
"Well... We can't stay up here forever... Some time, probably soon, we will be discovered..." Gavin said sadly "Any ideas?"
Dahlia looked outside. The guards were no longer in the area. They'd probably assumed that Lite was a mile away by now and were scouring the rest of the city. She looked down at Lite, still unconscious on the floor. If Gavin could carry him, they might be able to get out of here before the guards returned. "Hurry?" she asked. If they hurried, they'd be long gone when the guards returned to the tower. They just had to find a safe place to hide until this blew over. Now Gavin and AC looked like they were helping Lite, along with Dahlia. They were assisting a felon and would be punished as harshly as Lite if caught...
Luke stretched as his eyes open to the same ceiling he would always see when he woke up. He flung his legs out of bed before getting up. He changed out of his gown into the clothes ready prepared for his on his cabinet. He put his scabbard around his waist slipping his silver sword inside of it before entering the dinning hall to see a ready prepared breakfast, as usual their was a roasted chicken in the middle on a large plate and fruit around it. He ate some of the chicken and at least a quarter of the fruit leaving the rest for his Father. He put on his fur coat and left the castle heading to the market place.

(Going on holiday for 5 days :S )
Forks said:
(Meep... I won't be able to post for a long time.)
([MENTION=2672]Forks[/MENTION] don't worry I can't either on phone at caravan on and off interenet to hard to make long posts lol
AC had noticed the bow being drawn from the neko. She could tell just by the way she held it that she had some skill with it. Then the neko relaxed as she saw who it was. AC was about to speak when had heard the noise from down stairs. Quickly she drew her own bow and one of the knock-out arrows she used to knock out the archer before. AC knew that any deaths wouldn't help their situation. When Gavin appeared she relaxed her aim. "I have an idea, " AC said, "If you had noticed no one see you enter the tower, it's because I have an ability to make myself and those around me invisible to those I wish not to see them. And as for you case, running around like a fugitive won't help." She looked them over again then continued, "My name is AC. Me and my group are Bounty Hunters but we should be able to convince the guards that your innocent, after all me and my group have quiet the reputation. Hopefully we can clear this all up before tomorrow, for that's the last day you can sign up for the games."

[MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION]: and others... you guys aren't upset cuz of me stopping the RP yesterdayare you?
well lites on... wel i mean [MENTION=1777]Original Hylion[/MENTION]

[MENTION=1777]Original Hylion[/MENTION]: We are awaiting ur post
(Sorry >.< just got out of school)Lite started to groan as he slowly awoke. "What's with all the noise?" He groaned as he sat up and looked around the room. He freaked out for a moment not remembering where he was. "Where?! Doll?!" He shook his head and figured things out. "Right... " He looked at Gavin and the lady who had just introduced her self as AC he believed. He still didn't have much of an idea of what was going on. So he just looked at Doll. "Enjoying the view." He asked her with his goofy warm smile. He was completely oblivious to the current situation.
AC noticed as Lite got up. She also took note of his apparent lack of concern of the current situation. "Say mr. ..." She wasn't sure what to call the man because she has yet to get a name from him.
Lite looked at her. "Rige." He answered slightly unwillingly. She was bounty hunter and he was a target. Not honestly a not a good mix. Lite pushed himself on to his feet. Slightly light headed but he was able to walk and stand. Lite put a hand in his coat taking hold of his throwing knives. He was prepared to release his blades at this girl id he had to,
AC noticed the reacgion in the man named Regie has he found out she was a bounty hunter. She also noticed his movement to his cloak. Most likey a weapon if she was judging corectly. "Listen, if i wanted to bring u in i would of done so. In fact i never would of revealed myself. I simply would of Knocked out your Neko and made sure you stayed out. Then you would of waken up in prison. So when i tell you i can help you prove your innocence i can."
Lite smirked. "You wouldn't alive if you touched her." He released his heavy stance and calmed some but was prepared to attack still. "What does a bounty hunter have over the law?" He doubted that some bounty hunter with high reputation could possible convince the soldiers to stop looking for a man who killed a wizard official. "Please, explain your plan of action, miss."
Princess Amelia burst out of the castle, running quickly down the steps and towards the stables in a hurry. Tears shimmered in her eyes as she leaped onto her horse, Anabelle, and took off down the dirt road.

"Amelia! Wait!" She heard someone call out from the castle behind her, but she ignored it and flicked the reins harder. The black and white horse galloped away from the Kingdom of Harp and onto an unknown path.

"What was my Father thinking.." She thought in her head, but she shook her head, trying to clear her mind from what had just happened.

The forest she was entering was getting darker and darker by the second, but the Princess didn't seem to notice. She just flicked the reins harder.

She heard a quick SWOOSH go past her head ad hit a tree next to her. Following the sound with her eyes, she quickly realized it was an arrow that had missed her head by an inch. About five or six horses with men on them leaped out of the bushes and chased after her as she sped past.

"Anabelle! Faster!" She exclaimed, flicking the reins once again. Her eyes widened, realizing she had entered Thieve's territory. Reaching behind her, she grabbed her bow and strung it with an arrow, shooting it and hitting a man directly in the face. He fell off his horse, causing the animal to slow down and disappear into the forest.

But she wasn't watching in front of her. A man leaped out in front of the Anabelle and shot an arrow at it's leg. Neighing in pain, it skidded to a halt and arched back on it's hind legs, kicking it's front legs in the air angrily.

Princess Amelia, however slipped off the back of the horse and fell onto her back. And before she knew it, her hands and feet were tied with ropes and she was being dragged off. She screamed, and it rang out before she vanished into the forest with the thieves dragging her helplessly.
Dahlia looked between her master and the girl bounty hunter talking. She had quickly dropped the bow as Lite had come to, not wanting him to think she knew how to use it. Slaves weren't allowed to use them anyway, why cause any trouble for herself? She was happy that he was up and about, having become more and more concerned about their situation while he was unconscious.

Lite asked the girl a very good question. What authority did the bounty hunter have over the guards? They were the higest power on the streets in terms of police, there was no way a bounty hunter could convince them, right? Though with the situation at hand, it couldn't hurt to try.
Luke had just bought a quiver full of clean silver tipped arrows before walking over to the baker buying a loaf of bread for Nee-ko as per usual. HE placed the Loaf of bread in his Fur coats pocket and looked as a deer ran past. He had always loved wild life as he grew up as a child. It always made him feel calm and had a sense of peacefulness
The Princess looked around her in fear, not knowing what to do. She was trapped, and it was pretty much all her fault. If she hadn't run away in the first place, she never would of been in this mess.

"Help! Please somebody help me!" She screamed again, gasping slightly as one of the thieve's slapped a hand over her mouth.

"Shut it. No one gave you permission to speak." He growled, leaning in close to her face and grinning evilly. She turned her head slightly away from him and looked helplessly off to the side.

This never would of happened if I wasn't such an idiot..
Vynion wanders from the neighboring forest besides the city of Avalon; standing at the edge of the tree line he looks ahead to the large bubbling city. A dark, ebon brow lofted skyward, his head slowly cocking to the right, his practically black eyes danced over the sight, seemingly scanning over the area with a trained perception; It had almost been a full year now since he had counted himself among the humans. Trading, eating, socializing, and even fighting alongside them… At that time he was human. However, in his mind he knew now that he was much more and that there was even more than him.

He rolled his broad shoulders, causing his chain-based pauldrons to rattle in a fit of noise; he’d then slowly slide his lithe arms, crossing them over his heaving chest, his digits slowly began to dig into the opposing biceps to retain his desired position. He’d let his head return to a normal, vertical position before nodding slowly, and then speaking to himself: “What to do first?” He pondered.

Darkened eyes drifted to his right hip where there’d be a small leather strap attached to his scrapped-together belt. He’d drop his arms, allowing his right hand to grasp the jar, and lift it slightly as he stared at the contents, though highly invisible with the murky liquid inside. He’d shrug, letting out a soft sigh before his left hand joined the right, removing the lid that he simply set down beside him. He’d then reach within the jar grasping an item, and removed it from his jar. Lifting it to his face, it was clearly a small, unborn child, just above a fetal stage. “I’ve only three of you left; I should collect more less I starve.” He’d nod in agreement with his own statement opening his mouth and taking half of the being out in a single bite. There’d be a subtle crunch mixed in with all the squishiness of his chosen meal; being that it was mostly undeveloped, organs and very little bone.

Once done chewing, he’d naturally swallow, moving in to take a final bite only to repeat the process. Once finished with his meal, he’d kneel to retrieve the jar’s lid and replace it back to its normal position; he’d then stand and let the jar swing back to his side as he lost his grip. With that he began to wander forward in a slow, lazed stride. Onwards to the city of Avalon!
( I'd suggest you edit your post to say Avalon now :D By clicking the button at the bottom of your post also by the way. A rule of the site I think is to keep it pg 13 Im not entirely sure)

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