[Mean Streets, Cruel Towers]The Milk Run


"If you say so, Sweetpea," she pats Nathaniel on his shoulder lovingly with a augmented paw gauntlet.

"All yours~" she motions to enter, looking for Nathaniel to go first as he said. Following the Squishies as a bullet shield.
Igo Tyrell

His face unreadable through the combination of gasmask and vision goggles, his voice rang through all the same with a tone that left no doubt as to his ire.

"This is why you should be on the street with the rest of the thugs, knocking over godsdamn liquor stores!" snapped the hatted man, his voice an angry hissing burst of static, drawing his large, silenced pistol, and firing a round directly through the lens.

"Why would you do that in front of the camera!? Are you fucking stupid, or are those augs the smartest thing in your body!?

Igo angrily paced to the nearest point of cover, squatting down, muttering to himself.

"I knew he were going to be a fucking problem!"

His voice called to the rest of them.

"If you sad sacks don't wanna be holy rollers in the next five minutes, catch some cover and hang on! It's gonna get ugly,""
Oh damn. Arte hastily unslings his gun and shoots in the direction of the camera, for all the good it'll do.
Loki sighs, stretches out- and heads for the Terminal. "Guess it's time to let me work my fuckin magic- Alright, I'll squat down here get to work- Jeeesus this isn't my style.."

As he heads for the Terminal, drawing his coat close.

A gentle shake of her head is all that denotes her disappointment.

Prime directive. Protect Squishy.

With that she hunkers down beside Loki. A blockade of bullet proof plates and tiger stripes.

I shall call him squishy. And he shall be mine.

"Better be quick squish, we're about to meet a lot of new people. Normally I like meeting new people. They've all got stories~ But less so when those stories involve killing me," She sounds only mildly glum by the prospect of the oncoming violence.

"Arte dear," she coos in an attempt to keep everything calm and under control, "Less shooty shooty, more hidey hidey,"

She paws in the direction of the desk and cover.
"Petty crime doesn't pay the bills." Nathaniel snapped back, bounding for cover himself next to Arte.

Cover, huh. Typical.

"Remind me, Shrei, to introduce you to my brother."

Next time, write a god-damn memo.


Fifty eiggggght

That was the number of drips that had fallen directly onto her left pinky finger. She could feel the fabric squishing against the burnt digit with a strange coolness from the water. Those pushes for elemental regulations really had done a number on the weather and rain seemed to now pour down with fat clean raindrops. It wasn't however, enough to distract her from her perched overwatch. She could see the camera get shot out and the group arguing yet managing to move quickly and maintain the mission. At least they had that going for them.

She readies herself, wiping the mist from her goggles and watching the streets. Cops would be here soon and already it seemed like the gunshots going off were going to alert the upper guards. Wrenching the bolt back, she pulls her gun into her shoulder and awaits a target.

"Do any of you have any clue what you are doing to these guards up here. In any case, I'd hurry up. Just saying, I know they won't catch me..." She chimes in over the com before going back into her own little world.
Arte makes a pained face as he hunkers down behind the lobby desk. "Won't it be more shooty shooty soon?"
Nathaniel nodded. "Keep your gun pointed down that doorway." Nathaniel pointed at the door in direct sight to the desk.

I got us in, I'll get us out.
Nathaniel furrowed his brow at the report from Ritz.

"Loki, can you lock the entryway?"

  • Heavy boots thunder somewhere near the back of the building, getting closer, louder.

Loki smiles, as he shapes his Avatar to it's usual thin, whispy shape- donning his pointy, mocking hat, and deciding that he /really/ isn't there, now is he- as he begins the slow process of cloaking himself with his will, and avoiding the crappy drone. A grin forms on his meat-body, as he begins to work.

Well Shit. Sorry- I need to get on that. Should I set up a second set of Derived for his Hacking stats?

And- Dice equal to stat, d12's, and I need to get equal to or higher than 10 Minus my Skill, right? Or is it 12 Minus my sKill? Bahh!


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You successfully evade the the sprite and any other countermeasures - but they're apt to start sniffing once you get to work. On reaching the terminal you find it wrapped in six red chains. You'll need hack through them in order to get full access.

Roll again, decide on how your chain-hacking will look. Each success removes a chain and gives you access to a subsystem.
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He spreads his hands grandly, and smiles faintly as energy begins to crackle silently about him. He lowers his hands- wrapped in energy they descend- and begin to visibly drain away at the Chains matter. He seems to be willing them away, or perhaps consuming their own magical energy..? It's not exactly clear- but he's the only one seeing it... letting himself feed his own Ego.


You succeed in tearing off two chains, and immediately feel access to the camera system flood your awareness. The cameras become your eyes; the doors an extension of your body.

You can now control most doors and their locks for this floor, and see through cameras on this floor and one above.

You see the armoured security troops making their way to the lobby - three a side; two shotguns, four rifles. No obvious augs.
He smiles, as he usurps the Camera's- and locks the doors for a moment to give his comrades time as his Meat-Body speaks.

"I've got Eyes and Doors- the Security Troops are coming, three to a side, one shotgun and two rifles per side. No obvious Augments... now- I'm going to start trying for deeper access- I'll unlock the doors when you say so, comrades."

He says this all with a smile, as he begins to plunge deeper.

Assuming I /can/ make additional attempts to gain more access?

"Thanks for the heads up, Squishy," she pats Loki's shoulder, moving to become a meatsheild while his mind is still in Meta. We lose him, we lose our hacker afterall.

"Lotsa big'un's with gun's a comin'~" She sounds alarmingly okay with the prospect.

"Please take point guys, I've got my paws tied~" she wiggles the paw fingers of her gauntlets towards the incapacitated hacker.

"Igo? Ritz?" she coos into her headset, "You got good line of sight for some baddies?"
Guards are set up behind the doors - looks like some of them are prepping grenades. Flashbangs? And they haven't realised the doors are locked yet.

Also roll again
He smiles, leaving the doors locked- hoping they throw their grenades expecting the doors to open, and flash themselves. He prepares to pull a trick with the doors to ensure it- causing them to crack open when pressed as if about to fully open, then slam shut in time to catch the 'Nades being prepped....

Even as he continues to surge his way through their security- a wild current of Mana, he flows.

OKAY! So- First off, a Roll to Surge in to their Security-



- And then- what would be the roll to pul that trick with the doors?
You all hear a slightly muffled "FUC-" cut off by the shriek and flash of a stun grenade. That'll give you a good twenty seconds to get the drop on them.

You now have access to cameras on the floor above, and all doors and locks for these two floors. No access to the elevator, oddly.

You also feel a burning sensation on the back of your neck - there's someone else on the network, hunting for you.
He smiles, and slides open the doors for his Comrades while the Guards are blinded and stunned- speaking before he does. "Their sittin ducks- clean it and get it done... I gotta move fast, someone's in after me.."

As he keeps on going in the Grid- smiling as he keeps on weaving, and decides to vanish- attempting to throw of pursuit by making it seem like the hacking is coming from an different terminal than it is- any other terminal within his range to make it flicker to, in essence.. even as he keeps breaking his way through.


Igo Tyrell

"Remember! Put 'em down! Not out!" yelled Igo, popping out from behind cover, pistol in hand. The weapon twirled between the gunslingers fingers, barrel centering on the shins and knees of the three security force to the right.

Laying down three shots, aiming for the knees of three different blokes. Dividing my ranged pool into 4, 4, 3, and my specialty in Sharpshooting renders that a 5, 5, 4.





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Arte flinches as Igo swiftly brings down half the guards, looking away from the unfortunates to Shrei. "Grab 'n go time?" he asks, pointing to Loki.
Knees make a very particular sound when they pop. Igo's pistol coughs loudly, but that unmistakable cracking pop is louder. One of the guards screams in pain, but one was only grazed. That still leaves three unhurt...

Tapping her ear and peering down the barrel of her gun, Riley taps her ear piece. It still hurt to have it in there but she was in all honesty trying to find the little feeling of pleasure in it. A little pang of pain that meant she was healing up right. Only a few more days and she wouldn't have to wear bandages anymore. The docs were getting too good these days.

"So, enjoying yourselves? I can hear things going on, keep moving and hurry up"
"I make no guarantees." Nathaniel shot back. "I'll try not too."

Never mind that a human body can only withstand so much trauma. And that changes from person to person....and half are out all ready....


I'm assuming here that like the strength aug, I can not reduce the the amount of power I throw out from the electrokinesis aug. Is that correct?

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