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Fantasy Mess Hall (OOC)

Nancy? Yes. He's been exiled and Nullified based on the Goddess's actions. The fact that Nancy hasn't dissented has earned him extreme favor among the benevolent Gods and pitied mockery among the malevolent ones

Nancy is the favored child right now. A malevolent God who really favors Nancy would risk a crusade to steal Nancy. A benevolent would reincarnate Nancy into a new non Nullified body in exchange for faithful followership in that new body

Nellie? No. For Sloth under Divine Empowerment, Nellie's standing isn't good. She's not getting punished, but...... She Shirks, she's getting destroyed. She borrowed the power and used it. To do that and then Dissent would make her look awful, let alone Shirk
Even though Nancy committed a crime against Divinity Law? That's interesting, I figured they would have been frowning upon both of the twins. Nellie makes sense, already on thin ice for accepting Favor and Empowerment she had no right to. Nancy, I guess because of the sequence of events? Nancy fucked up because Nellie fucked up because Goddess fucked up. He is getting the shortest stick in this draw, despite not being the one who set it in motion.
Kylesar1 Kylesar1

Confused about the English Mastery part of the Trial positives. I believe I mentioned that Nancy already knows English? Only reason he can't physically speak it is lack of vocal chords, his Trace relic is just a conduit to make up for that. It's not translating his thoughts, just communicating them.
Trace Relics are auto-translate text to speech. It does both which is why I assumed he didn't actually know English. I guess it makes sense since Nancy has to write it and Trace only works with verbal language

I'll change it to give him vocal chords so he can speak.
Trace Relics are auto-translate text to speech. It does both which is why I assumed he didn't actually know English. I guess it makes sense since Nancy has to write it and Trace only works with verbal language

I'll change it to give him vocal chords so he can speak.

Alrighty. I did like the vocal chords idea better anyway. Also it was, like, back in September or something when I clarified that, so no worries.

One more question before I work on my reply:

Was it already planned that Mariana would cut things short and keep on the Goddess side, or was that to keep the thing between Nellie and Vlad from progressing? If it's the former then we can stay the course, but if it's the latter I would like to edit Vlad and Nellie's part out. Wasn't super satisfied about it anyway. But more importantly, Goddess not imparting any motherly words or affection before the commune is over will had some adverse affects on Nancy. Namely, not getting a proper apology, or in general her not fully showing how regretful she is about the whole thing. I don't want to inadvertently cause that, but if that was what you were going for, we can keep that delicious angst in.
Was it already planned that Mariana would cut things short and keep on the Goddess side, or was that to keep the thing between Nellie and Vlad from progressing?

Oh no, it has nothing to do with Nellie and Vlad. Do with that what you please. There's just nothing going on with any of my characters in the Stoneroses HQ or back at the ships hence why I didn't bother posting anything on the Basenji side (and Mariah isn't there)

But more importantly, Goddess not imparting any motherly words or affection before the commune is over will had some adverse affects on Nancy. I don't want to inadvertently cause that, but if that was what you were going for, we can keep that delicious angst in.

Nah I'll edit it. After surviving the Abyss and saving his bacon from the Heresy charge all for his faith, Nancy should be making peace with the punishment, not falling into despair. Not that he should be happy about it, but that he knows that he shouldn't be apologizing for saving his sister, especially since the Trial is far more positive than negative (he just has to literally not want/try to die)

I'll make edits, but ultimately keep the Trial focus on this post. In the next post, Mariana will go motherly, THEN the commune will end. In other words, I'll extend the commune for one more post

I'll tell you when the edits are finished
Oh no, it has nothing to do with Nellie and Vlad. Do with that what you please. There's just nothing going on with any of my characters in the Stoneroses HQ or back at the ships hence why I didn't bother posting anything on the Basenji side (and Mariah isn't there)

Sure, I'll just leave it in then.

Nah I'll edit it. After surviving the Abyss and saving his bacon from the Heresy charge all for his faith, Nancy should be making peace with the punishment, not falling into despair. Not that he should be happy about it, but that he knows that he shouldn't be apologizing for saving his sister, especially since the Trial is far more positive than negative (he just has to literally not want/try to die)

I like how you're the one reeling things back while I'm like "make him suffer more", lmao. I agree though. Nancy has been holding it out waiting to hear her true thoughts on things, and shouldn't be left to wonder for however many years in exile. He's got his balls busted enough.
Sorry about the late post, holidays caught up to me, and since I type a lot of this out on a word Doc, things just kinda drifted away momentarily
Kylesar1 Kylesar1
I find myself still thinking back to this post where Goddess is making her response to Nancy (minus the addressing heretical words).

Why exactly was she acting so... daft? Granted, Nancy was saying "we" a lot, but it was pretty clear the subject was his sister. Was it an attempt to regain control of the situation while under the scrutiny of the Council? Or an attempt to steer Nancy where she wanted by bringing up all the good she'd done?

I was going to just wait and see how things play out for answers, but I'm too curious what her intentions were.
WayfaringWaaksian WayfaringWaaksian

As you've probably noticed, Mariana isn't exactly a stable Goddess. She has a tendency to the extreme, something that never would've been the case had she not taken on the Abyss. Since the nature of Daedric is Oppression, she is essentially tainted with an extreme pride where she was endlessly humble before. So she is either loving sometimes to a fault (as demonstrated by her infraction) or she is completely ruthless (ready to destroy Nancy on a misunderstanding)

The struggle comes with balancing the emotion because there is no mixing Holy and Daedric. There is no yin and yang between the 2. It's why Ora holds Sebas's left hand and Lostro his right.....or why the Goddess is beaming with pride after forcing Nancy to swim through the Abyss

It is because of that mental mindfuck that if one commits a crime, they walk on eggshells with the current Goddess. When you're answering for a crime, any wrong word will go 0 to 100 at lightning speed. So basically, with Nancy's perceived heretical words, the entire context was unreasonably thrown out and rearranged immediately to assume the worst

I'm not sure if this would fall under a mental illness. Since I don't understand them, I'm not actively trying to portray it, but now that I read this back, there's no way it doesn't describe a form of mental illness
Woke up to take a piss, saw this and can't go back to sleep (in a good way). I gotta put down my thoughts, this gave me a "eureka!" moment

I'm not sure if this would fall under a mental illness. Since I don't understand them, I'm not actively trying to portray it, but now that I read this back, there's no way it doesn't describe a form of mental illness

Oh yeah, I can absolutely see this. I can't claim exactly what sort of illness she has, especially since it's a unique fantasy case so it probably doesn't fit a real life one perfectly. But her behavior is eerily on par with a late family member of mine who we suspect had bipolar disorder. He'd have really high highs and low lows, be exceedingly doting to the point of making poor financial decisions only to 180 into a depressive episode where he would lash out in anger. He never got formally diagnosed let alone be treated, so the caring/cruel behavior was often very extreme, with very little in-between.
Disclaimer, we can never be sure if it's bipolar and that was just our experience with him, but with what I know, I wouldn't say it's far off to say Goddess struggles with something adjacent to that. There are some similarities to borderline personality disorder too, but I don't know nearly enough about it to make a strong case.

This... puts the twins in a very awkward position, because they're both mentally ill themselves. Hell, ALL of my mains have mental illness save for Bogrum, and even he struggles with mental health (just not to the point where it could classify as a mental disorder). Nancy and Nellie struggle with anxiety and depression, Nancy leaning more towards anxiety and Nellie depression. It stems mostly from PTSD due to the trauma from their formative years, now compounded by two invasions and the other crazy shit that happened in their lives. And like the Goddess, they're both often very unstable in their emotions.
Nellie flip-flops between lashing out at everyone and everything to protect herself, then taking that all inwards once she recognizes the harm she's caused. Nancy flip-flops between wanting to self-sabotage and wanting to stand up for himself. In a way, Goddess has become more like them in the time they were gone.

I'm not sure on how this will effect Nellie, as I've yet to see much interaction between the two. I'm leaning towards Nellie being more capable of navigating the Goddess's instability because she has the self-assurance to stand against accusations (to a fault at times). It might even help her confront her own instability, and admit that her problems transcend just needing to "get over things".
Nancy, however, NEEDS to get away from her in his current state. Not necessarily full on dissent, but distance himself from her to a large degree. The main reason he accepted and followed the Goddess was because of her dogged, unwavering love, which gave him a place of stability to combat his lack of which. Nancy is impressionable, not because he's gullible, but because he lacks self-esteem to the point where he can be very easy to manipulate. If he's told that he deserves to burn because of the shit that went down in the Church, he'll struggle to counter it. If he's told his choices were wrong (ie, punishable), he'll start to think HE'S wrong. If he's accused of heresy, especially by his Goddess, he'll be inclined to accept it. That last bit rouses my ire at Goddess specifically, because girl, you should KNOW Nancy internalizes shit like a dry sponge. Of course he's going to take on a label you put on him, agh!

Anyway, it's established that the Goddess he served isn't the same anymore. He can no longer follow her for the reason he did before, because that safety net just doesn't exist now. He has to tiptoe around her just like he had to with his family, which would destroy his mental health and eventually destroy him if she pulls another stunt like that. So the Exile will not only serve as a soul-search, but also a chance to study the Goddess from a distance and see if this is something he's cut out for. If he's to continue serving her, it can't be to lean on her in the same way he did before. He can't serve a Goddess he has to protect himself against, unless he's willing to risk facing her worst and CAN without it dismantling his self-image.

With all that in mind, this is the approach I expect. Nellie, a Sword empowered by the Goddess's Abyss, her fury exasperated for better or worse. Nancy, a Shield against the Goddess's Abyss, and must be stalwart lest it shatter upon the first blow.
Of course, that's assuming they DO remain her followers. Anything can happen at this point.
WayfaringWaaksian WayfaringWaaksian

Oh yeah, he absolutely has to dive into the Daedric script and get caught up on that 200 year time gap if he wants to study the Goddess. She FULLY expects him to dissent, which is why she said that pilgrimage back to Cordelia is whenever he's ready, not making it mandatory. Hell, she expects both of them to dissent.

She fully knows she fucked up royally, and it's this case and then the punishment she's gonna be given by the Daedric Counsel that'll really make her examine herself and realize some of the extent as to how she's changed over the centuries as a result of dual-hatting 2 forces that should never mix. I wasn't expecting the Goddess to end up this developed, which sucks because now I like her yet divinity is about to take a back seat to old fashioned low-scale sea-sailing

I'm not even sure how I would continue the things around the Goddess, Mariah, Demi, and the Rebuild. It's DEFINITELY not Pirate so it can't stay here, but I do want to continue it
Hell, she expects both of them to dissent.

Damn, is that why Goddess didn't fight for Nellie when she was on the cusp of dissenting? That kind of pissed me off too, lmao. She committed an infraction over trying to get Nellie back, only to go "welp, nothing I can do" while she wailed over her brother being sent away because of Goddess's bullshit? I get that she was focusing on Nancy then, but still. The irresponsibility of it all. Nuh-uh, damn right she better do some self-reflection.
But in her defense, maybe she didn't want to sway Nellie after she'd fucked them over like that. Her exiling Nancy kind of feels like her protecting him from herself, now that I have that extra context.

I wasn't expecting the Goddess to end up this developed, which sucks because now I like her yet divinity is about to take a back seat to old fashioned low-scale sea-sailing

About that... the full extent of it won't show up until much later, but I'll give a hint towards Fergie's arc. Hers and Nancy's will become VERY intertwined at some point. Hell, this arc with Goddess and the Twins has actually helped me finalize some points about Fergie's deal.
And like, I'll be honest, I've gotten more attached to my vision for the twins than my initial vision for Fergie. Only after a year, after three years of RPing Fergie? THAT wasn't planned. But I still love the gal and wanna give her justice, so I just combined 'em. There's no way I'll let Nancy go under the radar fully while Fergie gets the spotlight. The divinity stuff I expect will still be under the radar though for the forseeable future, since Nancy will be focusing on taking care of himself aside from his studies.

I'm not even sure how I would continue the things around the Goddess, Mariah, Demi, and the Rebuild. It's DEFINITELY not Pirate so it can't stay here, but I do want to continue it

We did discuss potentially having a third RP that focuses on future events. What if instead, we had one playing adjacent to Pirate, same timeframe but just focused on Orivae's arc? There's a lot I still want to explore with Nellie and Vlad as well. In one fell swoop, one of my characters just got put on the path of being a queen. A high profile one, at that. Like hell I wouldn't want to explore that, lol.

If any Orivae characters get involved with the pirates during which, they can just "cross over" into the main RP while events continue on in Orivae, and vice versa. I'd be down for that sort of thing.

One more question, this more to help me plan for certain things. So, Demi and Vespera are completely out of the picture for Pirate, correct? Seyres Household or bust? I just wanna know if Nancy will have any future interactions with them, or if they're fully parting ways after the Kraiven arc.
Kylesar1 Kylesar1

Btw, don't feel obligated to tell me something if it's a spoiler you would rather reveal IC. I ask mainly to carter my planning process, but it's not a necessity.
WayfaringWaaksian WayfaringWaaksian
I just been busy. We're ramping up the work so we can return from the Philippines

My initial plan was to have Ves leave the RP. However, I forgot I made plans in the DMs before the holidays concerning her. Sooooooo........ Ves and the Seyres Aristocracy are gonna play a huge part in the RP at some point. For now though, Ves will be focused on adjusting to the new world. Demi was never gonna leave the RP. Hers is just a leave of absence. You can disregard the thing about Ves permanently leaving the RP

The thing I've been working on is where the RP will go from here. I gotta think of where to place Vampire Territory (currently unnamed run by the Seyres Aristocracy) and where to place Kaer Lyon (a huge part of Orc/Goblin territory run by the Scorchclaws). Since where the Basenjis are on the map is the literal opposite side of where Padtoles is (where Safety's bombing took place), I won't take them TO Padtoles, but one of the countries between Tacrof (where Andouphe is) and Padtoles

I will work on the actual IC post though for now
WayfaringWaaksian WayfaringWaaksian
Alright, so after your next post, there's probably gonna be a beefy 3 day time skip where I'll detail some of the aftermath, consisting of the Basenji side of things, the Kraiven side of things, the Goddess's side of things, and then the aftermath of the destroyed ship in Padtoles

It'll pick up at their arrival back in Andouphe
Kylesar1 Kylesar1

We're streamlining things, then? That's fine by me, so we can get Safety in the game sooner. It does feels a bit off-putting to throw Nancy in with the pirates without the final goodbyes for closure, so all I request on that front is a quick summary of how the Stoneroses reacts to his departure. He'll say that the Goddess is mandating that he leave to find a cure, but nothing beyond that. Nellie and Vlad I can just detail in my own posts.

There were things I wanted to play out in the intermission we had planned initially, but most can be summarized or can be picked up during the Andouphe stop. For what I still want to play out in detail though
  • Fergie and Ash's duel. I can figure the tournament will be at some point in the next arc anyway, since everyone's drop-dead exhausted from the Mozza raid.
  • Demi and Fergie confronting Adonis. If the next 3 days are summarized though, this can only be detailed if it happens when they reach Andouphe.
  • Nancy giving Vespera her gift, which raises the same issue as above
If this conflicts with what you had planned, lemme know and we can try to compromise.
WayfaringWaaksian WayfaringWaaksian
You make a good point. Now that I think about it, it's actually kind of important. Demi needs to say her goodbyes as well. And Ves..........

OK, Nevermind. Disregard. We'll play that out in full. We're at the end. No point in rushing it now. Since Andouphe will represent a drastic RP change from the last arc to this arc, Kraiven needs a proper sendoff
Kylesar1 Kylesar1

FYI, I just deleted the scene where Nellie is talking about hers and Nancy's names. It felt out of place for her to be candidly explaining that to Vlad, given the circumstances. Also, there's no way Vlad didn't ask literal centuries ago, he's too damn inquisitive.

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