[Megalopolis V.2.0] The Spot

Tonight or tomorrow afternoon the game will begin, I am doing last minute preperations and writing the starter thread, while reviewing the new characters that came in.
Alright, I'm a bit delayed due to last minute character submissions, but this should be officially starting by tonight. I'm almost done writing the thread and I want to try to process any characters that show up before I post it.

I hope you all enjoy ;) !
Alright great news, I just have to do a final run through to spell check and stuff but once I wake up the game will be ready for posting!
Can I mention that it is quite depressing to come back from vacation with a notice that you have to figure out a new ability, have no idea what would qualify as an acceptable ability now, and see a big red REJECTED at the top?
Tempest said:
Can I mention that it is quite depressing to come back from vacation with a notice that you have to figure out a new ability, have no idea what would qualify as an acceptable ability now, and see a big red REJECTED at the top?
But since when has Miz or myself allowed anyone to have Illusion powers? In any game?

You've been in plenty of them by now, Illusion magic is a really dangerous and nasty area because other players will A) just see through it because no one likes to be stuck in illusions, and B) It messes with the DM's storytelling ability.

Tempest I want you to play man, but I could not not seriously consider that a serious power, not after this long. I liked the rest of your character and you are a great RPer. Please resubmit something, just change the power and resubmit the rest of him.
Alright, the game is ready to begin however, I'm reviewing last minute accounts, so that might take me a few more hours, prepare for the game tonight!(maybe morning the latest, because I'm still waiting for people to respond)

Next character on the review list is DreamingofRoses ;D!
DreamingofRoses said:
Fantastic! And dear goodness, Xenthriss, you must've been bored. -Is looking at your character profile.-
I. Don't. Like. Waiting.

One character was a full import, Duke, while the other was a work in progress for classic that didn't get out in time.
I believe he told me it was my bio that is slowing him down. :(

That might just be an excuse though...
Miz said:
I believe he told me it was my bio that is slowing him down. :(
That might just be an excuse though...
I think it might just be, since he has yet to give his opinion of my character. :P

And Xenthriss, I was mainly talking about all the extras you have on your profile. Mine feels kinda empty compared to it.
DreamingofRoses said:
Xenthriss, I was mainly talking about all the extras you have on your profile. Mine feels kinda empty compared to it.
That is what I meant, Wizard kept me waiting so I made sure to show him that I'm like Kudzu; you don't take care of me fast enough and I'll not only overgrow everything but become even more time-consuming to deal with and more difficult to get taken care of.
Xenthriss said:
That is what I meant, Wizard kept me waiting so I made sure to show him that I'm like Kudzu; you don't take care of me fast enough and I'll not only overgrow everything but become even more time-consuming to deal with and more difficult to get taken care of.
xD , but doesn't that defeat its own purpose and just make everything take longer?
is the game ready? i've been super bored...! I even went and created a world.... I don't like keeping my ideas locked up.... it's awful!!!!!

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