Mecha RP: Legend of M

"V, we have arrived at the Colonial Front's headquarters. It is time for you to report the most recent activities that had occured at Shell Bluff." EXEA spoke from within the cockpit, a light blue flashing light awakening the silver-haired pilot. Said pilot had already made himself comfortable in his own seat, stripping his fur-lined jacket off his torso and using it as a blanket.

Valk woke with a groan escaping his lips, shutting his eyes tight before quickly blinking them open. "Thanks, EXEA. Go ahead and direct yourself to the hangar bay, the engineers will know to just check up on your external gamage." He told the AI, the hatch in the back opening with a click and pushing his seat out to protrude from the machine's lower neck. The male scratched at the back of his head, watching the mech leave from where it left him near the deck of a ship. He then began to head inside, first walking towards the security assuring any one who entered was actually a part of their forces.
Savannah had been a city once. Not a big or prosperous one but a city none the less, but that was a long time ago. These days the city had become something of a ramshackle fortress for those who aimed to persist in the wasteland.

Massive gun turrets dotted the many bunkers that lined the endless field of trenches and walls that stretched on for miles outside of the city. The residents were also known for being openly hostile towards the League as the result of a long list of grievances. Naturally, it wasn't hard for the rebellion to find a foothold in a place like this if the military base openly flying the rebel flag was any indication.

"Savannah base, This is Lieutenant Roland Croix of the Mutineer Faction, returning home. Mission was successful. Over." There was a long silence before someone got to responding.

"Copy that Lieutenant. You're clear for entry." Brief and to the point. Roland soon found himself standing in one of the many rundown hangers the base had to offer, looking on as the repair crew tried to buff the scratches out of his armor.

The whole city looked like a war zone and the base hadn't faired much better. The result of a decade and a half of on and off battles with the rest of the world, but it was still here none the less.

Each of the hangers was decorated with a different flag, each a home to a different group with different ideals, from the Colonial Remnants made up of those who had survived the fall in one way or another or had simply been brought up under said survivors, The Alliance of Free States which wanted to dissolve the League and let each safe zone govern itself, to Roland's own Mutineer Faction which was nothing more than a ragtag band of Soldiers and Officers who had broken away from the League for a variety of reasons and formed a sort of Army in exile, and numerous more. In many ways these groups only truly uniting feature was that they were all fighting the same enemy for the moment and the tone of this uneasy alliance wasn't lost on most people. Many of the groups had been enemies before and probably would still be if the cards were different.

Roland sighed. Some days it was amazing the League hadn't just crushed them already.
"I've told you all a million times! My suit doesn't need to be looked over for damage, the thing repairs itself! I swear I just told someone about that yesterday. Just how short a memory do you people have!?"

Off near the back of one of Savannah's many hangers, a tall, silver-haired man was standing over a terrified looking mechanic, glaring at him with exasperation.

"I-I'm sorry, sir, I didn't know!" The mechanic replied sheepishly, avoiding eye contact. "Y-your suit was only moved to this hangar this morning, a-and I've never seen it before, s-so I just figured..."

"You figured what? That it was okay to go poking around someone's unit without permission?" The silver-haired man let out a sigh. "Didn't the guys from the other hangar bother telling you anyth—" he paused mid-sentence, then pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed again. "—Right, right, the whole 'faction' thing. They were the Free Alliance States or whatever and you're the Mutineers, or something. Forgot about that. Honestly, I don't get you people. Y'all are fighting the same enemy, so why split into groups and make it harder on yourselves? At the very least the mechanics could talk to each other...Bah, whatever, it's not my problem. Alright, scram. And tell any other mechanic you see not to touch my Thunder Child, 'cause if they do Sullivan Caldwell's gonna rip 'em a new one!"

With a nervous "Yes sir," the young mechanic scurried away from Sullivan, clearly eager to be gone. Sullivan turned to look at his machine, crouched near the back wall of the Mutineer's hangar, and let out a third sigh. Ever since he had arrived in Savannah, the rebels had bounced his unit back and forth between the various factions' hangars, mostly claiming that they needed the space. Honestly, if I didn't owe this lot a bunch of favors, I'd be out of this depressing place in a heartbeat.

Deciding it was better if he just dropped the subject for now, Sullivan turned towards the rest of the hangar and slowly began ambling about. If he was lucky, maybe the Mutineers had an interesting machine lying around somewhere.
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it was kicking up dust as it was barreling toward Savvanah. "Found you..." the Orange mech in vehicle mode made a Beeline for the city.
HEATS said:
Roland soon found himself standing in one of the many rundown hangers the base had to offer, looking on as the repair crew tried to buff the scratches out of his armor.
"Vat have you done to her now, Leftenant Croix?" a deep, but fluid female voice asks from behind Roland. "Bash a Kaiju in the head with the assault rifle again? Again, that will take days to re-align, you know. Unless you like missing your targets, uv course. Then I can leave it the vay it is."

Rosie steps out from behind him. She barely comes up to his shoulder but somehow she seems to take up extra space. A cloud of smoke on her right shoulder parts enough to show a pair of welding goggles framed by a hairy, simian face. With a gleeful smile full of surprisingly canine teeth, the little monkey takes a long drag on his cigarette and blows a stream of smoke your way.

Rosie smiles up at Roland.

"The tea is in the samovar," she says more softly, and gestures off to a far corner of the bay where a cluster of couches and easy chairs huddle together on a small pile of carpets. "I just made shortbreads. They are in the tin."

She stomps away, reaching down to her left leg, a ponderous prosthetic which opens up like an oyster shell and proffers up a spanner to her reaching hand.

"Is good to have you back, Leftenant," Rosie mutters on her way to fix the Joust.
Salex said:
"my name is steven argent, but... call me steve" he said as he then grabs a sugar cube and puts it into his tea and mixes it with a small spoon "actually... as a matter of fact i do not. i have just arrived to this place with my mecha, crimson ronin" he said with his still emotionless and poker face as he then picks up his tea and drinks it again.
@dr xenon
"Pleased to meet ya, Steve," Cutter replies with an easy smile. "Crimson Ronin? That the big honkin' jaeger settin' out there? Damn, that's a mountain o' metal, ain't it? What's it like pilotin' somethin' that big? Crimson Ronin ... Crimson Ronin ... wait a minute ... THAT Crimson Ronin? The Savior of Manilla? The Angel of Los Angeles? THAT Crimson Ronin?"

Cutter realized he was standing, and sat his excited self back down. He reaches into his cargo pocket and pulls out a brass flask. Unscrewing the cap he pours a small amount of light-amber liquid into two glasses he pulls from the water-pitcher tray in the center of the mess hall table. (OOC:3 if Jack is there.)

"Man, I gotta buy you drink."
Cutter raises his glass.

"To your Grandfather then!" he knocks it back, and raises the one he poured for Steve and offers another toast before drinking that one too. "May we be half the pilot he was!"
Salex said:
"yes, to my grandfather..." he said as he raised his cup of tea and drinks it "you should cut back on the alchohol, it reduces your reaction time and also you'll be sloppy in a mission" he said
@dr xenon
"Oh, I dunno about that," Cutter says as he launches back into his food. "That little nip won't slow me down any more than that tea'll make your hand jittery. You hear about any action brewing?"
Clayton and Lucky were dropped off at the East Coast Shatterdome. He really liked being here rather than that shanty town he just defended. Lucky was parked in its place alongside dozens of other unique mechs in neat formations. Equally tidy rows of weapons, service vehicles and tools were also present. After a quick check of Luckys systems, which had become an obsessive habit for Clayton, he took off for the cafeteria. Eating something besides field rations would do him well. After gathering some food on a tray and a cup of, what appaeared to be, artificial coffee; he sat down at the nearest available seat and began to eat.
[QUOTE="A Skull on the Shelf]"I've told you all a million times! My suit doesn't need to be looked over for damage, the thing repairs itself! I swear I just told someone about that yesterday. Just how short a memory do you people have!?"
Off near the back of one of Savannah's many hangers, a tall, silver-haired man was standing over a terrified looking mechanic, glaring at him with exasperation.

"I-I'm sorry, sir, I didn't know!" The mechanic replied sheepishly, avoiding eye contact. "Y-your suit was only moved to this hangar this morning, a-and I've never seen it before, s-so I just figured..."

"You figured what? That it was okay to go poking around someone's unit without permission?" The silver-haired man let out a sigh. "Didn't the guys from the other hangar bother telling you anyth—" he paused mid-sentence, then pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed again. "—Right, right, the whole 'faction' thing. They were the Free Alliance States or whatever and you're the Mutineers, or something. Forgot about that. Honestly, I don't get you people. Y'all are fighting the same enemy, so why split into groups and make it harder on yourselves? At the very least the mechanics could talk to each other...Bah, whatever, it's not my problem. Alright, scram. And tell any other mechanic you see not to touch my Thunder Child, 'cause if they do Sullivan Caldwell's gonna rip 'em a new one!"

With a nervous "Yes sir," the young mechanic scurried away from Sullivan, clearly eager to be gone. Sullivan turned to look at his machine, crouched near the back wall of the Mutineer's hangar, and let out a third sigh. Ever since he had arrived in Savannah, the rebels had bounced his unit back and forth between the various factions' hangars, mostly claiming that they needed the space. Honestly, if I didn't owe this lot a bunch of favors, I'd be out of this depressing place in a heartbeat.

Deciding it was better if he just dropped the subject for now, Sullivan turned towards the rest of the hangar and slowly began ambling about. If he was lucky, maybe the Mutineers had an interesting machine lying around somewhere.

"Hey!" Jack stamped his foot on the railing of the hanger's catwalk and pointed an accusing finger at the newest arrival in the hanger. "No harassing the mechanics! I don't know what kind of shit they get up to in the A.F.S, but our guys got enough shit to deal with as is!" Roland lambasted the new pilot from on high, waving his arms around and clenching his fists as he often did when he got frustrated. Honestly, the only thing worse than all the faction politics was the free agents running around like they owned the place.

[QUOTE="dr xenon]"Vat have you done to her now, Leftenant Croix?" a deep, but fluid female voice asks from behind Roland. "Bash a Kaiju in the head with the assault rifle again? Again, that will take days to re-align, you know. Unless you like missing your targets, uv course. Then I can leave it the vay it is."
Rosie steps out from behind him. She barely comes up to his shoulder but somehow she seems to take up extra space. A cloud of smoke on her right shoulder parts enough to show a pair of welding goggles framed by a hairy, simian face. With a gleeful smile full of surprisingly canine teeth, the little monkey takes a long drag on his cigarette and blows a stream of smoke your way.

Rosie smiles up at Roland.

"The tea is in the samovar," she says more softly, and gestures off to a far corner of the bay where a cluster of couches and easy chairs huddle together on a small pile of carpets. "I just made shortbreads. They are in the tin."

She stomps away, reaching down to her left leg, a ponderous prosthetic which opens up like an oyster shell and proffers up a spanner to her reaching hand.

"Is good to have you back, Leftenant," Rosie mutters on her way to fix the Joust.

Roland turned away from the free agent as he heard a familiar voice from down the catwalk.

"Long time no see Rosie." He smiled. it had been close to 3 months since he left for the Blue zone. "Glad to see you and the professor are keeping well." He coughed as a plume of smoke hit him in the face and he tried to waft it away.

"Or at least as well a chain smokers do, I guess." His smile faded and he followed her over to the joust. "But I don't think I can stop for tea just yet. And I'm not sure we have days for repairs. I found the Info the commander needed and it's worse than we though. The league is committing an obscene number of units to this territory, more than ever before. The only reason I can guess for that is that this time they plan on ending it." He sighed.

"But it ain't all bad news, I found the carrier we were looking for too. It's en route to some old anti-kaiju fortress. One of the Shatterdomes. Of course, it ain't exactly undefended. They've been committing all sorts of stuff to that base for months. It's a long one, But it's our only shot." He tried to sound resolute as he finished, but even he knew they didn't have anywhere near the man power to do it.
Hearing another pilot chastise him for yelling at the mechanic, Sullivan spun to face him, slamming his hands down on the railing. "Maybe I wouldn't have to if your damn mechanics listened to what I had to say once in awhile!"

The other pilot had turned away from him, though, which only served to aggravate his already foul mood. The Thunder Child was being bounced around from hangar to hangar like a pinball, and with every new hangar there was another mechanic poking around. Normally, Sullivan could keep his cool, but when it came to the Thunder Child his emotions often ran high, and they had just reached their limit. Alright, fine. If they don't know what my Thunder Child does, then I'll just have to demonstrate.

"HEY, EMO–HAIR!" Sullivan yelled at the person that had berated him. "You're a pilot, right? Then I'm challenging you to a contest! Get in your machine and meet me outside the city limits. That is, if you think you can handle it! No one'll blame you for running!"

Without waiting for a reply, Sullivan marched off to the Thunder Child, a look of determination and confidence plastered on his face.

The orange Mech had just rolled up the entrance. "Should've stuck to the mining job... at least I don't have to chase the client to another town" the pilot groaned as he got a good look around. "Well... don't this place look cheery." Whether or not he was allowed into the city he made his way in anyway. "Hangars, Hangars, Where are the... BINGO!" when he caught sight of them he made a Beeline for the nearest thing that "LOOKED" like a mech hangar to him.
Roland was prepared to ignore the other pilot, right up until the point where the insults started rolling in.

"EMO HAIR!?" Roland grit his teeth and turned past Rosie as he climbed into his machine. "Rosie. I'm leaving the shield for you here. I'm taking the Joust so I can kick that guy's ass." The hatch closed before any protest could begin and he dropped the shield from his arm.

Following after the freelance machine, they soon found themselves in one of the many abandoned industrial parks that dotted the city.

"Alright asshole. Name the game."
Sullivan stared at the other pilot's mech on his main monitor, looking disappointed. A Joust? Boring, but to be expected from a group called the Mutineers. I must've fought hundreds of those things, and customized or not Jousts aren't any fun to fight if the pilot's not worth his salt. Let's see what this one can do.

"Alright, you see that old building on the other side of the park?" Sullivan asked, having his machine point down one of the industrial park's torn-up roads. The building in question looked like it might've been an office at one point, but now stood abandoned and crumbling. From where he and the Joust were, it was a straight shot to the old building. "I'm going to charge it and try to knock it down. Your job is to keep me from doing that, using any method possible. Think of it as a game of, oh...capture the flag."

Sullivan paused for a second before continuing. "Feel free to use live rounds. Hell, I encourage it. Use everything you have to stop me, because if you don't I'll flatten you right alongside that building. Think your mass-produced scrap pile is up to the task, Emo Hair?"

The base of the colonial front, both the current establishment of the rebels and their home. At the interior of the front entrance stood two armed guards, rifles aimed towards the ground but eyes trained on any individuals who decided to enter through their post.

As Valk approached, he came to a halt in front of the entrance to state his own identification. "Valk Cervianus, pilot of mech EXEA-001, returning to base to relay gathered information from the recent skirmish at Shell Bluff." The silver-haired pilot stated, following the skeleton of name, occupation, and reason of entry. His tone was rather a rather relaxed casual, showing his familiarity with the guards currently on post.

"We know who you are Valk, cheer up! Where's that chipper ol' hero kid we got on base?" One of them asked the pilot sarcastically, mocking his ideals. There were grins on their faces, but Valk knew they meant no serious harm.

"Ha, ha. Very funny you two, but he's still in here." Valk tapped his index finger towards his temple, showing that the Valk they were familiar with was still mentally sane. "Just looking for another Kaiju to cut through. I mean Shell Bluff was a slaughter,' his finger then went to his lips to show the universal sign for silence, "but you didn't hear that from me. At least not until boss releases that info." Usually the information about what had what occurs at fights is kept confidential until released to the public, but Valk was known for subtle info slipping between his teeth.

"Ah, okay. By the way, there's supposed to be a fight going on between two other pilots over at the training grounds if you wanted to go check it out." The other guard pointed his thumb over his shoulder to indicate the fight was still being settled. "Not too sure on all the rules and regs, but I know they're pilots."

Valk bit on the inside of his cheek, considering whether it was worthwhile to go check it out. "Sounds good, I think I'll stop by and watch them beat the bolts out of each other then." He gave the two guards a wave over his shoulder as he walked past them, turning the corner and heading straight towards where the fight was set to be.
a guard comes up to steven and jackson and says "steven sir, you have a mission assigned to you, details are in the briefing room". "is that so? well alright, thank you" he said to the guard as the guard saluted and left. "well jackson, it was nice meeting you but i'll be off now" he said as he then left the table to the briefing room. there was a file there for steven and after he read it, the mission was quite simple, it was just to patrol the yellow zone borders and check of any breaches. but apparently he has a partner in this mission... jack calbot, he never heard of him but the name "metal head" was famous in the league. he goes to the hangar where his mecha stood high. he rode the elevator up to the cockpit or to put it to more mechanical terms, the "conn pod" and stepped on the platform. now sensors were picking up on each of his move and what to do. he does a test run in the hangar by moving the mech body parts, which was essential as this mecha was huge so it was prone to some malfunction. he then checks and everything's running well, so he walks out of the base waiting for jack.

@HEATS @CERBERUS177 @dr xenon
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Salex said:
a guard comes up to steven and jackson and says "steven sir, you have a mission assigned to you, details are in the briefing room". "is that so? well alright, thank you" he said to the guard as the guard saluted and left. "well jackson, it was nice meeting you but i'll be off now" he said as he then left the table to the briefing room. there was a file there for steven and after he read it, the mission was quite simple, it was just to patrol the yellow zone borders and check of any breaches. but apparently he has a partner in this mission... jack calbot, he never heard of him but the name "metal head" was famous in the league. he goes to the hangar where his mecha stood high. he rode the elevator up to the cockpit or to put it to more mechanical terms, the "conn pod" and stepped on the platform. now sensors were picking up on each of his move and what to do. he does a test run in the hangar by moving the mech body parts, which was essential as this mecha was huge so it was prone to some malfunction. he then checks and everything's running well, so he walks out of the base waiting for jack.
@HEATS @CERBERUS177 @dr xenon
Jack got up and walked with Steve to the hanger, "Lisa, you know the drill." he said, his mech dropped to it's knees blaring an old world song, as he climbed in, the only reason why he was given the nick was because of his choice of music. Hardcore, heavy hitting, lots of shouting, all expresses him, and how he fights. "Would you like to try the new music that I found surfing through near by storage areas?" Lisa asked, "Go for it..." he said, taking a seat, and having the mecha suck in some cold air before closing. "Running the song." she said, before the song played, giving a nice rumble as his mech closed, standing a bit smaller than Steve's. But, Jack thought that his packed a huge punch, with anti-air rounds plus armor pricing .50BMG's. His was a tank and infantry killer, no fighting his mech when you hear him coming. "So...what exactly are we doing Steve?" he asked standing before the hanger door, checking his suspensions and everything, getting ready to jump, "And please, if you decide to fly...keep low, or just walk, I can't really fly..."

Picks up around 2:00

CERBERUS177 said:
Jack got up and walked with Steve to the hanger, "Lisa, you know the drill." he said, his mech dropped to it's knees blaring an old world song, as he climbed in, the only reason why he was given the nick was because of his choice of music. Hardcore, heavy hitting, lots of shouting, all expresses him, and how he fights. "Would you like to try the new music that I found surfing through near by storage areas?" Lisa asked, "Go for it..." he said, taking a seat, and having the mecha suck in some cold air before closing. "Running the song." she said, before the song played, giving a nice rumble as his mech closed, standing a bit smaller than Steve's. But, Jack thought that his packed a huge punch, with anti-air rounds plus armor pricing .50BMG's. His was a tank and infantry killer, no fighting his mech when you hear him coming. "So...what exactly are we doing Steve?" he asked standing before the hanger door, checking his suspensions and everything, getting ready to jump, "And please, if you decide to fly...keep low, or just walk, I can't really fly..."

Picks up around 2:00


crimson ronin would tower over his mecha, his mecha being about 4 meters and the crimson ronin being 68 meters, the crimson ronin was about 17 times taller than jack's mecha. he then said through the connected intercom "just to mention.... i can't fly in this mech, a 100 ton robot made of magnesium alloy and titanium isn't really what you call 'lightweight'.... alright, today's mission is simple: patrol the yellow zone borders in case of a breach. now since i move quite slow, i can't walk all the way to the border, so i'll be carried by about 4-6 choppers to the border zone... how do you propose to go there?" he asks.


Salex said:
crimson ronin would tower over his mecha, his mecha being about 4 meters and the crimson ronin being 68 meters, the crimson ronin was about 17 times taller than jack's mecha. he then said through the connected intercom "just to mention.... i can't fly in this mech, a 100 ton robot made of magnesium alloy and titanium isn't really what you call 'lightweight'.... alright, today's mission is simple: patrol the yellow zone borders in case of a breach. now since i move quite slow, i can't walk all the way to the border, so i'll be carried by about 4-6 choppers to the border zone... how do you propose to go there?" he asks.
"I don't know about you, but I can jump pretty high, though I don't have hands...yet, my new mech is in the works, I'll have it next week, maybe in 4 days from now..." he said looking out at the snowy area, "God...this looks beautiful..." he said, Lisa was 'awe-ing' too. "Make's you wonder if there really is a war...well...if you weren't in a mech...." he said, looking up at Steve's mech. Jack would love to live out here, might as well, internet doesn't exist anymore, and TV is rare, so really, the mountains are a nice place to live now. "Do you think we can have peace sooner or later? That'd be nice..." he said, glancing around, that was a slim word, 'peace', this place didn't look like it wanted that word anywhere near the words 'world', or 'love'. Sad times now....
Ivis would appear in a dim green glow, likely having teleported to the hangar. She would interrupt the two, although she didn't seem to want to be rude. "Excuse me, but how much does that mech of yours weigh...? Mr... Huh, I haven't seen you around. Ah! I can't believe I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Ivis, a gynoid developed to test particles that powered alien scout ships. It's nice to meet you both. I heard you were planning to go patrol some yellow zones? Well... I was planning to make a trip over there... Already have the clearance, I think I'd like to tag along." Ivis smiled, hoping the two pilots wouldn't mind her having a little fun as well if anything showed up. "Peace is an achievable goal, but it is our job to make it happen. Things don't happen on their own, you need an action to have a reaction."
CERBERUS177 said:
"I don't know about you, but I can jump pretty high, though I don't have hands...yet, my new mech is in the works, I'll have it next week, maybe in 4 days from now..." he said looking out at the snowy area, "God...this looks beautiful..." he said, Lisa was 'awe-ing' too. "Make's you wonder if there really is a war...well...if you weren't in a mech...." he said, looking up at Steve's mech. Jack would love to live out here, might as well, internet doesn't exist anymore, and TV is rare, so really, the mountains are a nice place to live now. "Do you think we can have peace sooner or later? That'd be nice..." he said, glancing around, that was a slim word, 'peace', this place didn't look like it wanted that word anywhere near the words 'world', or 'love'. Sad times now....
Crimrose said:
Ivis would appear in a dim green glow, likely having teleported to the hangar. She would interrupt the two, although she didn't seem to want to be rude. "Excuse me, but how much does that mech of yours weigh...? Mr... Huh, I haven't seen you around. Ah! I can't believe I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Ivis, a gynoid developed to test particles that powered alien scout ships. It's nice to meet you both. I heard you were planning to go patrol some yellow zones? Well... I was planning to make a trip over there... Already have the clearance, I think I'd like to tag along." Ivis smiled, hoping the two pilots wouldn't mind her having a little fun as well if anything showed up. "Peace is an achievable goal, but it is our job to make it happen. Things don't happen on their own, you need an action to have a reaction."
"hmph... peace is a laughable statement" he said coldly, he was always this calm but also cold... "my mech weight is about 1,850 tonnes loaded with magnesium alloy and titanium" he said, his mech ran on temperature-reaction technology, which extracts any possible energy from the surrounding, be it heat or cold. "i'm gonna go to the yellow zone border with 8 heavy-duty helicopters.... although i don't remember being able to join a mission without previous mentions allowed, but alright" he said, he then tests if his mech is working properly, which is all well and good... systems running, coolants working, coffee dispenser running.... yep, all set

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