[Mean Streets, Cruel Towers]The Dive

Well, don't worry about it if he does. People die in these situations all the time.
You can't see through walls -but don't worry, I'm sure a police cruiser will be along soon.
Your first thing to buy after we get paid could always be x-ray specs. If you get a lot of cash, perhaps you could purchase high velocity rounds, the sort that punch holes through rock.
Also, as was before mentioned, the fella with the exploded kneecaps? Here's a screenshot. Careful, it's extreme.

My turn is up, used my entire pool. I'm waiting on other folks before Igo speaks or acts again to preserve turn order.
Well, Shrei can close the gap and punch 'em before they get to shoot. Arte can tase 'em. And Nate can zap 'em.
Eh, good enough. Knock 'em into next week, and either leave 'em where they lie, or pile them into a broom closet and lock the door.
Yes, so sorry for the delay guys. Currently three days into a four day streak of 12 hour work shifts. Does not do well for creativity.
No worries, Pixel. Is Shrei using the kinetic boost on her gloves for this? Don't forget, these guys are wearing armour. As of the current roll, the worst you've done to them is apply penalties. You can also modulate how much you use.

Wound tables are in the book, guys. If you know your own damage values, you know what you can do to people. Shrei's base damage is 3 Crushing - that's a winding blow to the solar plexus, a concussion, or a stiff, pained limb.

Oh, and this isn't TV - anyone unconscious for than about thirty seconds is getting brain damage.
Ah, yes I should clarify, cos bad writing is bad.

Yes, she is using the kinetic gauntlets. And aiming solidly for the guts. Nice and winded. They might be wearing helmets and stuff but the line between concussion and brain damage is a bit too fine.

Sorry. I need to not post at 1am between shifts. :/
Nathaniel and Arte need to act, or I'm going to have that last guard empty a magazine into someone.

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