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Dice Memoria OOC

All done. Anything else? Also, what is the postiquette here? We allow everyone to post at least once before we can again? or is there a set number of posts like wait for 4 before posting again?
i cant believe i didn't put a bow on that list, i was thinking about it the entire time too >.>

well, im glad to see things are moving again regardless~
grats to Jay for the first crit. it all goes downhill from there x3

While im at a good point to do it, how i like to do bargaining is that a success on the bargain lowers the price by 10% with a failure increasing the price by 10%, with crits or crit fails doubling that amount. Thats not really in any book i dont think its just a method i enjoy. It just so happened that critting on a sucess gave you the price you wanted. yay awesome math.
I don't know how this system works, I will see if I can figure it out. I don't know how to add special die and modifiers - but I will try and figure it out
if it is too hard or two confusing i dont mind anyone using a dice roller and posting an image of it. id like to avoid that method but id also like to trust in my players regardless
I usually use an app called CritDice, But I am really hoping to figure this out. Give me a while. I might just let them roll, then edit the text afterwards to see what the totals are - or let you guys do the math. Just choose the dice and mention the modifiers
What I do is just roll a straight d20 and mention the modifier in the post, then edit the post with the final result after the dice have been rolled.

Might cumbersome, for some, but I don't mind it.
hellllo everyone~ were just waiting on iris, who ive contacted so we should be expecting a post soon. i hope everyone is having fun. from here id like to meet up in the tavern so we can watch Almy up and be on our way to more excitement and adventure ^^
Whoops, sorry Almos, for some reason I thought your character was still talking to NPCs, and not me. Didn't mean to ignore you.
JayTee JayTee - Is Marcus asking this to him at the shop? Becuase both of them have left so he would need to ask him at the tavern - and if he had not noticed him earlier he should not know who to approach in the tavern because he did not notice him earlier. Sorry, I am just a bit confused.
At the shop. I tried to fix my earlier mistake, but it looks like I made things even more messy >.>;
Lol - perhaps they can meet at the tavern. I will have my char walk up to the singer - and they can be formally introduced there. Would you be willing to rescind your latest post? Just to clarify the situation?
Hey everyone Rose messaged me and told me their computer has stopped working and they are trying to get it get it fixed.
hello everyone. as i told rose my computer stopped working :/ i wont be able to get it replaced for quite a while, but ill go to the library when i can to update this for you guys. sorry yave had to go so long without me. ill review everything and reply with what i need too ^^

Edit: tho i see nothing has changed. how are you A L M O S A L M O S ? did you jsut want to progess thigns further

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