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Realistic or Modern Milk and Honey (OOC)

Leo finding out that Minerva is a normal genuine person: :O
Pretty much. XD I figured since she hasn't had to ever deal with struggling, dishonest people, or even really ever being lied to, or conned/scammed, taken advantage of, etc, she's developed her sweet, trusting, genuine personality.

Essentially, she's never felt the consequences of being too kind in the real world. XD
random thing I thought of
Leo: I got you guys something
River: is it a will to live?
Grand-dad: is it death?
May: Is it a book?
Jen (you'll see soon)
what would your oc's last meal be?
Like, if they got whatever they wanted?
Strawberry milkshake without whip but with a cherry, salted oyseters w/ sourkraut, grilled sardines in lime, and chips with cowboy caviar.

Two double cheeseburgers, a bowl of cubed watermelon, and a tub of pistachio ice cream

Abel's is because he likes fishy foods, but doesnt often get the chance to eat them anymore because they take a slight modicum of skill to make. And even though he learned some things from his mom, he hasn't really had the chance to cook in a kitchen in awhile before he came to the cult, and doesn't yet trust himself to cook with a blindfold xD

Kylee's is because she's been p' health conscious since she transitioned, it took a lot of mental effort to get to the point where she allowed herself to have the body she currently has, and wants to make sure she treats it well. Plus she just likes being smexy lol. So if she knew it was her last meal she'd throw health out the window and go full force into her cravings xD
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Hey guys sorry I haven't been on too much. I suppose I should have given you guys a heads up but I doubt I'll be able to respond more than once or twice a week. I should have my next post up by the end of tomorrow.
Hey guys sorry I haven't been on too much. I suppose I should have given you guys a heads up but I doubt I'll be able to respond more than once or twice a week. I should have my next post up by the end of tomorrow.
it's ok!
what would your oc's last meal be?
Minerva would ask for a bunch of pastries and sweets.
Greg would ask for an endless buffet. Not because he loves eating, but because if his last meal never ends, neither does his life. :P
Hey guys sorry I haven't been on too much. I suppose I should have given you guys a heads up but I doubt I'll be able to respond more than once or twice a week. I should have my next post up by the end of tomorrow.
No worries! I don't plan on posting super often either, so it works out.
Lol, stop making so many characters! XD

As per usual, I'd imagine Minerva and Athena getting along great, since I imagine Minerva getting along with most people. Also as per usual, Greg wouldn't care much for her. Man, my characters really aren't very picky. One is a universal lover, the other is a universal hater. XD

Minerva's backstory doesn't include much beyond memories she doesn't have, such as being dumped in a dumpster. Her life was rather dandy, not including much excitement or events of note.

Since everyone else has backgrounds on their characters, I suppose I'll work on one for Greg. Eh, I'll just start working on it here. :P

Trigger warning: Everything
Gregarious Mononovitch had always excelled at everything. He could walk & talk well ahead of his benchmarks. Doctors were awed at the level of awareness he seemed to show right after birth. They were also unnerved as it seemed as though Greg was studying them, despite being blind. He was destined for greatness.

Unfortunately, his loving parents died early in his life. His earliest memory is actually watching them be cut down by burglars in their own home. It's the only memory he has of them. After that, his Uncle took him in. His uncle was a horrid man. A veteran that suffered from PTSD. His condition lead to many people excusing his behaviors, though in reality none of his awful actions was caused by his mental illness. He also didn't have to work thanks to the disability checks the government provided.

Greg was often forced to do things for his Uncle. Whether that was making food or fetching him a beer. Whenever he made a mistake his Uncle would beat him. This would often times lead to broken bones. He didn't show up to school often, though when he did it was usually with bruises. It seemed to be a wonder how Greg ever moved on to the next grade, though it was his teachers taking pity on him. Despite his talents, his grades never reflected his excellence.

This was typical behavior during football, basketball and baseball seasons. Those were the good times. When there weren't sports on to occupy his Uncle, the nightmare began. His Uncle would often play games such as forcing Greg to ingest substances. Usually alcohol, though occasionally drugs, typically opioids or various medications meant for his PTSD. His Uncle would laugh at Greg's reactions to them. He would beat him if he ever refused or gagged or vomited. When his Uncle grew really upset, he would rape Greg. It didn't even matter what the Uncle was upset about either. Unfortunately, since the Uncle didn't work, this was an every day affair for Greg.

Roughly around the age of ten, a nosey neighbor had looked through a window one day when the Uncle was out. There they saw Greg on the floor in the fetal position. He was seizing from another round of his Uncle's favorite game, frothing from the mouth. After an ambulance was called, Greg was treated and the doctors started the process of having him placed into state custody.

The group home was a small house that generally had up to three other boys living there with Greg. Unfortunately, the couple that ran the group home weren't much better than the Uncle. They didn't beat him, so that was a plus, though they still sexually abused him. By the time Greg was fifteen the couple was found guilty of abuse towards Greg. One of the other boys had noticed it one day and called social services. After that, Greg was placed in another group home.

This one wasn't terrible. It was larger, holding up to fifteen boys total, including Greg. The owners and the staff they hired were decent, though they obviously didn't care much for the boys, as many were delinquents. One day the largest boy, the house bully, tried messing with Greg. This was the first fight Greg would ever get in to. Greg laid the boy out with a single strike to the jaw.

Another boy had noticed and invited Greg into his gang. The gang taught Greg how to fight, including with a sword. On Greg's sixteenth birthday they gifted him his first sword, though it's not the one he currently has now, which is a custom walking cane/sword hybrid. After that Greg ran away from the group home. He would find the address of his Uncle. That was his first kill. His second and third kills were the couple from his first group home. That took him almost a year to complete. The same day he accomplished this he was approached by an elderly man that called himself Grand-dad. Grand-dad promised him purpose. That was enough for Greg. To this day he hasn't told a soul about his past.

Whoo! All done! Just threw something together. Hope you all enjoy it! :D
How my oc's would react to you hugging them
Grand-dad: hugs you back and then asks you if you wanna join the cult lmao
River: crys because they have never experienced love before
May: hugs you back
Leo: stands there
Athena: hugs you back while crying
oh no our poor blind boy!
Except only we know the story. None of the characters do. Though I think it'd be cool for it to be revealed at some point. Maybe he actually grows close to someone? I can honestly see him growing close with Abel or Kylee, depending on how situations develop. Athena is a possibility as well, but I'll have to learn more about her first. StaleBread StaleBread
can I hug Gregarious?
Only if you don't value your life. He's never been hugged. Never cried. Never laughed. He has smirked, though! Sometimes smiles! :O

It's so ironic, because it's not like Greg is broken and can't relate to others. He's literally passed all the tests required to be Purple rank, which include moral and emotional understanding tests. It's just another way Greg validates his greatness compared to others.
How my oc's would react to you hugging them
Grand-dad: hugs you back and then asks you if you wanna join the cult lmao
River: crys because they have never experienced love before
May: hugs you back
Leo: stands there
Athena: hugs you back while crying
Minerva would love hugs! Greg, well, you can try, but you might lose a hand. No, literally, he'll cut your hand off. Hugs are one way Minerva soothes others. She's a very touchy-feely person. Though that's one of her main ways of identifying people, touching them. Usually a shoulder squeeze or something. But just like her last scene where she pats May's head. She's very physically affectionate.

Greg shows his affection in a funny way. He graces you with his time. So when he'll eventually have banter with Kylee, that's Greg's way of showing affection. If he's not, then it's more like what happened with Abel. A quip and a walk-off. The person he shows the most affection to is Grand-dad. Even though he may not seem it, he's loyal to a fault. Lord help the poor soul that ever lays a hand on Grand-dad.
interesting fact's about Leo:
He loves quesadillas
He used to go free-diving (with his friends up to 200 ft) he can hold his breath for a long time
He went to Alcoholics Anonymous once or twice but he really did't learn anything
he is good with guns
Greg shows his affection in a funny way. He graces you with his time. So when he'll eventually have banter with Kylee, that's Greg's way of showing affection. If he's not, then it's more like what happened with Abel. A quip and a walk-off. The person he shows the most affection to is Grand-dad. Even though he may not seem it, he's loyal to a fault. Lord help the poor soul that ever lays a hand on Grand-dad.
Someone (prob drunk/high): beating up grand-dad
Greg: so you have chosen....DEATH
Since everyone else has backgrounds on their characters, I suppose I'll work on one for Greg. Eh, I'll just start working on it here. :P

Trigger warning: Everything
Gregarious Mononovitch had always excelled at everything. He could walk & talk well ahead of his benchmarks. Doctors were awed at the level of awareness he seemed to show right after birth. They were also unnerved as it seemed as though Greg was studying them, despite being blind. He was destined for greatness.

Unfortunately, his loving parents died early in his life. His earliest memory is actually watching them be cut down by burglars in their own home. It's the only memory he has of them. After that, his Uncle took him in. His uncle was a horrid man. A veteran that suffered from PTSD. His condition lead to many people excusing his behaviors, though in reality none of his awful actions was caused by his mental illness. He also didn't have to work thanks to the disability checks the government provided.

Greg was often forced to do things for his Uncle. Whether that was making food or fetching him a beer. Whenever he made a mistake his Uncle would beat him. This would often times lead to broken bones. He didn't show up to school often, though when he did it was usually with bruises. It seemed to be a wonder how Greg ever moved on to the next grade, though it was his teachers taking pity on him. Despite his talents, his grades never reflected his excellence.

This was typical behavior during football, basketball and baseball seasons. Those were the good times. When there weren't sports on to occupy his Uncle, the nightmare began. His Uncle would often play games such as forcing Greg to ingest substances. Usually alcohol, though occasionally drugs, typically opioids or various medications meant for his PTSD. His Uncle would laugh at Greg's reactions to them. He would beat him if he ever refused or gagged or vomited. When his Uncle grew really upset, he would rape Greg. It didn't even matter what the Uncle was upset about either. Unfortunately, since the Uncle didn't work, this was an every day affair for Greg.

Roughly around the age of ten, a nosey neighbor had looked through a window one day when the Uncle was out. There they saw Greg on the floor in the fetal position. He was seizing from another round of his Uncle's favorite game, frothing from the mouth. After an ambulance was called, Greg was treated and the doctors started the process of having him placed into state custody.

The group home was a small house that generally had up to three other boys living there with Greg. Unfortunately, the couple that ran the group home weren't much better than the Uncle. They didn't beat him, so that was a plus, though they still sexually abused him. By the time Greg was fifteen the couple was found guilty of abuse towards Greg. One of the other boys had noticed it one day and called social services. After that, Greg was placed in another group home.

This one wasn't terrible. It was larger, holding up to fifteen boys total, including Greg. The owners and the staff they hired were decent, though they obviously didn't care much for the boys, as many were delinquents. One day the largest boy, the house bully, tried messing with Greg. This was the first fight Greg would ever get in to. Greg laid the boy out with a single strike to the jaw.

Another boy had noticed and invited Greg into his gang. The gang taught Greg how to fight, including with a sword. On Greg's sixteenth birthday they gifted him his first sword, though it's not the one he currently has now, which is a custom walking cane/sword hybrid. After that Greg ran away from the group home. He would find the address of his Uncle. That was his first kill. His second and third kills were the couple from his first group home. That took him almost a year to complete. The same day he accomplished this he was approached by an elderly man that called himself Grand-dad. Grand-dad promised him purpose. That was enough for Greg. To this day he hasn't told a soul about his past.

Whoo! All done! Just threw something together. Hope you all enjoy it! :D
Poor baby! Makes me wonder how he has so much confidence, maybe a coping mechanism, a front, super-strong willpower, or just a really unorthodox/twisted way of thinking? Or he's just really good at separating his life into chunks and good at keeping his distance from that particular parcel? Could also be a powerful sense of dissociation from the past. You have so many options!! I wonder.. does he still have his first sword? Like, for sentiment reasons?

How my oc's would react to you hugging them
Grand-dad: hugs you back and then asks you if you wanna join the cult lmao
River: crys because they have never experienced love before
May: hugs you back
Leo: stands there
Athena: hugs you back while crying
Minerva would love hugs! Greg, well, you can try, but you might lose a hand. No, literally, he'll cut your hand off. Hugs are one way Minerva soothes others. She's a very touchy-feely person. Though that's one of her main ways of identifying people, touching them. Usually a shoulder squeeze or something. But just like her last scene where she pats May's head. She's very physically affectionate.

Greg shows his affection in a funny way. He graces you with his time. So when he'll eventually have banter with Kylee, that's Greg's way of showing affection. If he's not, then it's more like what happened with Abel. A quip and a walk-off. The person he shows the most affection to is Grand-dad. Even though he may not seem it, he's loyal to a fault. Lord help the poor soul that ever lays a hand on Grand-dad.
Umm, it depends on the context, but if it's just meant as a casual hug- like a greeting hug...
Abel would probably stiffen up a bit, but he wouldn't reject it or flinch away. And depending on how long the hug is(Abel takes a moment to think and worry over pretty much everything, so the length of the hug matters) Abel will reciprocate the hug. This applies to pretty much everyone, even in the very VERY unlikely scenario where someone like Greg or Granddad spontaneously decides to hug him. He'd be surprised and unsure whether he's expected to hug back or whether it actually is a hug, but will inevitably conclude that it'd be rude not to hug back. But of course, none of that would take place if it was just a quick hug, since his reaction time would be too slow to reciprocate.

Kylee isn't the type to show consistent physical affection, but would definitely instigate a greeting hug if she met up with a friend. If an acquaintance or someone she's neutral on instigated the hug she wouldn't put much thought into quickly reciprocating and then letting go and transitioning into talking- so hugs wouldn't linger too long. If it's someone she dislikes- she'd sidestep them and raise an eyebrow or even scowl. If it's someone she doesn't like and it's too spontaneous to properly dodge, expect to get slapped or a heel getting dug into your foot.

Their signs of affection:
Abel's not a very talkative person, which doesn't particularly mean he's shy(he may be a bit shy when first getting to know someone, but otherwise not really). He wants everyone to know he cares about the things they have to say, so he always listens intently to others' words, even if they're just complaining about their chicken sandwich or something. If he's feeling particularly grateful for you one day, he might try to make you your favorite food. Abel also likes being helpful but in a quiet type of way, examples are; cleaning up after you before you do so, grabbing you a drink or refreshment, talking to other people for you in the case that you have a headache or are tired or something. Once he feels comfortable enough, Abel will also share playful jabs with people and tease them. :)

Kylee, on the other hand, is very talkative around the people she likes. She also likes to poke and jab with mean-spirited humor, a bit ruder than Abel's way, but it is affectionate. She's not much of a listener, but for her friends, she is(sometimes). She's very protective of the people she's close to, so if you pick a fight with her friend, you pick a fight with her. She also doesn't mind backing her friends up in situations where she'd usually side with the other party if her people weren't involved, but she's very biased and doesn't care. She's aware of it most of the time, but will always choose her loyalty to her friend over being in the right, of course, except in the case of her faith. God will always be #1 in her book.

Side note:
Abel tends to view everyone p' highly. His first impression will always highlight the positive aspects of the other person while simultaneously giving any noticed negative qualities the benefit of the doubt. So you have to be consistent in your dickish-ness before Abel will entertain the thought that you aren't a good person. Abel's life hasn't been all sunshine and rainbows, and his mental state isn't doing too hot, but you've got to understand that Abel doesn't view any of the negative things that happened to him as other's fault. His mind doesn't instinctively jump to blame, instead, it goes through a channel of worry, fear, sadness, whether he could've done something to improve the situation, and then ultimately self-blame or self-deprecation. So Abel will always show respect, and politeness to people. Abel will always begin an interaction with a person he's never met already liking that person. So even though his interaction with Greg was short and kind of rude, Abel will still think highly of him whenever he gets properly introduced to him. Even though he felt completely uncomfortable around Greg, and how the feelings he felt from that small interaction caused him to derail a bit and start over-worrying about others possibly catching wind of his past drug use to the point of a panic attack, he doesn't connect Greg to that. His feelings are his problem. His reactions to other's actions/words are his problem. Nobody else will ever be held accountable for Abel's mental state- whether they were actively trying to get under his skin or not, in Abel's mind.

Except only we know the story. None of the characters do. Though I think it'd be cool for it to be revealed at some point. Maybe he actually grows close to someone? I can honestly see him growing close with Abel or Kylee, depending on how situations develop. Athena is a possibility as well, but I'll have to learn more about her first. StaleBread StaleBread
Yee! Abel and Kylee are very different in terms of comfort tho, so if you want a specific type of reveal scene you'd have to consider their different ways of reacting to people confiding in them.

With Kylee, I feel like it'd take a lot of time for them to get to that point, since once an initial impression is made on her it can be a bit of a process for her to change her view. And since Greg isn't the type to naturally want to change her view of him, all moments of her warming up to Greg would have to be by chance and her own speculation(which is already tainted by her negative opinion). Of course, since Abel and Kylee are currently living together until Abel feel's like he won't immediately die without someone's help in his sightlessness, having someone around who views everything Greg does through a positive lens might ease her off Gregs ass. That's, of course, if Abel shares his thoughts with her. Which, he prolly will if she's actively complaining about him in front of him.

While with Abel, it'd be insanely easy! Except for the fact that neither of the two usually instigates conversations, so.. another kinda slow start. But Abel's prone to have random bouts of determination to go outside his comfort zone in an effort of self-improvement, tho atm idk if he'd be courageous enough to talk to Greg. It'd probably start out with a Sherlock and Watson type dynamic, where Greg does something cool and Abel's like: :O. And Abel expresses how awesome he thinks Greg is without any sense of sarcasm n' stuff.

Of course, you aren't limited to one or the other! So hmu if you have any specific ideas you want to bring to light, and I'll work with you to throw the characters around a bit, get 'em to crash into each other enough until they're frens! :D
someone in my french class said after someone threw his unicorn plush on the ground "MY LITTLE PONY FRIENDSHIP IS F**K" I AM DYING
Poor baby! Makes me wonder how he has so much confidence, maybe a coping mechanism, a front, super-strong willpower, or just a really unorthodox/twisted way of thinking? Or he's just really good at separating his life into chunks and good at keeping his distance from that particular parcel? Could also be a powerful sense of dissociation from the past. You have so many options!! I wonder.. does he still have his first sword? Like, for sentiment reasons?

Umm, it depends on the context, but if it's just meant as a casual hug- like a greeting hug...
Abel would probably stiffen up a bit, but he wouldn't reject it or flinch away. And depending on how long the hug is(Abel takes a moment to think and worry over pretty much everything, so the length of the hug matters) Abel will reciprocate the hug. This applies to pretty much everyone, even in the very VERY unlikely scenario where someone like Greg or Granddad spontaneously decides to hug him. He'd be surprised and unsure whether he's expected to hug back or whether it actually is a hug, but will inevitably conclude that it'd be rude not to hug back. But of course, none of that would take place if it was just a quick hug, since his reaction time would be too slow to reciprocate.

Kylee isn't the type to show consistent physical affection, but would definitely instigate a greeting hug if she met up with a friend. If an acquaintance or someone she's neutral on instigated the hug she wouldn't put much thought into quickly reciprocating and then letting go and transitioning into talking- so hugs wouldn't linger too long. If it's someone she dislikes- she'd sidestep them and raise an eyebrow or even scowl. If it's someone she doesn't like and it's too spontaneous to properly dodge, expect to get slapped or a heel getting dug into your foot.

Their signs of affection:
Abel's not a very talkative person, which doesn't particularly mean he's shy(he may be a bit shy when first getting to know someone, but otherwise not really). He wants everyone to know he cares about the things they have to say, so he always listens intently to others' words, even if they're just complaining about their chicken sandwich or something. If he's feeling particularly grateful for you one day, he might try to make you your favorite food. Abel also likes being helpful but in a quiet type of way, examples are; cleaning up after you before you do so, grabbing you a drink or refreshment, talking to other people for you in the case that you have a headache or are tired or something. Once he feels comfortable enough, Abel will also share playful jabs with people and tease them. :)

Kylee, on the other hand, is very talkative around the people she likes. She also likes to poke and jab with mean-spirited humor, a bit ruder than Abel's way, but it is affectionate. She's not much of a listener, but for her friends, she is(sometimes). She's very protective of the people she's close to, so if you pick a fight with her friend, you pick a fight with her. She also doesn't mind backing her friends up in situations where she'd usually side with the other party if her people weren't involved, but she's very biased and doesn't care. She's aware of it most of the time, but will always choose her loyalty to her friend over being in the right, of course, except in the case of her faith. God will always be #1 in her book.

Side note:
Abel tends to view everyone p' highly. His first impression will always highlight the positive aspects of the other person while simultaneously giving any noticed negative qualities the benefit of the doubt. So you have to be consistent in your dickish-ness before Abel will entertain the thought that you aren't a good person. Abel's life hasn't been all sunshine and rainbows, and his mental state isn't doing too hot, but you've got to understand that Abel doesn't view any of the negative things that happened to him as other's fault. His mind doesn't instinctively jump to blame, instead, it goes through a channel of worry, fear, sadness, whether he could've done something to improve the situation, and then ultimately self-blame or self-deprecation. So Abel will always show respect, and politeness to people. Abel will always begin an interaction with a person he's never met already liking that person. So even though his interaction with Greg was short and kind of rude, Abel will still think highly of him whenever he gets properly introduced to him. Even though he felt completely uncomfortable around Greg, and how the feelings he felt from that small interaction caused him to derail a bit and start over-worrying about others possibly catching wind of his past drug use to the point of a panic attack, he doesn't connect Greg to that. His feelings are his problem. His reactions to other's actions/words are his problem. Nobody else will ever be held accountable for Abel's mental state- whether they were actively trying to get under his skin or not, in Abel's mind.

Yee! Abel and Kylee are very different in terms of comfort tho, so if you want a specific type of reveal scene you'd have to consider their different ways of reacting to people confiding in them.

With Kylee, I feel like it'd take a lot of time for them to get to that point, since once an initial impression is made on her it can be a bit of a process for her to change her view. And since Greg isn't the type to naturally want to change her view of him, all moments of her warming up to Greg would have to be by chance and her own speculation(which is already tainted by her negative opinion). Of course, since Abel and Kylee are currently living together until Abel feel's like he won't immediately die without someone's help in his sightlessness, having someone around who views everything Greg does through a positive lens might ease her off Gregs ass. That's, of course, if Abel shares his thoughts with her. Which, he prolly will if she's actively complaining about him in front of him.

While with Abel, it'd be insanely easy! Except for the fact that neither of the two usually instigates conversations, so.. another kinda slow start. But Abel's prone to have random bouts of determination to go outside his comfort zone in an effort of self-improvement, tho atm idk if he'd be courageous enough to talk to Greg. It'd probably start out with a Sherlock and Watson type dynamic, where Greg does something cool and Abel's like: :O. And Abel expresses how awesome he thinks Greg is without any sense of sarcasm n' stuff.

Of course, you aren't limited to one or the other! So hmu if you have any specific ideas you want to bring to light, and I'll work with you to throw the characters around a bit, get 'em to crash into each other enough until they're frens! :D
Greg would say that he's just that much stronger than everyone else. He would then scoff at anyone dealing with mental trauma as being weak. Secretly though, even unbeknownst to Greg himself, he's bottling it all up. He's extremely strong-willed, but there will be a limit to how much he can hold.

I would also honestly love to see Abel and Greg become friends. I think Abel is the type of person Greg could end up being true friends with. Although Greg is a tool, and in situations like being bumped into, even by a blind person, he'll always choose the dick move, in situations where you do what's expected of you, and without mistakes, he will at the very least be respectful. And if Abel consistently gives him the benefit of the doubt, it could slowly whittle him down.
Z snatched up his muffin with some effort and began snacking. The lemon flavor was a little more intense than he was anticipationg but it was otherwise delicious. The others made quite the din as they also converged around the table, enjoying themselves and talking amongst eachother. Z didn't often bother with such menial things like small talk. It was more of a waste of time than anything, really.

Sure, it seems like the others are having fun. Some of their voices carrying over in laughter and a few chuckles every now and then. They sounded like they were having a good time...

But Z didn't need such things like the company of others! He had important business to attend to. Far too busy to deal with such things. He must work to earn his keep within the cult, after all. Not to mension his original mission he had been working towards, even before joining See No Evil. There was an evil on this earth, one that only few seemed to be aware of, Z being one of them. He refered to this evil as the Darkness. The Darkness was everywhere, hidden just out of sight, lurking in the very corners and crevices of the world. It corrupts the minds of the innocent and turns them to evil. It's true! Z saw it happen to plenty of his classmates before he switched to online classes. When Z would first meet them they would be normal, happy people. After a few days, however, they would change. Their eyes would become dull, they talked less, and their smiles would be strained.

Of course, this effect would go away when Z was not present. That was because the Darkness's power was weakened when they were near Z, though, and they couldn't mask their work on their victims! It broke his heart to see that happen to his dear classmates, so he'd been working hard to find a way to expell them from their host's minds. He hadn't made much progress yet, but he was sure that See No Evil would surely provide him with the resources to do it!

When Z was finished with his muffin he balled up the wrapper and placed it in his pocket for later disposal and began his endevour to find the exit. He had chores to finish after all. He just had to get to the supply room to get some cleaning tools. Perhaps he could do it without assistance this time?
Z is so interesting! I can't wait to see the direction you take him! I also love that, despite all the weirdness others may see in him, he had the manners to put trash in his pockets for later disposal! Given he doesn't blunder too much, I imagine he would be able to earn the respect of Greg to some degree.
dose is Greg PTSD?
Greg does not suffer from PTSD. Generally, given the level of trauma he's been burdened with, he handles it incredibly well with no visible side effects.

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