[Mean Streets, Cruel Towers]The Dive

I had a question posed to me? What?

Also- I kinda asked how Hacking would work for when I attempted it, as I got ready to do so myself..
You were asked if you needed the terminal accessible - which you do. At which point you jack in and we'll go from there.
Nope. But I will penalize mental rolls by a die for a short time after using it.
How do the shutters move, do they roll up into the ceiling?
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In full view of the camera.

My, that was sooner than I expected. brb digging out stats for security grunts.

From description, the camera did not have a good view of the lobby, my mistake.

How many entrances are there to the lobby, and do any of them have direct line of sight to the back of the desk?

My next move will be based off of that.

I'm not making the same mistake twice.
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Two, three counting the way you came, and no, one have that line of sight.

If our hacker gets in quick enough, you'll see them before they see you...
He moves fast as he can at his speed. He gets to his Terminal, he hunkers down behind it, and he works- as stated in the post.
Is there any kind of Hacking roll I can make to try and.. cloak myself, so to speak- to hide myself or buy myself more time to evade the bastard going after me?

Also- does my Logos matter here, on these rolls, at all?
Only if you want to use Magic to influence it in some way, but that's risky for a Conduit - unless you're planning to crash the system.

You can use Willpower/Thaumic Science to try and hide a bit.
Alright, Fair enough.

So- two Seperate Rolls, the WP Thaumic one to hide, and the Intuition Thaumic one to keep hacking, yes?

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