mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

A girl was leaning against a post nearby, watching the two from a distance. She didn't want to reveal herself just yet... at least, not until she gauged how many valuables they might be carrying.

(( Sorry for the short introduction post. There isn't much to go off of. ))
Xandi thought for a bit. "Are you hungry or thirsty?" He asked quietly.
Name:Nichole L.



animal DNA:cheetah

appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd8e6ff1c_images-5(2)(4).jpeg.18ae348149c61ff48e8fe0c2113d5a92.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd8e6ff1c_images-5(2)(4).jpeg.18ae348149c61ff48e8fe0c2113d5a92.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>(imagine the cheetah ears and stuff)

weapons: twin pistols

personality:shy but will open up to people she knows

fruit or whatever you represent:chocolate

Nichole walked by Cafe Mew Mew and was hungry. her sense of smell was heightened. she walked inside and saw some chocolate cake. her mouth watered as she sat. a girl with red hair said"hi im Zoey! what will you have?" Nichole said"some of your chocolate almond cake and raspberry ice tea please!"
Xandi's eyes widened and he reflexively almost grabbed her wrist, but he stopped himself. "Sorry. A walk sounds good."
name: Lorenzo Ray Keys

age: 15

gender: Male

animal DNA: Wolf

weapon: Short sword


personality: Driven and determind to help with the Mew, Mews, but is not the easiest person to get along with, yet once you crack his shell, he is really quite sweet.

fruit or what ever you represent: Coconut

Lorenzo stuffed his hands into his pockets kicking a few rocks What was he doing...? This was the fourth time he had asked himself this in the past five minutes of walking, he had zero answers... Sighing he saw the bottom of the door and looked up, "Oh, a cafe." As if on cue his stomach rumbled, "Yeah, yeah okay." He muttered pushing open the door, wincing slightly as his arm gave a ting of pain, he observed the bandages, Drat, it was bleeding by the elbow...again. Huffing he ignore it boy stuffing his hands back in his pocket before swaying over to the counter, midnight blue eyes skimmed the display.
zoey said"welcome to cafe mew mew! follow me for your table!" leading him to a table by nichole's. "what would you like?"smiling. Nichole ate a piece of her cake and her taste buds buzzed with glee!
Lorenzo slouched after her, taking a seat in the chair fancy place.... Lorenzo looked up at the woman with his midnight blue eyes they rolled slightly, "How am I suppose to know that....?" He winced slightly as arm moved around in the bandages getting lose from the blood and just being old and worn.
Nichole walked through park like she does everyday.She ran around for awhile and notice a beautiful girl.She ran to her and tugged on her beautiful pink dress."excuse me miss?"she said.

(btw she is talking about the other kitty hm? likara)

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