Mecha RP: Legend of M

Lunartic said:
Isabelle was a patient woman, but the trader she had to deal with at the moment was testing her. "I know this model of capacitor was discontinued, that's why I want to know if there is any scrap from a Jaeger-model mecha in your yard."
The overweight man scratched his chin through his scraggly beard. "An' whatchu need that 'pacitor for again?"

Her gaze soured. "For my own Jaeger-model mecha."

He opened his mouth again and Isabelle held back a gag at the yellow teeth that filled it. But before he speak, they heard panicked screams from outside. "Th' hell?" he murmured. "Sounds like a good ruckus from out th're."

Isabelle turned to the door and stepped outside. Townsfolk ran past her towards the center - and away from the approaching Kaiju. "Scarlett!" she yelled before running against the crowd. Beside the little shack the trader owned was a brick red mecha holding a massive shield, kneeling down with its chest open. She practically leaped into the cockpit, which sealed as she did, and the mecha stood upright. The capacitor could wait.

"Everyone, off the roads," she commanded the people, who continued to run chaotically down the road. "Now!" This time, they listened. The crowd dissipated into side streets and alleyways, leaving the main street open for Kaiju to charge down towards her unobstructed. Except for the other few civilians and soldiers that were already caught in the slaughter.

No one ever said there would be no casualties in war.

The red mecha braced the shield against its chest, the golden Jaeger crest emblazoned on its front, and slowly walked towards the oncoming herd of Kaiju.
Valk led EXEA to the city, making it into the city limits within its own record time thanks to his removal of the mech's limiters. A dangerous tactic, but Valk was always one for the whole vigilante, selfless sacrifice type of tactics anyway. "EXEA, number of lifeforms in the city?" The silver-haired pilot asked the voice of the mech, trying to think of possible offensives he could take towards the advancing force. The sword in the hands of the mech would prove to be quite a difficulty within the city walls, with the cramped space giving him little room to swing. It would serve as a nice armament to parry with, however.

"Nothing I can currently identify as surviving, V. Although a new mech seems to have activated within the city, with a much different heat signature than the other mechs you have encountered today. An antique Jaegar, if my data is correct." The female robotic voice responded, also giving as much detail possible of his surrounding area.

Valk, soon between buildings with blade held in one hand, spotted one of the lesser Kaiju roaming the streets. It was about half the height of EXEA, but still proved to be dangerous if the corpses of civilians at its feet were any sign. It looked similar to a large lizard, yet nothing like the leader they had spotted on the way here that had seemingly disappeared. The scales on this one were green with a yellow tinge, and its tongue slipped in and out between its jaw like a snake's. The blade held in EXEA's robotic arm reverted to its rifle-manifestation, barrel at the tip of the blade opening out to point at the Kaiju. "A Jaeger? Those don't often last long in combat against hordes like these, what the hell was the pilot thinking?" His protective mental complex kicking in, Valk pulled the trigger on the rifle and a large projectile was fired. The heavy round swiftly made its way across a few city blocks and met its target at the center of its chest. The rotation of the round quickly tore at the exterior flesh, the sound of the bullet making contact a suppressed thud as it lodged itself in the rib cage of the creature. It fell back, landing on its side in a pool of Kaiju blood and tongue still sticking out of its mouth. "Make communications with the Jaeger! A visual channel so that he'll know the insanity he's riding into!" Valk was so quick to assume that the pilot was male, and that the Jaeger was not a custom model, that he was nearly angered at the other pilot's foolishness.

At his time talking to EXEA, another Kaiju would appear in the street behind him. A six-foot high spider-like creature, beady eyes already aiming towards the back of the experimental mech. Its maw gurgled with a toxic projectile, standing in the center of the street for a clear shot. What the Kaiju had been unaware of however, was the same scarlet red Jaeger model Valk had been stressing about, approaching from its right flank.

@Lunartic (Hope you don't mind me putting you in that situation. Just a crossing paths type of thing. If you'd rather not fight, don't feel bad avoiding the confrontation :P )
A cadre of soldiers opened fire on one of the stranger looking kaiju. A volley of bullets and and rpg fire did nothing more than draw it's attention. Some of the soldiers turned and ran, while others were frozen in horror as it's snake like head turned almost all the way around on its thin, emaciated body. With lightning fast speed it whipped one of its long, tendril-like arms between the buildings, butchering those unfortunate enough to be in its path.

With a roar Roland's Joust rocketed through the now bloodstained streets and Tackled the monster with his shield, pressing it into one of the ramshackle buildings that made up this town. He attempted to jam his gun it its face, as tight as things were he could really only afford to use it at point blank range anyway, but the creature wrapped it's tentacle like appendage around the rifle and jerked it away. This didn't deter Roland, furious as he was now at the monsters and he ripped out his heat knife, it's orange glow radiating between him and the beast and he plunged the jack knife into the soft spot at the base of the kaiju's skull. The monster attempted to lash back but with a hard twist the thing went limp and fell to the ground.

In a moment of calm, Roland surveyed the damage. Rubble and corpses now littered the streets of the east side of town. There was probably no way to account for all the lives lost. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but this was the reality of the frontier. This was the nightmare he was fighting to liberate the people from.

Huffing, he hailed the open channel to the other machines. "All clear on my end... We have to be getting close."
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He was already back at the city where he saw a big red mech engaging the enemy. "Is that a Jaegar?... huh... Old school" he turned his path toward it's direction and pulled out the assault rifle and fired away at the smaller kaiju on his first fly taking out a few, damaging some of the others, but over all still didn't stop their march. "Right, well flying was costing me money anyway. He flew around once more and switched in midair into vehicle landing on the ground on it's wheels and speeding right into the group. Making road kill out of a view more.

Then one jumped onto his Mech trying to claw at where the head part sunk into. "Get off Staltz!" he drove out of the group from the other side with it before changing on back to it's original form. "God knows what I'll have repair now because of you." The mech's transformation caused the kaiju to lose balance and fall onto it's back. Before it could even get up, a metal foot stomped down on it's head making it pop in a bloody, pulpy mess.

He sighed. "I'm afraid to even get out and look at the damages...." he got his mech to pull out the assault rifle and reload the magazine. He decided to just focus on aiding the red jaegar for now until the small fry were eradicated.
Lucky automatically reloaded after the first box dropped. Clayton turned in surprise and confusion when the others pointed out kaiju attackng the city. He squinted his eyes. That was highly irregular. The kaiju never used tactics before, much less thought. He broke into a sprint towards town. He was on the heels of the modified league suit as the other two raced into town. He split off and took a cramped side street.

He pushed a buttons on a keyboard and the sentry jumped off Lucky and ran down an ally. Clayton had commanded it to seek-and-destroy any kaiju in the tight areas where Lucky couldn't reach. The street he was in was already a tight fight. A few kaiju were spread about. Most civilians had already taken cover. Clayton pressed forward and fired 3-round bursts, cleaning up the monsters without further damaging property. He continued for a block before reaching a crossroads.

He stopped and looked at a small monitor that showed what his sentry was seeing as it chased a kaiju through a cramped walkway. Kaiju didn't runaway. That must be a trap. He spoke over comms. "I got somethin'." He pinged his sentry so that others could see its location in realtime. "My sentries following that thing into a trap. Best we head that way aswell, ya?"
OGTomahawk said:
Lucky automatically reloaded after the first box dropped. Clayton turned in surprise and confusion when the others pointed out kaiju attackng the city. He squinted his eyes. That was highly irregular. The kaiju never used tactics before, much less thought. He broke into a sprint towards town. He was on the heels of the modified league suit as the other two raced into town. He split off and took a cramped side street.
He pushed a buttons on a keyboard and the sentry jumped off Lucky and ran down an ally. Clayton had commanded it to seek-and-destroy any kaiju in the tight areas where Lucky couldn't reach. The street he was in was already a tight fight. A few kaiju were spread about. Most civilians had already taken cover. Clayton pressed forward and fired 3-round bursts, cleaning up the monsters without further damaging property. He continued for a block before reaching a crossroads.

He stopped and looked at a small monitor that showed what his sentry was seeing as it chased a kaiju through a cramped walkway. Kaiju didn't runaway. That must be a trap. He spoke over comms. "I got somethin'." He pinged his sentry so that others could see its location in realtime. "My sentries following that thing into a trap. Best we head that way aswell, ya?"
(let's try to close up this fight soon so we can move forward. Say there are about between 4 and 7 more monsters running amok so that everyone can get one more good fight scene in before we pack it in.)

"I here you, Black. I'll circle around, you hit them from behind." Roland responded to the black machine and jetted off down another street. It was only a pair of monsters that had broken off from the pack. Weaving between buildings, the Joust managed to get a level shot at them from the side, firing a burst from it's rifle before the gun ran dry. The hail of bullets dropped the slower of the two to the ground, although not quite dead while the other one juked around a corner and disappeared from Roland's view. The injured monster tried to stand but the Custom suit leaped onto it knife first and gave it a few good stabs until it stopped moving. His machine now thoroughly doused in blood, Roland hailed Clayton again.

"Got the straggler, other one's on you Black."
AceOfSpades0210 said:
Valk led EXEA to the city, making it into the city limits within its own record time thanks to his removal of the mech's limiters. A dangerous tactic, but Valk was always one for the whole vigilante, selfless sacrifice type of tactics anyway. "EXEA, number of lifeforms in the city?" The silver-haired pilot asked the voice of the mech, trying to think of possible offensives he could take towards the advancing force. The sword in the hands of the mech would prove to be quite a difficulty within the city walls, with the cramped space giving him little room to swing. It would serve as a nice armament to parry with, however.
Nothing I can currently identify as surviving, V. Although a new mech seems to have activated within the city, with a much different heat signature than the other mechs you have encountered today. An antique Jaegar, if my data is correct." The female robotic voice responded, also giving as much detail possible of his surrounding area.

Valk, soon between buildings with blade held in one hand, spotted one of the lesser Kaiju roaming the streets. It was about half the height of EXEA, but still proved to be dangerous if the corpses of civilians at its feet were any sign. It looked similar to a large lizard, yet nothing like the leader they had spotted on the way here that had seemingly disappeared. The scales on this one were green with a yellow tinge, and its tongue slipped in and out between its jaw like a snake's. The blade held in EXEA's robotic arm reverted to its rifle-manifestation, barrel at the tip of the blade opening out to point at the Kaiju. "A Jaeger? Those don't often last long in combat against hordes like these, what the hell was the pilot thinking?" His protective mental complex kicking in, Valk pulled the trigger on the rifle and a large projectile was fired. The heavy round swiftly made its way across a few city blocks and met its target at the center of its chest. The rotation of the round quickly tore at the exterior flesh, the sound of the bullet making contact a suppressed thud as it lodged itself in the rib cage of the creature. It fell back, landing on its side in a pool of Kaiju blood and tongue still sticking out of its mouth. "Make communications with the Jaeger! A visual channel so that he'll know the insanity he's riding into!" Valk was so quick to assume that the pilot was male, and that the Jaeger was not a custom model, that he was nearly angered at the other pilot's foolishness.

At his time talking to EXEA, another Kaiju would appear in the street behind him. A six-foot high spider-like creature, beady eyes already aiming towards the back of the experimental mech. Its maw gurgled with a toxic projectile, standing in the center of the street for a clear shot. What the Kaiju had been unaware of however, was the same scarlet red Jaeger model Valk had been stressing about, approaching from its right flank.

@Lunartic (Hope you don't mind me putting you in that situation. Just a crossing paths type of thing. If you'd rather not fight, don't feel bad avoiding the confrontation :P )

Foxora said:
He was already back at the city where he saw a big red mech engaging the enemy. "Is that a Jaegar?... huh... Old school" he turned his path toward it's direction and pulled out the assault rifle and fired away at the smaller kaiju on his first fly taking out a few, damaging some of the others, but over all still didn't stop their march. "Right, well flying was costing me money anyway. He flew around once more and switched in midair into vehicle landing on the ground on it's wheels and speeding right into the group. Making road kill out of a view more.
Then one jumped onto his Mech trying to claw at where the head part sunk into. "Get off Staltz!" he drove out of the group from the other side with it before changing on back to it's original form. "God knows what I'll have repair now because of you." The mech's transformation caused the kaiju to lose balance and fall onto it's back. Before it could even get up, a metal foot stomped down on it's head making it pop in a bloody, pulpy mess.

He sighed. "I'm afraid to even get out and look at the damages...." he got his mech to pull out the assault rifle and reload the magazine. He decided to just focus on aiding the red jaegar for now until the small fry were eradicated.

OGTomahawk said:
Lucky automatically reloaded after the first box dropped. Clayton turned in surprise and confusion when the others pointed out kaiju attackng the city. He squinted his eyes. That was highly irregular. The kaiju never used tactics before, much less thought. He broke into a sprint towards town. He was on the heels of the modified league suit as the other two raced into town. He split off and took a cramped side street.
He pushed a buttons on a keyboard and the sentry jumped off Lucky and ran down an ally. Clayton had commanded it to seek-and-destroy any kaiju in the tight areas where Lucky couldn't reach. The street he was in was already a tight fight. A few kaiju were spread about. Most civilians had already taken cover. Clayton pressed forward and fired 3-round bursts, cleaning up the monsters without further damaging property. He continued for a block before reaching a crossroads.

He stopped and looked at a small monitor that showed what his sentry was seeing as it chased a kaiju through a cramped walkway. Kaiju didn't runaway. That must be a trap. He spoke over comms. "I got somethin'." He pinged his sentry so that others could see its location in realtime. "My sentries following that thing into a trap. Best we head that way aswell, ya?"

HEATS said:
(let's try to close up this fight soon so we can move forward. Say there are about between 4 and 7 more monsters running amok so that everyone can get one more good fight scene in before we pack it in.)
"I here you, Black. I'll circle around, you hit them from behind." Roland responded to the black machine and jetted off down another street. It was only a pair of monsters that had broken off from the pack. Weaving between buildings, the Joust managed to get a level shot at them from the side, firing a burst from it's rifle before the gun ran dry. The hail of bullets dropped the slower of the two to the ground, although not quite dead while the other one juked around a corner and disappeared from Roland's view. The injured monster tried to stand but the Custom suit leaped onto it knife first and gave it a few good stabs until it stopped moving. His machine now thoroughly doused in blood, Roland hailed Clayton again.

"Got the straggler, other one's on you Black."

"A mecha has attempted to open a visual channel. Accept?"

The words that flashed in front of Isabelle's eyes made her pause her advance. Her AI's voice program was offline thanks to a fried capacitor that she still hasn't been able to replace. "Accept the transmission, but only audio," she told her AI. At least the input was working.

". . . so that he'll know the insanity he's riding into!" was all she heard from his end of the transmission. He certainly was quick to assume things. Her AI highlighted the black and orange mecha; it was one that she hadn't seen before, but must have either been designed or modified recently. The wings gave that away. She was about to give him a snappy reply, but then she saw the spider-like Kaiju crawling up behind it. Scarlett began to move. The Kaiju opened its mouth, but made a fatal mistake that even pilots are prone to nowadays: not taking cover.

"First of all," said Isabelle, "I'm a lady." She swung her shield at the Kaiju's mouth, blocking the projectile and covering the shield in acidic goop. It hardly scratched the paint. "Second." The Kaiju reeled back with a hiss and tried to attack Isabelle with its pincers. She brought her shield up just in time and the Kaiju latched onto it. "I know exactly what I'm getting myself into." The force of the impact sent her skidding backwards a few metres, but she still stood. She brought Scarlett's free hand around and swung it down onto the Kaiju's neck, knocking it to the ground. "And third, HYAAGH!" With an angry shout, she raised her shield and plunged it deep into the body of the Kaiju. It let out a high-pitched scream as its own acid burned through its exoskeleton. Its body quivered and shook erratically, but the Jaeger kept it pinned until the screams subsided and its insides were nothing but black mush.

Scarllet stood up straight and turned to the other mecha. Residue from the Kaiju was still dripping off its shield. "Look over your shoulder once in a while," Isabelle said calmly. "Alright?"

@AceOfSpades0210 (It's fine. I rolled with it, as you can see.)
Over the intercom everyone heard someone "Snnrk" a new voice that just accepted the link was trying not to laugh. "Dude... You got spanked" it came fromt he orange mech.
Lunartic said:

"A mecha has attempted to open a visual channel. Accept?"

The words that flashed in front of Isabelle's eyes made her pause her advance. Her AI's voice program was offline thanks to a fried capacitor that she still hasn't been able to replace. "Accept the transmission, but only audio," she told her AI. At least the input was working.

". . . so that he'll know the insanity he's riding into!" was all she heard from his end of the transmission. He certainly was quick to assume things. Her AI highlighted the black and orange mecha; it was one that she hadn't seen before, but must have either been designed or modified recently. The wings gave that away. She was about to give him a snappy reply, but then she saw the spider-like Kaiju crawling up behind it. Scarlett began to move. The Kaiju opened its mouth, but made a fatal mistake that even pilots are prone to nowadays: not taking cover.

"First of all," said Isabelle, "I'm a lady." She swung her shield at the Kaiju's mouth, blocking the projectile and covering the shield in acidic goop. It hardly scratched the paint. "Second." The Kaiju reeled back with a hiss and tried to attack Isabelle with its pincers. She brought her shield up just in time and the Kaiju latched onto it. "I know exactly what I'm getting myself into." The force of the impact sent her skidding backwards a few metres, but she still stood. She brought Scarlett's free hand around and swung it down onto the Kaiju's neck, knocking it to the ground. "And third, HYAAGH!" With an angry shout, she raised her shield and plunged it deep into the body of the Kaiju. It let out a high-pitched scream as its own acid burned through its exoskeleton. Its body quivered and shook erratically, but the Jaeger kept it pinned until the screams subsided and its insides were nothing but black mush.

Scarllet stood up straight and turned to the other mecha. Residue from the Kaiju was still dripping off its shield. "Look over your shoulder once in a while," Isabelle said calmly. "Alright?"

@AceOfSpades0210 (It's fine. I rolled with it, as you can see.)
The mech shifted to look over its shoulder, just in time to see the red mecha bash its shield against the Kaiju that would have caught him by surprise. The communication's channel fed back static for a second as the link was established, finishing the moment the female pilot begun to speak. He watched the machine finish off the arachnid-like Kaiju in awe, its only armament being the shield that it also used for defensive purposes. The expression on Valk's face was one of surprise, and even a tinge of guilt for his wrong assumption. He looked above the monitor in front of him, talking to the female voice of the mech he piloted. "EXEA, you didn't tell me the pilot was female!" His voice was in a low whisper, knowing he was still connected to the other mech.

"V.. I detect heat signatures, not gender. Perhaps you should stop assuming from now on and become more aware of the situations around you. Your ignorance will soon get you killed." The mech responded in a tone similar to being irritated with its pilot, although most AI were incapable of very much emotion. Their conversation, however hard Valk tried to whisper, would still be audible to the pilot of the Jaeger down the street.

"Oh shut up.." Valk muttered in defeat, turning his mech to fully face the front of its frame towards the other machine. He soon realized that the Jaeger was more than what he had expected, being modified to the point where its condition looked exemplary even in comparison to a few of the newer generation mechas. Now in a louder voice, he spoke to the pilot in the other machine. "My mistake, not many females ever decide fighting in a large machine is the life for them, at least not in my experiences." Valk's eyes darted to the map that read life sources and the heat signatures of mechas in the city, and noticed that in their general vicinity there was nothing else that was in fighting distance. At least, not in a distance they could make before the other mechs that had come to defend the town could reach first.

"If you weren't busy trying to play the hero role and save the perfectly capable Jaeger, you would have heard my warning of another Kaiju approaching from the rear, V." EXEA spoke aloud, again their communications with the mech making the conversations within Valk's cockpit audible. "I apologize if my pilot caused you inconvenience, Jaeger. He becomes rather arrogant with the entire hero-complex he had about him." The mecha spoke directly to the female in the Jaeger, identifying her as such as they were currently without introduction; nor was it the current time for one. There was light growling on the other side of the channel from the male, not wanting to show any other signs to the other pilot of his less-than heroic qualities.


(@Foxora are you talking about what just happened between @Lunartic's Jaeger and the Kaiju, and how my character was wrong with his assumption? Sorry, a bit confused there, and unsure since there wasn't a specific tag)
"ETA to base:5 minutes." said the pilot, Jack stood up and walked to his mech, this plane was a bit too bit to land there, so he's going to have to jump down, "Heh...Just like the video games..." he said climbing into his suit, he got in and was greeted with a fair female voice, the voice sounded youngish, Jack's personal AI, the one that goes with him everywhere, and controls the mech, "Hello Jack! Are we going for a ride?!" she said, Jack laughed, "Yeah...The guns are connected nice and tight right? Those things are expensive." he said sitting down and picking a nice song to blare as he fell.

"Let's see...",
"Oh! Oh! Pick this one!" she slid his screen to the left, and it landed on a new song, called 'Angel bullet', "Where'd you find this?" he asked her, "Remember that ship that came by? Well, it had some music hard drives, very old, but, this popped up on my 'interest' list, so I downloaded it and-", "You down loaded something without me knowing?! Do you know what kind of viruses that could have held?!!" he asked kind of angered about it, I-I'm sorry! But...It sounded so cool! Even though it's in a different language...", Jack raised an eye brow, "Alright, go for it.", he said, and she played it, the light flashed green and he slid out, falling towards the ground. "Get ready to engage thrusters, I don't feel like becoming a lawn decoration...and repair the hydraulics on this beast is a huge pain Lisa." he told her, "Understood sir!" she said, they cleared the clouds and saw a good landing spot, the thrusters pushed him into postion, and then a parachute was deployed, and the bottom thrusters engaged pushing him up to slow him down, it worked, but...he was trailing off course onto, "Crap! Deploy legs!" he shouted as the mechs legs were deployed and he took control, going into a slide and spin, sliding side ways and coming to a stop next to a hanger, "...Check the hydraulics..." he said, "Do you want me to tell you?", "No...I'll ask for repairs..." Jack said, opening the hatch to the suit, and seeing the skin marks on the run way, "I...hope I don't get chewed out for this..." he said climbing down.

(Anyone allowed to pop in and say something)
The roar of thrusters and screach of tons of skidding mech on concrete could wake the dead, or even a veteran mech pilot catching a random nap. "Cutter" rolled out from under the shadow of his mech and ambled out of the hangar. Riptide was crouched behind him like a waiting sentinel. Even at rest its sleek lines and tense posture made it look like it was in motion.

Catching site of the newly arrived mech Cutter lets out a low whistle of appreciation. His hands are stuffed deep into the pockets of his grey-blue BDU pants. His regulation black tank-top looks as though it has seen better days and does little to conceal what looks like bandages over the ribs on his left side. A utilitarian shoulder holster nestles under his left arm, cradling a mid-size handgun.

"Cali Bear Claw, ain't it?" he asks the other pilot, thrusting his chin in the direction of the other mech. "That there's a righteous piece o' badlands killer, fer sure. I ain't official or nuthin, but welcome to East Coast Shatterdome. I'm Jackson November, but most folks just call me 'Cutter'."

He pulls his right hand from his pocket and extends it to Jack, walking over to close the distance.
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[QUOTE="dr xenon]The roar of thrusters and screach of tons of skidding mech on concrete could wake the dead, or even a veteran mech pilot catching a random nap. "Cutter" rolled out from under the shadow of his mech and ambled out of the hangar. Riptide was crouched behind him like a waiting sentinel. Even at rest its sleek lines and tense posture made it look like it was in motion.
Catching site of the newly arrived mech Cutter lets out a low whistle of appreciation. His hands are stuffed deep into the pockets of his grey-blue BDU pants. His regulation black tank-top looks as though it has seen better days and does little to conceal what looks like bandages over the ribs on his left side. A utilitarian shoulder holster nestles under his left arm, cradling a mid-size handgun.

"Cali Bear Claw, ain't it?" he asks the other pilot, thrusting his chin in the direction of the other mech. "That there's a righteous piece o' badlands killer, fer sure. I ain't official or nuthin, but welcome to East Coast Shatterdome. I'm Jackson November, but most folks just call me 'Cutter'."

He pulls his right hand from his pocket and extends it to Jack, walking over to close the distance.

Jack looked behind him to see a guy in some BDU's, "Jack." he said taking the mans hand, "This thing h-", "DON'T CALL ME THING!" Lisa's voice came from the reinforced speaker that was mounted on the left shoulder of the mech, "Sorry!...SHE, has been in battles with enemy bandits and raiders countless times, with a nice body count of 50, since I was just a guard at the Cali safe zone." Jack said, walking to one of the legs, and seeing hydraulic fluid leaking from one of the tubes, "That's peachy..." he said taking a small screw driver out and twisting a small shut off valve, then taking the tube off, which made the suit tilt a bit, Lisa deployed some supporters to hold it up, compensating for the limp leg. "Alright...Any idea where I can get a tube like this? It's no good...anymore..." he held it in his hands, it was long, and pretty heavy, it's been patched so many times, that it looks more like a Frankenstein leg bone than anything built for a mech.
CERBERUS177 said:
"Alright...Any idea where I can get a tube like this? It's no good...anymore..." he held it in his hands, it was long, and pretty heavy, it's been patched so many times, that it looks more like a Frankenstein leg bone than anything built for a mech.
Rubbing his chin absentmindedly Cutter ponders the hydraulics hose.

"If I can see passed them patches it looks purty standard. Maybe they got something down the repair bays that'll do you. May be," he looks at Jack's insignia and the markings on his mech apprisingly. "You assigned or otherwise affiliated with this lot? May be you need some sort of coin to make that acquisition."

[[OOC: Feel free to move us along with your narrative @CERBERUS177 if we go to get you a part.]]
steven was in the east coast shatter-dome, relaxing in one of the mess halls. he had a reputation of piloting the "Crimson Ronin", one of if not the biggest mecha in service currently. his face was as usual: emotionless, cold and terrifying. most people respect him while others fear him but he really didn't mind. he was sipping some tea when he wanted to go to his mecha, the crimson ronin itself.

he walks to the area where most mechas are kept, but the crimson ronin stood different... it was gigantic, proud, red and yellow and especially: massive. it stood twice, thrice and even tens of times taller than the other mechas. it stood a huge 68 meters tall, with "wings" on it's back and a chest piece that's abnormally large to be able to be used to push other kaijus back.

he just wanted to simply see it, so he stood there.... looking at his mecha, so huge compared to the others... he then snapped out of it and walked back to the mess hall, where he then took some tea and drank it again

(open for interaction)
HEATS said:
(let's try to close up this fight soon so we can move forward. Say there are about between 4 and 7 more monsters running amok so that everyone can get one more good fight scene in before we pack it in.)
"I here you, Black. I'll circle around, you hit them from behind." Roland responded to the black machine and jetted off down another street. It was only a pair of monsters that had broken off from the pack. Weaving between buildings, the Joust managed to get a level shot at them from the side, firing a burst from it's rifle before the gun ran dry. The hail of bullets dropped the slower of the two to the ground, although not quite dead while the other one juked around a corner and disappeared from Roland's view. The injured monster tried to stand but the Custom suit leaped onto it knife first and gave it a few good stabs until it stopped moving. His machine now thoroughly doused in blood, Roland hailed Clayton again.

"Got the straggler, other one's on you Black."
All the kaiju in Luckys immediate vicinity were dead, so the mech stood idle in the street. Clayton was glancing at the monitor that displayed everything his sentry saw. "Eyes on." The sentry was hot on the heels of the remaining kaiju. It leapt forward and landed on the creatures back, causing the machine and the kaiju to come to a halt. The creature bit the barrel of sentrys turret. It turned and blew a hole through the kaijus throat, covering the camera in goopy blood. "Aaand that's it. Uhhh..." Clayton turned to his other monitors. "My scopes are all clear. No activity. Anyone else got anything?"
AceOfSpades0210 said:
The mech shifted to look over its shoulder, just in time to see the red mecha bash its shield against the Kaiju that would have caught him by surprise. The communication's channel fed back static for a second as the link was established, finishing the moment the female pilot begun to speak. He watched the machine finish off the arachnid-like Kaiju in awe, its only armament being the shield that it also used for defensive purposes. The expression on Valk's face was one of surprise, and even a tinge of guilt for his wrong assumption. He looked above the monitor in front of him, talking to the female voice of the mech he piloted. "EXEA, you didn't tell me the pilot was female!" His voice was in a low whisper, knowing he was still connected to the other mech.
"V.. I detect heat signatures, not gender. Perhaps you should stop assuming from now on and become more aware of the situations around you. Your ignorance will soon get you killed." The mech responded in a tone similar to being irritated with its pilot, although most AI were incapable of very much emotion. Their conversation, however hard Valk tried to whisper, would still be audible to the pilot of the Jaeger down the street.

"Oh shut up.." Valk muttered in defeat, turning his mech to fully face the front of its frame towards the other machine. He soon realized that the Jaeger was more than what he had expected, being modified to the point where its condition looked exemplary even in comparison to a few of the newer generation mechas. Now in a louder voice, he spoke to the pilot in the other machine. "My mistake, not many females ever decide fighting in a large machine is the life for them, at least not in my experiences." Valk's eyes darted to the map that read life sources and the heat signatures of mechas in the city, and noticed that in their general vicinity there was nothing else that was in fighting distance. At least, not in a distance they could make before the other mechs that had come to defend the town could reach first.

"If you weren't busy trying to play the hero role and save the perfectly capable Jaeger, you would have heard my warning of another Kaiju approaching from the rear, V." EXEA spoke aloud, again their communications with the mech making the conversations within Valk's cockpit audible. "I apologize if my pilot caused you inconvenience, Jaeger. He becomes rather arrogant with the entire hero-complex he had about him." The mecha spoke directly to the female in the Jaeger, identifying her as such as they were currently without introduction; nor was it the current time for one. There was light growling on the other side of the channel from the male, not wanting to show any other signs to the other pilot of his less-than heroic qualities.


(@Foxora are you talking about what just happened between @Lunartic's Jaeger and the Kaiju, and how my character was wrong with his assumption? Sorry, a bit confused there, and unsure since there wasn't a specific tag)
"Mm hmm," replied the woman in the Jaeger. She rolled her left shoulder and watched the rest of the battle unfold. "The others have this situation under control. It's safe to get out." The mecha planted its shield into the ground and knelt down, holding its other arm below the chest plate as it folded outward. Its pilot used it as a step to climb down. Her young, bespectacled face looked out of place beside the towering Jaeger and the Kaiju's bubbling corpse. A girl like her belonged in the Blue Zone, not out here on a battlefield. "You got a name, Mr. Hero?" she shouted at the other mecha.
OGTomahawk said:
All the kaiju in Luckys immediate vicinity were dead, so the mech stood idle in the street. Clayton was glancing at the monitor that displayed everything his sentry saw. "Eyes on." The sentry was hot on the heels of the remaining kaiju. It leapt forward and landed on the creatures back, causing the machine and the kaiju to come to a halt. The creature bit the barrel of sentrys turret. It turned and blew a hole through the kaijus throat, covering the camera in goopy blood. "Aaand that's it. Uhhh..." Clayton turned to his other monitors. "My scopes are all clear. No activity. Anyone else got anything?"

"My scopes are all clear. No activity. Anyone else got anything?"

Roland leaned back in his seat and opened the visor on his helmet. The cool air inside the cockpit felt good on his sweating face.

"Negative, looks like that's the ball game." He radioed back to Clayton. Of course, now was no time for relaxation, no sooner had the last Kaiju fallen then Roland noticed a set of white streaks appearing in the sky. Roland magnified his suit's vision, and confirmed their identities as a group of League Jousts fitted with extended flight packs.

"Late to the party as always, huh?" Roland muttered beneath his breath. No doubt they planned to use this tragedy as an excuse to expand their influence in the area. With a sigh he radioed one last time to his fair-weather comrades.

"Well boys and girls, this has been fun but I really got to get home soon or my old lady will kill me. You know how it is I'm sure." He delivered his lame excuse nonchalantly and began to jet away from the town.

"If you're ever in the Savannah area, look me up and we can reminisce or something." He remarked snidely. Savannah and the surrounding area were noted rebel hot spots, and if anyone hadn't guessed his allegiance before they probably had now, But there was little to be done as he disappeared on the horizon.
Lunartic said:
"Mm hmm," replied the woman in the Jaeger. She rolled her left shoulder and watched the rest of the battle unfold. "The others have this situation under control. It's safe to get out." The mecha planted its shield into the ground and knelt down, holding its other arm below the chest plate as it folded outward. Its pilot used it as a step to climb down. Her young, bespectacled face looked out of place beside the towering Jaeger and the Kaiju's bubbling corpse. A girl like her belonged in the Blue Zone, not out here on a battlefield. "You got a name, Mr. Hero?" she shouted at the other mecha.
Seeing the Jaeger's pilot eject from her mech, Valk followed suit as was proper courtesy. "EXEA, I'm leaving. But keep an eye out if anything pops up on the radar." He said to the mech's integrated AI. The response given was a light chime, followed by a click behind the male. He pulled his arms and legs away from the cylinder tubes that controlled the mech's limbs, his seat moving backwards and the hatch opening up from behind. It moved as far back as it could until his seat protruded from just below EXEA's neck, wind rushing past his face from the height he maintained. Valk stood up from his seat, leaning against the mech's frame for support.

"Ah, so the female pilot surprises us even further. You could jump into a crowd back in one of the blue zones and blend in perfectly fine." Valk called from the top of his mech, a grin on his face when he teased the other pilot. "Valk. Valk Cervianus, or XG-S01 if you'd like to call me by my pilot brand." The last portion of his introduction was filled with sarcasm, but was also a hint about where he was and the type of mech he piloted was. And you, surprising Jaeger pilot with an attitude?" His brows rose in amusement and in challenge, hearing the female call him "Mr.Hero" was interpreted like it was mocking.

HEATS said:
"My scopes are all clear. No activity. Anyone else got anything?"

Roland leaned back in his seat and opened the visor on his helmet. The cool air inside the cockpit felt good on his sweating face.

"Negative, looks like that's the ball game." He radioed back to Clayton. Of course, now was no time for relaxation, no sooner had the last Kaiju fallen then Roland noticed a set of white streaks appearing in the sky. Roland magnified his suit's vision, and confirmed their identities as a group of League Jousts fitted with extended flight packs.

"Late to the party as always, huh?" Roland muttered beneath his breath. No doubt they planned to use this tragedy as an excuse to expand their influence in the area. With a sigh he radioed one last time to his fair-weather comrades.

"Well boys and girls, this has been fun but I really got to get home soon or my old lady will kill me. You know how it is I'm sure." He delivered his lame excuse nonchalantly and began to jet away from the town.

"If you're ever in the Savannah area, look me up and we can reminisce or something." He remarked snidely. Savannah and the surrounding area were noted rebel hot spots, and if anyone hadn't guessed his allegiance before they probably had now, But there was little to be done as he disappeared on the horizon.
With everything finally settled down. The pilot of the Orange mech watched as everything was finally calming down. He even watched the owner of the red mech talk to the black custom he saw earlier....

Roland said his goodbyes and was on his way to-....

"Hey Wait! That two bit pilot Owes me money!" He yelled before switching his mech vehicle mode and flooring it after Roland. "Get back here you Sonuvva-" what else he said after was drowned out by the sound of his mech's revving up as it sped up.

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@CERBERUS177[/URL] if we go to get you a part.]]
"What...?" Jack looks at the mechs emblem, old world military symbol, from either the navy, or Marine Mech assault battalion. "Nah, she was old military, I think...Marines? Army...? Lisa what branch were you?" Jack asked her, "Marine and Army!" she said, "Alright then." Jack said walking to the repair bay, passing mechs that were much more different than his. His was built by the old world military, these looked like something else. He reached the main area, and looked for the part, and found it, nice, titanium pipe with copper in the tube, making it very effective. Then he made his way back with some tools too, and started working on his mech, "Can't wait to get that new mech..." he said screwing the tube in, "Alright Lis, try moving around." Jack said as the supports retracted, and she moved around slowly. "Green across the board Metal..." she said before going back to the spot they were at before. "Before you ask, she can't fire the guns..yet..." he said to Cutter.
AceOfSpades0210 said:
Seeing the Jaeger's pilot eject from her mech, Valk followed suit as was proper courtesy. "EXEA, I'm leaving. But keep an eye out if anything pops up on the radar." He said to the mech's integrated AI. The response given was a light chime, followed by a click behind the male. He pulled his arms and legs away from the cylinder tubes that controlled the mech's limbs, his seat moving backwards and the hatch opening up from behind. It moved as far back as it could until his seat protruded from just below EXEA's neck, wind rushing past his face from the height he maintained. Valk stood up from his seat, leaning against the mech's frame for support.
"Ah, so the female pilot surprises us even further. You could jump into a crowd back in one of the blue zones and blend in perfectly fine." Valk called from the top of his mech, a grin on his face when he teased the other pilot. "Valk. Valk Cervianus, or XG-S01 if you'd like to call me by my pilot brand." The last portion of his introduction was filled with sarcasm, but was also a hint about where he was and the type of mech he piloted was. And you, surprising Jaeger pilot with an attitude?" His brows rose in amusement and in challenge, hearing the female call him "Mr.Hero" was interpreted like it was mocking.

His interpretation would be correct; she was mocking him, and would have come up with another snide remark if it wasn't for the title he gave her. She crossed her arms and leaned back against her Jaeger's arm. "Isabelle Carter," she answered. "I don't have a fancy name, but I've heard rumours about yours. A pilot who's more machine than man and a mecha that's more monster than machine." Her gaze wandered to EXEA's armor, then to the incoming Jousts. "And while your mecha certainly is part Kaiju," she paused, looking back down at the pilot, "you make some very human mistakes."

She turned around and began to climb back into her mecha. "Don't worry too much about it Valk," she called over her shoulder. "It happens to everyone, even the best of us." That wasn't supposed to come out sounding antagonistic, but what's said is said. The hatch closed up and her mecha stood straight. She probably shouldn't have given her name away, either. If she knew he was with the League she would have avoided him altogether. Isabelle sighed and shook her head. What's done is done and can't be changed. Scarlett turned away from the male pilot and headed towards the south.

Maybe Savannah had an old capacitor lying around.
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Lunartic said:
His interpretation would be correct; she was mocking him, and would have come up with another snide remark if it wasn't for the title he gave her. She crossed her arms and leaned back against her Jaeger's arm. "Isabelle Carter," she answered. "I don't have a fancy name, but I've heard rumours about yours. A pilot who's more machine than man and a mecha that's more monster than machine." Her gaze wandered to EXEA's armor, then to the incoming Jousts. "And while your mecha certainly is part Kaiju," she paused, looking back down at the pilot, "you make some very human mistakes."
She turned around and began to climb back into her mecha. "Don't worry too much about it Valk," she called over her shoulder. "It happens to everyone, even the best of us." That wasn't supposed to come out sounding antagonistic, but what's said is said. The hatch closed up and her mecha stood straight. She probably shouldn't have given her name away, either. If she knew he was with the League she would have avoided him altogether. Isabelle sighed and shook her head. What's done is done and can't be changed. Scarlett turned away from the male pilot and headed towards the south.

Maybe Savannah had an old capacitor lying around.
Valk simply chuckled at the girl's sarcasm, not wanting to press her for more information. He instead waved a hand towards her before she boarded her mech, doing the same in his own by gettig into the protruding seat. The seat began to pull back into his mech until it was securely in place and the hatch behind him locked with a click. "EXEA, engage autopilot and bring us back to base. Wake me if there is any Kaiju signatures in the area, I'm going to nap, if that's alright." The pilot crossed his arms over his chest and slumped into his seat, quickly beginning to doze off after the fight. He had no reason to stay awake after all, since EXEA knew the way back to the rebel headquarters.

"Autopilot engaged. Certainly, rest up, I will awaken you once a Kaiju signature is detected or we have arrived at home." Home was the last thing Valk wanted to call it, but it was the closest he would ever get now that he fought in this grand battle. As a mech pilot, there were nearly no days off for him, the trip back and forth already exceeding the time off allotted to him. EXEA carefully slipped between the buildings to avoid making any more chaos, and quickened into a run once the mech left the city's radius. Unbeknownst to them that the female pilot of the Scarlet Jaeger was following the same path and was just ahead of them.
CERBERUS177 said:
"Alright Lis, try moving around." Jack said as the supports retracted, and she moved around slowly. "Green across the board Metal..." she said before going back to the spot they were at before. "Before you ask, she can't fire the guns..yet..." he said to Cutter.
"She's got no teeth? Or are you just outa bullets? One's easier to fix than the other. Either way, I'm sure we can get her up an runnin' in no time." He considers for a moment. "Personally, I could get myself around some food. I'm gonna head over ta the mess hall f you want ta come along. Chow's not half bad, but the coffee is crap.

Cutter heads out to the nearby mess hall, casting a reverential glance at the towering Crimson Ronin as it looms over the base. Heading into the mess hall he grabs a tray, heaps some food on it, and heads over to where Steven sits nursing his tea.

"Mind?" he asks while also in the process of sitting down. "How's the day treatin' ya?"

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he was drinking his tea... it was warm, sweet and bitter at the same time... tea must be one of his favorite drinks, as he is usually seen if sitting drinking it... but today was different, with the sounds of the mess hall, and the anticipation of a mission... he couldn't relax, the man coming to his table wouldnt help either... is he... going to sit with him? oh great

"never said yes, but.... today's not very eventful... no missions assigned to me yet" he said to the man he didnt know, he just arrived to the east coast shatterdome and a man was already sitting with him... splendid. he then sips on his tea again

@dr xenon
Clayton went his separate way after the fight. He chose to ignore the other pilots comment about the Savannah. The Savannah was a rebel hotspot, and he would note this in his report, but going after someone for suggesting they were a rebel was not his job. The suits in investigation would take care of it. When the League forces arrived he filed a report on the fight and the things he noticed. Soon after he and Lucky were transported aboard the Leagues massive flying super-carrier.

Lucky was stowed in the dropbay. Clayton reloaded Luckies weapon while an MRE cooked on a toolbench near him. He scrutinized every shell. League ammunition was good but even they had the occasional defective projectile. Still, he trusted it more than any other manufacturer. For the next hour, he laid shells in a row before a large machine. The machine ushered them into a large metal belt that grouped them together neatly and deposited the belt into an ammo box.
Salex said:
"never said yes, but.... today's not very eventful... no missions assigned to me yet" he said to the man he didnt know, he just arrived to the east coast shatterdome and a man was already sitting with him... splendid. he then sips on his tea again

@dr xenon
Cutter looks puzzled by the man's cool response, narrowing his eyes defensively for just a moment. Then smiles anyway and extends his hand to shake.

"Name's Jackson November. Most folks just call me 'Cutter'," he says by way of introduction. He digs into his food then continues eating between bites. "I ain't got a mission either. Just bidin' time. Hey, you know any of the mercenary units round this area? Or hear any chatter about raiders?"

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