[Mean Streets, Cruel Towers]The Milk Run

Igo Tyrell

He shook his head.

"I ain't fond of it neither, but the client asks for a specific time, we make do, because we're professionals, and professionals get the job done. You're free to leave if you don't think you can do it," explained Tyrell with a shrug.
"Calm down Ritz," Nathaniel said with a much sharper edge in his voice. He takes a seat in the rear of the van with a more stern expression.

"Yay! Gimme!" the gauntlet's pads retracting from their punching position to reveal her fingers, which make grabby hands as the keys are hurled her way. She gives them a childish jingle, giggling to herself before slinking into the drivers seat.

A glance into the back with a warm smile, "Seatbelts~?"
About to settle in, Arte blinks and does a quick Mindweb query for 'seatbelts'. Oh what. How frighteningly rudimentary.

"I am a professional. I am the professional. I'll get in back and I want you all to know that I am sacrificing my sanity for this. Can we at least form a little plan?"
"Here we go, Ritz is on the fritz." Nathaniel thought with an 'oh fuck' expression before turning his attention to Igo.

The worried expression grew sharper with Shrei chiming with the cheerful reminder to fasten seatbelts.

"Lets have a plan then." Nathaniel replied.
Rain hammers the vehicle. The streets are all but empty - lightning illuminates homeless crouched wherever there's something like cover, the flashes making them into grim tableaux.

Twenty minutes, give or take, to form a plan before you arrive.

The map as given displays a ground floor entrance, lobby, and cross-shaped corridor in back. There's an elevator off the lobby, storage off right arm, staff cafeteria off left, and an office in back. First floor is all offices, bathrooms, and couple of supply closets. Third floor is R&D - no marked rooms. Vault is here, apparently.

Fourth floor is Security. There's are three empty floors above that; the Demilitarized Floors, a buffer guarded at either end by guard posts to separate your targets from their vertical neighbour Corp.
Igo Tyrell

Igo tilts his hat back as he stares at the map, hands held open before him and fingertips pressed together.

"When you come down to the crux of it, our objective amounts to a simple smash and grab. We break in, we take, we leave, 'nuff said. Personally, I don't like it. Smacks of poor forethought, and even worse skill, but in these kinda games professionals gotta do with what they're handed,"

"Jack gave us the codes to the entrance, which means we're going straight in the front door, fast, effective, and to the point. Loki, as soon as we hit the building, I want you scrambling every security system and alarm inside that's under the purview of our target. Arte, you take care of any hardware that ain't got the brains to be fixed by Loki. Ritz, you take cover outside, you keep a lookout for us, inside and out, and if it comes to a head, you make sure the path is clear, even if you gotta get bloodstains on it, catch my drift? Arc and Shrei, you take point. You scout and you protect, both of you. Keep the squishies all in one piece,"

"This is a non-lethal run. If you put someone down, you put 'em down so they can get up again, after a hospital stay if you gotta. Professionals don't kill people unless they're paid to, and we ain't getting paid to, got it?"

"Everyone understand?"

"Oh that is perfect. I can do that not a problem. I advise probably sealing off the buffer zone doors so nobody comes running down on you. I'll be around out here. You've got my digits so if we get separated we have contact kay?"

Ritz nods several times before rolling out the back of the van and into the pouring rain. Water soaks into her bandages, giving them a swollen appearance as she slinks off into the dark. The buildings vaulted high into the air around her as Ritz moved between them, finding the nearest fire escape before starting to climb upwards to get a vantage point over the building and the path between the van and freedom.

Her heart starts thumping loud enough for her to feel it over the impact of the rain. She was excited and ready to make the next months rent in one simple job.
Nathaniel nodded. In his head he ran over his own internal plan. Not killing someone is going to be difficult. It's going to have to be take downs with skill rather than with force.

Squishies? Arte sucks in a breath, uncomfortably aware of his roiling vulnerable innards now. Uhh let's think of something else. Cameras, intercoms, those motion detectors they like to hook up to the office lights... He preps the HERF gun.

"Kay~" she coos, looking over her shoulder as she parks the van in an inconspicuous spot out of sight.

She grins at Loki, Arte and Arc before flipping down her visor and pocketing the keys, "Guess we're sticking together my Sweetiefaces,"

Rain droplets coat her helmet and black slates of her body armour, her tiger striped augs making only the softest clinkclinkclink as they padded along the wet slick concrete pavement. She keeps to the wall, out of sight. No need for them to see you till last minute afterall.
Rain splashed around Nathaniel, plastering his shirt to his chest and the cold night sucking away his body heat. He fell in behind Loki and Arte.

Lets get this done with as fast as possible. I don't want to be in there anymore than I want to be out here.
Igo Tyrell

Several deep breaths resonated through Igo as he sat in the car, his eyes closed. Methodically, he checked and doubled checked the silenced pistol in its shoulder holster, the current strength of his face mask, the flickering optics of his goggles. Each was a ritual against errors, and only when he was truly satisfied that everything was functioning correctly did he pull the facemask on.

Striding out of the car, suitcase still in hand, he joined the others as they made their way to the door.

"Let's get to work."
Ritz has a commanding view of the doors, but shutters protect the windows this late after hours. The rain will make clear shooting hard, though.

Front doors are locked, natch. Arte up.

Alleyways are blocked by rail gates - possibly charged or enchanted.

Rain imposes -2 die penalty on shots, but taking an action to aim will circumvent that.

The rain pounded down delightfully on her body, soaking through the rags enough to feel the weight of it all. It was almost like a hug. She shivers at the thought before pulling the scope to her goggled eye. Every thing was visible from her position atop the fire escape and as quickly as possible she scans the building for movement on their targeted floors.
Loki hums, as he expands his mind- and readies himself, for the Entry in to the building's grid. He smiles, faintly, as he stretches his fingers. "Alright, Ladies and Gentlemen.. let.. the show... begin."

As he reaches out, using his mix of natural conduit abilities, and heartwright Emplants, to do his work.


ALso- sorry, I wasn't getting Notifs.
Arte sloshes towards the door, approaching it from the side. With a quick glance to Loki then the rest of the crew, he taps the back of his hand to the sensor, transferring the key.

"Good Morning. Mr. Prendergast," chimes the door, and it slides open.

Reception is empty, clinical, just north of cheap. There's a terminal behind bulletproof shutters and gates either side of the receptionist's desk. Heavy duty for a business like this.

Someone'll need to move those shutters to get at the intranet terminal.

Deciding to take point, she slinks towards the door, helmet visor down, "Let's go my Sweeties," she coos.

"Loki, if you could get any cameras, that's be super~"

Any tripwires or traps I should know about?


"Do we need to get at that terminal, Loki?" Nathaniel asked, surveying the lobby and eying up the bulletproof shutters.


Would using awareness work in this setting or would investigation be more useful?
Loki nods and smiles. "I need a Terminal yeah- gotta jack in, so to speak- as for the Cameras darlin? Should be a breeze once I'm jacked in."
There is indeed one camera - not watching the entrance directly, but above it, on the terminal.
"Right, stand clear." Nathaniel ordered as he found a handhold on the shutters.

He took a deep breath as angry red veins spidered down his arms. He jerks up and slams the shutters back into the ceiling. It snaps to a stop and slides back down. Where Nathan found a handhold, crushed and cracks zigzagging away in the glass. He turns back to the rest of the group, breathing heavily and a not-quite-in-control gleam in his eyes as the red veins disappear.

"That is why I should be in front." Nathaniel growled.

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