mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Her face stays the same as he attemps to tickle her. "I'm not ticklish." She pulled the covers back over her and snuggles into them.
I uncover her again and get in the bed facing her and cover us with the blanket"want to go back to sleep or go train?"
I pull her close to me and kiss her head softly"ok then lets go to sleep then*i put my arms around her and pull her into me and cuddle her closely"night"
Nichole smiled into the kiss. Then broke it cuddling rox happy. (Yall post too much! >. <)

Morning came and shone down on the couples....and itaru. Nichole yawned and stirred waking.
(LOLOLOL i loved that '....and Itaru' Part xDDDD)

Ritsuka was dead asleep on the bed, her hand hanging off the bed as she layed on her tummy. Her hair covered her face and her breathing was slow. The sun was on her face....

Itaru arose from the couch. He blinked his eyes open. "Guess i should get up..." He sat up and stretched his arms and neck. Then he stood up and touched his toes to stretch out his back like a cat would. He licked the back part of his hands with his eyes closed, still a little sleepy. He realized how feline-ish it was and his eyes shot open,"UGH!" he spit as if he had a hair in his mouth. He walked to the kitchen, the first two steps being lunges to stretch each leg,"Guess its time to eat~" he rummaged through the fridge,"aw sweet bacon!!" He took the pack out and thew a few strips on a pan to sizzle.

He waited and minutes passed. He sighed with impatience and scratched under his chin. Itaru leaned on the counter and tapped his fingers on the top. He sighed once again and face palmed. He lifted his head and a light bulb went off,"Im suddenly..." His ears and tail popped out as he paused,"...thirsty~" he wasted no time and opened the fridge, and sure enough in the back, was a carton of milk,"YESSSSS" he opened it and drank right out of it,"oh yea~" his nose picked up the delicious scent of the bacon,"oh its done!" His tail swished with glee.
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(I agree but hes a tough cookie xD

Ritsuka: "cookie?! OuO?"

Itaru: "hurr hurr a big. tough. cookie... ;D"

Ritsuka: "oh brother...-.-..")
(Itaru: "Ow! *rubs his cheek* that was hot...BUT THAT HURT!")
(Itaru: *falls back on the floor and hits his head* FFFFFFFFFFFFF--*rolls back and forth holing his head*

Ritsuka: *points and laughs* BEAHAHAHAHAHA!!!")

Itaru grabbed the pieces of meat and slapped them on a plate. He slid the plate across the counter and turned the stove off. He grabbed the carton and went to the other side of the counter where his bacon awaited for him. He took the plate and milk and went to the dining table. He took a seat and joyfully nommed on the meat,"Oh yea~ this is great!" He drank out of the carton again.
((Maybe we should have a bit of a posting limit or something so no one is ready tons of post trying to keep up? just a suggestion? Yes? No? Meow?)) @twilight sparkle @HoneyBear-Kat @Neko-Neko-Nekomimi @mysticfox

Rox yawned lowly snugging his face back into Nichole neck unready to get up, but knew they must they had to gather everyone and start training. A frown edged on his lips lightly thinking of the the very new recruits...young like Ven and Ritsuka by the looks of it, canines too, an even more protective stirr to make sure they knew exactly what they were getting into. Rox opened his eyes fully now and stroked Nichole's cheek, "Love, time to awaken."

Enzo nose twitched at the smell of bacon, he moved slightly and watched Itaru cook his vision getting less blury and more alret by the second, he wrinkled up his nose at the fact the cat drank out of the carton, "You know other people like milk kitty," he said in a good morning before turning to sleeping Likara, "Hey, time to wake up." He tapped her head with a finger.

Ven arose a bit ealier coming out of a nightmare. He had huddled on his window ledge to watch the sun climb higher in the sky, he shivered as his skin touched the icy window making goose bumps cover his arms. Hearing others began to shuffled, he got up and dressed in shorts and orange top, before opening his door and peering down the hall, sniffing lightly, he tracted Ritsuka by her scent. He peered into her room grinning when he saw her still asleep. Tiptoeing in, he lean over her to brush white strands aside, before poking her nose,"Suka, rise and shine."

((G2g friends!))0
Likara's ears pop out of her head as she smells bacon. Her eyes flutter open as her eyes focus on her surroundings. "I'm up, I'm up." She stretched like a regular cat does when it first wakes up. Her eyes go to Itaru as she sees him with bacon. "Awww, I want some!" Likara whines like a kid to see if she could get one piece.
(Meow! :D )

Ritsuka's relexes acted before she did, her hand quickly launched and grabbed Ven's finger and tightened slightly. She sat up, her eyes still closed and hair a white mess. She slumped as she sat there and very slowly turned her head to look at Ven,"I hate mornings...." She said straight out. Her eyes still closed she layed back down and rolled over, still holding to his finger with her arm behind her.

Itaru wiped the milk off hi lip with his arm,"Hey people like bacon too but i didnt hear you complain about all the strips i cooked." He pushed the carton away,"Help yourself..." He pushed the plate of bacon towards Enzo. He looked Enzo,"please dont whine...i dont like dont gotta whine to get some, im offfering as it is..." He munched on a piece. He looked at Enzo and talked lowly,"Was that rude? Oops..." He shrugged.
"Yay! Thank you!" Likara hugged Itaru a little tight as a thanks and took two small pieces taking small bites. She liked the savor the taste of things, unlike a lot of people. A small smile formed when the first bit of the bacon was in her mouth. "Mmmmm......" Likara almost started to purr from the happiness she felt. 
Itaru stiffened when she hugged him, he had a light blush but sarcastically replied,"Well doesnt that just warm my heart" his voice was monotone and he rolled his eyes while his ears flattened. He watched her eat the bacon,"mmm..." He groaned,Shes cute but shes eating up the bacon T^T...

His innerself complained,"Im gonna eat cereal..." He gave up and walked into the kitchen once more, ears still flattened. He heard Luna greet them,"Well good morning there...please.....enjoy the bacon..." His voice was sarcastically monotone again as he gestured to Likara and the plate of meat.
Luna rolled her eyes and got some smoke sausage. She cooked it humming and moved some of her hair out of her eyes. She sat down with her breakfast of eggs, sausage and pancakes.
Itaru looked at her,"Well what about me?" He pouted. His tummy growled as he gazed at her plate,"I cooked bacon for everyone and this is the thanks i get?" He shook his head. "Women dont cook for men these days...I bet Ritsuka would..." He thought. He was going to call her but didnt want to be the one who woke her up so he let go of that idea. He went back into the kitchen...
Luna giggled some, which was a bit rare, "here have some of mine." Standing up and gave him some of her breakfast. Her shirt was pretty long covering the shorts. Her shirt came to her thighs. (Cuz I'm epic like that :cool:)

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