[Mean Streets, Cruel Towers]The Milk Run

"Cameras for sure. This is an upscale office, you understand - any nearby buildings are corp-owned and there are some whose toes we do not want to step on. Any of you got a submind? I've got an encryption key for the front door if you want to try it, and it means one of you can take the map."
Crause smiles, raising a hand as he steps forwards, then looks. "Heartwright Augs, natural Conduit, and a Submind linked in, yeah. I got this."

He's smiling calmly, eyes focused ahead.

"Ohhhh not good. Augs, big on the black market. You'll wake up one day in a pool of cooling fluid with your augs torn out. Bad for business to get your augments torn out. All natural here"
Igo Tyrell

Tyrell briefly looked at the mummified girl, blinking once and turning back to face Jack, saying nothing.

"If we want to formulate a plan, we need to know everyone's capabilities. I'm referred to as the Coward, my primary skillset includes infiltration, stealth, gunplay and explosives," he said suddenly, turning to the rest of the group.
Johhan Turns. "Loki is my name, hacking is my game. I also got a head full of Knowledge, and as you may have noticed a pretty face and winning personality." He smirks, as he leans on a wall- his Fur Coat hanging on his frame more like a trenchcoat.
Nathaniel turned to the mummy, "Only if they know about it."

He turned to the rest of the group. "The best thing to call me is Arc and for obvious reasons."

He help up his hands and between them snapped a sizable bolt of lightening with a satisfying bang and flash of light.

He stopped, looked thoughtful, then added, "bonus ability is a rather powerful strength aug. Best not to stand in front of me while I'm using it."
"Arte here." Avoiding sudden movements, he unslings his pack to reveal his HERF gun. "Can take care of the low-tech stuff with this. Metamind's nothing fancy, but I can plug what keys I have in as needed. Just another body otherwise."
"Good, okay." He holds out a squat, battered memory key. "All on there, share it if you like. I suggest you get prepped to roll - working hours are a-wasting," he says with a disconcerting grin. Packs up his equipment in a waterproof satchel and prepares to leave.

"Shrei~" she taps a gauntlet-ed finger at herself, "Runner and Puncher,"

The augs click softly as she bows to those present, "I'm quick on my feet, and quicker with my hands~"

She smiles, "I can be down on the ground protecting the Hackers," - a wink to Loki and Arte - ,"Or running the roofs with the Guardian Angels," A smirk to Igo and Riley.

"Wherever I'm needed. Oh, any fire-escapes, emergency exits, roof access points and clear vantage points is always good to know~"

She glances at the map, committing it to memory. Will have Mac scope it out too. There's always secret rooms~
Igo Tyrell

He pauses as he makes to follow Jack, and looks at the gas masked girl.

"What about you? Who are you and what are you good at? If I know, then it makes it easier to formulate a plan on the way there."

"Infiltrate, wait, terminate. Infiltration specialist. Did you hear about the APEX explosion? Waited three days for the lab tech to lean over the railing for enough to drop him with a round into the vats. Big boom, didn't expect the flame to travel that far into the intake vent I wedged myself in. My wraps should be off in a few weeks."

She peels back a chunk off her wrist. The skin pink and etched with old healing runes.

"Major damage from precision application of force..."
Igo Tyrell

Igo blinks once, before speaking again.

"We'll just call you Ritz," he replies quietly.

Because something inside of you is obviously on the fritz.
Loki chuckles, and sidles up to 'Ritz', as he lays a hand out for a High Five. "Nice one- I heard about that job! Awesome work." He nods appreciatively- grinning. For someone so heavily borged according to his own words, he doesn't show any outward signs.
Nathaniel nodded at Ritz. "You must have endless patience to be wedged in a pipe for three days waiting."

She liked that. Almost too much. It reminded her of something much fancier than herself, a much more glamorous lifestyle which always seemed out of grasp. She smiles widely under the mask. "Ritz it is. I like it better than Riley for business. Makes me sound like a foreigner or something." She puts a bandaged hand against the one held up by Loki, leaning on him. "And it's not that hard. I kinda zone out and focus on the people walking around. I like tight spaces."
"Food, water, what about those?" Nathan asked, genuinely curious.

He imagined trying to fit himself into a vent duct then shook his head. He has no patience for such things.

"Just want me to give away all my secrets huh. Look, if it was easy, everyone would be doing it." She takes a deep breath, letting the precious air ventilate out slowly.

"Like you and like everyone here, we've got skills that are unique and applicable. Don't ask how I do it, just give me a job and I'll do it."
"And I bet we all have secrets to hide." Nathaniel remarked, shooting a glance at what-ever-the-living-background's-name-is. "I could care less about what secrets you harbor. But since we are on the topic of recent jobs, the last one I was on involved a dramatic change of management at Apexacon. Rather, the removal of it."
Igo Tyrell

The infiltrator closed his eyes, frowning with a pained expression, and running a hand down his temples. Shaking his head, he increased his step to move a little faster behind the departing Jack.
Arte zips up his pack and joins the departing group, trying to keep up with the conversation over the squeak-a-slosh of his trainers.
Jack leans back in the door, hangs a single key from a hook in the wall.

"Hope one of you can drive - van's out front."

And with that, he's gone.
Igo Tyrell

Igo looks about the assembled as he heads out to the car, before singling out the loping feline woman.

"Shrei, you drive. I'll take shotgun, everyone else, pile into the back," he explained, opening the passenger side door. "While we're on the way, I'll go through the gameplan. We do this right, this really will be a milkrun with a dandy profit, and no risk, so long as people keep frosty and stick to their roles, alright?"
'Loki' smiles, as he slides to a comfortable seat in the back, reclining in his Armored Chameolined Fur Coat. "Sound's good to me man. Let's roll out and start rakin in the funds, man."

"Wait, you want to do this now? We need to memorize layouts and plan the event first. When will the next shift come on duty, when does the guard get his morning kaffe, where do I set my body to observe? This makes no sense, we can't go willy nilly!"

Riley starts breathing harder through her mask, a shift in the plans which she had laid out in her head very nearly giving her an anxiety attack. She would be going through her air rations faster at this rate and there weren't any ways in which she could get more legally very quickly, making her more anxious.

Someone would pay for that.

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