[Mean Streets, Cruel Towers]The Milk Run


A half glance to make sure Loki is out of firing line then nods to Arte.

"Kaaaaaay~" she chirps.

Crouching low and lurching forward in an odd sloping gait, she rapidly picks up speed and pounces towards the remaining guards on the left. No need to see to the others, Igo got them goooood.

Hoookay, so Combat pool is 9. Unarmed is 6. Taking a risk and going to split it between bopping two guards. Not attempting to kill. Just something for sleepybye time. And pray that my kelvar will take any bullets coming my way.



As the remaining guard turns, Arte surges up, swerves around the desk and jabs his HERF gun straight into the man's armpit.


Poor fucker drops like a sack of hammers.

It's possible an armed response is en route, but for now, the coast is as clear as it'll get

You crack the last two layers of protection, gaining control of all the doors, cameras, and security features. Not the uppermost floor, though - looks like that's on its own network.

Pretty sure you got the other guy off your back, though.
Igo Tyrell

"Ritz!" hisses Igo over the links, rising from his prone position, and making haste further into the facility. "We're probably gonna have some party crashers real soon. If you see them, how about you give 'em a little song and dance with that thin friend of yours? Nothing that'll knock 'em dead, but entertain 'em, alright?"

"Everyone else, doubletime!" he snapped to the rest of the group, one hand still holding his pistol, the other holding his briefcase.
"Okay guys- I got doors, Security, Cameras, whole building except the Top Floor- Tip Top's on it's own network, nice and seperate..! Let me.. take a peep."

As he hums and checks out what Security he's got control of, and what he's dealing with personnel wise on the Camera's.

"Already on it good sir" Chuckling to herself over the very nearly irritating use of small party euphemisms. She wasn't stupid, nor was she insane. It wasn't insulting yet but there could be a problem if it kept occurring.

But that was just her being sensitive. Perhaps it was a joke or maybe he was even worried that there would be an audio record of their conversation and didn't want to be the one to give a kill order. In that case, he could keep it up with the code talk. She never had a problem with being careful.

She turns slightly, watching and waiting for the police. First shot to disable engine, then a surprise.
Arte stands with gun still raised. He nearly drops it on the guy's head when Igo's voice cuts in.

Stumbling back, he loops an arm around one of Loki's and--"Whoa. Don't zap!" The hacker's energy is a palpable, hair-raising aura. Skin tingling, Arte pulls the grinning hacker's physical body along.

Poor dotes.

She picks up the unconscious buggers, arranging them out of the way so they don't choke on their own tongues. A bit of unnecessary kindness to the fellows who just shot at them, but none the less. A quick search to... 'relieve' them of weapons as well.

She pauses for a moment. Then arranges them all holding hands. And giggles.

"So. To the executive terminal?" One can almost sense the kittyface shes making behind that inky black visor.
Past desks, past some small offices, you reach the elevator to the next floor.


They're setting up an autoturret opposite the elevator doors on the floor above.
Igo Tyrell

At the sight of the elevator, the masked runner shook his head. Images of getting trapped within, shot as the doors open, grenades dropping from the ceiling, and all manner of various other methods of his impending death flittered through his mind, and the man suppressed a shudder with a deep breath. Instead, he hammered the "down" button three times, and attempting to wait patiently.

"Stairs would have been better," he muttered to no one but himself, ejecting the magazine and checking the ammunition of his firearm, once, twice, three times, just to be sure.

"Loki, what're they doing uptop?" snapped Igo, keeping a wary eye about the room.
A Wince. "Setting up a fuckin Autoturret, Igo.. Gunna see what I can do about it..." He says idly. "It's uh. Right outside the Doors, on the floor we're headed for.... Everyone get to the sides of the Elevator, we'll see what we can do... I appreciate suggestions in shit like this!"
Arte lets go to peer upwards. "Hack the elevator maybe?"

"Could get key people in, loop visuals, give 'em time to get up onto the roof of the elevator. Squad looks elsewhere when they see the thing's empty, and people get off on the floor once the coast is clear."

"The rest of us. Uhh."
Igo Tyrell

Igo frowned deeply, expression unreadable beneath the ventilator. A deep sigh slipped through as the man held free hand forefingers to temple, as if to alleviate strain, or at least ease his unseen scowl.

"Fuck it," he snapped, turning to Shrei. "Shrei, you use those impressive legs of yours and hop your way through the ceiling, then help the rest of us up. The Sec should enter and check when they see it's empty, and then I'll drop a flashbang. Use them as shields against the turret, Shrei and Arc forming the vanguard, and then we take the turret, alright?"

She nods behind her visor, and with a subtle hissing of her augs makes a swift hopping motion, bapping the ceiling tile out of the way. A lithe cat-like leap and she's up in the ceiling, a long dangling cat paw swatting out from it for anyone to grab.

"Come on then~"
Loki is the first to reach up a hand- fully aware of his own intensively mortal state compared to the damage an Auto-Turret can do. "Alloeyoop!"
Arte's eyes widen. What happened to keeping the body count down earlier? He opens his mouth, but Igo looked mad enough already. Feeling queasy, he gropes towards the space in the ceiling.

She helps both Loki and Arte up with her, giving each of them a swat on the butt as they pass.

She gigglesnorts.

"Spread your weight out laddies. Don't wanna fall through again,"

Another extended paw, digits wriggling.
Igo Tyrell

The masked man braced once foot against the wall as he reached for the feline fighters dextrous digits.

"On the count of three," intoned the man. "One, two, three!"
Soon you're collectively hidden between the floors, and find your way to a weakened section of flooring behind the turret and guards. There are six of them, plus the turret, lined up and facing the other way according to Loki
Igo Tyrell

I think we were all writing with the idea that we were in the elevator, and I went along with it, but we hadn't actually gone into it yet, or even called it down.

So, with this, I'm just going to edit my past post in concurrence with this one.

With careful hands, Igo pointed up, pointing three fingers with each hand either side of him, then pointing each hand to Shrei and Arc.

Then, three fingers up.

Then two.

Then one.


  • Thar she blows - down the street a single police van speeds towards you, lights diffusing in the rain.


She gallops past Arc, body slung low and centre of gravity nearly touching the floor. The paws raise, giant battering rams ready to fire, hissing with pressure.

"BOP!" she chirps, addressing the poor soul.

Ok, combat pool 9, using 6 to bop leaving 3 for defence in case he has a gun on him somewhere.


His body armour is meant to stop bullets, not trains. Especially not in the back.

He goes down with a crack and shriek as his allies turn to face you. They're about to open fire when Arc's electrical implants go off with a flash.

As the others haul out from the vents, Arc is tearing the guard's arm off with his bulging fists, and bludgeoning him with it. He looks bigger, veins standing out red across his body.

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