mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

(You guys *dies*) 
Ritsuka looked up at Ven from her height arms still wrapped around him,"Mhmm! Im all better now~!" Her ears perked and silky puffy white tail quietly swished. She smiled again and her blue eyes creased a bit. Her snow white hair drapped around her shoulders and hung past her bottom.

Itaru looked around,"So much love its making me nauseous...blegh..." He gagged. He flipped his hair and stuffed his hands in his pockets. The word "Christmas" kept popping up. Hed tilt his head at the sound,"What is that...." Hed mumble. Him and Ritsuka hardly had an idea, they heard stories and such but didnt know how it worked. They havent been around much people since their liberation to understand what it was. 
(I was RIGHT about to post in that thread when my laptop died -_- now im back on my crappy phone and the images wont come out so i have to do it tomorrow ): and i can try to make ItaLuna work :D )
Rox set Nichole down on the bed having fully recovered now her grinned over at her before taking a look around her room, but got pulled down into a kiss, not that he was complaining any as he kissed Nichole back deeply as the world around him yet again melted away.

Enzo kept sleeping quite peacefully against Likara. It had been a long day and an even longer now, just now in the late to earlier morning was he just getting to sleep a belly full of good food he would most likely not wake up again.

Ven moved back a bit so he could look down at Ritsuka once more, a genuine smile crossing his face at the news, he searched her eyes for a moment before hugging her again with an old burst of glee, “Yay Suka, I’m so happy to know that!” Ven let out a happy sigh before breaking the hug and looking around a bit hearing Itaru, “Christmas is….its…a holiday you spend with loved ones, but it’s also so much more than that,” Ven shook his spiky head, “ I don’t think I can say it right, guess you gotta experience it really.” His eyes got a wide as the reality he had been trying to grasp came back again, “And I get to spend mine with you….all of you.” This came out in a whisper as the smile got even fuller on his lips the other words were said silently off of lips, “Because I’m home.” Ven closed his eyes lightly before yawning, happy tears wanted to come, but were restrained as another fact entered his mind, this could all be shattered if Xanth decided and that sent a fear plus anger running through him again.

((Uggggh! I hate when that happens bleh! But take all the time you need Honey! Also go for it! They would seem like an interesting pair to get together lol, plus we know Ruru thinks every girl is hot already xDD)) 
((We should skip to morning soon! Everyone is going ta sleep!))
(Thats true he is a dog xD hes a cat but you know what i meant! xD and yussss next day!)

As soon as Ven broke the hug, Ritsuka sat back down and rested her head on the table slowly falling asleep. It was a long night and she was tuckered out. Soon her breathing became slow an she passed out.

Itaru listened as Ven tried to explain,"Hey hey now...dont get sappy on me!" He put his hands behind his head. "In any case i think ill be going to bed. Ill crash on the couch but ill find a room for her....we're all gonna pay tomorrow if she doesnt get sleep...she is NOT a morning person..." He walked to her chair and pulled it out, catching her before she falls forward. He carried her in both arms like a baby. Her left arm fell limp at her side and her head hung over his arm that supported her neck a bit, her hair and her legs dangled,"How did she fall asleep so quickly?!" He wondered and turned to go up the stairs 
The corridor upstairs had doors. Itaru didnt know where to begin. Luckily the first room he tried was empty and had a bed. The room was dark and some what lit by the moon out the window. He stood there, ritsuka on his arms as he just looked around. He used his foot to close the door and he walked to the side of the bed. The sound of a clock somewhere in the room echoed in the silence. "A bedroom..." He whispered. He closed his eyes and looked down, his eye brows furrowed he looked like he was in pain but it was just his heart that was...

"Onii-chan...." Ritsuka whispered in her sleep.

Itaru's eyes shot open and he looked at her,"Her brother...."

"Nii-chan....i miss you..."

Itaru's heart sank. He didnt want to be reminded of that. He finally set her down on the bed and stood over her for a minute, tears welling. "Im sorry..." He had a lump in his throat. He went to the door and stepped into the light of the halway. Turning back to close the door he sighed,"im really sorry Ritsuka..." He closed the door and walked back down with his hands in his pockets. 
He passed by everyone with out a word and continued on his way to the couch.

He plopped on it and kicked his feet up, putting his elbow over his eyes. He sighed once more and fell asleep... 
(Ready for next day :3 SORRY FOR THE LONG POST xD )
((Haha! I get what you mean and No Aplogizing for longggg post they are awesome!!!! :D ))

Ven made a face at the cat that agitated him, "I am not being sappy just shut-up!" He watched as Itaru gather Ritsuka up and slipped off the chair himself stretching a fond smile on his face at how hard it was to wake Ritsuka up, "Hehe, I know." He laughed quietly before going to the bathroom. He passed Itaru on the steps as he climbed up them, "Night." But when the cat did not reply Ven just huffed and found his old room Ritsuka had let him stay in, he remembered he had abandoned the room for curling up with his brother. Ven slipped off his socks hating to sleep with them. Before crawling under the covers, he was much to old -in his mind- to go seeking cuddling, but that was just another play off for trying to act older than he was. Closing his eyes, Ven drifted off pretty quickly. 
((@mysticfox Jacob and Ven should become friends at some point ^.^ Also you can post Jacob's profile in the thread I made whenever you want I forget if I told you or not :3))
I wake up in the middle of the night and get out of bed to get a glass of water and when i come back to my bed room i wake up shizuko"oops im sorry i didnt mean to wake you up shizuko"
"I-It's okay, I've been awake for a while." Shizuko hoped he didn't see through her lie. She didn't want him to feel bad or guilty. A small yawn escaped her small mouth as she sat up.
Her face flushes pink but she gets up anyways. She gently puts her arms on his shoulders and waits in position, feeling her face get hotter.
I put my arms around her legs and stand up and carry her down stairs and put her in a chair"what would you like to eat"i smile warmly
She could feel her heart pounding faster in her chest. "U-Um....." Her nose twitched slightly and she had a sudden urge for food. "Something with meat." Shizuko's pupils dialated a little and could barely be seen.
"You ok you look like your uncomfortable"i put my hand on her head"your not running a fever but you look red"i look her in the eye and kiss her lips"get better ok"i start making us some turkey sandwiches
Shizuko held back her blush somehow and nodded. Her eyes followed the turkey when he put it in her sandwich. She calmed herself down and remembered the kiss, touching her lips lightly.

((I'm sorry :( ))
She stares at it for a second before taking a small bite, letting the flavors wash over her. Shizuko makes a happy face and continues to eat the delicious sandwich
Another smile forms on her face as she sees his reaction. Shizuko's shyness was suddenly taken away from her, and the culprit was Jacob.
She freezes when he hugs her but after putting down her snack, she snuggles into him. Shizuko starts to make a humming like noise after a while.
Shizuko turns away fro him to hide her blushing face. She quickly finishes her sandwich and hurries back to the room and scurries under the blanket.

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