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Medieval RP 1on1 (with Angelbeauty4)

Angel sat in his house with the windows covered. As he sat there he played his Lute for a few until he got up and went to work. His job consisted of feeding a noble's horse and carrying heavy objects around. "Hate. This. Job."

The noble turned around and glared at Angel. The noble walked over and stared Angel down. "Would you rather clean the shite out of the stables?"

Angel sighed and shook his head. "No milord." He spoke quietly and went back to work.
Clara had to meet one of the nobles today. Since he liked to ride, she decided to go for a ride with him. But as she arrived, he was gone. Only the peasant at the stable was there. She got down of her horse, not having any guards with her, and went to the peasant. "Hello there. Could you tell me where the count is?", she politely asked.
Angel looked at a woman as she neared him. "Umm. I'm not sure. I think he went for his daily ride. He should be back later if you wish to wait for him." He looked back at the horse he was feeding but quickly looked back at the woman. "You're not from here are you? Your outfit isn't like a noble's."
Clara was surprised he did not realize who she was. But she quickly remembered she did not wear her crown or her noble dress. She giggled a bit. "Oh, no one important. I just needed to meet with the count for some image and political reasons.", she said, still giggling. "May I pat the horses head? I love horses..."
Angel looked at the woman and then the horse. "Hmm." He shrugged and lifted his shirt a little to show his knife. "Don't hurt it. I will hurt you if you do." He didn't want to say that but he didn't know if the woman was bad or not.
Clara patted the horse, which seemed to like it. Animals nearly always liked her. After she patted it, she turned to the peasant. "It is a beautiful one, no doubt.", she said towards him and smiled. Her tone was calm, as it nearly always was.
Angel looked at the woman and saw how the horse was nice to her. When she spoke she sounded calm. More calm then she should be since he did show his knife. "Well. I clean 'im and feed 'im. 'E's a nice boy." He realized he started to stop pronouncing his H's and sighed. "I'm sorry but I must be getting back to work. Milord would be mad at me if I was caught chatting with someone." He bowed and walked back to carrying haybales to the other horses.
"Oh. I am sure he would not he mad if he knew that I wanted you to stay.", she said, giggling again. "He would not be mad at me I'm pretty sure."
Angel nearly dropped a hay bale when the woman said she wanted him to stay. "Ma'am. I'm sure you don't want my company. I'm just a peasant and by t'e way you act, you're obviously not." He heard hooves pounding on the ground, getting louder. "I t'ink t'ats 'im."
She sighed. As the count came, he dismounted and made a bow. "My queen, I am so honored of your company for the day.", he said. Clara told him to rise with a move of her hand, getting back to her horse. "I just talked to your peasant. A very kind one. I enjoyed the talk", she said as she mounted her horse again. "Let's ride out while talking."
Angel heard the count say 'queen' and this time he did drop a hay bale. Queen? ... Oh crap. I basically just t'reatened t'e queen a few minutes ago. As Angel thought to himself he realized the count was glaring at him. "Oh! I'm so sorry milord. It won't 'appen again." He quickly picked up the hay bale and moved it to the second to last horse.

The count got down from his horse and walked over to Angel with an angry look. "You should be sorry. No peasant of mine will ever make a mistake so stupid around someone of importance. Especially the queen." As he neared Angel he quickly backhanded him and pointed to outside. "Leave now. I shall not tolerate your mistakes anymore."

Angel felt the back of the count's hand and yelped as he hit the ground. "Fine. I will leave. T'is stupid peasant work won't 'elp me." He got up and walked off towards his house. "Goodbye Your 'ighness."

The count looked at the queen and sighed. "I'm so sorry you had to see that. That peasant has made too many mistakes. I should've never have let him work for after his parents died."
Clara looked at the count in disbelief. "No peasant should be treated that harsh, count. I will not forget that side of yours, when I decide about that trade-offer you wanted to be part of.", she said, quickly following Angel after she spoke. "Peasant. You shall stop right there.", she told him.
Angel heard the queen's words but kept walking. "I'm not stopping Your 'ighness. I don't care if I'm a peasant or not but t'e royal family has never 'elped me. Just 'cause I'm a peasant. T'ey always 'elped ot'ers but us peasants." After a few seconds of walking he stopped. "You. You 'elped me. Why?"
"I heard that your parents died. I am very sorry, I know that feeling. Both of my parents are dead as well. I never knew my mother. She died while giving birth to me. That is a feeling you don't want to feel. After all, I killed my mother with just being born. I don't support the counts behavior towards you and other peasants. You are humans after all. That's why I wanted to offer you work. I wanted to offer you to work at the royal castle. If you do good, the life there is a lot better than it was here.", she said, her voice calm and honest. She laid her hand on Angels shoulder.
Angel felt the queen's hand on his shoulder and heard her words. He wanted to do it but he just couldn't. "I'm sorry but I must decline. T'e only way I'd do it is if I were to work for you and only you. I've been working for cold-'earted people for a long time and I don't feel I'd stand for anyone but you, Your 'ighness." He turned around and walked back towards his house. "Besides. Ever since my parents were murdered I 'aven't been able to trust t'e royal family."
She was hurt by what he said and a tear ran down her cheek. "Then work for me!", she desperately cried out and started to cry, sitting down at the bare ground more or less purposely.
When Angel heard the queen cry he stopped in his tracks. He slowly walked back to the queen and kneeled down. "I'm sorry. I'll work for you on one condition. I work as your personal butler. I'll do anyt'ing you say and even protect you." He saw the queen's tears and pulled out a handkerchief just to wipe her tears. "And please don't cry Your 'ighness."
Clara nodded, still crying. She got up again. "Sorry, I sometimes can't control myself. I am made to cry pretty easy. But yes. Be my butler. It would be a pleasure to me.", she said, her voice steady again but tears still running down her face.
Clara stood up and restored her usual attitude. She went to the count and talked to him. She then came back with one of his horses. "That's not true. You do have a horse. Its yours.", she said, smiling at Angel as she mounted her own one. "Just follow me. The guards wait at the end of the counts belonging."
Angel mounted the horse and rubbed it's head. "'ey pretty boy. I'm glad you're wit' me now." The horse whinnied happily and walked over to the queen's horse. "Might I ask what you're going to do wit' t'e count?"
She shrugged. "I am no one of great rage. I will not allow him to join the treaty of trade he wanted to. That should be enough of a punishment.", she said, starting to slowly ride to her castle. "I never asked for your name. So how about you telling it to me?"
"Angel." He patted his new horse and smiled when it walked without order. "I s'ould've realized you're t'e queen. I wouldn't have said anyt'ing to you about t'e 'orse. I would've said where t'e count went."
She laughed slightly. "Its fine. I liked talking to you. My name is Clara, but front to others I need to demand to be called "highness" or "majesty". If we are alone you may use my name.", she said with a smirk. "Oh, the guards."

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