mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Vixen sighed as the two walked away, and she leaned her head back against the tree, closing her eyes. She breathed in deeply... and she caught a delicious scent wafting from somewhere off to her left. Her stomach rumbled. She couldn't even remember the last time she'd had a good meal that she hadn't caught for herself. Almost unconsciously, she walked towards the scent, and eventually found herself at a large, rather obnoxiously bright pink café. The sign above the door proudly proclaimed it to be "CAFÉ MEW MEW". She rolled her eyes. "I hate pink," she muttered, glaring at the restaurant as if it offended her. Then, with a sigh, she pushed open the doors and walked in, trying to act as if she had every right to be there (which she didn't) and wasn't planning on stealing a meal (which she was).
Nichole finished her snack and paid. Zoey looked like she could use some help. she said"um zoey would you like some help?" zoey nodded and they gave nichole a uniform and she started helping out.
( Sorry I haven't been on, I had homework that I had to finish :P )

Likara felt a light tug and turned around to see a little girl. She keeled down to her height and smiled. "Can I help you with anything?"
Lorenzo's eyes narrowed, "hmm, right. you are not the best host in the world. for one, as the customer, I pay you. therefor you don't tell me what I am eating." his voice was tight and hostile, "For all you know, I could be allergic to chocolate or coconut, than I would be dead." he pointed a slim finger at her, "here is a plan, why don't you just get me a menu?" his voice was suggestive. but in a mocking way.
nichole said"what would you like miss?" zoey gave him the menu and said"nichole you handle him i got her!" nichole nodded and walked over "e-excuse me what would you like to drink?"
name: Vale Korin

age: 16

gender: Male

animal dna:*unknown for now*



personality: Very quiet. He live all by himself in a abandoned house. His background is unknown

fruit or what ever you represent:White Peach
*Quickly dashing on rooftops finally spotting the cyndaclon he has been chasing for a long time. It was an under miner but yet each and everyone of them muttered. He screamed a quick rush of words then threw his scythe into it's back. He jumped down from the roof to where the cyndaclon was. pulling the scythe out of it's near dead body he walked away. A giant flash of black erupted out of his back and the cyndaclon screeched and died. The blur was to fast to recognize what it was.*
Lorenzo took the menu and had just opened it when another girl came over, sighing rather dramatically, Lorenzo puffed out a breath, "Well now, I really don't know seeing that I just now got the menu and a second ago opened it....pushy pushy, see if I leave you a tip." He muttered agitatedly thumbing through the menu, "Alright get me a peach tea."
Lorenzo made a face, "Ew don't call me that...what am I? Thirty? Names Lorenzo...but don't ever call me that....why did I even tell you my full name? Ugh just call me Enzo okay? Any who, get me cherry cheese cake, thats all." Deep blue eyes fell away from the menu and back on the waitress.
(sorry i had to go uptown for a few.)

She bowed to the strange man and waved hello."your very beautiful"she told likara.
Enzo dug in to the items as soon as they were placed in front of him, he ate with manners but quickly polishing off the cake in a few moments, he licked his lips, ah that hit the spot. He sipped the rest of his peach tea looking around the place.

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