad whether or not it was done in such a way to permit a rise in rank
I'm interested in hearing Coca-Cola Coca-Cola 's thoughts and ideas on the matter.
As Kylee finished up her orange and internally thanked her god, she felt under the table for the trash can and threw her remaining peel away. She dusted her hands as she went to stand back to her full height, letting out a sigh that held a mixture of disappointment and reluctant anticipation. I guess I should find Abel and bring him home before I go for my run...

Her brow furrows as she recalls a couple of weeks prior. It was during his first week in the blindfold, and after bringing Abel to the gymnasium for exercise Kylee thought there wouldn't be much harm in leaving him for 30 minutes as she ran her usual laps. Not 10 minutes go by before Minerva's calling her saying the guy was looking for her and seemed 'scared'. Kylee rolls her eyes under her blindfold at the memory. When she came back Abel was fine. However, she felt it was a little odd that he decided to sit on the floor where he was stretching rather than try to find the couch. But to each their own, even if it made him weird. Once Kylee spoke to him asking what his problem was he responded quickly in an excited tone,
"Vixe, I was getting worried. Where'd you go?" He shuffled off the floor, getting to his feet. And with little grace, by the sounds of it.
"For a run. I always run a couple laps after the daily exercise, wasn't even able to finish before Minerva called me to come take care of you." She said flatly with a tinge of annoyance in her tone.
"Oh... sorry." She heard his clothes shuffle a bit before he let out a small chuckle, she couldn't place the emotion behind it, but she returned it with a smile and an indulgent sigh before dragging him along back to the apartments.

After that, Kylee made a bit more of an effort to make Abel aware of her presence and when she planned on leaving. Though it seems he got the hint the first time around, since now even when she forgets to tell him her plans he simply waits right where she left him until she comes back. Not an independent bone in that boy's body. She smiles, it'd probably be indearing if it wasn't so annoying. But! This is her job, her responsibility. She takes pride in her patience and understanding of the newbies even with how slow they are at literally everything. She walks a bit away from the snack table and goes towards the spot Abel usually goes to for exercise. She senses someone approaching her as well, someone with a lingering smell of sweat and smoke, and also oddly tinged with the scent of wet cement. Abel.

"Woo Woo, is someone actually leaving their little square before I have to drag them out of it?" Kylee teases him as he gets closer.

"Woo Woo, is someone actually done talking before the sun explodes?" He shoots back. The little- "I was actually feeling a little hungry, so I thought I'd grab something."

"Really? I swear you ate before we came." Kylee inquired, when she heard Abel move a bit out of nervousness she smiled mischievously. "Or is it not that you're actually hungry, but instead you wanted to meet your fellow people? Dare I say Mr. Brood Boy wants to *gasp* make friends??" Going by the shuffle of clothes and the underbreath grumble of 'Brood Boy?' Kylee would say she hit the jackpot. She playfully pushed his shoulder.

"Hey! And so what, between the two of us at least one of us needs to make friends." Abel said this, but it was all humor in his voice with no sustenance to the negative connotation.

"WOW, I'll have you know that there are plenty of people here that like me! Any that don't are off their rocks and need to have a talk with God." Kylee said this back with humor as well, which seemed to work, given the little laugh she got out of Abel in return. Abel moved backward a bit, saying a disbelieving 'Right, right.' as he did. Her eyes narrowed, "Whatever," she sighed, "does that mean you'll be fine if I leave you here for a bit?"

"Going for your run?"


Abel shifted a little hesitantly before saying, "Yeah, I should be fine. What's the worst that can happen?"


This is the worst that can happen.

Abel stands by himself at the far end of the table, picking at a bran muffin that he doesn't want in the slightest. By the time he got to the table, the others were already deep into their own conversations or just starting to head out, leaving him with the awkward choice to either force himself into someone else's conversation or just stand there silently until Kylee came back. He guesses he's been here long enough that he should be able to find his way home on his own by now, but he definitely doesn't know the entire layout of the facility yet. So if he made one wrong turn he'd most likely never be able to find his way back.

What's worse? Standing here until Kylee gets back and having to suffer her never-ending teasing for being a socially awkward loser, or dying in some random hallway because I got lost and no one was able to find me? It was probably worrying how much he had to think on that before deciding to just wait it out, and deal with the repercussions of his quiet nature when Kylee bulldozes him down and laughs at his failures. He sighs inwardly and gives himself a mental kick. Stop being so dramatic. If I was a bit quicker I could've made some friends, this was a good choice, just a bad execution. Abel clenched his teeth as he reiterated to himself to do better in the future.

But just as Abel was coming to accept his solitude he felt someone walk towards him. A cold sweat started beading on the back of Abel's neck, he remembers that presence. That overwhelming, nearly suffocating presence from earlier. He tries to readjust himself in a more accepting stance, trying to dispel his own mopy aura and replace it with something more inviting, maybe the figure wants to talk! If so, his attempt to make a new friend or at least an acquaintance, may not end up in vain. The figure, still a bit off to his side, speaks.

"Abel, this is Greg." Greg? Abel's never met a 'Greg', but by the way he knows his name, Greg seems to know him. "I was wondering if there was anything you needed from outside, or just wanted to step out for some fresh air?"

The offer not only confused Abel because, to his understanding, this was the first real conversation these two were having- so the man with the intimidating presence yet level and professional voice asking Abel if he wanted to 'step out for some fresh air' seemed somewhat jarring. But the subject of the offer also caused Abel's mind to blank. From what Abel was aware of, going outside of the facility was a bit of a process. Not only did you need to ask ahead of time as to get a supervisor, but for a Blue to be granted permission it had to be something short of an emergency. So a stranger casually asking if he wanted to go outside with a motive as lax as getting fresh air? Abel didn't really know what to make of it.

"W- "

But just as he was about to ask for a bit more clarification, something moved a bit inside his brain. Wait- what'd this guy say his name was? Greg? As in Gregarious Mononovitch?! As in the guy that Granddad praises in every other speech with how gifted he his? As in the Greg that went from Blue, to Red, to Purple within a series of months, never done before?! THAT Greg?! Abel may be new, but he's been here for a month now, which was more than enough time to hear that name. Though he's heard that people who call him 'Greg' don't usually make it out of the conversation unscathed, so he wonders if he introduced himself as that as a trick..? Best play it safe.

"S-sure, Gregarious. I wouldn't mind a walk."

In all honesty, Abel had no reason or will to leave the facility at the moment. But he wondered if Gregarious needed to talk to him about anything in particular and was trying to be subtle, so Abel thought it best to go along with it. He doesn't really know what it is that the Purple ranked do, but he knows that their time is valuable, so whether this is related to something important, or a guy just wanting a buddy for the evening, Abel was determined not to disappoint!

Well, he'll try not to, at least...
Whoopsie! I accidentally had Greg introduce himself as Greg instead of Gregarious. That caused StaleBread StaleBread to advance my mistake. I edited my post, and hopefully soon Bread will soon make adjustments as well.

Also, just for clarification in case anyone needs it, as I was confused at first as well, Kylee's bit is a bit of a flashback, as opposed to an event that's happening alongside the current goings on.

Also, side note, when I went to tag Bread, I also realized there's a Stale Biscuit, though their name includes a space. I thought it was funny that Bread isn't the only stale food around. :P
Whoopsie! I accidentally had Greg introduce himself as Greg instead of Gregarious. That caused StaleBread StaleBread to advance my mistake. I edited my post, and hopefully soon Bread will soon make adjustments as well.

Also, just for clarification in case anyone needs it, as I was confused at first as well, Kylee's bit is a bit of a flashback, as opposed to an event that's happening alongside the current goings on.

Also, side note, when I went to tag Bread, I also realized there's a Stale Biscuit, though their name includes a space. I thought it was funny that Bread isn't the only stale food around. :P
Okie, I took your advice and I think I fixed all your concerns! Thank you for the advice, though I did end up being lazy and went through a couple trials and errors figuring the divide thing out instead of using my eye's to read XD
Oop, my bad, you asked that earlier didn't you? Vixe is a Portuguese exclamation, it'd be kinda equivalent if I said 'Jesus'. So what he said could be read as, "Jeez, I was getting worried. Where'd you go?"

But that's what my notes tell me xD, I don't speak Portuguese, but that was my intention when I wrote it lol
Oop, my bad, you asked that earlier didn't you? Vixe is a Portuguese exclamation, it'd be kinda equivalent if I said 'Jesus'. So what he said could be read as, "Jeez, I was getting worried. Where'd you go?"

But that's what my notes tell me xD, I don't speak Portuguese, but that was my intention when I wrote it lol
Ah! And here I was thinking it was perhaps some sort of nickname for Kylee! XD
Ah! And here I was thinking it was perhaps some sort of nickname for Kylee! XD
Ah, no, as cute as that'd be it's far more likely for Kylee to dish out nicknames than Abel XD. I'm actually thinking that whenever Kylee refers to Greg, she'll call him Spike or Spiky, because in my head-cannon(until I'm told otherwise) when the two first met she tried calling him Greg and he got mad, so she was like "Wow, touchy aren't we? Just a prickly lil' spikeball we got here."
Ah, no, as cute as that'd be it's far more likely for Kylee to dish out nicknames than Abel XD. I'm actually thinking that whenever Kylee refers to Greg, she'll call him Spike or Spiky, because in my head-cannon(until I'm told otherwise) when the two first met she tried calling him Greg and he got mad, so she was like "Wow, touchy aren't we? Just a prickly lil' spikeball we got here."
Lol. I think that's hilarious! Greg would be furious, but he'd always respect her direct approach.

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