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Realistic or Modern Milk and Honey (OOC)

I really like him maybe I'll find a way
I think it could work if you had Leo be very wary of Greg since Greg entered the cult, even tho Gregs awesome, like Undead said, he's not a bloodhound. He won't be able to sense Leo's anxiety from the other side of a crowded room. And Greg finding out about Leo could be a plotpoint? Like, Greg finds out because he's Greg and the cookies Leo ate smelt green or something(XD), and Greg being smart doesn't say anything about what he found out to Leo, instead reporting his findings to Granddad. Granddad is upset, but decides to act rationally,
'What exactly has Leo uncovered? Does Leo have outside help? Have their convo's been recorded?' stuff like that.
Granddad acts behind the scenes to figure out exactly what Leo knows and who he is, and maybe see's potential in trying to make him into a member anyway through psychological manipulation since all Leo's trauma is a good way to get into his head? Maybe Leo even becomes the next loyalist zealot through Granddad's effort and becomes a double agent, telling Granddad what the police know and what they're suspicious of etc.. While Granddad still has Greg keep tabs on Leo to be sure he 'stays in place'?

Up to you guys though, just throwing in my thoughts :)
I really like him maybe I'll find a way
I'll help however I can! :D As long as we can find a way to limit interaction between Leo and Greg, it should be alright. It's just unfortunate I made Greg the way he was before I knew you had any plans of putting in a mole. D:
Really? Dang, that's actually p' cool though! To be in See No Evil you'd def. wouldn't be allowed with corrected vision, so it might still work- how bad is your vision without glasses(if you don't mind me asking)? I envisioned it as basically just seeing a bunch of blotches of whatever colors the things around you were, but if you're still able to see more than the shape and main color of something that'd prolly be too much vision for the cult lol

I am the freaking harbinger of 'also's' XD, I swear I've said also in nearly every interaction I've made on this site lol.

Thank you <3. I was gonna make it super story-esk by describing the receptionist and room more, since it's rare to get the chance to get Abel's perspective on what things look like, and what his impressions of being around a couple of willingly blind people were. But I kinda randomly decided I wanted to make Kylee's character sheet at like 2 am, and by the time I finished writing the two's interaction, it was approaching 5:30 am XD. So I decided against it lol

Yaay! I'm glad you think so too! Because with the way I plan on writing her, Kylee has the potential to become really annoying- but I didn't want her to be friendless, yaknow? I think she'll have her close-knit circle of people who truly enjoy her company(Minerva would be one of these ppl) while everyone else is a bit iffy or straight-up dislikes her. But that's okay, cause Kylee is used to haters and it rarely affects her. She couldn't give less of a crap about anything negative others have to say, which also includes well-intentioned constructive criticism. But awell XD

Kylee's not super secretive about herself, she's one of the types who considers nothing too personal. It's not something she'd randomly say in an introduction, but if asked, she'd have no qualms in sharing her deepest darkest moments in her life- even to a complete stranger. However, the way she'd talk about it may differ a bit between talking to a friend, stranger, or person she doesn't like. So, depending on how Minerva usually talks to people, it wouldn't be unlikely that she knows literally everything there is to know about Kylee, subtract what she ate for breakfast or something lol. And while she wouldn't feel uncomfortable with Greg knowing, she wouldn't go out of her way to give him more details.

Aww, how sweet! XD. Then there's a lil bit of role reversal here because Kylee hates Greg. If they've interacted a lot, in my mind it'd probably play out like passive jabs and passive-aggressive comments. Probably p' short convo's whenever they have them lol. Although she's grateful for all the help he gives to Granddad, she can't help but find his attitude upsetting and despises his seeming lack of interest in properly worshiping their Lord, despite his claim to be a follower in their faith. But depending on how the story goes, I can def. see her warming up to him and forcefully making him one of her own, prodding at him to take his devotion more seriously and such XD
So, vision is very easy to understand. All vision starts with 20/XX. The 20 just means what a normal person sees at 20 feet. Though I suppose it could be yards, miles, whatever you wanted. Anyways, 20/20 isn't perfect vision, it just means you see at 20 feet what a normal person sees at 20 feet. For me, 20/200, I see at 20 feet what a normal person sees at 200 feet. I have a restriction on my license that says I need corrective lenses, and it's difficult to function normally without glasses, but not to the point that I could be admitted into a blind cult. I can still see fairly well, especially at close distances. I can't really read the menu at McDonald's, and I'd have trouble find you in a crowd, but I'd have no trouble walking throughout a building. I could read the signs once I got close enough and everything.

Even then, legally blind people with corrective 20/200 still have a lot of light perception. Many can actually still walk around and find their way through crowded buildings and areas. In fact, most actually blind people have some light reception. There's only a small portion that have what Greg has, which is total lack of any light perception. So most blind people can still look towards a camera if there's a light there, or track people's movements, even though they may look like just shadows in the background. There's also types of blindness with just partial vision, something like extreme tunnel vision, as well as the opposite, extreme peripheral vision, where they can't see what they're looking at.

Tl;dr, blindness comes in a massive array of light perceptions and ability to see. On top of that, people who lose their sight vs those that don't also function differently, since lost vision can still remember and may sometimes act based on what they remember seeing. Their entire perception of the world is different.

Sorry for the ramble, but I've always had a big interest in disabilities. I follow several youtubers with vision problems. As well as just being massively curious and asking eye doctors questions during my visits.

As for Minerva, she just generally gets along with everyone, for the most part. Even those who are generally tough to be friends with. Except Greg. It's not that she dislikes him, she would definitely try to be his friend, but Greg wants nothing to do with her. Also, I think the reason why Greg almost kinda likes Kylee is because she can be so forward at times. Greg definitely hates the beat-around-the-bush types. So he doesn't like Minerva, or Abel. Z is just weird to him. Greg thinks very little of May, though not for any particular reason, he just can't relate to children very easily, despite not even being out of his teens yet. He thinks highly of Grand-dad, though. Since Grand-dad is a strong-willed authority figure that sends him on missions. He likes Grand-dad like a soldier likes a great general.

As for their friendship, I'm comfortable with having Minerva and Kylee being best buds. Kylee would know basically everything about Minerva, so if there's ever anything you wanna know, just ask. I'll make sure to do the same. :D

Also, Kylee not liking Greg contributes to his higher opinion of her. Especially if she's open about it. He understands he is tough to get along with. He dislikes when people aren't honest about it, though. Another think he dislikes about Minerva. :P Also, I love thinking about the gentle jabs between Greg and Kylee. Even if it irked Kylee, Greg would enjoy those moments with her.

I think it could work if you had Leo be very wary of Greg since Greg entered the cult, even tho Gregs awesome, like Undead said, he's not a bloodhound. He won't be able to sense Leo's anxiety from the other side of a crowded room. And Greg finding out about Leo could be a plotpoint? Like, Greg finds out because he's Greg and the cookies Leo ate smelt green or something(XD), and Greg being smart doesn't say anything about what he found out to Leo, instead reporting his findings to Granddad. Granddad is upset, but decides to act rationally,
'What exactly has Leo uncovered? Does Leo have outside help? Have their convo's been recorded?' stuff like that.
Granddad acts behind the scenes to figure out exactly what Leo knows and who he is, and maybe see's potential in trying to make him into a member anyway through psychological manipulation since all Leo's trauma is a good way to get into his head? Maybe Leo even becomes the next loyalist zealot through Granddad's effort and becomes a double agent, telling Granddad what the police know and what they're suspicious of etc.. While Granddad still has Greg keep tabs on Leo to be sure he 'stays in place'?

Up to you guys though, just throwing in my thoughts :)
I actually like this idea. Although Greg isn't exactly smart. He's just very perceptive. He's definitely not the person you'd want in charge of strategy. Although he's good at "seeing" the hidden details of things, it's just due to his innate talents. He's really good at things like pattern recognition, or noticing subtle details, like the slightest hint of a Portuguese accent in Abel.

So, yeah, it wouldn't be hard to outsmart him. If Leo was wary of Greg from the get-go, then he should be able to avoid him rather easily methinks. And of course, this caveat makes it really easy to have Greg uncover Leo whenever you want, since you just put Leo and Greg in the same place at the same time. Until then, Leo can just work hard to steer clear from Greg.

Perhaps Leo just got lucky when he joined? He overheard Grand-dad talking to Greg and figured out from that conversation that Greg, despite being blind, actually has some crazy talents for noticing little details.
I'll help however I can! :D As long as we can find a way to limit interaction between Leo and Greg, it should be alright. It's just unfortunate I made Greg the way he was before I knew you had any plans of putting in a mole. D:

So, vision is very easy to understand. All vision starts with 20/XX. The 20 just means what a normal person sees at 20 feet. Though I suppose it could be yards, miles, whatever you wanted. Anyways, 20/20 isn't perfect vision, it just means you see at 20 feet what a normal person sees at 20 feet. For me, 20/200, I see at 20 feet what a normal person sees at 200 feet. I have a restriction on my license that says I need corrective lenses, and it's difficult to function normally without glasses, but not to the point that I could be admitted into a blind cult. I can still see fairly well, especially at close distances. I can't really read the menu at McDonald's, and I'd have trouble find you in a crowd, but I'd have no trouble walking throughout a building. I could read the signs once I got close enough and everything.

Even then, legally blind people with corrective 20/200 still have a lot of light perception. Many can actually still walk around and find their way through crowded buildings and areas. In fact, most actually blind people have some light reception. There's only a small portion that have what Greg has, which is total lack of any light perception. So most blind people can still look towards a camera if there's a light there, or track people's movements, even though they may look like just shadows in the background. There's also types of blindness with just partial vision, something like extreme tunnel vision, as well as the opposite, extreme peripheral vision, where they can't see what they're looking at.

Tl;dr, blindness comes in a massive array of light perceptions and ability to see. On top of that, people who lose their sight vs those that don't also function differently, since lost vision can still remember and may sometimes act based on what they remember seeing. Their entire perception of the world is different.

Sorry for the ramble, but I've always had a big interest in disabilities. I follow several youtubers with vision problems. As well as just being massively curious and asking eye doctors questions during my visits.

As for Minerva, she just generally gets along with everyone, for the most part. Even those who are generally tough to be friends with. Except Greg. It's not that she dislikes him, she would definitely try to be his friend, but Greg wants nothing to do with her. Also, I think the reason why Greg almost kinda likes Kylee is because she can be so forward at times. Greg definitely hates the beat-around-the-bush types. So he doesn't like Minerva, or Abel. Z is just weird to him. Greg thinks very little of May, though not for any particular reason, he just can't relate to children very easily, despite not even being out of his teens yet. He thinks highly of Grand-dad, though. Since Grand-dad is a strong-willed authority figure that sends him on missions. He likes Grand-dad like a soldier likes a great general.

As for their friendship, I'm comfortable with having Minerva and Kylee being best buds. Kylee would know basically everything about Minerva, so if there's ever anything you wanna know, just ask. I'll make sure to do the same. :D

Also, Kylee not liking Greg contributes to his higher opinion of her. Especially if she's open about it. He understands he is tough to get along with. He dislikes when people aren't honest about it, though. Another think he dislikes about Minerva. :P Also, I love thinking about the gentle jabs between Greg and Kylee. Even if it irked Kylee, Greg would enjoy those moments with her.

I actually like this idea. Although Greg isn't exactly smart. He's just very perceptive. He's definitely not the person you'd want in charge of strategy. Although he's good at "seeing" the hidden details of things, it's just due to his innate talents. He's really good at things like pattern recognition, or noticing subtle details, like the slightest hint of a Portuguese accent in Abel.

So, yeah, it wouldn't be hard to outsmart him. If Leo was wary of Greg from the get-go, then he should be able to avoid him rather easily methinks. And of course, this caveat makes it really easy to have Greg uncover Leo whenever you want, since you just put Leo and Greg in the same place at the same time. Until then, Leo can just work hard to steer clear from Greg.

Perhaps Leo just got lucky when he joined? He overheard Grand-dad talking to Greg and figured out from that conversation that Greg, despite being blind, actually has some crazy talents for noticing little details.
-So, would you say 20/1000 is a good level to be able to join the cult without a blindfold? Or would they also have to have severe light perception problems? (Thanks for all the info, though I did know having no light perception was rare, I didn't know all those little details and the examples you made were very helpful!)

-Yeah! Ask me about Kylee anytime, I'll do the same with Minerva :D. I'm kinda excited to have Kylee and Greg interact in the future, ngl, I look forward to their banter :D. And you don't know how happy it makes me that Greg is going to find their back-and-forth fun! Not only because I feel like Greg doesn't really get a chance to enjoy talking to people very often because of his Gregarious(sarcasm) outlook on others, but because when I was thinking of how these two would interact I was kinda hoping there'd be humor in it. And if someone being serious, and naggy towards someone who just smiles and ignores them isn't counted as comedic relief, I don't know what is lol.

-Yeah! I was even thinking that Leo had a little understanding of who Gregarious Mononovitch was when he set about his mission against the cult since he'd probably research any and all maliciousness known about the cult from the outside, and Greg's one of the members that leaves the most often due to his missions. And if people saw Greg just walking down the street and back into the cult, there'd prolly be some talk of him, since subtle he is not lol. Leo could probably tell who Greg was with one look and decided 'nah, I like having my life' and stay away XD. But all the specifics are up to you and Coca-Cola Coca-Cola :DD
Leo is an angry simp...
see backstory
TW: transphobia, death S/A
Leo, or Leopold as he preferred to be known, had a tumultuous upbringing within a family plagued by addiction. Growing up amidst a household of alcoholics and drug users, he witnessed the destructive consequences of such behaviors firsthand. By the time he reached the tender age of 11, the insidious allure of smoking and drinking had already taken hold of him, prompting him to experiment with these vices.

By the time Leo turned 12, he underwent a profound self-discovery – he came to the realization that he was transgender. This epiphany, arrived at after taking various tests and undergoing introspection, allowed him to authentically identify himself as male. However, his conservative parents vehemently disapproved of his newfound identity, leading to a heart-wrenching development. Leo was cast out of his home, forced to face a myriad of challenges at such a young age.

With no place to call home, Leo sought refuge with his older sister, who tragically succumbed to her own struggles and resorted to selling her body for money. Living in such a toxic environment posed immense challenges for Leo, as he grappled with the burdens of homelessness and continued reliance on substances. For two long and arduous years, he found himself enduring the harsh realities of life on the streets – a perpetual cycle of smoking, drinking, and sheer survival.

Despite the bleak circumstances surrounding his existence, Leo stumbled across a group of fellow homeless teenagers who, much like him, sought solace and camaraderie in their shared experiences of adversity. The bonds formed among them became a lifeline, resulting in a makeshift family born out of necessity.

It was at the age of 17 that Leo defied the odds and summoned the courage to ask out a young homeless woman, an 18-year-old by the name of Olivia. The flicker of joy ignited within Leo's heart was tragically short-lived, swiftly replaced by profound grief. Olivia fell ill, her pain exacerbated by the fact that her only hope for healing lay within the sinister clutches of the See No Evil cult.

In a blaze of indignant rage, Leo found himself compelled to uncover the true nature of this malevolent cult from the inside. With unwavering determination, he meticulously devised a plan to infiltrate the ranks, simultaneously ensuring that law enforcement would be made aware of their nefarious activities.

Through his courageous actions, Leo aimed to dismantle the very foundation of the cult's wicked operations. Armed with an unwavering commitment to justice, he embarked on a treacherous journey, knowing full well the risks that lay ahead. The weight of his mission rested heavily upon his shoulders, as he became both protector and informant, employing his newfound knowledge to bring the cult's sinister practices to light.

In doing so, Leo hoped to expose the unspeakable horrors perpetuated by the See No Evil cult, all while ensuring that the perpetrators faced the full force of the law. It was a daring act of defiance against an insidious force, fueled by his unwavering belief in the triumph of light over darkness.

apex predator by Mean Girls

basically Leo contacting the police while being in the cult
Police Officer: Don't be fooled by the pink
he is not playing dolls
he is stalking the halls
For the thrill of the kill
Every person in town
Is aware of his stare
When he tosses his hair
They go perfectly still
All their eyes say, "don't attack me."
Watch them sweat and pant and shake
Every food chain has its acme
Gabe eats steak
he's the king of the beasts
he can smell your fear
In this biosphere
he's the apex predator
Like a lion
Only with less fur
Do not mess with him
he's the apex predator
Leo: At the watering hole
See the people who weren't nice
Have to scatter like mice
From a jungle cat
And though Olivia was great
She did not have this power
People literally cower
Olivia couldn't do that
See us mark our territory
As I follow in his train
I was victim, I was quarry
Now I shake my mane
he's the king of beasts
And I'm in his pride
I have hitched a ride
With the apex predator
And it's kinda fun
When he bears his Iorn
When I'm safe because
I'm with the apex predator
Did I think I'd be protected by my new exotic pet
Not a chance if he suspected
I was any kind of threat
But he doesn't know yet
Police Officer + Leo: No, he doesn't know yet
he's the king of beasts
In this beastly cult
Gotta keep things cool
With the apex predator
Leo: So I'm kinda friends
Police Officer: But you're kind of prey
Leo: Jesus, what a day
With the apex predator
Will he braid your hair?
Police Officer: Will he eat you alive?
Police Officer + Leo: How can you outsmart
The apex predator?!
-So, would you say 20/1000 is a good level to be able to join the cult without a blindfold? Or would they also have to have severe light perception problems? (Thanks for all the info, though I did know having no light perception was rare, I didn't know all those little details and the examples you made were very helpful!)

-Yeah! Ask me about Kylee anytime, I'll do the same with Minerva :D. I'm kinda excited to have Kylee and Greg interact in the future, ngl, I look forward to their banter :D. And you don't know how happy it makes me that Greg is going to find their back-and-forth fun! Not only because I feel like Greg doesn't really get a chance to enjoy talking to people very often because of his Gregarious(sarcasm) outlook on others, but because when I was thinking of how these two would interact I was kinda hoping there'd be humor in it. And if someone being serious, and naggy towards someone who just smiles and ignores them isn't counted as comedic relief, I don't know what is lol.

-Yeah! I was even thinking that Leo had a little understanding of who Gregarious Mononovitch was when he set about his mission against the cult since he'd probably research any and all maliciousness known about the cult from the outside, and Greg's one of the members that leaves the most often due to his missions. And if people saw Greg just walking down the street and back into the cult, there'd prolly be some talk of him, since subtle he is not lol. Leo could probably tell who Greg was with one look and decided 'nah, I like having my life' and stay away XD. But all the specifics are up to you and Coca-Cola Coca-Cola :DD
Ah, yes. Greg definitely is NOT subtle. He carries around a walking cane that doubles as a sword. Like, it's a sheath with a literal sword in it, and it's not some cheap replica or decoration either. Not to mention his flowy overcoat, stylish hair and 'I'm-better-than-you' walk he's got. I think he'd be pretty easy to avoid, though difficult to fool if you get too close and let him observe you for any length of time.
Leo is an angry simp...
see backstory
TW: transphobia, death S/A
Leo, or Leopold as he preferred to be known, had a tumultuous upbringing within a family plagued by addiction. Growing up amidst a household of alcoholics and drug users, he witnessed the destructive consequences of such behaviors firsthand. By the time he reached the tender age of 11, the insidious allure of smoking and drinking had already taken hold of him, prompting him to experiment with these vices.

By the time Leo turned 12, he underwent a profound self-discovery – he came to the realization that he was transgender. This epiphany, arrived at after taking various tests and undergoing introspection, allowed him to authentically identify himself as male. However, his conservative parents vehemently disapproved of his newfound identity, leading to a heart-wrenching development. Leo was cast out of his home, forced to face a myriad of challenges at such a young age.

With no place to call home, Leo sought refuge with his older sister, who tragically succumbed to her own struggles and resorted to selling her body for money. Living in such a toxic environment posed immense challenges for Leo, as he grappled with the burdens of homelessness and continued reliance on substances. For two long and arduous years, he found himself enduring the harsh realities of life on the streets – a perpetual cycle of smoking, drinking, and sheer survival.

Despite the bleak circumstances surrounding his existence, Leo stumbled across a group of fellow homeless teenagers who, much like him, sought solace and camaraderie in their shared experiences of adversity. The bonds formed among them became a lifeline, resulting in a makeshift family born out of necessity.

It was at the age of 17 that Leo defied the odds and summoned the courage to ask out a young homeless woman, an 18-year-old by the name of Olivia. The flicker of joy ignited within Leo's heart was tragically short-lived, swiftly replaced by profound grief. Olivia fell ill, her pain exacerbated by the fact that her only hope for healing lay within the sinister clutches of the See No Evil cult.

In a blaze of indignant rage, Leo found himself compelled to uncover the true nature of this malevolent cult from the inside. With unwavering determination, he meticulously devised a plan to infiltrate the ranks, simultaneously ensuring that law enforcement would be made aware of their nefarious activities.

Through his courageous actions, Leo aimed to dismantle the very foundation of the cult's wicked operations. Armed with an unwavering commitment to justice, he embarked on a treacherous journey, knowing full well the risks that lay ahead. The weight of his mission rested heavily upon his shoulders, as he became both protector and informant, employing his newfound knowledge to bring the cult's sinister practices to light.

In doing so, Leo hoped to expose the unspeakable horrors perpetuated by the See No Evil cult, all while ensuring that the perpetrators faced the full force of the law. It was a daring act of defiance against an insidious force, fueled by his unwavering belief in the triumph of light over darkness.
Ooh! What if Greg killed Olivia? :O Of course, although he enjoys his job, he doesn't kill wontonly. So something would have had to happen for him to feel justified. Even if it was just a perceived sleight against the cult.

Or did you have something else in mind for what happened with/to Olivia?
Oof. I didn't get any notifications for the IC. I've just been sitting here wondering when someone else was gunna post. D: Then I randomly decided to check it out and saw there've been plenty of posts after mine. D: :O
May told Minerva all about what happened the night before. "so last night right before I went to sleep I heard something about school! What's that?" She was the youngest one and the cult never had a formal education system, she ate her muffin with a smile on her innocent face. She started drinking her orange juice. she would smile wide

Grand-dad would smile. "Good.... I suppose we should get ourselves ready for today make sure everyone is ready and try to keep the blues in line"
I'm confused as to what May's talking about.

And is that Grand-dad replying to Greg?
Ooh! What if Greg killed Olivia? :O Of course, although he enjoys his job, he doesn't kill wontonly. So something would have had to happen for him to feel justified. Even if it was just a perceived sleight against the cult.
Greg prob killed Olivia
Just imagining Leo saying "YOU KILLED MY GIRL!.....NOW YOUR GONNA DIE" while holding a gun
Just imagining Leo saying "YOU KILLED MY GIRL!.....NOW YOUR GONNA DIE" while holding a gun
Greg would be completely unphased. He's just that cool. :P

Would probably say something like, "Let's see who's stronger, you with a gun, or me with a blade."
Leo's backstory
She's the person I wanted to see
A pretty lady I called my baby
They said no to her cure so I was stuck
How could I have known that her death would take me
To the darkest depths of my mind
Was it worth it?
Then they came by
Revenge was perfect now
Stuck in a vengeful body
Cold like a scoop of ice cream.....
I just wanted to get revenge!
I didn't want to be here!
Now this is the tomb that holds my soul
Be careful what you wish for!
'Cause baby you might get more
Just like her I'm never coming home
I'm never coming home
Now I'm a faker and he is me
Here imprisoned by my own choice
Desperate I was planning my revenge
That's when I came from the police department!
With a mission
To the cult
With eternal rage
There's no doubt
Killing or reporting is my way out
I just wanted to get revenge!
I didn't want to be here!
Now this is the tomb that holds my soul
Be careful what you wish for!
'Cause baby you might get more
Just like her I'm never coming home
I'm never coming home
I'm never coming home
Whoa whoa
I'm never coming home
I'm never coming home
Whoa whoa
I'm never coming home
I'm Leonardo
A vengeful boy
A man that they tried to forget
Too many times burned
And now it's Greg's turn
To feel the electric shock
I just wanted to get revenge!
I didn't want to be here!
Now this is the tomb that holds my soul
Be careful what you wish for!
'Cause baby you might get more
Just like her I'm never coming home
I'm never coming home
Whoa whoa
I'm never coming home
I'm never coming home
Whoa whoa
I'm never coming home
Leo's backstory
She's the person I wanted to see
A pretty lady I called my baby
They said no to her cure so I was stuck
How could I have known that her death would take me
To the darkest depths of my mind
Was it worth it?
Then they came by
Revenge was perfect now
Stuck in a vengeful body
Cold like a scoop of ice cream.....
I just wanted to get revenge!
I didn't want to be here!
Now this is the tomb that holds my soul
Be careful what you wish for!
'Cause baby you might get more
Just like her I'm never coming home
I'm never coming home
Now I'm a faker and he is me
Here imprisoned by my own choice
Desperate I was planning my revenge
That's when I came from the police department!
With a mission
To the cult
With eternal rage
There's no doubt
Killing or reporting is my way out
I just wanted to get revenge!
I didn't want to be here!
Now this is the tomb that holds my soul
Be careful what you wish for!
'Cause baby you might get more
Just like her I'm never coming home
I'm never coming home
I'm never coming home
Whoa whoa
I'm never coming home
I'm never coming home
Whoa whoa
I'm never coming home
I'm Leonardo
A vengeful boy
A man that they tried to forget
Too many times burned
And now it's Greg's turn
To feel the electric shock
I just wanted to get revenge!
I didn't want to be here!
Now this is the tomb that holds my soul
Be careful what you wish for!
'Cause baby you might get more
Just like her I'm never coming home
I'm never coming home
Whoa whoa
I'm never coming home
I'm never coming home
Whoa whoa
I'm never coming home
I thought his name was Leopold? :O
and then they fight
And they both get hit by a car because their dumb asses were in the middle of a street. But it was cool, ya know, with the raining at night under the street lamps. So, it was a very scenic death.
Even though Leo has a strong distaste for everyone in the cult he has a special bond with Able and May even telling May a story that his mother told him here is the story
Once upon a time, in a kingdom filled with enchantment and wonder, there lived a lovely queen. Her captivating amber eyes sparkled like precious gems, and her melodious voice had the power to draw people from far and wide, all eager to bask in the beauty of her songs. Yet, amidst all this splendor, there was one thing that eluded the queen's heart: the joy of having a child of her own.

She tried tirelessly to conceive, exploring any and every method that could potentially grant her the miracle she so desired. Countless remedies and potions were consumed, but to no avail. It seemed as if fate had turned a cold shoulder to her longing. Just as her spirits were beginning to wane, however, a chance encounter with a wise and benevolent doctor changed everything.

This compassionate doctor gifted her a tiny glass vial containing a potent potion. The queen obediently followed the doctor's instructions, drinking a sip of the elixir each night before drifting off to sleep. Gradually, an enchanting secret began to unfold within her womb. Months passed in anticipation and each passing day strengthened the bond between the queen and the life growing within her.

Finally, the long-awaited day arrived. The queen gave birth to a remarkable child, a striking combination of her mother's amber eyes and a fair complexion that resembled the golden rays of the sun. The baby's eyes, like two shimmering sapphires, held the promise of endless possibilities.

But happiness is not always an easy conquest in fairy tales. An evil witch, envious of the child's miraculous healing powers that could mend the deepest of wounds with just a simple smile, snatched the girl away from her mother's loving embrace. Determined to protect her daughter, the queen sought solace in knowing that their destinies would intertwine once more.

Alas, the young child, hidden away in a secluded tower nestled deep within an ancient forest, spent her days under the watchful eye of the witch. Though the surrounding beauty reached her from the latticed windows, she yearned for freedom and adventure. One fateful day, fueled by courage and an insatiable thirst for the world beyond the confines of her tower, the girl escaped the clutches of her captor.

With the sun warming her face and the soft whispers of the winds guiding her, she embarked on a journey to find her beloved mother once more. Along the way, she encountered kind-hearted creatures and faced daunting challenges, each one instilling in her the strength and wisdom necessary to reunite with her long-lost family.

When the girl finally stumbled upon her mother's kingdom, she was greeted with endless joy and embraced by the queen's loving arms. Together, they reveled in the triumph of their reunion, knowing that their love could conquer any obstacles that dared to stand in their way.

And so, the queen and her daughter lived out their days in joy and harmony, happily ever after, their lives forever filled with the magic of their bond and an enduring legacy that would be whispered through the ages.
Even though Leo has a strong distaste for everyone in the cult he has a special bond with Able and May even telling May a story that his mother told him here is the story
Once upon a time, in a kingdom filled with enchantment and wonder, there lived a lovely queen. Her captivating amber eyes sparkled like precious gems, and her melodious voice had the power to draw people from far and wide, all eager to bask in the beauty of her songs. Yet, amidst all this splendor, there was one thing that eluded the queen's heart: the joy of having a child of her own.

She tried tirelessly to conceive, exploring any and every method that could potentially grant her the miracle she so desired. Countless remedies and potions were consumed, but to no avail. It seemed as if fate had turned a cold shoulder to her longing. Just as her spirits were beginning to wane, however, a chance encounter with a wise and benevolent doctor changed everything.

This compassionate doctor gifted her a tiny glass vial containing a potent potion. The queen obediently followed the doctor's instructions, drinking a sip of the elixir each night before drifting off to sleep. Gradually, an enchanting secret began to unfold within her womb. Months passed in anticipation and each passing day strengthened the bond between the queen and the life growing within her.

Finally, the long-awaited day arrived. The queen gave birth to a remarkable child, a striking combination of her mother's amber eyes and a fair complexion that resembled the golden rays of the sun. The baby's eyes, like two shimmering sapphires, held the promise of endless possibilities.

But happiness is not always an easy conquest in fairy tales. An evil witch, envious of the child's miraculous healing powers that could mend the deepest of wounds with just a simple smile, snatched the girl away from her mother's loving embrace. Determined to protect her daughter, the queen sought solace in knowing that their destinies would intertwine once more.

Alas, the young child, hidden away in a secluded tower nestled deep within an ancient forest, spent her days under the watchful eye of the witch. Though the surrounding beauty reached her from the latticed windows, she yearned for freedom and adventure. One fateful day, fueled by courage and an insatiable thirst for the world beyond the confines of her tower, the girl escaped the clutches of her captor.

With the sun warming her face and the soft whispers of the winds guiding her, she embarked on a journey to find her beloved mother once more. Along the way, she encountered kind-hearted creatures and faced daunting challenges, each one instilling in her the strength and wisdom necessary to reunite with her long-lost family.

When the girl finally stumbled upon her mother's kingdom, she was greeted with endless joy and embraced by the queen's loving arms. Together, they reveled in the triumph of their reunion, knowing that their love could conquer any obstacles that dared to stand in their way.

And so, the queen and her daughter lived out their days in joy and harmony, happily ever after, their lives forever filled with the magic of their bond and an enduring legacy that would be whispered through the ages.
I'd imagine Minerva would be easy to befriend. Even if he didn't like her, she'd be easy to manipulate, if his goal was sabotage. She's very trusting. I mean, I just imagine anyone that even wants friends to get along very well with Minerva.
Leo would try to understand the "this was my whole life I know no other life then this" perspective but his view is like "YOUR OLD ENOUGH TO NOT BE WITH THESE MURDERERS!"
Leo would try to understand the "this was my whole life I know no other life then this" perspective but his view is like "YOUR OLD ENOUGH TO NOT BE WITH THESE MURDERERS!"
Well, Minerva doesn't push her perspective onto others. And Abel is roughly the same age as Minerva, so, wouldn't he feel the same about Abel? Minerva's about the most innocent person there is. She has essentially no real world experience. Since she doesn't really have the experience, she hasn't developed any trust issues, so she blindly(pun intended) trusts others. She has no experience with things like working to provide for herself, so she's had the luxury of being able to think about others her whole life. It's made her kind and generous on a genuine level.

To me, I'd imagine that to an outsider with enough information, it would look like Minerva's being taken advantage of, since she doesn't know any better, rather than someone that's actively choosing to hang out with murderers. At least, that's my perspective.
Maybe in the future (if he isn't caught) he will warm up to her

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