Mecha RP: Legend of M

(The way I see it, is an A.I given emotion is a very frail and unstable thing. It's something new to them, so large events can easily make or break them. Kill off the right individual, and they may end up doing the same to many more. Considering that biotech can be a very viable thing if done right) (Wolverine-type regen or higher, creatures in nature have some amazing abilities... Mantis Shrimp is a prime example. If I, or HEATS suggests me going down the biotech route, expect a giantess. 12 foot mantis shrimp punches. (That would likely punch through several inches of steel...)

"Oh, trust me, I have a great defense system. I could demonstrate, but that'll be saved for later. Hmm... So it's because they don't get the same privileges that everyone else gets? Hmm... I wonder why that is... Can we not afford to help everyone? If you have the world united, you get more things done and advance faster..."
OGTomahawk said:
Clayton was caught off-guard for a second. His old fighting career hadn't been mentioned to him in a long time. He shifted his coffee from his right to left hand and eagerly shook the mans hand. "Pleasures all mine. And it's two time. That whole business with Thunderbowl XIII was technically a tie."
"Shore - technically - they had as many points as you, but you had 'em disabled. I seen the 'casts - more'n once," he shakes his head doggedly. "Out in the dreck they'd'a been dead and you'd'a made it home. That's all that matters, am I right?"

Cutter looks wistfully a moment, then continues, "You hear any scuttlebutt? I been grounded here for a bit, don't know what's goin' on the world."
Crimrose said:
(The way I see it, is an A.I given emotion is a very frail and unstable thing. It's something new to them, so large events can easily make or break them. Kill off the right individual, and they may end up doing the same to many more. Considering that biotech can be a very viable thing if done right) (Wolverine-type regen or higher, creatures in nature have some amazing abilities... Mantis Shrimp is a prime example. If I, or HEATS suggests me going down the biotech route, expect a giantess. 12 foot mantis shrimp punches. (That would likely punch through several inches of steel...)
"Oh, trust me, I have a great defense system. I could demonstrate, but that'll be saved for later. Hmm... So it's because they don't get the same privileges that everyone else gets? Hmm... I wonder why that is... Can we not afford to help everyone? If you have the world united, you get more things done and advance faster..."
(Yes, but with the right person, the crazed emotion can calm down.)

"Yes but if you haven't noticed...Cities have been reduced to ruble, and the only places to get stuff like gold and all that, are in either red or yellow zones, making it hard to get the materiel, and with some safezones being small...It's hard to pay and give everyone a job." he said, some areas in safezones were outside of the walls, making them hard to control and keep order under, only time people were able to go inside of the walls was to buy food and other things alike.

"I know... But if the people under our protection can live decent lives... Maybe there is no way to fix the economy, but that doesn't mean we should treat other's any differently... Maybe humanity should go back to the barter system until then... It would likely work, as I'm sure the Rebel's have some things to offer. Services, goods... Anything in-between could be traded."
[QUOTE="dr xenon]"Shore - technically - they had as many points as you, but you had 'em disabled. I seen the 'casts - more'n once," he shakes his head doggedly. "Out in the dreck they'd'a been dead and you'd'a made it home. That's all that matters, am I right?"
Cutter looks wistfully a moment, then continues, "You hear any scuttlebutt? I been grounded here for a bit, don't know what's goin' on the world."

Clayton took a sip of his coffee. He could barely keep up with Jacksons accent. "Eh, same old same old, mostly. The rebels have been oddly quiet. But what really's got me thinking is the weird kaiju activity I observed in, uh, Shell Bluff. That Shanty town in the east coast yellow zone."
OGTomahawk said:
Clayton took a sip of his coffee. He could barely keep up with Jacksons accent. "Eh, same old same old, mostly. The rebels have been oddly quiet. But what really's got me thinking is the weird kaiju activity I observed in, uh, Shell Bluff. That Shanty town in the east coast yellow zone."
"Shell Bluff, hey? I know it," Cutter was interrupted by a chirping sound from under the table. He shrugged by way of saying "Sorry" and pulled out his handheld. Laying it on the table a small hologram appeared above it showing the head and shoulders of a female, League armed forces Lieutenant.

"Sergeant November, as per your agreement with the base Commandant considering your current ... circumstances ... may I request that you report to Pier Guard station Bravo at the next watch turn?" Her voice was crisp and business like. "We are short handed currently and your assistance would be ... appreciated."

"Of course, Lieutenant," Cutter responded warmly. "It's the least I can do."

The Lieutenant nodded curtly by way of response and her hologram faded.

"That Watch Officer does not like mercen'ries, I'll tell you," Jackson continued. "Now what's that you were sayin' bout weird Kaiju activity in Shell Bluff? I got some time before I have to rev up and report in."
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[QUOTE="dr xenon]"Shell Bluff, hey? I know it," Cutter was interrupted by a chirping sound from under the table. He shrugged by way of saying "Sorry" and pulled out his handheld. Laying it on the table a small hologram appeared above it showing the head and shoulders of a female, League armed forces Lieutenant.
"Sergeant November, as per your agreement with the base Commandant considering your current ... circumstances ... may I request that you report to Pier Guard station Bravo at the next watch turn?" Her voice was crisp and business like. "We are short handed currently and your assistance would be ... appreciated."

"Of course, Lieutenant," Cutter responded warmly. "It's the least I can do."

The Lieutenant nodded curtly by way of response and her hologram faded.

"That Watch Officer does not like mercen'ries, I'll tell you," Jackson continued. "Now what's that you were sayin' bout weird Kaiju activity in Shell Bluff? I got some time before I have to rev up and report in."

Clayton raised an eyebrow when he learned Jaskson was a merc. Clayton would love to be in that line of work, being able to do whatever you wanted. His current contract basically stated "Work until you die."

"Well, I don't mean they were all riled up like bees or somethin', no. They were thinking." His eyes squinted a little as he recalled the fight. "They used tactics. They, uh, lured me and a few other pilots away from the town. And while we were occupied by a big one, they took a second wave and went right behind our backs in a flanking maneuver." He shook his head. "They broke the local defense perimeter ran through the streets before we could bring them under control. I didn't expect it. Not from kaiju of all things." He took another sip of his coffee. "I guess, moral of the story, watch your 6' with extra care."
OGTomahawk said:
Clayton raised an eyebrow when he learned Jaskson was a merc. Clayton would love to be in that line of work, being able to do whatever you wanted. His current contract basically stated "Work until you die."

"Well, I don't mean they were all riled up like bees or somethin', no. They were thinking." His eyes squinted a little as he recalled the fight. "They used tactics. They, uh, lured me and a few other pilots away from the town. And while we were occupied by a big one, they took a second wave and went right behind our backs in a flanking maneuver." He shook his head. "They broke the local defense perimeter ran through the streets before we could bring them under control. I didn't expect it. Not from kaiju of all things." He took another sip of his coffee. "I guess, moral of the story, watch your 6' with extra care."
Jackson had sat back, narrowed his eyes, and listened intently as anyone with any sense does when a Veteran mech pilot is giving the low down on new intel.

"Kaiju thinkin'? Flankin' y'all? Man, that's a problem,'" he says exasperatedly. "Like we need that. You think they're evolving, or sumthin? Lord only knows what their biology is. But that's fer someone else to figure out I s'pose. I'm just s'posed to shoot 'em."
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suddenly through both of their intercom, steven's voice came in "while you two were yapping around being all romantic, my mecha is freezing his metallic ass off and i have already gone for about 3.5 miles, so hurry up... also not all of japan is a crater, i lived there with my grandfather before he died in this very mech, and also the rebels is the main problems for the league currently so we shouldn't talk about any of that... our conversations are recorded to the millisecond.... also control your thinking ivis, you don't know what they've done yet...." he said through the intercom to both jack and ivis as he then continued to walk around. the fact he had travelled for so slow and so short, was because of the thick snow which the mecha drowned in because of the pressure of the weight, so the snow was now at hip-level for him, it was like walking in the ocean... just much colder and harder

@Crimrose @CERBERUS177
Crimrose said:
"I know... But if the people under our protection can live decent lives... Maybe there is no way to fix the economy, but that doesn't mean we should treat other's any differently... Maybe humanity should go back to the barter system until then... It would likely work, as I'm sure the Rebel's have some things to offer. Services, goods... Anything in-between could be traded."

"Nothing to offer when there's nothing to protect...On one of my patrols, I saw destroyed forts built by rebels, and attacked, by rebels, there is no control with them." he said, before being interrupted.

Salex said:
suddenly through both of their intercom, steven's voice came in "while you two were yapping around being all romantic, my mecha is freezing his metallic ass off and i have already gone for about 3.5 miles, so hurry up... also not all of japan is a crater, i lived there with my grandfather before he died in this very mech, and also the rebels is the main problems for the league currently so we shouldn't talk about any of that... our conversations are recorded to the millisecond.... also control your thinking ivis, you don't know what they've done yet...." he said through the intercom to both jack and ivis as he then continued to walk around. the fact he had travelled for so slow and so short, was because of the thick snow which the mecha drowned in because of the pressure of the weight, so the snow was now at hip-level for him, it was like walking in the ocean... just much colder and harder
@Crimrose @CERBERUS177
"Okay...I' know what, later." he said jumping onto a mountain, "Ivis, go ahead and track me if you want, I'm letting down my tracking firewall, so, if you can do that, let me know, if you can't I'll put it back up." he said jumping from flat surface to flat surface, "Steve, anything yet?" he asked him.
"b-...... dots i-... di-ta.... conne-.... dropp-.... sn-...." and with that, both his intercom connection and his gps singal was gone.... turns out the blizzard covered his antenna in snow, making no singal available to come to him or go out, so he cant contact anyone

@Crimrose @CERBERUS177
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(I'm like half asleep, so these might not be my best posts ever, but I'm gonna make the effort so bear with me if you can.)

Roland groaned to himself. "This guy sure has a high opinion of himself, doesn't he?"

"I wasn't exactly planning on going easy on you. I plan on wrecking that overpriced suit of yours and making you apologize to my comrades." Roland stated this as fact. It was unlike him to get as worked up over some idiot he didn't even know but he was tired of sitting back and watching everyone just try to stay out of the way of every pompous jerk with a machine behind his back. In his mind it was people like this guy who were keeping the rebellion so divided.

With lightning fast reaction the Joust drew up it's rifle and unleashed a hail of lead as fast as Roland could say the final word."Now Draw!"
(Some tunes for the fight)

Instead of reacting to the Joust's sudden barrage, Sullivan merely sat and watched as the rounds hammered into the Thunder Child. Some were merely glancing blows and bounced off, but others tore holes into his suit's armor, sparks flying. "Excitable, aren't we?"

This continued for a few seconds, an amused look resting on Sullivan's face, as he scanned the area surrounding him and the Joust before settling on a ruined factory next to him. "Oh, this'll do," he said nonchalantly, wholly ignoring the damage he was taking. Reaching down with the Thunder Child's right hand, Sullivan punched a hole in the side of the building, then began tearing a sizeable chunk of it off. Turning to face the Joust, Thunder Child wound its arm up and heaved the chunk of concrete towards the other machine, dust and debris filling the air.

"Hope you like my present, Emo Hair!" Sullivan laughed, turning towards the building he had pointed out earlier and starting to run towards it, still ignoring the damage the Thunder Child was taking. "Try and keep up, or this won't be any fun!"

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Roland bit his teeth as the machine disappeared into the cloud of debris.

"Smart move." He huffed out as he pulled down the over lay that activated his ECM tracer. "But it'll take a lot more than that."

The outline of the Freelancer's machine appeared clearly through the dust. Rather than chase him, the joust disappeared into the dust itself for a few seconds before reappearing directly in front of the enemy suit. If there was one thing he had on him for sure, it was speed. He unloaded another burst of lead into Sullivan's machine as he drew his heat knife with his off hand. The rifle made a hard click as it ran dry and without thinking Roland simply hurled it forward at the target, using the movement of the rifle as a distraction the make a lunge with his knife directly at the head of the suit. He figured if he could disable that machine's optics, the fight was basically over.
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"Oh? I wasn't expecting that," Sullivan said as the Joust reappeared from the dust in front of him. "That's a pretty fast suit you've got."

Seeing the tossed rifle, Sullivan batted it away with one of his machine's palms, and only then noticed that the Joust was charging him with a heat knife. Given little time to react, Sullivan whipped Thunder Child's already raised arm back, causing the heat knife to embed itself in the machine's forearm. The arm's momentum caused it to keep moving, the heat knife tearing a deep gouge before grinding to a halt in Thunder Child's palm, buried to the hilt and sticking out the other side.

Sullivan gave a disapproving tut. "No no no, that simply won't do. I can't have you scratching my eyes up before the game's ended. Thanks for throwing your rifle, I might not have been able to react in time otherwise."

Raising his other hand and laying it on the Joust's shoulder, Sullivan leaned in, putting little distance between the Thunder Child's head and the Joust's. "You're faster than me, I'll give you that, but are you stronger? Let's find out. Auxiliary boosters to maximum!"

The boosters along Thunder Child's back roared to life, pushing both machines towards the office building with increasing speed.

"Rrrrk." Was about all Roland could muster as he suddenly felt himself getting jerked backwards. His first reaction was to try to force them both back with his own counter thrust, but the other pilot was certainly right about being stronger.

Thunder child had a good 10 meters on the Joust, so it's feet couldn't even touch the ground as long as it's arm was still raised and he was still holding onto the knife. The joust grabbed the arm the Thunder child was using to hold onto it with it's free arm and tried to tear the knife free from it's hand, but with each movement the knife only seemed to get more stuck. With both options and time running out fast, Roland glanced down at his ace in the hole. He was only ever supposed to use it for emergencies but given how fast that office building was approaching he was willing to count this as one.

"Remember when you said I could use anything I had to stop you?" Roland said coldly as he positioned himself and hiked his legs up and pressed them on the Thunder Child's thighs before using his free hand to draw out a large, odd looking pistol from his hip.

"Just wanted you to know that you asked for this." With that he threw his legs through the Massive machine's wide gait and let go of the knife. Wiping himself around in mid fall he leveraged his gun and took aim at the mech's left leg. Taking the speed and mass of the target into account, he only needed to set it of balance to send it to the ground, and then raw inertia could do most of the damage for him.

Time froze for a second as he considered the best possible angle, and with a pull of the trigger a cacophonous Bang echoed through the park. The gun kicked back as a bolt almost the size of the barrel drove forward a wide stake nearly the same size with tremendous force.

The joust slammed to the ground on it's side, nearly totaling it's left arm in the impact and adding plenty of minor damage as it rolled along.
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At this time the pilot of the orange mech had stepped out of his mech and stepped into the hangar to get a look around, after seeing no sign of his target he was already back outside and hopping back into the cockpit "Crap... he isn't here.. is there like another hangar or-" it finally became apparent to him the sounds of gun fire and thundering footsteps from some where "No way..." He groaned as he switched to bipedal mode. "I'll just add this to his bill." activating his flight gear he flew up into the sky and got a Bird's eye view around him. It didn't take long before his mech's sensors detected on a nearby conflict and zoomed in on it on the screen. It looked like his target was trying to stop some other mech from advancing down a path. "What's going on down there?" He then shook his head. Whatever it was didn't matter he guessed. It could be a sparring match, or it could be a serious fight, either way... That's where he's heading as his ride flew off toward the conflict.

@HEATS @A Skull on the Shelf
HEATS said:
"Rrrrk." Was about all Roland could muster as he suddenly felt himself getting jerked backwards. His first reaction was to try to force them both back with his own counter thrust, but the other pilot was certainly right about being stronger.
Thunder child had a good 10 meters on the Joust, so it's feet couldn't even touch the ground as long as it's arm was still raised and he was still holding onto the knife. The joust grabbed the arm the Thunder child was using to hold onto it with it's free arm and tried to tear the knife free from it's hand, but with each movement the knife only seemed to get more stuck. With both options and time running out fast, Roland glanced down at his ace in the hole. He was only ever supposed to use it for emergencies but given how fast that office building was approaching he was willing to count this as one.

"Remember when you said I could use anything I had to stop you?" Roland said coldly as he positioned himself and hiked his legs up and pressed them on the Thunder Child's thighs before using his free hand to draw out a large, odd looking pistol from his hip.

"Just wanted you to know that you asked for this." With that he threw his legs through the Massive machine's wide gait and let go of the knife. Wiping himself around in mid fall he leveraged his gun and took aim at the mech's left leg. Taking the speed and mass of the target into account, he only needed to set it of balance to send it to the ground, and then raw inertia could do most of the damage for him.

Time froze for a second as he considered the best possible angle, and with a pull of the trigger a cacophonous Bang echoed through the park. The gun kicked back as a bolt almost the size of the barrel drove forward a wide stake nearly the same size with tremendous force.

The joust slammed to the ground on it's side, nearly totaling it's left arm in the impact and adding plenty of minor damage as it rolled along.
If one were far enough away from the clashing mechanical titans of Thunderchild and the Joust, one might be able to hear the incessant whir of small rotor blades as something hummed amongst the ruins - always keeping the bulk of a concrete wall or abandoned vehicle's engine block between the sound's source and the mechs.

If one were also at such a distance one might also be far enough away to avoid the overpowering smell of cordite and ionized atmosphere and catch the whiff of cheap tobacco smoke, and maybe the flash of the sun against the optics lenses or sensor arrays Professor Mu-Duk kept trained on the combatants as he dangled beneath a refurbished recon heli-drone in what might be simply a load bearing harness or a highly customized pilot's rig. But one would have to be even closer to make that assessment.
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[QUOTE="dr xenon]Jackson had sat back, narrowed his eyes, and listened intently as anyone with any sense does when a Veteran mech pilot is giving the low down on new intel.
"Kaiju thinkin'? Flankin' y'all? Man, that's a problem,'" he says exasperatedly. "Like we need that. You think they're evolving, or sumthin? Lord only knows what their biology is. But that's fer someone else to figure out I s'pose. I'm just s'posed to shoot 'em."

"Ya know I wouldn't be surprised. They've been here, what? Two years? They were bound to get smart at some point. Naturally, I notified command when I wrote my report on the engagement. Let's hope the eggheads can figure it out." He paused momentarily. "So, Athenian? That's a mercenary outfit isn't it?"
((Sorry, I was sleep.))

"R-Romantic?! Whatever..." Ivis didn't really consider the topics to be romantic, but perhaps she hadn't grasped the concepts yet. She heard Jack mention something about tracking him, which was a possibility. He said that the firewall was off, and so she began tracking him as he jumped up the mountain. She now began to ascend to follow Jack, making sure she didn't leave him alone.

"How does one control thoughts... This is new to me..." Then the other pilot's communication was shut off, likely from some interference.


meanwhile in the crimson ronin

"hello? HELLO!?!!? damn... from the technology we have, we still can't make good connection" he said, he then tries everything, even doing the reliable trick that always usually works: turning it on and off... but it didn't work, damn. but a mission has to be done no matter what, so he turns on the lights on his head which made anyone in a 1 mile radius see a dim white light in the distance but only can see a silhouette of a gigantic mecha, and keeps walking...


Crimrose said:
((Sorry, I was sleep.))
"R-Romantic?! Whatever..." Ivis didn't really consider the topics to be romantic, but perhaps she hadn't grasped the concepts yet. She heard Jack mention something about tracking him, which was a possibility. He said that the firewall was off, and so she began tracking him as he jumped up the mountain. She now began to ascend to follow Jack, making sure she didn't leave him alone.

"How does one control thoughts... This is new to me..." Then the other pilot's communication was shut off, likely from some interference.


"Lisa...What's going on?", "The blizzard is a bit strong Jack..." she said, Jack stopped on a small road, and walked instead, jumping was a bad idea, and he was lucky he didn't fall off yet, he came around and ran his thermal's, seeing nothing yet. "Try and ping Steve." Jack said, "Alright, hold on." she said sending out ping waves, hoping Steve will ping back, Jack stood his ground, and waited for a response. Staying on guard, as he was pretty much in the yellow zone.

CERBERUS177 said:
"Lisa...What's going on?", "The blizzard is a bit strong Jack..." she said, Jack stopped on a small road, and walked instead, jumping was a bad idea, and he was lucky he didn't fall off yet, he came around and ran his thermal's, seeing nothing yet. "Try and ping Steve." Jack said, "Alright, hold on." she said sending out ping waves, hoping Steve will ping back, Jack stood his ground, and waited for a response. Staying on guard, as he was pretty much in the yellow zone.
steve with no gps, his antenna and shoulder area basically now a mountain of snow and no visibility whatsoever.... no singal was returned to jack. instead, steve didn't know where he was going, but kept moving forward thinking he was still in the border.... little did he know, he already wondered one mile into the red zone. he saw a faint blue glow in the distance about 7 miles away, and walks to it unaware it was a kaiju


"I'm not sure exactly where he went... I can go to where I last expected him to be. He said 3.5 miles... So he likely hasn't gone farther than that in these conditions. Also, if you want, I can bring you with me. Just expect a Kaiju, as we're in a yellow zone."

Ivis waited beside Jack, expecting a response soon. She looked to the mech, then back down the road.

"I don't know why he didn't carry you, that made no sense."
Salex said:
steve with no gps, his antenna and shoulder area basically now a mountain of snow and no visibility whatsoever.... no singal was returned to jack. instead, steve didn't know where he was going, but kept moving forward thinking he was still in the border.... little did he know, he already wondered one mile into the red zone. he saw a faint blue glow in the distance about 7 miles away, and walks to it unaware it was a kaiju

"I think I see him, but it's faint..." Lisa said, which made Jack sped towards the big guy, he won't be hard to miss, he rifled through his thermal optics, searching for the big guy, but he was all metal, he couldn't tell what was rock, ice, or the sun peeking through the clouds and snow. Jack stopped, waited, and listened for a sign of Steve. Little did Jack know, he was on the edge of the red zone, pining, running thermal, and pretty much cooking his exhaust ports. He turned his music off, but his mech was running his heater, so there was the faint sound of the fan running.

(Should I have Jack fight a kaiju? If so, I'll post in next reply)

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